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Izraziti Kristusa
Mojstri Himalaje Kristusa lahko izrazite tako, da Ga vidite ustolienega v svojem srcu oziroma izza svojega srca, sedea Ljubezni. Glejte, kako Kristus iz tega Prestola upravlja vsako dejavnost vaega telesa v popolni usklajenosti z nespremenljivim Bojim zakonom. In vedite, da s Kristusom sodelujete preko idealov, ki jih prejemate neposredno iz Boanskega Uma. Nato glejte Kristusa na Njegovem Prestolu, kako se razprostira in zaobjema vsak atom, celico, vlakno, miico in organ vaega celotnega telesa, da vae telo postane isti Kristus, edinorojeni Boji Sin; isti Tempelj, v katerem Bog rad prebiva in ima Svoj Dom. Iz tega Prestola se lahko obrnete na vsako sredie (akro) v svojem celotnem telesu. Tem srediem lahko reete, da ste pozitiven, ljube, moan, moder, neustraen, svoboden duh. Ste isti s istostjo Duha. Nobena smrtna misel ali elja ali neistost se vam ne more pribliati. Potopljeni ste v istega Kristusa. Duh ivljenja v Kristusu vas naredi ist Boji Tempelj. Tukaj se lahko ustavite in reete: Oe, tukaj, prav kot v vseh stvareh, mi razodeni Kristusa, Svojega popolnega Sina.

Nato blagoslovite Kristusa. (ivljenje in Nauki Mojstrov Vnebovzetja, str. 138)

Svetloba Kristusa ari iz vas Jezus Tudi Lahko vaa telesa se preobraajo iz nijega teh stanja k Vijim. e postanete zavestni usmerjevalci sprememb,

ohranjate svoje misli, in s tem svoje telo, zavestno uglaene na Vije nihaje. Tako lahko svoje telo zavestno uskladite z Vijim frekvennim Obmojem in postanete ta nihajna frekvenca. V tem stanju doseete mojstrstvo. Takni kot ste, ste mojster, gospodar vseh okoliin. Zdaj veste, da je Veliastje in Zavest Boanskega stvarstva dale iznad vsake materialne misli. Prvi korak je polno in popolno obvladanje svojih misli, ustev in telesa. Vedno imejte na prvem mestu naslednjo misel: Negujem navade Popolnosti, Boje navade, navade Kristusa Boga . To izvajajte, kjerkoli ste, ob vsakem asu, ko ste dejavni ali ko poivate. Glejte to popolno Prisotnost v sebi kot svoj Resnini Jaz Prisotnost Kristusa Boga. Nato kako pojdite e malo ari z naprej. Glejte Belo sijem in Boansko iz Svetlobo, celice, nadvse isto in sijoo iz samega sredia vaega bitja. Glejte jo, brezmejnim veliastjem vsake vlakna, tkiva, miice in organa vaega celotnega telesa. Zdaj glejte resninega Kristusa, kako se spua k vam in vstopa v vas zmagovito, isto, v vsej Popolnosti in za vekomaj. Ne mojega Sina, Kristusa, temve in vaega lastnega Kristusa Stopite Boga, in edinorojenega od vaega Boga Oeta, edinega resninega Bojega zmagoslavno zmagovito Boanstvo. naprej zahtevajte to kot svojo Boansko pravico in bo vae.

e to negujete z Ljubeznijo, s spotovanjem, predanostjo in aenjem, vsakodnevno Eno z postane ivljenje to in vaa navada V in kmalu tudi vae bivanje. Energijo. kratkem asu izrazite vidite in

Boanskost. Znova ste Boanski Kristus, prvorojeni od Boga. Ste Izvornim Duhom, Dejansko utite, ohranjate Veliko Svetlobo; Jo sprejemate, potrjujete in zagotovo veste, da je vaa. In v kratkem asu bo vae telo zaelo z veliko Mojo izarevati to Svetlobo. etudi morda ne vidite te Svetlobe, je ona resnina in je ivljenje, ki ari iz vaega telesa. (ivljenje in Nauki Mojstrov Vnebovzetja, str. 195)

e elite pomagati drugim, potem glejte Kristusa, ustolienega v njih, tako, kot je v vas. In govorite Kristusu v njih, kot da bi se pogovarjali neposredno z Njim.

Izraziti Kristusa
Mojstri Himalaje Kristusa lahko izrazite tako, da Ga vidite ustolienega v svojem srcu oziroma izza svojega srca, sedea Ljubezni. Glejte, kako Kristus iz tega Prestola upravlja vsako dejavnost vaega telesa v popolni usklajenosti z nespremenljivim Bojim zakonom. In vedite, da s Kristusom sodelujete preko idealov, ki jih prejemate neposredno iz Boanskega Uma. Nato glejte Kristusa na Njegovem Prestolu, kako se razprostira in zaobjema vsak atom, celico, vlakno, miico in organ vaega celotnega telesa, da vae telo postane isti Kristus, edinorojeni Boji Sin; isti Tempelj, v katerem Bog rad prebiva in ima Svoj

Dom. Iz tega Prestola se lahko obrnete na vsako sredie (akro) v svojem celotnem telesu. Tem srediem lahko reete, da ste pozitiven, ljube, moan, moder, neustraen, svoboden duh. Ste isti s istostjo Duha. Nobena smrtna misel ali elja ali neistost se vam ne more pribliati. Potopljeni ste v istega Kristusa. Duh ivljenja v Kristusu vas naredi ist Boji Tempelj. Tukaj se lahko ustavite in reete: Oe, tukaj, prav kot v vseh stvareh, mi razodeni Kristusa, Svojega popolnega Sina. Nato blagoslovite Kristusa. (ivljenje in Nauki Mojstrov Vnebovzetja, str. 138)

Svetloba Kristusa ari iz vas Jezus Tudi Lahko vaa telesa se preobraajo iz nijega teh stanja k Vijim. e postanete zavestni usmerjevalci sprememb,

ohranjate svoje misli, in s tem svoje telo, zavestno uglaene na Vije nihaje. Tako lahko svoje telo zavestno uskladite z Vijim frekvennim Obmojem in postanete ta nihajna frekvenca. V tem stanju doseete mojstrstvo. Takni kot ste, ste mojster, gospodar vseh okoliin. Zdaj veste, da je Veliastje in Zavest Boanskega stvarstva dale iznad vsake materialne misli. Prvi korak je polno in popolno obvladanje svojih misli, ustev in telesa. Vedno imejte na prvem mestu naslednjo misel: Negujem navade Popolnosti, Boje navade, navade Kristusa Boga . To izvajajte, kjerkoli ste, ob vsakem asu, ko ste dejavni ali ko poivate. Glejte to popolno Prisotnost v sebi kot svoj Resnini Jaz Prisotnost Kristusa Boga.

Nato kako

pojdite e malo ari z

naprej. Glejte Belo sijem in

Boansko iz

Svetlobo, celice,

nadvse isto in sijoo iz samega sredia vaega bitja. Glejte jo, brezmejnim veliastjem vsake vlakna, tkiva, miice in organa vaega celotnega telesa. Zdaj glejte resninega Kristusa, kako se spua k vam in vstopa v vas zmagovito, isto, v vsej Popolnosti in za vekomaj. Ne mojega Sina, e to negujete z Ljubeznijo, s spotovanjem, predanostjo in aenjem, vsakodnevno Eno z postane ivljenje to in vaa navada V in kmalu tudi vae bivanje. Energijo. kratkem asu izrazite vidite in Kristusa, temve in vaega lastnega Kristusa Stopite Boga, in edinorojenega od vaega Boga Oeta, edinega resninega Bojega zmagoslavno zmagovito Boanstvo. naprej zahtevajte to kot svojo Boansko pravico in bo vae.

Boanskost. Znova ste Boanski Kristus, prvorojeni od Boga. Ste Izvornim Duhom, Dejansko utite, ohranjate Veliko Svetlobo; Jo sprejemate, potrjujete in zagotovo veste, da je vaa. In v kratkem asu bo vae telo zaelo z veliko Mojo izarevati to Svetlobo. etudi morda ne vidite te Svetlobe, je ona resnina in je ivljenje, ki ari iz vaega telesa. (ivljenje in Nauki Mojstrov Vnebovzetja, str. 195)

e elite pomagati drugim, potem glejte Kristusa, ustolienega v njih, tako, kot je v vas. In govorite Kristusu v njih, kot da bi se pogovarjali neposredno z Njim.

Meditacija Lui
Saint Germani

Prvi korak k obvladanju samega sebe je utianje vseh zunanjih dejavnosti tako uma kot telesa. 15 do 30 minut zveer pred spanjem in zjutraj pred zaetkom vsakodnevnih opravil uporabi naslednjo vajo, ki ti bo, e se jo bo potrudil narediti, prinesla udee: Zagotovi si, da te ne bo nihe motil. Ko postane zelo tih, glej in obuti svoje telo, obdano z zaslepljujoo Belo Svetlobo. Prvih pet minut, ko ohranja to sliko, spoznaj in obuti povezavo med zunanjim jazom in Mogonim Bogom v sebi. Svojo pozornost osredotoi na srni center, ki si ga predstavljaj kot zlato sonce. Naslednji korak je zavestna potrditev: * Zdaj radostno sprejemam polnost Mogone Boje Prisotnosti istega Kristusa.

Obuti velik sij Lui. Poveuj ga v vsaki celici svojega telesa vsaj naslednjih deset minut. Nato zakljui meditacijo z Odredbo: * JAZ SEM otrok Lui! Ljubim Lu! Sluim Lui! ivim v Lui! JAZ SEM zaiten, razsvetljen, oskrbovan in vzdrevan z Lujo! Blagoslavljam Lu!

Zapomni si za vekomaj: Na kar meditira, to postaja. In ker vse stvari prihajajo iz Lui, je Lu vrhovna Popolnost, ki vodi vse stvari. Meditacija in aenje Lui pripeljeta do razsvetljenja

uma. Posameznik, ki resnino dela in ohranja to, dosee zdravje, mo, red, mir in harmonijo telesa ter uspeh v vsem, kar dela. V vseh dobah so velike due, ki so dosegle popolnost lovekega ivljenja, ljudem govorile, da je Lu vrhovna, da je Lu vsepovsod in da v Lui obstajajo vse stvari. To je vena Resnica! Modri in Veliki so bili v vseh asih prikazani z izarevanjem Lui okoli sebe, Lui, ki izhaja iz njihovih glav in teles. e bo zvesto izvajal to meditacijo ter jo globoko in mono obutil v vsakem atomu svojega uma in telesa, bo spoznal mogono dejavnost moi in popolnosti Lui. Ko bo to izkusil, etudi le za kratek as, ne bo potreboval nobenega dokaza ve o Lui in njenem uinkovanju. Ti sam bo svoj dokaz. Lu je Kraljestvo. Vstopi Vanjo in BODI v Miru. Vrni se v Oetovo Hio. Po prvih desetih dnevih izvajanja te meditacije jo zani izvajati po trikrat na dan (zjutraj, opoldne in zveer). (JAZ SEM, KI SEM 1/ Mogona Prisotnost, str. 22-25)


* V zaetku je bila Beseda in Beseda je bila pri Bogu in Beseda je bila Bog. (Jn 1:1) *

JAZ SEM je Ime Boga. JAZ SEM, KI SEM pomeni Kakor Zgoraj tako spodaj. S tem potrdimo: Bog je tam, kjer sem jaz. Ko reemo JAZ SEM , s tem reemo Bog v meni je Stanje naega telesa in sveta je odvisno od naih misli in besed. Boja Svetloba, ki tee skozi nas, je posluna naim usmeritvam. Stvaritve nae grlene akre so samo izpolnjujoe prerokbe. Zato uporabljajmo JAZ SEM le v pozitivnih izrazih kot so npr.: JAZ SEM zdrav/-a! JAZ SEM uspeen/-na! In nikoli v negativnih izrazih, ki bi potrjevali kakrnokoli stanje nepopolnosti. (Mojstri in Sedem arkov 1 /MODRI, str. 38)

Ko izgovorimo JAZ SEM, sproimo ustvarjalno dejavnost Boga. Nihajni sprosti snov uinek Besede Mo JAZ SEM, izraene v mislih misel ali ali besedi, beseda je ustvarjalno e Stvarnika. da se Kakrnakoli za nas

sledi Besedi JAZ SEM, se takoj vtisne in zabelei v svetlobno etra. elimo, izrazi Popolnost, potrebno, da uporabimo svojo energijo in odpoljemo Odredbe, ki ustvarijo Popolnost. Tako se v naem svetu izrazi ivljenjski nart v vsej polnosti. (JAZ SEM, KI SEM 5/ Zmagovita Mo, str. 13)

Veliki Boanski Usmerjevalec V kakrnikoli teavni situaciji se e znajdete, enostavno samo utiajte svoj zunanji jaz in recite: JAZ SEM, JAZ SEM, JAZ SEM. S tem boste sprostili dejavno Mo svoje Prisotnosti.

Ko odlono uporabite te Besede, Boanstvo izrazi Svojo Mo in Dejavnost v toki Univerzuma, kjer ste jih izrazili. Ne obstaja nobena druga beseda, Beseda JAZ SEM. (JAZ SEM, KI SEM 4/ Sveti Ogenj, str. 76) ki bi imela tisoinko Moi, kot jo ima










Velikega Belega Bratstva, niso bila lovetvu dana tako mona, transcendentalna Navodila o uporabi JAZ SEM, kot jih prejemate zdaj. e petdeset tiso let se lovetvo ni uilo o resninem Notranjem Razumevanju in Uporabi te Svete Besede ivljenja JAZ SEM. (JAZ SEM, KI SEM 5/ Zmagovita Mo, str. 11)

JAZ SEM, KI SEM * Ko reemo JAZ SEM, KI SEM, ta jaz, ki to govori, ni niji jaz ampak Viji Jaz. Bog v nas pravi: JAZ SEM, KI SEM! Saj kdo, razen Boga, ima Avtoriteto in Mo, da razodene in izrazi Bitje, Zavest? To je Bog, ki pravi: JAZ SEM, KI SEM! JAZ SEM ta izraz Bitja spodaj, ki JAZ SEM Zgoraj. Kakor Zgoraj, tako spodaj. JAZ SEM ta jaz sem. To je Bog Zgoraj v osebi Prisotnosti JAZ SEM, ki potrjuje: Kakor v Nebesih, tako na Zemlji!

Tako je Bog na Zemlji gorei Plamen na oltarju naih src. Naj On govori skozi nas: JAZ SEM, KI SEM! Naj izgovori Svoje Sveto Ime. In mi mu odgovorimo: Da, Bog, jaz sem ta JAZ SEM!


Hitro iskanje



Hitro iskanje


ienje aker z Vijolinim Plamenom

akre so duhovna energijska sredia (razporejena vzdol hrbtenice), ki usmerjajo tok energije v nas. Stalen tok energije, ki se kot reka Svetlobe izliva skozi akre, ohranja telo, um in duh v pozitivni dejavnosti. Vpliva na nao vitalnost, pogled na ivljenje in duhovni razvoj. Pomanjkanje pretoka energije (podobno kot zastali zrak v sobi) ustvarja zastoj, depresijo in celo bolezni. Lokacije sedmih glavnih aker v telesu so: 1. akra (osnovna) je v obmoju presredka, 2. 3. akra akra (akra due, sakralna) pleksusa) je je v v krinem predelu, (akra solarnega

obmoju popka, 4. akra (srna) je sredi prsi, 5. akra (grlena) je v obmoju vratu, 6. akra (akra tretjega oesa) je na elu in 7. akra je na temenu glave. Za povezavo aker s arki glej tabela: Sedem arkov. Na tisoe ljudi uspeno uporablja Vijolini Plamen za oienje svojih aker. a Nekateri nekateri Vsak e v enem dnevu za zaznajo to ve pozitivne mesecev. izvajajte rezultate, svojem morda lahko potrebujejo naredi

Kdor vztraja v tem, bo zagotovo zael opaati spremembe v ivljenju. naslednji poskus: Odredbe Vijolinega Plamena vsaj en mesec po petnajst minut na dan in opazujte pozitivne spremembe v svojem ivljenju. Z oienjem in energetiziranjem svojih aker lahko izkusimo najviji nivo svojih duhovnih sposobnosti. To doseemo z uporabo Vijolinega Plamena, ki ga pokliemo z Odredbami. Zanemo z mantro Vijolinega Plamena, ki jo je dal Saint Germain: * JAZ SEM Bitje Vijolinega Plamena! JAZ SEM istost Bojega Namena!


izgovorimo s

Odredbo akro

Vijolinega in se


za vsako po

akro. akrah





navzgor in navzdol. Za vsako akro izgovorimo Odredbo vsaj 3krat, lahko tudi 9-krat ali poljubno tevilo ponovitev. Po vsaki akri Ko izgovorimo izgovarjamo 3-krat Odredbo ali za vekrat Saint Germainovo akro, si mantro pri tem Vijolinega Plamena. posamezno predstavljamo Vijolini Plamen, kako izpolni in zaobjame to akro ter jo oisti od vseh bremen, t.j. temnih in trdih energij, ki so se nabrale okoli nje. * V IMENU JAZ SEM, KI SEM! V IMENU JEZUSA KRISTUSA IN SAINT GERMAINA! Odrejam: JAZ SEM Bitje Vijolinega Plamena! JAZ SEM istost Bojega Namena! (3x) * Moje SRCE je Oltar Vijolinega Plamena! Moje srce je istost Bojega Namena! (3x) JAZ SEM Bitje Vijolinega Plamena! JAZ SEM istost Bojega Namena! (3x) * Moja GRLENA AKRA je Vrtinec Vijolinega Plamena! Moja grlena akra je istost Bojega Namena! (3x) JAZ SEM Bitje Vijolinega Plamena! JAZ SEM istost Bojega Namena! (3x)

* Moj SOLARNI PLEKSUS je Sonce Vijolinega Plamena! Moj solarni pleksus je istost Bojega Namena! (3x) JAZ SEM Bitje Vijolinega Plamena! JAZ SEM istost Bojega Namena! (3x) * Moje TRETJE OKO je Sredie Vijolinega Plamena! Moje tretje oko je istost Bojega Namena! (3x) JAZ SEM Bitje Vijolinega Plamena! JAZ SEM istost Bojega Namena! (3x) * Moja AKRA DUE je arie Vijolinega Plamena! Moja dua je istost Bojega Namena! (3x) JAZ SEM Bitje Vijolinega Plamena! JAZ SEM istost Bojega Namena! (3x) * Moja KRONSKA AKRA je Lotos Vijolinega Plamena! Moja kronska akra je istost Bojega Namena! (3x) JAZ SEM Bitje Vijolinega Plamena! JAZ SEM istost Bojega Namena! (3x) * Moja OSNOVNA AKRA je Vrelec Vijolinega Plamena! Moja osnovna akra je istost Bojega Namena! (3x) JAZ SEM Bitje Vijolinega Plamena! JAZ SEM istost Bojega Namena! (3x)

* Celotno skupino Odredb naredite vekrat. To namene, npr.: Odredbo

* Vijolinega lahko *

* Plamena skozi akre lahko uporabite tudi za druge

Moja druina je Sredie Vijolinega Plamena! Moja druina je istost Bojega Namena! (3x) JAZ SEM Bitje Vijolinega Plamena! JAZ SEM istost Bojega Namena! (3x) * Moj dom je Svetie Vijolinega Plamena! Moj dom je istost Bojega Namena! (3x) JAZ SEM Bitje Vijolinega Plamena! JAZ SEM istost Bojega Namena! (3x) * Okolica mojega doma je Obmoje Vijolinega Plamena! Okolica mojega doma je istost Bojega Namena! (3x) JAZ SEM Bitje Vijolinega Plamena! JAZ SEM istost Bojega Namena! (3x) * Ljubljana je Mesto Vijolinega Plamena! Ljubljana je istost Bojega Namena! (3x) JAZ SEM Bitje Vijolinega Plamena! JAZ SEM istost Bojega Namena! (3x) Namesto Ljubljana lahko vstavite svoje mesto ali kraj ali katerokoli lokacijo elite.

* Slovenija je Deela Vijolinega Plamena! Slovenija je istost Bojega Namena! (3x) JAZ SEM Bitje Vijolinega Plamena! JAZ SEM istost Bojega Namena! (3x) * Zemlja je Sonce Vijolinega Plamena! Zemlja je istost Bojega Namena! (3x) JAZ SEM Bitje Vijolinega Plamena! JAZ SEM istost Bojega Namena! (3x) * karkoli elite preistiti, * preobraziti * _________ je _________ Vijolinega Plamena! _________ je istost Bojega Namena! (3x) Primeri: Atlantik je Ocean Vijolinega Plamena! Atlantik je istost Bojega Namena! Moj partner je Bitje Vijolinega Plamena! Moj partner je istost Bojega Namena! Ana (lahko tudi priimek) je Bitje Vijolinega Plamena! Ana je istost Bojega Namena! Naa vlada je Dejavnost Vijolinega Plamena! Naa vlada je istost Bojega Namena! * z Vijolinim Plamenom:

V to Odredbo (na prazna mesta, glej spodaj) lahko vstavite doloene razmere, osebe, stvari, prostore

Ta glasba je Zvok Vijolinega Plamena! Ta glasba je istost Bojega Namena! Ta hrana je Zdravje Vijolinega Plamena! Ta hrana je istost Bojega Namena! Ta projekt je Zmaga (Sonce, Blagoslov, Svetloba) Vijolinega Plamena! Ta projekt je istost Bojega Namena! (3x) Dopustite, da vas navdahne srce pri ustvarjanju uporabnih oblik te Odredbe. Bodite Boje ustvarjalni. Za vsako obliko te Odredbe vedno naredite e univerzalno obliko, kot jo je dal Saint Germain: * JAZ SEM Bitje Vijolinega Plamena! JAZ SEM istost Bojega Namena! (3x)

Vijolini Planet
Prebivalci Vijolinega Planeta (ki se nahaja v ozvezdju Arkturus) sluijo stvareh planeta, Vijolinemu celo Plamenu in e eone. za se v Uporabljajo ienje njem. svojih ga v vseh in vsakodnevnega kopajo bivanja domov




Angelov in elementalov Vijolinega Plamena skrbijo za opravljanje rednih vzdrevalnih in istilnih del v vseh podrojih vsakodnevnega ivljenja njih. * Omri-Tas (Vladar Vijolinega Planeta) je opisal enega od Templjev Svetega Ognja na Vijolinem Planetu: Glejte, o prebivalci Zemlje, naa Ljubezen se izliva k vam iz Srca velikega Vijolinega Planeta. Jaz, Omri-Tas, stojim zdaj prebivalcev planeta. Tako imajo dovolj asa za svoj Duhovni razvoj in za sluenje drugim planetom in evolucijam na

sredi mogonega tolmuna Svetlobe. Zdaj vam ga bom opisal, da si boste lahko predstavljali njegovo preudovito lepoto. Je okrogle oblike, priblino dvajset metrov v premeru. V njem je udovita Zlato Rumena voda, ki se svetlika kot elektrine iskre po vsej povrini. K tolmunu vodi sedem okroglih stopnic. Tolmun obdaja sedem stebrov iz belega marmorja, ki se dvigajo visoko proti nebu. Baldahin nad tolmunom je prav tako okrogel. Iz njegovega sredia se izlivajo navzdol udoviti zvezdni Plameni. Ta tolmun je sredi velikega amfiteatra, kjer se zbirajo sveeniki Vijolinega Planeta, ko odpoiljajo nae svete Klice. To vam razlagam, iz katerega da si lahko v doloeni in da meri predstavljate udovitost okolje, vam govorim spoznate

civilizacije, ki je osvobojena pridobitnitva, neskladij, nesloge in vsega, kar povzroa nemir. Ko zdaj stojim na majhnem belem okroglem odru, ki je dvignjen nad samim srediem tega tolmuna, vidim pod seboj to udovito, privlano Rumeno vodo, ki se svetlika v tolikih prelivajoih se mavrinih barvah, da je z vaimi besedami teko opisati to udovitost. Marmornata pload, ki se iri okoli tega udovitega obokanega Templja Lui, je svetlo oranne barve. Povsod po tej ploadi so posejani mnogi majhni beli kamenki. Vse skupaj je nadvse udovito za videti. Iz mnogih Svetlobnih ari, izpolnjenih s posebno Elektronsko Energijo, sijejo tokovi Vijoline Svetlobe s tolikno silo, da sta celotno nebo in atmosfera okoli naega templja nadvse sijoe razsvetljena. Barva neba nad naim planetom pravzaprav ni vijolina, je modra, kot pri vas na Zemlji. A z namenom, da ustvarimo ugodno atmosfero okoli osrednjega obmoja naega Templja, uporabimo posebna elektromagnetna energijska polja, ki jih usmerimo iz teh Svetlobnih ari in lahko celo pri polni dnevni svetlobi ustvarimo sijoe Vijolino Izarevanje.



Vijoline polje v

Svetlobe utripa iz

svetlikajoem k vrhu na


Rumenem in nam

tolmunu je preudovit. A v tem je poseben namen. Posebno elektromagnetno dejavnost vode stolpa naem omogoa okrepiti Vijolini Plamen na taken nain, da se njegova prenaa domove vseh ljudi planetu, podobno kot vi na svoj nain prenaate elektrino energijo po vsej Zemlji. Ta Vijolini Ogenj lahko s posebnim instrumentom nai ljudje sprejmejo in uporabijo za ienje in urejanje svojih teles, domov Po vsem Vijolinem Planetu 144 tiso sveenikov Svetega Ognja dan in no skrbi za Vijolini Plamen ter opravlja svete obrede Vijolinega Plamena na tisoih Oltarjih. Lahko jih pokliemo kadarkoli za mono in ognjeno sprostitev Vijolinega Plamena za dobrobit lovetva in elemntalnega kraljestva. Omri-Tas 144 tiso sveenikov Svetega Ognja usmerja z Vijolinega Planeta energije Vijolinega Plamena na Zemljo. Ali boste sprejeli to? Velika Alkimija Vijolinega Plamena, ki vam jo elim razodeti je, da v sebi vsebuje te arine toke Svetlobe, ki so elementi Bojega Bitja. In zato, ko Vijolini Plamen prehaja skozi vas, tedaj poteka velika znanost preobrazbe, ker ta Plamen vsebuje v sebi elemente Bojega Uma, ki zmorejo preobraziti temo v Svetlobo v vejo Svetlobo, kot ste si jo sposobni predstavljati; v Vejo Kozmino Zavest. Mi na Vijolinem Planetu ne poznamo nobenega obutka napora, ves as ivimo in smo dejavni v morju Vijolinega Plamena. Tudi vi lahko doseete to. Morje Svetlobe Vijolinega Plamena Omri-Tas Ljubljeni, povedal vam bom o obdobju na mojem planetu, ko

smo li skozi enake krizne razmere, kot greste zdaj vi. V tistem asu (nekateri od vas ste bili takrat del prebivalstva naega planeta) so se nosilci Lui naega sistema odzvali na na Klic. Razmere na naem planetu so bile podobne, kot jih imate zdaj vi na Zemlji. Padli angeli so se gibali med ljudmi in jih zapeljevali stran od Boga. Povzroali so razkole med ljudmi, omadeevali istost mladine Takratna predstavnica Boanske Matere na naem planetu je pozvala vse Boje sluitelje po vsem planetu, da zaradi kritinih razmer na planetu takoj zanejo s Klici k Vijolinemu Plamenu v najveji vsem moni In meri. uspeli Invokacije smo (Odredbe) in za dejavnost naraajoo Vijolinega Plamena so zadonele z vseh Oltarjev Svetega Ognja po planetu. zaustaviti obrniti plimo neskladij. Na planet je bil tako prearjen z Vijolinim Plamenom, da so bili padli angeli izvreni z njega v Roke Legij Lui, ki so jih odvedle na primerno mesto zanje. Blagoslovljeni, na planet je vstopil v Zlato dobo po zaslugi malotevilnih, ki so se odzvali, in danes je na planet e vedno v Zlati dobi, ker se je spomin na skorajnje razdejanje planeta ohranil. Naj vas spomnim, da so se tudi v kriznih trenutkih v zgodovini vaega planeta odzvali le redki in izbojevali Zmago za vse, ki so e spali. In ko so se zbudili, so se znali v svetu, ki je bil spet varen. V srce Zemlje sem poloil ogromno zbrano dejavnost Vijolinega Plamena. To je posredovanje Boje Milosti za vse, ki sluijo Lui. In skozi va Sveti Kristusov Jaz vam bo to dodeljeno (odmerjeno) kot eliksir. Pijte iz tega, ko potrebujete pomo. In ohranjajte ta velikanski rezervoar Vijolinega Plamena, ki je kot morje utripajoe

Svetlobe. Jaz, Omri-Tas, nadaljujem z okrepitvijo vaih Odredb Vijolinega Plamena. Zemlja. Naj vidimo Veliko Zmago nosilcev Lui na planetu

Vladar Vijolinega Planeta * Omri-Tas je Vladar Vijolinega Planeta. Njegova aura je izpolnjena z mono dejavnostjo Vijolinega Plamena in je veliko veja od samega planeta Zemlje. Omri-Tas se je nastanil na Zemlji v ambali (nad puavo Gobi), kjer z so se on in njegovi molitev spremljevalci in svetih zaobljubili obredov v ohranjati osrju Vijolini Plamen Svobode za Zemljo. Njegov Plamen Dvojek slui rednim izvajanjem Vijolinega Planeta skupaj s 144 tisoimi sveeniki Svetega Ognja.

Omri-Tas je prisoten na Zemlji vsakega tretjega v mesecu Oktobra planetov, je, da 1991 je v Omri-Tas podobnem prisoten rekel, da obstaja mnogo kot drugih je zdaj v ki so bo razvojnem na procesu, vsakega

Zemlja, in ki zato zelo potrebujejo njegovo Prisotnost. Obljubil zagotovo Zemlji tretjega mesecu. To je dan, ko se na Zemljo izlivajo slapovi Vijolinega Plamena in ko smo lahko neposredno v Svetlei Prisotnosti OmriTasa.

Omri-Tas Vedite ljubljeni, da so prerokbe lahko preobraene, lahko se odbije spustijo njihova na uresniitev. kot A pa mnogi da bi jih raje vidijo, za kako se lovetvo, poklicali preobrazbo

svetovne karme z Vijolinim Plamenom.

Petnajst minut odrejanja Vijolinega Plamena na dan bo pomnoenih za desetkrat Omri-Tas e z vsem spotovanjem, notranje uglaeni in potopljeni v svoj Kristusov Jaz kot sveenik / sveenica Svetega Ognja; e z vsem svojim srcem in globoko v svojem srcu vsak dan petnajst minut z Ljubeznijo sem jaz in tisti, posveenostjo ki vam odpoiljate to Odredbe Vijolinega (okrepitev) Plamena v mojem Imenu (in prosim spomnite se poklicati me, ker ponujam pomnoitev Vijolinega Plamena iz svojega Vzronega Telesa), potem bomo sprejeli vao daritev (e je globoka in iskrena) del za delom. Njeno Svetlobo bomo okrepili v vaem ivljenju za desetkrat. e elite, lahko odrejate tudi ve kot petnajst minut na dan (ste dobrodoli), a da naa ponudba velja, je potrebno, da odrejate vsaj petnajst minut. Opomba: V teh petnajst minut se tejejo le same Odredbe Vijolinega Plamena. dejavnost Pomembno To so Klici, afirmacije, Ne invokacije more pa se in molitve za Vijolinega je tudi, Plamena. da teh teti uvodnih Plamen

prizivov Mojstrov, osebnih proenj, zakljunih molitev ali pesmi. petnajst * V IMENU KRISTUSA! Kliem k ljubljenemu Omri-Tasu, da sprejme mojih petnajst minut odrejanja (klicanja) za Vijolini Plamen minut Vijolini odrejate neprekinjeno in ne v ve asovnih odsekih.

del za delom, tako globoko, iskreno in predano kot sem to naredil samo Mo in Svetlobo tega Vijolinega Plamena okrepi in pomnoi v mojem ivljenju za desetkrat.

Kozmina Lu
Velika Kozmina Lu je dejavnost Zakona ivljenja za Zemljo, ki jo usmerja skupina Mojstrov iz Velikega Sredinega Sonca. Ta Velika in Mogona Bitja to Kozmino Lu zavestno projecirajo na Zemljo. Oni so skupina Velikih Kozminih Bitij, ki vladajo temu sistemu planetov. (Veliki Boanski Usmerjevalec) (JAZ SEM, KI SEM 4/ Sveti Ogenj, str. 76)

Danes e mnogi s svojimi Klici k Mogoni Prisotnosti JAZ SEM ustvarjajo naj se ni potrebne pogoje (ne za z dejavno vae strani sprostitev ne od Velike Kozmine Lui na Zemljo. Nadaljujte s temi mogonimi Klici in neboanskega kogarkoli drugega) ne vmea v va napredek oziroma iritev Lui v vaem srcu. Karkoli pokliete, se mora zgoditi. Zapomnite si, Kozmini Lui se ne more ni zoperstaviti ali jo kakorkoli ovirati! Je Mo Univerzuma in vsa neboanska neskladja se raztopijo pred njo! O tem ni nobenega dvoma. e jo boste poklicali, boste spoznali njeno dejavno Mo, ki raztopi vse neskladja lovetva na Zemlji. (Tihi Opazovalec) (JAZ SEM, KI SEM 3/ Zmaga Lui, str. 44) * Ljubim Kozmino Lu! astim Jo!

Kliem Jo v zunanjo dejavnost in zbiram Njen Zagon uro za uro! irim Jo v sebi in okoli sebe ter skozi vse lovetvo!

Spust Kozmine Lui Glejte, kako vsa Nebesa sijejo kot mogono Sonce z zaslepljujoo Belo Svetlobo, ki se spua na Zemljo in prodira vanjo. To je spust dihajo. Kozmine Lui. In ko prehaja skozi atmosfero Zemlje, iznii vse unievalnosti, ki so se usidrale v ozraje, ki ga ljudje

Valovi Kozmine Lui Kozmini Valovi Kozmine Lui (ki je Svetlobna Snov) se sproajo skozi vse sisteme svetov. In ko ta Svetloba vstopi v atmosfero Zemlje, je e izpolnjena z nepremagljivo istostjo in Popolnostjo iz Obmoja Vnebovzetih Mojstrov. Tu je zato, da izpolni in preobrazi vse neskladne razmere v vaem svetu.

Odprta Vrata za Kozmino Lu Obutite, da ste sodelavci Vnebovzete Legije. Vsak od vas je Odprta Vrata, skozi Jo katera Kozmina lahko Lu z v do vao te zavestno svet. da mere, Zapovedjo S svojimi zaustavi (Odredbo) neprestanimi sestopi Klici zunanji


nadaljnje irjenje unievalnosti v njem ter dokonno raztopi in iznii njihove vzroke. Ali veste, koliko Svetlobe se sprosti v enem odlonem Klicu, ko resnino utite eljo za to? (JAZ SEM, KI SEM 6/ Sonna Prisotnost, str. 56)

* Beli Ogenj Kozmine Lui, preari vso Zemljo ter Prebudi in Osvobodi vse ljudi. * LJUBLJENA MOGONA PRISOTNOST JAZ SEM! Izpolni s Kozmino Lujo vse okoli mene, kjerkoli sem! Priznam in utim Njeno Prisotnost tu! Ljubim Jo! Zahvaljujem se za Njene brezmejne Blagoslove Zemlji! In zahtevam Njeno veno Zaito, Svobodo! * LJUBLJENA MOGONA PRISOTNOST JAZ SEM! Zahtevam, da brezmejno sijoa Snov Kozmine Lui vene Mladosti, Lepote, Moi in Zdravja brezmejno izpolni moje telo in raziri Svetlobo v vsaki njegovi celici takoj zdaj in za vekomaj! * LJUBLJENA MOGONA PRISOTNOST JAZ SEM! Zahtevam, da je Zemlja samosvetlea z raziritvijo Sonne Sile iz njenega Sredia in s projekcijo Kozmine Lui v njeno atmosfero z drugih planetov, Sonc in zvezd,

da se izpolni Boji nart dviga vse Zemlje in lovetva v veno

da se izpopolni vse na njej za vekomaj! * Kozmina Lu je sproena in usmerjena od Ljubljene Mogone Prisotnosti nae JAZ SEM skozi Sveti Kristusov Jaz pod vodstvom Sonca in Velikih Bitij, ki uravnavajo, upravljajo in oskrbujejo ivljenje za osonje skozi Dejavnost Velikega Sredinega fizinega Sonca, ki se sproa v rednih intervalih kot srni utrip skozi telo.

Vijolini Plamen je fizien Plamen

Saint Germain Vijolini Plamen je fizien Plamen. Od vseh arkov je po nihajni dejavnosti najbliji zemeljski snovi (materiji), zato lahko Vijolini Plamen zdruite s katerokoli molekulo, katerokoli materijo (znano ali neznano), je s katerimkoli Plamen delkom vrhovno Svetlobe, Zdravilo z za elektroni ali elektriko. Tako Vijolini preobrazbo (oziroma iznienje) vseh keminih odpadkov, strupov, onesnaenja z drogami in zastrupljeno hrano v telesu. Vijolini Plamen je Eliksir, ki ga pijete in vsrkate kot vodo, kot najisteji sok; je vrhovno Zdravilo za vse fizine teave. Kjerkoli se zberete in kliete Vijolini Plamen, lahko tam takoj opazite izboljanje fizinih razmer. Naj gre za organsko ali neorgansko materijo, ves as v njej poteka postopek razgradnje (vsepovsod v zemlji, morju, telesih), ki se ga najbolje nevtralizira z Vijolinim Plamenom. Vijolini Plamen preobrazi vse negativne energije, prav tako tudi vso se tisto Radost spiralno Svetega energijo Duha, ki aker, um, ki duo se in degradira telo in tee v navzdol. Je vena Mo Preobrazbe. Vijolini Plamen je dvigajoa preobrazi Svetlobo!

Vijolini Plamen oisti prostor v atomih Vemo, da so atomi veinoma prazen prostor. e bi imel atom velikost koarkarske oge, bi bilo njegovo jedro e vedno premajhno, da bi ga lahko videli z omi. In vendar je okrog 99,9 % mase atoma prav v jedru. Ostalo v tej ogi pa je prazen prostor, ki vsebuje le elektrone, katerih masa je zelo majhna. Ves ta prazen prostor med jedrom in robom atoma je prostor, kjer se lahko zataknejo neskladja in negativna energija. Na celini in molekularni ravni se ta snov pojavi kot prah, saje, katran ali celo cement (popolnoma otrdela snov). Mojstri so nam dali naslednjo prispodobo: nekdo vzame vedro stopljenega katrana in ga zlije v sod, ki je poln marmornih plo. Prostor med ploami se zapolni s katranom, ki se steka navzdol po sodu. In kmalu je vsa masa zvarjena skupaj. e se tiri nija telesa obremenijo z negativnimi energijami in karmo (ki se nakopiijo v atomskem prostoru), se zmanja energijska dejavnost elektronov v njih. lovek zane izarevati ve negativne energije in manj iste Kozmine Energije, ki jo prejema od svoje Boje Prisotnosti. Konno lahko celo zboli. Ve ko je negativnosti v tirih nijih telesih, nija je njihova nihajna frekvenca (vibracija) in lovek je bolj obremenjen. In na koncu zaradi tega tudi umre. Kdor je preueval akupunkturo in jogo, ve, da je zdravje optimalno, ko lahko Duhovna Energija prosto tee skozi telo. Ko se karmina energija zgosti in otrdi, je to za energijsko telo kot otrditev arterij. Kdor zane prevzemati vibracijo neke negativnosti, bo polagoma to tudi postal, razen e poskrbi za pravoasen preobrat. * Ko pokliete Vijolini Plamen za zdravljenje doloenih razmer, se

zgodi naslednje. Vijolini Plamen zaobjame vsak atom vaega bitja posebej. V trenutku se vzpostavi polarnost med jedrom atoma (ki je materija in prevzame negativni pol) in Belim Ognjenim jedrom Plamena (ki je Duh in prevzame pozitivni pol). Dvojna dejavnost Svetlobe v jedru atoma in Svetlobe v objemajoem Vijolinem Plamenu vzpostavi nihanje (oscilacijo), ki povzroi razrahljanje in odstop bremen, ki so se nakopiila v tem atomskem materije prostoru. se zanejo Na nefizinem zato oziroma hitreje nadutnem vrteti s nivoju elektroni poveano

koliino energije (poviajo svojo nihajno frekvenco) in s tem vrejo razrahljano, obremenjeno (oziroma karmino) energijo v Vijolini Plamen, da se preobrazi v Svetlobo.

Plamen Boanske Alkimije

Stoletja zlato. A simbolini so alkimisti iskali, kovino in kako (kot bolj spremeniti je npr. veliastne navadno svinec) Alkimije v kovino zlato v je preobraziti prikaz



preobrazbe iz nijega jaza v Viji Jaz. Ta preobrazba je bila cilj veine Duhovnih alkimistov. Iskali so nain, da spremenijo svinec negativnih lovekih energij v Zlato Boanske Energije. Nekateri so to dosegli z uporabo Vijolinega Plamena. Zato si poglejmo zdaj, kaj Vijolini Plamen je, kaj naredi in kako je dejaven. Kaj je Vijolini Plamen? Vijolini Plamen je edinstvena Duhovna Energija, ki nam pospei duhovni razvoj, ozdravi ustvene in fizine teave, izbolja medsebojne odnose oziroma nam enostavno naredi ivljenje laje. Plamen je bistvo edinstvene Duhovne Svetlobe. Mistiki vseh asov so imeli bene vpoglede v Duhovno Obmoje izza fizinega. Sijoe, nadvse iste barve, ki jih ni videti na Zemlji, izhajajo iz sijoe Notranje Boanske Svetlobe.

Sanje alkimistov Vijolini Plamen je orodje preobrazbe iz nije oblike v Vijo. Fizini alkimijski poskusi v srednjem veku z namenom preobraziti navadno kovino v zlato, so le simbolini prikaz, kaj lahko naredi Vijolini Plamen. Alkimisti Duha niso iskali fizinega bogastva, temve Duhovno. Iskali so nain, kako preobraziti sebe v bolj Duhovno bitje, to pomeni, postati bolj ljube, moder in souten. Vijolini Plamen ima sposobnost narediti to preobrazbo v loveku. Zato je bilo znanje o Vijolinem Plamenu zelo cenjeno v vseh dobah. * Alkimisti vseh asov so iskali mistini kamen modrosti. Zgodnji alkimisti so poglobljeno premiljevali kratka ifrirana besedila v iskanju tega kamna. Zanje je bil vreden celostne posvetitve njihovega ivljenja, da bi deifrirali skrivnost tega kamna, ki je pomenil preobrazbo nije ivalske narave v Vijo, Boansko. Ta kamen ni bil fizien, temve Duhoven, in narejen iz Ognja. Nekateri alkimisti so raziskali so za skrivnost kamen Vijolinega Plamena. Ogenj Neoplatonski alkimisti modrosti imeli

Samopreobrazbe, ki lahko njihove due dvigne k Duhu. V tem procesu se vse nije lastnosti lovekega jaza izniijo in telo se preobrazi v Svetlobo. V tem Svetem postopku, so rekli, alkimist postane kot bogovi. To dosee, kdor si prizadeva za Zlato Modrosti. To je Duhoven proces, ki dvigne duo v ponovno Zdruenje z Boanskim.

O uporabi Vijolinega Plamena

Od Boga smo prejeli popolno, isto Energijo, ki smo jo v svojih zemeljskih ivljenjih mnogokrat napano uporabili ali celo zlorabili. Tako se je zgostila in vsidrala v spodnjem delu naega energijskega polja oziroma aure (od pasu navzdol) ter v naem

podzavestnem in nezavednem umu. To je tako-imenovana karma, ki jo nosimo s sabo. Kdor resnino uporablja Vijolini Plamen, je v S misli procesu preobrazbe Svetega Takoj te zgoene energije v njeno izvorno istost. klicanjem in Ognja ko so Vijolinega osvobojene Plamena iz teh preobrazite vzorcev in napano uporabljene energije, ki so ujete v vzorce nepopolnih ustev. oiene z Bojim Plamenom, se te energije dvignejo v Vzrono Telo, ki je shramba vsega Absolutno Dobrega, ki ste ga kdajkoli naredili. (Lanto) Tako so spet preobraene iz nepopolne oblike v isto, popolno Duhovno Svetlobo.

Svoje razmere lahko preobrazite na bolje z uporabo

ivljenjske Vijolinega

Plamena. Lahko prepoznate tiste, ki redno uporabljajo Odredbe Vijolinega Plamena. V njihovem koraku je posebna ivljenjska mo in v njihovih oeh je poseben lesk. Tu je nekaj izjav ljudi, ki uporabljajo Vijolini Plamen: Moje miljenje je postalo bistreje. Poutim se lahkotneje. Veliko bolj zaznavam energije okoli sebe. Pretok Svetlobe utim skoraj fizino. Moji odnosi z drugimi so laji in bolj tekoi. Ne utim nobenih

trenj. utim se veliko bolj samozavestnega in mirnega glede stvari, ki bi me sicer obremenjevale in skrbele. ustveno sem veliko bolj uravnoveen in veliko bolj utim Boje vodstvo v sebi. Lahko uporabite in e A Vijolini elite, da Plamen ki vam in so prejmete jih alkimisti Plamen Zdravljenje, Duha iskali je pomaga, Preobrazbo stoletja. Duhovno rast,


potrebno, da ga uporabite tj. ga pokliete, obutite in si ga predstavljate. Poskusite! Vijolini Plamen vas izpolni z obutkom zanosa, ivljenjske Energije, vedrosti Pomaga vam odpustiti drugim in biti milosten. Kako to naredi? Tako, da preobrazi vao negativno karmo. Negativna Vtisne se energija v vao povzroa auro bolezni, nesree, polje slabe okoli navade vaega (tj. energijsko

fizinega telesa). Aura odseva pozitivne misli in ustva loveka ter prav tako negativne jezo, sovratvo, razoaranje, zavist To vkljuuje vao karmo in zapise iz preteklih ivljenj ter tudi ustvene energije, ki se lahko vrinejo v va svet od ljudi, s katerimi ste v stiku. Torej ste lahko ves dan v jezi, ki ste jo pobrali morda od nekega zlovoljnega loveka, ali pa ste potlaeni zaradi nekega neprijetnega negativna vaih pogovora. se Ali zgosti V pa in ste nesreni okoli zaradi vas bremen oziroma in travmatinih izkuenj v svoji mladosti ali v preteklih ivljenjih. Ta energija nakopii se natanneje okoli vaega telesa od pasu navzdol. To je obmoje karminih energij. psihologiji imenuje podzavest nezavedno. Te nakopiene negativne energije vas lahko ovirajo, da bi uspeno dosegli svoje cilje. Reitev za to je Vijolini Plamen udeni Topilec negativnih









zjutraj ali zveer vam pomaga ohranjati mir tekom dneva, ne glede na to v em se znajdete. Ko zanete enkrat uporabljati Vijolini Plamen za oienje svoje aure da in lahko aker tako oziroma ustvarite za oienje svojih tirih na nijih vseh teles nivojih (ki se (fizinega, ustvenega, miaelnega in eterinega), boste ugotovili, pozitivne spremembe Boanske svojega bitja. Vijolini Plamen vas lahko Osvobodi, da duhovno napredujete, prejmete vso dobrobit Energije spua k vam iz vae Boje Prisotnosti JAZ SEM) in spoznate svoje vije sposobnosti. Da se ponovno zdruite s svojim Vijim Jazom (Svetim Kristusovim Jazom) je potrebno ve let ali celo ivljenj. A vsaki, ko pokliete Vijolini Plamen, ste blije temu cilju. Bolj ko uporabljate omenjenih Odredbe razmer. Vijolinega Tako ste, Plamena, kot bolj se osvobajate posrednik Boje

Ljubezni, bolj sposobni pomagati drugim. Ugotovili boste, da ko drugi pridejo v stik z vao auro, prav tako prejmejo zdravljenje in dvig svojih energij in zavesti. Resnini namen uporabe Vijolinega Plamena je obnovitev celostnosti svojega telesa in Zdruenje s svojim Vijim Jazom (Kristusom v sebi oziroma Kristusovim Jazom). Jezus je uporabil Mo Svetega Duha za izvajanje udeev. Prvi ude je naredil na poroki v Kani Galilejski, kjer je preobrazil vodo v vino. Voda predstavlja loveko zavest. Preobraena je bila v vino Vijolino Ko ste Energijo enkrat prav Svetega Duha. z Jezus je uporabljal Vijolini lahko vi, Plamen (ki je aspekt Svetega Duha) za izvajanje svojih udeev. preobraeni tako izvajate Vijolinim udee Plamenom, in alkimisti, Duhovnega fizinega

zdravljenja. Kako uporabiti Vijolini Plamen?

Je praktien in enostaven za uporabo. Poiite si mesto, kjer vas ne bo nihe motil. Sedite udobno z vzravnano hrbtenico in glavo. Noge in roke naj ne bodo prekriane. Stopala so na tleh. Roke, obrnjene z dlanmi navzgor, poloite na stegna. Goree zaprosite svoj Viji Jaz, da vam pomaga priklicati Vijolini Plamen in da vam pokae pomembnost Vijolinega Plamena v vaem ivljenju. Vijolini Plamen prikliemo z Odredbami (afirmacijami, izreki) kot je na primer ta, ki jo je dal Saint Germain: * JAZ SEM Bitje Vijolinega Plamena! JAZ SEM istost Bojega Namena! Ta kratka Odredba je lahko vaa prva Odredba Vijolinega Plamena, ki jo uporabljate im ve. Lahko postane temeljni kamen vae uporabe Vijolinega Plamena. Lahko jo ponavljate spet in spet kot mantro, ki poje v vaem srcu. Naredite ritem tevilo te nekaj globokih, poasnih jo vdihov. Izgovarjajte ali to Odredbo lahkotno, na glas, pozorno. Osredotoite se na naravni Odredbe. Ponovite Ponavljanje 3-krat, 9-krat poljubno mo in ponovitev. Odredbe okrepi njeno

pritegne ve Svetlobe v fizino obmoje. Osredotoite se na srce in izgovarjajte Odredbo z Ljubeznijo, predanostjo in obutkom. Ko si Odredbo zapomnite na pamet, lahko zaprete oi med njenim izgovarjanjem in se osredotoite na vizualizacijo Vijolinega Plamena. To je pomembno za uspenost klicanja Vijolinega Plamena. Ustvarite lahko le to, kar si lahko predstavljate. Vizualizacija:









priblino tri metre in irokim dva metra. Predstavljajte si ga v vijolini barvi. Odtenki so lahko od indigo do svetlo vijoline in skoraj roza. Nato se glejte, kako vstopite v ta Plamen. Zublji Vijolinega Plamena gredo izpod vaih nog navzgor skozi vas in okoli vas ter iznad vae glave. Okoli tega Vijolinega Ognja si predstavljajte svoj Steber Lui iz Bele Svetlobe, ki zapeati in varuje vas in Vijolini Plamen. * Vijolini Plamen lahko vidite s svojim notranjim oesom, e se osredotoite na energijsko sredie med obrvmi (akra tretjega oesa). Glejte ga, kako je ivo dejaven, kot bi ga gledali na filmu. Njegovi zublji se dvigajo in vigajo skozi in okoli vas. Ohranjajte to vizualizacijo, ko izgovarjate Odredbe Vijolinega Plamena in vsaki, ko se spomnite na to. Vsaki, ko se spomnite na Vijolini Plamen, okrepite dejavnost tega Svetega Ognja. e elite pomagati nekomu ali e prosite za odpuanje v zvezi z neko osebo, si predstavljajte to * Zemlja je Sonce Vijolinega Plamena! Zemlja je istost Bojega Namena! e nekaj minut Vijolinega Plamena prinese rezultate, a potrebna je vztrajnost v uporabi tega Plamena, da v celoti preari in Preobrazi stare slabe navade. Najbolji as za uporabo (poklicanje) tega Plamena je zjutraj. Vsaj pet do petnajst minut Odredb Vijolinega Plamena zjutraj lahko zelo pozitivno vpliva na potek vaih dnevnih dogodkov. Odredbe in vizualizacijo Vijolinega Plamena lahko dodate h kakrnimkoli molitvam ali meditacijam, ki jih sicer izvajate. osebo v sijoem Vijolinem Plamenu. To lahko naredite tudi za celo mesto, narod ali planet.

Transmutation and Healing with the Violet Flame

By Darlene Harris and Karah Pino The violet flame is a multidimensional and transmutational light frequency accessible from the third dimension. It is a gift from Mother-Father Creator Source for healing and purification. Within this violet light is consciousness, the intelligent force of cosmic love, healing, and peace. When we open to receive this blessed gift, the creative potencies of compassion, letting go, forgiveness, and restoration can be experienced. With its use, the awakening of our individual and collective consciousness is enhanced, all that hinders is transmuted, and our power and capacity to live vibrantly unfolds. Is this scenario familiar? You arrive home after a challenging day and sit down to rest. Instinctively you sigh a deep breath and wonder if it will take you all evening to recover your energy, only to go to bed and get up tomorrow to do it all again. Try this instead: Visualize a pastel shade of beautiful, pure, violet light over your headthe violet light drifts softly, spiraling around your head, face, neck and shoulders down your arms and hands over your body, legs and feet then radiates outward filling your luminous energy field. As you continue to breathe and visualize the violet energy, notice your muscles begin to relax. Feel your stress releasing and a sense of well being arising. With each inhale, feel the sense of well being continue to flow and deepen. How to Use the Violet Flame The use of this tool as a resource does not interfere with our free will. It activates only when we ask and goes into action as an intelligent force. You can apply the violet flame with

intention, invocation, and visualization to any situation or condition in your life where you desire clearing. You could imagine the violet flame flowing through the silver cord from your I Am presence into your crown chakra and down your central core to your heart center. Sense and feel it as compassion, forgiveness, or letting go. Or command it into action from your highest self: I am the hand of God, charging the electrons around me with an infinite supply of peace infusing my life and flowing throughout the planet. In her 2007 book, The Violet Flame, Patricia Cota-Robles describes this light frequency as a gift from the heart of our mother-father creator source to assist us in transmuting into light our human miscreations of thought and feeling. This includes anything in the physical plane that is not reflecting the love, harmony, and balance of heaven on earth. If you feel resonance with the violet flame, you can try the following mantra from Patricias book, repeating three times: Transmute, transmute by Violet Fire all causes and cores not of Gods desire. I AM a being of cause alone, that cause is love, the sacred tone. (See Patricia Cota-Robles web site: A short invocation can be tailored to any situation using a phrasing such as: I invoke the violet flame of love, forgiveness, compassion, and transformation to blaze through me and transmute cause, core, record, memory, and affect anything that is not 100% pure light. Using the Violet Flame for Service to Humanity and the Earth It is natural to feel overwhelmed by the immensity of needs on our planet. The violet flame can be a powerful ally. Welcome

this conscious light to transform your overwhelmings and bring ease and effortlessness into your service, whether for family, community, or the earth. Inspired spiritual teachers of our planet are calling us to release and transmute the stuck energies of duality and polarity, to shift into peace and oneness, which opens the flow of abundance for all. Patricia states that cosmic law requires that this divine force be invoked from the earthly realm where the assistance is needed. This sacred cosmic tool for moving us into the fourth and fifth dimensions and ascending in vibration with mother earth is readily available to us at any moment. Its essence is effortlessness, relief and joy. It is our choice and privilege to co-create with source and experience heaven on earth.

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Transmutation and Healing with the Violet Flame

By Darlene Harris and Karah Pino as published in the Nov 2012 issue of New Spirit


The violet flame is a multidimensional and transmutational light frequency accessible from the third dimension. It is a gift from Mother-Father Creator Source for healing and purification. Within this violet light is consciousness, the intelligent force of cosmic love, healing, and peace. When we open to receive this blessed gift, the creative potencies of compassion, letting go, forgiveness, and restoration can be experienced. With its use, the awakening of our individual and collective consciousness is enhanced, all that hinders is transmuted, and our power and capacity to live vibrantly unfolds. Is this scenario familiar? You arrive home after a challenging day and sit down to rest. Instinctively you sigh a deep breath and wonder if it will take you all evening to recover your energy, only to go to bed and get up tomorrow to do it all again. Try this instead: Visualize a pastel shade of beautiful, pure, violet light over your headthe violet light drifts softly, spiraling around your head, face, neck and shoulders down your arms and hands over your body, legs and feet then radiates outward filling your luminous energy field. As you continue to breathe and visualize the violet energy, notice your muscles begin to relax. Feel your stress releasing and a sense of well being arising. With each inhale, feel the sense of well being continue to flow and deepen.
How to Use the Violet Flame

The use of this tool as a resource does not interfere with our free will. It activates only when we ask and goes into action as an intelligent force. You can apply the violet flame with intention, invocation, and visualization to any situation or condition in your life where you desire clearing. You could imagine the violet flame flowing through the silver cord from your I Am presence into your crown chakra and down your central core to your heart center. Sense and feel it as compassion, forgiveness, or letting go. Or command it into action from your highest self: I am the hand of God, charging the electrons around me with an infinite supply of peace infusing my life and flowing throughout the planet. In her 2007 book, The Violet Flame, Patricia Cota-Robles describes this light frequency as a gift from the heart of our mother-father creator source to assist us in transmuting into light our human miscreations of thought and feeling. This includes anything in the physical plane that is not reflecting the love, harmony, and balance of heaven on earth. If you feel resonance with the violet flame, you can try the following mantra from Patricias book, repeating three times: Transmute, transmute by Violet Fire all causes and cores not of Gods desire. I AM a being of cause alone, that cause is love, the sacred tone. (See Patricia Cota-Robles web site: A short invocation can be tailored to any situation using a phrasing such as: I invoke the violet flame of love, forgiveness, compassion, and transformation to blaze through me and transmute cause, core, record, memory, and affect anything that is not 100% pure light.

Using the Violet Flame for Service to Humanity and the Earth

It is natural to feel overwhelmed by the immensity of needs on our planet. The violet flame can be a powerful ally. Welcome this conscious light to transform your overwhelmings and bring ease and effortlessness into your service, whether for family, community, or the earth. Inspired spiritual teachers of our planet are calling us to release and transmute the stuck energies of duality and polarity, to shift into peace and oneness, which opens the flow of abundance for all. Patricia states that cosmic law requires that this divine force be invoked from the earthly realm where the assistance is needed. This sacred cosmic tool for moving us into the fourth and fifth dimensions and ascending in vibration with mother earth is readily available to us at any moment. Its essence is effortlessness, relief and joy. It is our choice and privilege to co-create with source and experience heaven on earth.

Violet Flame Meditation Transmute And Uplift Your Energy Field

With Violet Flame Meditation you can consciously access powerful Fifth Dimensional frequencies that dissolve lifetimes of unresolved, unhealed energies with love and light. This is crucial to each of us as individuals and for humanity as a whole, especially at this specific time on our planet. The distillation of all experiences weve ever had in any lifetime

or dimension is still in our individual and group energy field, both positive and negative. Until the dense negativity is transmuted into love and light, we, both as individuals and as a race, suffer from the resulting chaos and negativity that weve experienced for eons on this planet. Violet Flame Meditation can help us do that.

Transition Into The Fifth Dimension

As you may already know, over the past several years there has been a steady increase in the availability of higher light and healing frequencies on our beloved Earth. As has long been predicted by the Mayan Calendar and other indigenous sacred writings, we are gearing up for a major transition on this planet at the end of 2012. We as individuals and as a collective race, along with our precious planet herself, will have the opportunity to transcend to a higher state of consciousness. We stand before a steadily opening doorway that is a bridge between our Third Dimensional perspective and the higher frequencies of the Fifth Dimension. Can you feel it?

The Fifth Dimensional Perspective

The power of Violet Flame Meditation comes from the Fifth Dimension, which resonates with unity consciousness, transcending the ego-based ideas of separation we have lived in the Third Dimension for eons. We are free of the illusion of time and space as fixed realities. They are perceived as the fluidity that they truly are. From a Fifth Dimensional perspective, we are always in the present Now. There are still cycles of being, but they have no real power over the creative potential of the

present moment. We recognize that where we place our attention in the present moment is what creates our essential experience. What we focus on we begin to resonate with. Our focus literally creates what / who we are, unless we shift our attention to something different. This is the key to conscious creation: Whatever we focus our attention on manifests in our lives. Space and distance are also seen as illusions. In the Fifth Dimension we are always connected to those we love, no matter where they are. Furthermore, we will see that we are all energetically connected as human beings and that the Earth we live on is a co-creation of our group consciousness, including animals and non-sentient life. In the Fifth Dimension we move forward in our lives through our passion, by naturally choosing that which brings us the most joy at every choice point. By connecting with our passion we expand outward and open our consciousness to higher energies. Following the path that brings us the most joy unfolds us into the conscious awareness of the true essence of who we are.

Things Might Look Worse But Are Actually Getting Better

In our transition from the Third to the Fifth Dimension, the extent to which we hold on to old structures and concepts of separation correlates directly to the extent of the fear, anxiety and stress that we feel. As we transition into the Fifth Dimension, uplifting energies continue to pour into our planet at an accelerating level. These energies bring to the surface all that is within us of a lower vibration that needs to be healed, giving us the opportunity to see what weve been holding on to that no longer serves us so that we can let it go.

Because of this exposure of the negativity for healing, it can look like things are getting much worse on our planet and in our individual lives. However, this is far from the case. We are actually in the midst of a glorious event! All of us who are on the planet during this time have an opportunity to take a giant leap in consciousness a spiritual evolution that would normally take many lifetimes to accomplish.

Violet Flame Meditation Can Help Us Transition To A Higher State Of Consciousness

Violet Flame Meditation can greatly assist us in making the transition from the fear-based Third Dimension to the Unity Consciousness of the Fifth Dimension. No matter how intense things look in our lives and/or in our world, we need to keep using the white light and Violet Flame of Love and Forgiveness to clean out old energies that obscure the light. Whenever we invoke the light in our own lives, the light and wellbeing of the entire planet and human race expands. The ascension to the Fifth Dimension is a precious window of opportunity and the more light we focus on, the more mileage we will get out of this leap in consciousness. Violet Flame Meditation can help us do that. No matter how far we think weve turned from the light, once we turn our attention back to it and choose love and forgiveness, we are enfolded in its healing embrace. We can do this merely by focusing on upliftment on whatever brings us a feeling of relief, love, and expansion. These feelings tell us we are on the right path. For more about how to bridge our thoughts from what we dont want to what we DO want, click here and here.

Law Of The Circle

Whatever energy (emotions, thoughts, etc.) we send to another person, place or thing comes back to us, greatly magnified. The energy travels in a circle, always back to the source from which it came. This principle is demonstrated by The Golden Rule, Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. The energy contained in how we do unto others is already on its way back around to us. This principle is also known as karma, cause and effect, etc. Basically, the energy of any thought, word, deed or action weve ever emitted in any lifetime or dimension, whether positive or negative, is coming back to us eventually. Also, by the Law of Attraction, if we feel these negative energies (the ones we originally sent out) coming at us and then react negatively again, we keep attracting more of the same negativity to ourselves. As we vibrate (negatively or positively), we create. With Violet Flame Meditation we can transmute negative energy from thousands of lifetimes back into the pure positive God essence that is at the core of all energy. Essentially, we can transmute our negative karma before it comes back to us!

Self-Healing With Self Love

Anything unresolved within our energy field will keep manifesting itself in our physical / mental / emotional / spiritual life until we heal it. There is no escaping this. When we understand that life is presenting us with an opportunity to heal something within us it becomes easier. When negative experiences occur, if we can acknowledge, accept and decline to resist what is happening as well as the feelings evoked, we can then bring love, compassion, understanding and

forgiveness to ourselves, as well as to other people involved and the situation itself. In this way we can heal the wounded aspects within us so that we wont have to keep going through the same painful scenarios again and again. Violet Flame Meditation can help us to bring love, forgiveness, healing and release to all of these painful feelings.

The Three-Fold Flame

The Violet Flame is actually a three-fold flame of gold, pink and blue light: The pure Divine Feminine ray of energy (relating to our right brain and heart) is crystalline pink, with the qualities of pure unconditional Divine Love, nurturance and compassion, and adoration and reverence for all life. The pure Divine Masculine ray of energy (relating to our left brain, throat and heart) is sapphire blue, and relates to the desire, inner resolve, power and will to follow Sources Divine Will. It also carries our ability to have leadership over ourselves. When the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine rays of energy are merged and balanced within us, our higher centers and Christ Consciousness which is the gold ray of energy is awakened. The Gold Flame embodies wisdom, discrimination, and illumination. When all three of these flames are balanced within us, love balances power and wisdom blends with love, and the Violet Flame of forgiveness and transmutation is activated within us.

Saint Germain
There are thousands of Ascended Masters currently supporting the Earth and those of us who live here. They are Beings of Light who have learned the lessons of our Third Dimensional existence and have ascended to a higher state of consciousness. Giving assistance to all who call to them for help, they are our elder brothers and sisters. Some famous Ascended Masters are Jesus Christ, Gautama Buddha and Krishna. Saint Germain is an Ascended Master who has long been associated with the Violet Flame. You can call on his assistance as you practice Violet Flame Meditation. Along with many other Ascended Masters, he has been preparing us to transition from the Age of Pisces (Third Dimension) to the Age of Aquarius (Fifth Dimension), beginning an era of peace, freedom and enlightenment.

How Violet Flame Meditation Works

At the core of every single electron of energy, even a negatively charged electron, is the divine aspect of pure being. When the Violet Flame is consciously blazed through any electron of energy, it awakens the pure spark of divinity within it, which then burns up the outer negativity and transmutes that electron back to its original state of pure love. During Violet Flame Meditation I experience the Violet Flame as infinite Love, forgiveness, tenderness and freedom. When we call it forth with the intention of forgiveness and healing, it bursts as a flame within our hearts. When we consciously direct it into a situation, it blazes through it with a loving force so undeniable that everything in its path has no choice but to resonate with its

love. The Violet Flame permeates every cell and atom of our bodies, minds, emotions, memory, subconscious and spirit. It transmutes anything negative that is lodged anywhere in our spiritual or physical being, raising it to a high vibration of love and light.

Transmutation Occurs On An Atomic Level

Negative thoughts and feelings create an excess of acid within the body that is too much for our bodies to detoxify. This causes the breakdown of our physical energy systems, dis-ease and illness. The Violet Flame can help heal our bodies on a physical level by removing the negative energy that creates the acidic conditions. It goes to work on the deeper causes on the mental, emotional, causal, psychic and spiritual levels. On the atomic level, vibration is the speed at which electrons orbit around the nucleus of the atom. Violet Flame Meditation actually changes our vibratory rate, working on the atomic level. When the atoms of our bodies are imbued with negativity, we vibrate slower, at a lower vibration, which causes us to resonate with MORE negativity and actually attract it. We become more dense and coarse, with less light shining within. With Violet Flame Meditation we can transmute this negativity. When we invoke it with forgiveness in our hearts, for ourselves and others, it raises the frequency of the negativity into a vibration of love and wellbeing. It literally transforms whatever is out of alignment with wellbeing back into the light that is at the source of every atom. Consequently, in Violet Flame Meditation the vibration of our entire energy field is raised to a higher level, and we are more filled with spirit, light and love, thereby resonating with optimum health and wellbeing.

A really wonderful thing to be aware of is that you dont have to fully understand the nature of Violet Flame Meditation or how it works for it to work! It isnt possible for our minds to encompass what lies beyond the parameters of the mind. You can ask your I AM Presence (yourself from your highest perspective) to take command, and then simply invoke the Violet Flame as described below.

In experimenting with Violet Flame Meditation, Ive found that I significantly increase its healing effects if I can call up the intention of forgiveness in my heart first, before invoking the Violet Flame. Even if Im not feeling particularly forgiving, but Im WILLING to feel it for myself, other people involved, or a situation, this opens my heart and increases the power of the Violet Flame to do its transformative work.

Opening The Heart Chakra For Healing

To increase the effectiveness of Violet Flame Meditation, or ANY healing, it is helpful to first open our heart chakra, the seat of the Divine Feminine within our being (whether we are currently embodied as male or female). The heart chakra is where ALL emotions are felt. Because of the pain weve experienced from our lives in the lower dimensions, we as a race have shut down our heart centers in an attempt to not feel the pain. Therefore, our connection with Divine Feminine energy and unconditional love and forgiveness

has been narrowed down and the misuse of masculine power (by both men and women) has taken precedence on our planet and in our lives. To heal and open our heart chakras, we need to go into our hearts and acknowledge the pain there, bring love and compassion to our own wounds, and call in The Divine to heal them. Then we can begin finding the balance between our masculine / feminine aspects, and bring love and forgiveness to others. You can call on Divine Feminine / Divine Mother energy to assist you in healing your heart center and bringing more love into it. Envisioning pink light all around and permeating your body, especially around your heart center, can help a great deal. Regular practice of Violet Flame Meditation will also open your heart center and balance your masculine and feminine energies.

The Tipping Point

Everything is energy. Everything is vibrating at a particular speed. Negative thoughts, words, feelings and actions vibrate at the denser end of the energy spectrum, while the positive thoughts, words, feelings and actions vibrate at the higher, more uplifted end of the spectrum, closer to the original God Source. To shift our state of consciousness from one of predominant negativity to predominant health, wellbeing, joy and aliveness, we can do two things: Use Violet Flame Meditation (see below) to transmute all of the energies of our past thoughts, words, feelings and actions back into the original vibration of Love from Source. Pay attention to our current thoughts and feelings so that

we dont set ourselves up to receive more of our own negativity. When we become aware that were following a negative train of thought, we can choose a different thought instead one that brings a feeling of relief and expansion. Once 51% of the energy we are emitting is of a positive nature, we achieve a tipping point where ALL energies within us are transmuted into the positive spectrum. And we never know when that 51% tipping point can occur. This is a critical mass where an unstoppable shift occurs. It is a natural law of the Universe. And with Violet Flame Meditation we can do this!

Growth Periods
It is important to keep the tipping point of transmutation in mind when we are going through a growth period and are tempted to wallow in negativity. Growth periods are times of chaos when it feels like the whole world is against us and we have lost sight of wellbeing. Im sure you know what Im talking about. These are periods when our wounded aspects are being brought to the surface for healing. Each of these periods are a window of opportunity to heal something that has been wreaking havoc in your life, maybe for many lifetimes. This is a good time to focus on the light with even MORE tenacity. Knowing that by keeping our attention on light and love when we feel challenged, we will eventually reach the critical mass of positive energy that can transmute all the negativity of that situation to positive energy. We just need to keep working with uplifting tools such as Violet Flame Meditation and the positive principles we know to be true, to keep our attention focused in a positive direction.

Here are some good questions to ask while going through a challenging growth situation: What is it that I DO want in this situation? (Negativity comes from focusing on what we dont want instead of what we do want.) Am I adding to the light of the planet or to the shadow?

Tipping Point For The Planet

This tipping point isnt just applicable to us as individuals. It applies to ALL beings on this planet, and the planet itself. When there are enough of us focusing on the light so that our group consciousness is vibrating at 51% in the light, then an unstoppable shift into a higher vibration can occur for the entire planet! I believe this tipping point is the same as what I described earlier: our ascension as a race and as a planet, from the Third Dimension of egoic separation to the Fifth Dimension of unity consciousness. And it is entirely within our power to do this! Violet Flame Meditation is a powerful tool to make it happen.

Using Violet Flame Meditation And Decrees

The most effective use of the Violet Flame that I have found is through a combination of meditation and decrees spoken (silently or aloud) prayers that use visualization / imagination while being in a meditative state. 1. Sit in a quiet place where you wont be disturbed. Sit comfortably with your spine straight and your arms and legs uncrossed. Place your feet flat on the floor. You can rest your hands on your legs, palms up.

2. Breathe in love and / or white light through your heart center. Do this several times until you can FEEL it. This method is most effective when you feel devoted to love and forgiveness. If you cant quite get there, just keep breathing in love and/or white light until you begin to feel a softening and opening within. Envisioning a soft, unconditionally loving, pink crystalline light around and through you can help open your heart as well. 3. To begin Violet Flame Meditation you can start with something simple like, I AM a Violet Flame of love and forgiveness. Slowly repeat this several times out loud, and tune into your feelings and perceptions. It is much more powerful to speak out loud than silently. Remember to keep a loving, forgiving perspective (or be willing to have that perspective) and a sincere desire to heal. If you wish, you can keep repeating this simple phrase over and over again, even hundreds of times. Repeating a decree draws in more light. You can add to or change the words of your decree however youd like to. Keep it simple. For this type of meditation, Ive found that the fewer the words, the more focused the energy is. Start your decrees with the words I AM. Speaking from your I AM Presence is the most powerfully creative perspective you can center yourself in. It is you as your God Self.

Decree Examples
I AM the Violet Flame of Love, blazing through anything within me that needs to be healed. I AM calling forth the Violet Flame to cleanse, uplift and

purify everything within me. I AM blazing the Violet Flame through all my thoughts, words, feelings and actions regarding this situation with (fill in the blank). While slowly repeating your decree, notice if you feel more loving and spacious. Experiment with different words to see if they evoke more healing energy or less. Go with what brings you relief, feels fun, softens your perspective and is inspiring.

Visualizing / Imagining The Violet Flame

Another component of Violet Flame Meditation is visualization / imagination. Visualization and imagination are doorways or view ways into other realms. Anything we can visualize is real somewhere within the vast realms of our being. The more frequently that we return to a visualization, to that same extent it manifests energetically in our human lives physically, mentally, emotionally. As you speak your decrees during Violet Flame Meditation, picture a huge bonfire of Violet Flames, wide enough and high enough to encompass your body and extend three or more feet above your head and all around your body. Within the flames see different shades of blue, pink, gold and purple colors. See these Violet Flames all around you and permeating your body. Feel into the places within your being (physically, mentally and emotionally) where you need love, and see the Violet Flame touching and permeating all of them with love and transmuting them into light, love and forgiveness.

Helping Others With The Violet Flame

You can use Violet Flame Meditation to help others individually

and also collectively, such as for the entire human race. Breathe in love through your heart center and visualize a person, group of persons, or the planet as a whole. Picture them with the Violet Flame blazing through and around them, permeating them with love and forgiveness. State a decree, such as I AM invoking the full force of the Violet Flame of Love and Forgiveness for (person(s) you wish to assist). Thats all you have to do. You dont even have to be specific about what to heal. The Violet Flame knows exactly where to go within their being and what to do. The key part is to feel your intention of love and forgiveness for them and to visualize them within the Violet Flame. After you have invoked it for one person you can add something like, In the name of Source, I ask for this Violet Flame to multiply and assist all beings here on Mother Earth who need any kind of assistance, according to Gods will.

Practical Uses Of The Violet Flame In Your Daily Life

Although it is more powerful to say the decrees out loud so that you hear them in your own voice, it is also very effective to speak them silently all day long, especially when a challenging situation comes up or you feel out of alignment with wellbeing. For relationship issues, think of a person at the same time you invoke the Violet Flame. See both yourself and the other person standing within the Violet Flame as you say your decree for healing and transmutation of all energies back into light and love. You can invoke the Violet Flame to work on your financial

situation, physical ailments or emotional states, as well as for specific situations or beliefs you want to heal and release. If you are feeling anger or rage, focus on the pink aspect (Divine Feminine) of the Violet Flame. Let this soft, unconditionally loving crystalline pink energy permeate your entire being, especially your heart center. It will heal the hurt and fear that always lie beneath anger and rage.

Persistence Pays Off

When will you experience results? You will likely feel relief and upliftment from Violet Flame Meditation within a very few minutes. The more you do it, the more you will benefit from its healing effects. I highly recommend doing it on a daily basis. Taking a half hour or so in the morning before you start your day and / or the last thing before sleep can be very beneficial. Even long-standing habits and beliefs will gradually melt as you continue this practice.

A Comprehensive Violet Flame Meditation

As I mentioned above, I highly recommend formulating short decrees in order to focus the energy of the Violet Flame on specific areas. However, it is also very useful to use a comprehensive decree to do ongoing, multi-level Violet Flame Meditation targeting facets of ourselves that we arent even aware of, but are still affecting us negatively. Doing this regularly can steadily unwind whatever negative karmic energies we have accrued. I like to do this type of Violet Flame Meditation first thing in

the morning, or last thing before sleep. As mentioned before, sit in a quiet place where you wont be disturbed, with your spine straight and arms and legs uncrossed. Breathe in love and/or pink or white light through your heart center until you can feel a softening and opening within. You can use the following as your decree or formulate one that you resonate with the most.

I AM my I AM Presence. I breathe Light into my Heart Center. I am a temple of Light. I call forth the full power of the Violet Flame of forgiveness to transmute the causes, core, effects, habits, records, and memories of every thought, feeling, word or action I have ever expressed in any time frame or dimension, known or unknown, that reflects anything associated with (Name what you want to work on, such as: poverty consciousness, victimhood, separation, powerlessness, low vitality, suffering, ill health, disease, misuse of male or female energy, misuse of power, self-hatred, shame, belief in being bad, fear, rage, blame or hatred, negative judgment and prejudice, attachment to people doing things my way, or lack and limitation of any kind.) With forgiveness and love as my intention, I blaze the Violet Flame through every atomic and subatomic particle and wave of precious Life Energy that has my signature on it in any place and time that reflects anything less than the Infinite

Perfection of God. I trust God to transmute every speck of my being into the Highest Love and Light, Health and Abundance. I ask my I AM Presence to fill this space with the Golden Light of Gods Infinite Light, Love, Health, and Abundance. In the name of my Father God, I accept this as accomplished. And so it is.

Use The Gold Flame At The End

I find it comforting and balancing to bring gold light in at the end of Violet Flame Meditation. Pure gold light is a manifestation of Christ Light. It fills your being with peace and illumination. It deeply nurtures your energy field on all levels, for balance and completion after any kind of energy healing.

Afterwards Envision What You Want To Create

After doing a Violet Flame Meditation, your heart is open and you are in a powerfully creative vibration. This is an excellent time to envision what you DO want in your life, now that the Violet Flame is at work transmuting what youve released. Experiment with different visions to find one that brings more light, love, and joy into your being as you view it. Then keep expanding and adding to that vision, testing to see if each thing you add brings more relief and joy. If it doesnt then let

it go and experiment with something else until you find something that does. Whenever you focus on something for 17 seconds or more, by the Law of Attraction, the energy expands exponentially, and you begin to draw the manifestation of your vision to yourself.

More About Violet Flame Meditation

For more information about Violet Flame Meditation, you might enjoy visiting Patricia Diane Cota-Robles site, Era of Peace. Patricia is devoted to the Ascension process and she and her non-profit, educational organization, New Age Study of Humanitys Purpose, Inc., are a beacon of bright light on this planet. From "Violet Flame Meditation" continue on to "Your Awesome Power Of Choice"

What is the Violet Transmuting Flame?

The use of this flame called the "violet flame" can take you back home to God, for in the power of its use you can transmute the cause, effect, record and memory of everything that has occurred in your past mistakes. It works by changing the vibration of your negative energies into positive energies and transforming those negative thoughts and feelings. When used properly, the violet flame provides a platform for our healing. The violet flame is the seventh-ray aspect of the Holy Spirit; emerging from the violet ray. The color violet has always been associated with spirituality, having the highest frequency in the realm of visible light. It is

the last color our eyes can see before moving into the invisible spectrum of light. Thus it is the transition flame between this world and the next and has the greatest ability to interpenetrate and transform matter. We know from Einstein that matter can be converted into energy, and energy into matter. Further, energy/matter cannot be created or destroyed but can only change form. What does that mean in practical terms? If you look at an atom, you will see that the nucleus is surrounded by a few electrons and lots of empty space. Matter appears dense but is actually composed of whirling particles widely separated by space. Imagine that the faster those electrons spin, the higher frequency or vibration of light our bodies can carry. Conversely, if our bodies are dense, ill or polluted and weighted down by impure substances, our electrons are slowed down. If you have ever had a spiritual experience and felt the Holy Spirit or angelic light, you will know what it is like to experience a higher vibration. Usually these experiences only last for a short period of time, and then our bodies return to the prior frequency over time. But if each time we could retain some of the experience of this light or higher vibration, we would see ourselves changing. Our bodies would stop aging or reverse in age. We would have more energy, feel lighter, need less sleep and generally be happier and more at peace. All this and more can be accomplished by using the violet flame. When we repeat a specific word cadence or mantra, the

vibration of the word we speak affects our auras. Remember the power of the spoken word when God said, Let there be Light! And there was Light. We are made in the image and likeness of God, destined to be co-creators with God. We are the only life form on earth given the power to communicate through speech. It is through the word that we create. Thoughts are unspoken words, and all words are preceded by thought. But in the matter universe, although thoughts are powerful and create in themselves, words carry power when spoken out loud. A simple fiat to the violet flame, repeated several times can draw this light to you. "I AM a Being of violet fire, I AM the purity God desires." How the Violet Flame came to Spiritual Circles The Ascended Master El Morya tells us: This flame is the energy of the sacred fire that is the gift of the Ascended Master Saint Germain to chelas of the will of God in this age. The dispensation for the release of the violet flame into the hands and use of the students in this century came forth from the Lords of Karma because Saint Germain went before that august body to plead the cause of freedom for and on behalf of mankind. He offered to the Lords of Karma the momentum of the violet flame garnered within his heart chakra and within his causal body as a momentum of light energy to be given to mankind that they might experiment with the alchemy of self-transformation through the sacred fire. The violet flame has always been used in the retreats of

the Great White Brotherhood situated on the etheric planethe highest plane of Matterwhere the Ascended Masters preside, receiving only the most worthy chelas for instruction and training in the way of initiation. Those who were found worthyadherents of the various religions, members of secret societies, communicants of the flame in the mystery schoolswere given the knowledge of the violet flame after having proved themselves to be selfless as both receivers and givers of freedom on the path of soul liberation. Thus the violet flame was reserved for the privileged few up until the time when Saint Germain came before the Lords of Karma with the proposal to make the knowledge and use of the violet flame available to all mankind. He boldly stated before the Court of the Sacred Fire, arguing as the advocate for earth's evolutions, that the violet flame would revolutionize the human race and make of that race a divine race of God-free beings. Indeed, Saint Germain envisioned an "I AM race" being raised up as the forerunners of the seventh root race under the Great Divine Director. This blessed Master of Freedom who had sponsored the birth of the nation called the United States of Americathis guardian of the Christ consciousness who had walked the earth as the protector of Mary and Jesus, this Saint Joseph, this Uncle Sam foresaw the land of America from north to south, and eventually the entire hemisphere, as the land that was destined to be a haven for the Divine Mother and her progeny.

Inasmuch as he was destined to be the Master of the Aquarian age and the God of Freedom to the earth, the Lords of Karma agreed to the master plan with the following stipulation. First they would release the violet flame to a certain nucleus of devotees in embodiment who would vow at inner levels to use that flame honorably for the blessing and the freedom of all life. If this experiment proved successful, they would allow the knowledge of the flame to be made available to the masses.

Thank you Saint Germain! Testimony to the Violet Flame Excerpt taken from the Book "The Way." During the first years I was in the Ascended Masters' Teachings and repeating fiats and verses to invoke the violet flame, my whole body would start to heat up. I didnt realize at first what was happening. I knew energy was heating me up, but I attributed it to enthusiastically participating in singing and decreeing the violet flame. But the truth of the matter was that I was drawing this violet fire to me. As I spoke the words that in themselves carried the violet fire, that flame was transferred into my auric field and changed my frequency to a higher vibration. As soon as I stopped giving the violet flame, my body would cool back down. What was happening inside my aura was that the accumulated

negative energy, the karmic effluvia of all past records that is stored around the body in an energy field from the waist down, was being raised to the frequency of the violet flame. In my physical temple, the vibration of all my cells and atoms were sped up. The violet flame was literally burning up the pockets of darkness stored throughout my body. I would do about fifteen minutes worth daily and then once a week do a longer session. Changes started happening in my life. Relationships changed, not because others changed as much as I changed. I had frequent illnesses that ended. Today, by the grace of God it is rare for me to get ill. I have never had a flu shot, not needing the outside help to protect me. I also do not abuse my body by taking in sugar and harmful substances, and avoiding such substances assists my body to stay in higher frequencies. But the biggest change happened within a few years of using the violet flame. I had never seen or heard an angel in my life, at least not to my outer awareness. But now I could hear them through the veil of maya. I had bridged the gap between worlds, just as the violet flame was meant to do. Greater changes occurred many years after that first experience of hearing. When I started practicing as a Health Kinesiologist, my physical body started holding light as if it were a cup. I could feel the Holy Spirit as a light vibration slowly enter my temple about an hour before my clients scheduled appointment. During the session, that light would slowly dissipate, as it was used during the session to heal or be transferred to the client. This Spirit energy was so predictable that if I did not feel the energy a half hour before the client was scheduled to come, I knew they were canceling

their appointment. And sure enough, they would call and cancel. Discovering the Voice Within The first time I heard my guardian angel was in 1983. I had been using the violet flame for five years. By that time, besides using the flame on myself, I had been calling forth the transmutation of records that were not of my own. I would send it out, like a prayer, to heal others, to balance negative energies in wars and crime, etc. I actually spent more time sending the violet flame to others than I did to myself, as I felt the need to pray for others rather than just keep this gift for myself. I believe spiritual things would have happened much sooner in my life from using the violet flame, if I had not spent my time using it on others. The experience was remarkable at the time. I was driving across country and on my last leg home. It was late at night and my two children were asleep on the back seat. My car had been burning oil terribly and I was filling in a quart most gas stops. On top of that, my oil gauge was not working. I was within six hours of home on a less-frequently-traveled road. I liked to stay off the interstates and see the countryside when I drive. I was driving faster than I normally had been, probably because I was anxious to get home, when I heard this voice. It said, Get off this road. I must have thought it was my own thoughts and ignored it. Then I heard it again, much louder and emphatically, Get off this road, now and get on the interstate! I did not hesitate for a moment longer, and turned off at the next road that led me to the interstate highway. I was no more than five minutes on the interstate when my headlights turned off and my engine froze. By the grace of God, I coasted down

an exit ramp and rolled to a stop in a front of an open gas station. It was almost midnight. The attendant on duty said a mechanic would be there in the morning. So we spent the night in the car, safe under the lights of the station. The thought of my car stopping on that small, two-lane road with no lights and no way to get help, was thought-provoking. Remember, these were the days without cell phones! It turned out my engine was irreparable from running out of engine oil. My family drove up to get us and I sold my car for parts to someone at the station, since it was an old car and not worth a new engine. I was so grateful that we were safe and my family was nice enough to drive six hours to pick me up. I dont believe I felt any sorrow over the car, but only the gratitude that God had interceded and reached me. Many times in the years following, that voice would speak a word or two to me to help me through difficult times. And as the years progressed, I finally cleared the pathway to be able to ask questions and hear a response back. Other spiritual faculties opened up as well, and I have had many spiritual experiences where I have felt the love of God, his angels and cosmic beings of Light. But not before I poured the violet flame into and around my heart. I would literally feel my heart on fire. It would burn in my chest as if my heart was a flame itself, and there is a threefold flame in the heart, as explained in Discourse IV. The violet flame can help you deal with emotional and psychological problems, relieve stress and the cause of anger.

There is nothing that cannot be transformed and changed by the violet flame. If the problem is big, you will just need to apply more violet flame than for smaller issues. You will know you are doing it correctly when you feel the fire of transmutation in your forcefield. Even if we had no negative karma to transmute, the fact that we live on earth and breathe the pollutants in the air and eat the chemically-charged foods, would be cause to use the violet fire. Not only may you feel the effects of the flame, but you might be able to see it and even hear it during your meditative work with it. By using your inner or outer vision to see violet flame around the problem you want to be transformed into light, you are using the power of your spiritual center of vision. So the more you use all your spiritual faculties, the more powerful and faster the violet flame can work. I often visualize the globe surrounded by violet flames, but you can see yourself, your family, and whole cities or countries enveloped in the violet fire. But start with yourself and experiment with the use of it for small problems in your life. The more you see the small problems disappearing because the violet flame has erased them, the more you will be able to see the long haul through on the bigger problems. Rome wasnt built in a day, and neither was your bad habits, illnesses and problems. Be patient, determined and faithful when using this flame, and you will experience miracles in your life.


By Troika Saint Germain, Copyright 2007 The Violet Flame is a Divine gift and tool for everyone, given to us by

Ascended Master Saint Germain. It is a sacred fire that exists on the Higher Dimensions. People with the gift of interdimensional sight have seen it. Cameras have captured it when it was not visible to the person taking the photo. The Violet Flame is REAL and I invite you to use it to your great advantage. The Violet Flame is Spiritual Alchemy in action. Just as Alchemy is said to turn Lead into Gold, the ultimate purpose of the Violet Flame is to turn the Human into the Divine Human. Its action is to TRANSMUTE denser feelings, actions, deeds, karma, etc. into a higher vibrational frequency, which helps prepare us for our Ascension. Ascension means becoming a Divine Human, also known as a Christed Being - a level of Consciousness obtainable by any person. You may use the Violet Flame in perfect harmony with any belief system, religion or practice. It is a neutral tool with absolutely no conditions attached to it. Some organizations teach people to use the Violet Flame with prewritten prayers and affirmations that they need to memorize and say in the right order for them to work. Some of them are very complex and rhyme with much repetition. Saint Germain has always told me that the words are not so important. Too many people are spending their energy and focus worrying about whether they got the words right or not. This causes them to miss the really important part of using the Flame the feeling in your heart, your desire, intention and sincerity. Use the words from your own heart. There are unlimited ways to use the Violet Flame. This is the basic method Saint Germain taught me over 30 years ago and he wishes everyone to use as a foundation for Violet Flame work. It is very simple with only four steps. Once you understand the principles behind this practice, you can adapt it and use it in unlimited ways. Step 1. Bring the Violet Flame into your body. Ask your Higher Self, a Master, Guide or Angel to assist you to do so, or just ask the Flame to "be made manifest," whichever is most comfortable. It is helpful to visualize (doesn't matter if you can or cannot actually see it) or pretend that there is a ball of violet fire above your head. Then ask that ball of fire to come into your body and fill every speck of your entire body. Step 2. Spin the flame in and around your body. Keep the Flame inside your body while asking it to also come out through your heart chakra and spin around or encircle the outside of your body so that it's encompassing your emotional, mental and spiritual bodies. Step 3. Ask the Violet Flame to transmute everything you wish to be changed or eliminated from your life. Some people like to mention everything like a shopping list - all karma, negative feelings such as anger, poverty, frustration, sadness, physical illnesses, etc., which is fine. But you can also do a catch-all phrase, such as "transmute anything and everything standing in the way of my ascension, or of becoming a Christed Being." Again, it's the intent and the feeling behind it. One important phrase to add is, "on all dimensions, on all levels, through all time and space, past, present and future" to your request. That covers all your lifetimes and your multidimensional selves.

Step 4. Change negativity into Divine Light and fill your body. "Holes" are created in your aura where the dense energy and blocks were consumed by using the Violet Flame. It is very important to fill those spaces up with healing energy. Some people like to do the list again. "Please transmute everything into love, prosperity, abundance, peace and happiness." Or you can ask for specific Color Rays, which are pure energy. Example, Pink is unconditional love. Blue is peace and tranquility. Green is health and abundance. Deep dark blue is spiritual knowledge and intuition. Violet is spiritual advancement and knowledge. Either way works fine. The Violet Flame Invocation below turns everything into the Golden Platimum light of the Christ Consciousness, which encompasses all the qualities of the other colors. The following Invocation was given to me directly by Saint Germain as an example of the 4-step Alchemical Violet Flame Meditation, which will transmute your karma and negative thoughts, actions and emotions. Once you understand the process, please individualize the Invocation using words from your heart and say them with great feeling and intention. Saying the words out loud is best because the power and vibration of the spoken word has energy, which helps create the maximum results of the Violet Flame. If you are among people, you can just say it quietly in your mind. Center yourself. Take a few deep breaths to prepare, and then say: Mighty I AM Presence, Beloved God, My Heavenly Source, Please make manifest in me now the Sacred Violet Flame of Transmutation. Bring the Violet Flame into every cell, molecule and atom of my body filling me totally and completely. Blessed Violet Flame blaze into my Heart and expand out and around all of my bodies, physical, emotional, mental and spiritual, surrounding my entire Being with your Divine Grace, Love, Mercy and Forgiveness. Transmute all karma, negative thoughts, actions, deeds and energy that I have ever created at any time, in all dimensions, on all levels, in all bodies, through all time and space, past, present and future, for all Eternity. Transmute anything and everything that stands in my way of embodying the Ascended Christ Being That I AM. Beloved Violet Flame turn all that has been transmuted Into the Golden Platimum Light of God, the Christ Consciousness, The Light of God that never fails. Send this Golden Platimum Light to me now, filling and surrounding my entire body with its Divine Radiance. Raise my vibration and frequency to the highest level possible for me at this time. So Be It and So It Is. Thank You God. Amen.

It is suggested that you do this first thing in the morning and last thing at night, or anytime you feel a little overwhelmed or upset. Just Violet Flame what is going on, right then and there.

VIOLET FLAME EXERCISES for Spiritual Transformation


To make your experience of the violet flame more enjoyable and powerful, we suggest that you first read Tips for Giving the Meditation and Exercises. Two important preliminary steps-heart centering and visualization-can also enhance your success in using the violet flame. Centering in your heart and visualizing the violet flame and the changes you wish to produce will help you harness the maximum power for personal and world transformation.

1) Heart Centering

The heart has been regarded as a source of tremendous energy and power by many of the world's religions. Mystics refer to the heart as the place where God resides in man, the point of Spirit that is the source of inspiration and self-transcendence. Some feel the fire of God's love burning in their heart as a physical sensation. You can go within your heart to connect with your Higher Self. The hidden wisdom of the heart contains the solutions to your most challenging problems. By practicing heart centering, you can learn to contact this remarkable wellspring of light and life within you. Steps for Heart Centering
1. Go within and consciously draw all your attention and energy to the point of your heart. You may close your eyes and place your hand over your heart to help you do this. 2. Breathe deeply several times until you feel calm and centered. 3. Optional: To intensify the feeling of being in your heart, you can try one of the following:

Feel a deep sense of love for someone close to you. Visualize a beautiful rose or a flame in your heart. Feel an intense warmth within your heart.

2) Visualization

Visualization is the second step to increasing the effectiveness of the violet flame. In fact, the mind's ability to visualize has been shown to enhance achievement in any area. Visualization has become a training technique for sports enthusiasts, dramatists and presenters, among others. University studies have proven that the human mind makes no distinction between mental visualization and actual physical activity. Athletes who visualize themselves perfectly performing their chosen sport are more successful when they compete. You can practice visualizing the violet flame using the following technique. Steps for Violet Flame Visualization
1. While centered in your heart, concentrate on this image of the violet flame.

2. Close your eyes and see this image on the screen of your mind. 3. Now see the violet flame surrounding and interpenetrating your heart. 4. See it expand until it completely fills your chest cavity and then your entire body. 5. See it expand outside your body until you are sealed in an ovoid of pulsating violet flame.


Do you have a problem with a co-worker who irritates you? Do you have a relationship with a friend or family member thats a little rocky? Or do you just want to nurture a relationship thats going well? The violet flame can help you. It is able to transmute the negative energy of resentment, anger and blame because it has the vibration of mercy and forgiveness. You can use the violet flame to help take the rough edges off difficult relationships and harmonize your interactions with others. Use the following exercise to focus the energy of the violet flame into any relationship you wish to improve. If visualization is difficult for you, just think about the words of the affirmations as you say them.


Do you have a problem with a co-worker who irritates you? Do you have a relationship with a friend or family member thats a little rocky? Or do you just want to nurture a relationship thats going well? The violet flame can help you. It is able to transmute the negative energy of resentment, anger and blame because it has the vibration of mercy and forgiveness. You can use the violet flame to help take the rough edges off difficult relationships and harmonize your interactions with others. Use the following exercise to focus the energy of the violet flame into any relationship you wish to improve. If visualization is difficult for you, just think about the words of the affirmations as you say them.
step 1 | step 2 | step 3 | step 4 | step 5 | step 6

Step 1: Preparation

1. We suggest that you read Tips for Giving

Meditation and Exercises.

2.Think of a relationship that you wish to improve

step 2 | step 3 | step 4 | step 5 | step 6

Step 2: Center in your heart

1. Go within and consciously draw all your attention and energy to the point of your heart. You may want to place your hand over your heart to help you focus your attention there. 2. Breathe deeply several times until you feel calm and centered.

Step 1 |

step 3 | step 4 | step 5 | step 6

Step 3: Opening prayer

Give the following prayer out loud.

By the power of the light and love within my heart, I send forth violet flame to the heart of: _________________________________________
(name of person to whom you are sending forgiveness)

I ask that the violet flame of forgiveness also be delivered by angels to everyone I have ever wronged and to everyone who has ever wronged me.

Step 1 | step 2 |

step 4 | step 5 | step 6

Step 4: Visualization for improving relationships

1. Concentrate on the image of the violet


2.Close your eyes and see this image in

your mind. 3. Now see the violet flame surrounding and interpenetrating your heart. 4. Next, visualize sending the violet flame from your heart to the heart of the person with whom you are seeking resolution.

5.See this violet flame expand until you and this

person are sealed in an ovoid of pulsating violet flame.

Step 1 | step 2 | step 3 |

step 5 | step 6

Step 5: Affirmations

Continue your visualization while giving the following affirmations for about five minutes. Speak them out loud, rhythmically and energetically.

I AM forgiveness acting here, Casting out all doubt and fear, Setting men forever free With wings of cosmic victory.

I am calling in full power For forgiveness every hour; To all life in every place I flood forth forgiving grace.

Recite this prayer. (In RealAudio format) Need the RealPlayer? Click here

Violet fire, enfold us! Violet fire, enfold us! Violet fire, enfold us! Violet fire, hold us! Violet fire, hold us! Violet fire, hold us! Violet fire, set us free! Violet fire, set us free! Violet fire, set us free! I AM, I AM, I AM surrounded by a pillar of violet flame,

I AM, I AM, I AM abounding in pure love for God's great name, I AM, I AM, I AM complete by thy pattern of perfection so fair, I AM, I AM, I AM God's radiant flame of love gently falling through the air. Fall on us! Fall on us! Fall on us! Blaze through us! Blaze through us! Blaze through us! Saturate us! Saturate us! Saturate us!

Step 1 | step 2 | step 3 | step 4 |

step 6

Step 6: Closing prayer

Give the following prayer out loud.

I am grateful, O God, for the release of light into this relationship. I ask that the action of the violet flame be expanded for the resolution of discord among all people on earth. Fill every heart with peace and mercy. Please protect me

and all those serving the light. Let my prayers and affirmations be fulfilled according to your holy will.
Observe the results: 1. The next time you see the person you've been praying about, notice any changes in your relationship. 2. Continue giving this exercise as long as needed to improve the relationship.

u and your suroundings. Give with an open heart and mind. Know that there are richer and poorer. But never measure those two thoughts by the amount of money one has. For richness is how you live, and giving of yourself, not what you have.

Monday, September 10, 2012

First, state the I AM a Sovereign Being Affirmation: I AM, I AM, I AM A SOVEREIGN BEING. I CHOOSE THE ENERGIES THAT ARE IN MY FIELD. I CHOOSE THE ENERGIES OF PEACE, LIGHT, AND UNCONDITIONAL LOVE. To release your energy from someone else, visualize them and say:

"(Say their name 3 times), I AM a Sovereign Being, I choose the energy that is in my field. I choose to release my energy from your field, bringing it back to me through the Violet Flame, where it is cleansed, blessed and purified, and so it is." Breathe deeply, noticing any shifts you feel. This may take a few moments. Then you will clear their energy from your energy field. "(Say their name 3 times), I AM a Sovereign Being, I choose the energy that is in my field. I choose to release your energy from my field, sending it back to you through the Violet Flame, where it is cleansed, blessed and purified, to do with, as you will. And so it is." Breathe deeply, noticing any shifts you feel. If you like, you can release their energy from your field first, and then clear your energy from theirs. Use your intuition in this regard.

Remember that you can move forward and backward through time to clear out energies, as well as doing this exercise with different people in your life. You will be amazed at how wonderful this feels and how much of a difference it can make for you. It is important to "clear up" your relationships with people. The energetic exercise above can be very efficient in clearing out

negativity that you have sensed but perhaps could not concretely define. Once you shift the energies back to where they belong, allowing people to have their energy in their own, individual Space, they will be able to relate to each other from a much healthier place. It is when we are whole and complete within ourselves that we can remain balanced and fully give to another person. You may notice after you do this work that your relationships will change. People can feel that you have shifted your energy around, and it may make them uncomfortable. They may be used to "leaning on" you energetically, or they may be used to fighting with you. When you reclaim your energy, their habitual access to you is denied, and they are forced to look at their own participation in their relationship with you. This may not always be pleasant, and at first, they may be frustrated or upset for reasons they cannot logically explain. Also, when you reclaim your energy, you set healthy boundaries that let others know that they can no longer covertly access your energy. Instead, they will need to request energy from you through direct communication. This will also create shifts in relationships, especially if people are used to obtaining energy from you in other ways. Be prepared so that if people become upset around you for no obvious reason, it may have to do with their fears around the changing nature of your relationship with them. Ground and Center yourself so that you can interact with them compassionately, and continue to take a stand for yourself that both people in the relationship will have access to their own energy, and from that place, can relate to each other. Teach this process to your clients as well--it will revolutionize their relationships.

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Clear and Transmute with The Violet Flame

November 26, 2012 in Footsteps eZine by Christina Ammerman | 4 comments

In these last days of the current Mercury Retrograde period, I thought Id share one of the tools that Ive been using to navigate its sticky situations. Its an energetic tool called the Violet Flame that can instantly transmute and raise the vibration of any thing or situation. Chances are good that youve heard of the Violet Flame before and possibly even used it. If thats the case Im sure youll agree that its good to be reminded that the Flame is available. I myself have gone a few years without ever even thinking about it; the Violet Flame just recently came back onto my radar with this latest period of Mercury Retrograde. The Violet Flame was gifted to us by St. Germain, an Ascended Master who until recently was the Chohan of the Seventh Ray. (Chohan is a word thats frequently used without being defined; I infer its meaning as a blend of guardian (not that the rays need protecting) and honored presenter.) Its my

understanding that the Violet Flame is a way of applying the energy of the Seventh Ray, which is itself a violet ray of energy that connects us with ritual, ceremony, and magic (according to Diana Coopers Discover Atlantis: A Guide to Reclaiming the Wisdom of the Ancients) which is perfect because ritual, ceremony, and magic are means of conducting and directing energy. In other words, using the Violet Flame is less about introducing a new energy to a situation and more about having a tool (or ritual, if you prefer) to conduct and rearrange existing energies. St. Germain, by the way, is an interesting figure. Like all Ascended Masters including Yeshua (Jesus), he lived on Earth before ascending to the higher realms to continue supporting us from the non-physical. There are many ideas who he was while on Earth; the consensus is that he lives multiple lifetimes as significant historical figures that probably included Merlin, Sir Francis Bacon, and Christopher Columbus. You might enjoy reading more in his Wikipedia article. As for the Violet Flame, using it is a simple visualization that can be applied to people, animals, things, situations anything that has individual or shared energy. The reason its a great tool during Mercury Retrograde is that it clears up any lower energies that may be clouding communication. To invoke the Violet Flame, close your eyes and get to a quiet state, then imagine what you want cleared as surrounded by a flame that burns white hot in the center with deep purple around the edges. The ritual becomes more powerful when you recite The Violet Flame Decree several times: I AM a Being of Violet Fire I AM the Purity of Gods Desire.* (*The original words of this decree published by Elizabeth Clare

Prophet end with the Purity God desires. Since I believe, however, that those words invoke limiting obligations around the idea of Gods will, I have chosen new words to reflect the purity and simplicity of the only thing God wants from us: to love.) The Violet Flame will heal what you surround it with by transmuting the energies involved. Use it on yourself whenever you feel frustrated, unhappy, depressed, anxious anything less than joyful. You can visualize other people in the Violet Flame without their permission, as long as youre offering the energy without attachment to whether they accept it. This is helpful when you see someone struggling or stuck in conflict. Keep in mind, though, that if you spot it, you got it, so every time you think Hey, that person could really use some Violet Flame, you need to also invoke it for yourself. Its great for animals, and Ive even seen it work once or twice on electronics that were misbehaving. The Violet Flame can, in my opinion and experience, facilitate physical healing. For example, my inspiration to write about this topic was that I awoke this morning with a little heartburn; as I visualized my stomach and esophagus in the Violet Flame and said the decree, the heartburn disappeared. I wouldnt use the Flame as the only solution for a more serious condition, but I would definitely include it in the treatment plan. I mentioned that the Violet Flame is good for situations. This can mean one-on-one disagreements or tension as well as global causes. If youre in conflict with a co-worker or a family member, imagine both of you and the space between you in the Violet Flame. If you wish to facilitate peace in the Middle East, imagine that section of a map and surround it in the Violet


Your turn Take five minutes to invoke the Violet Flame for yourself. If you have any physical ailments, use some of that time to focus on those areas of your body. If you have any mental or emotional challenges, be sure to imagine that the Flame surrounds not only your whole physical body but the space 12 inches beyond you on all sides, so that youre including your emotional and mental bodies in the healing. When youre done, share in the comments below any experiences that you had, either during the ritual or what is different afterward.
Ascension Research Center does not guarantee the accuracy of any content on this site or on any external sites linked to us. The Word of the Ascended Masters is the ultimate Authority in any question relating to Truth.

For centuries, alchemists have sought to change base metals into gold. But the transmutation of metals like lead into gold is symbolic of a higher and more noble Alchemy - the Alchemy of self-transformation. SELF-TRANSFORMATION was the goal of the most spiritual of alchemists. They sought a way to change the lead of negative human energy into the Gold of Divine

Energy, and some of them achieved this by using the Violet Flame. But first, lets explore what the Violet Flame is, what it does and how it works. The Violet Flame is a unique spiritual energy that can accelerate spiritual development. It can heal emotional and physical problems, improve your relationships, help you to grow spiritually, or just make life easier. The flame is the essence of a unique spiritual light. Mystics of all ages have glimpsed a "spiritual spectrum" behind the physical spectrum. Radiant colors, more pure and rare than those found on earth, emanate from a brilliant, "inner" divine light. Just as a ray of sunlight passing through a prism refracts into seven colors, spiritual light splits into seven colors, or "rays" - each of which has specific divine qualities. The Violet Flame comes forth from the violet ray, which has the qualities of mercy, forgiveness, freedom and transmutation. The color violet has long been associated with spirituality. Having the highest frequency in the visible spectrum, violet is at the point of transition to the next octave of light. To the ancients, this transcendental color was a spiritual rather than a physical phenomenon.

What the Violet Flame Does

Ever wish there was a way you could wipe out your past mistakes? While you cant go back in time, the Violet Flame has the power to erase, or transmute the cause, the effect, and even the memory of our past mistakes. Transmutation means to change - to alter in form, appearance or nature. The Violet Flame changes negative energy into positive energy, darkness into light, "fate" into opportunity. The flame also

erases the resultant "bad karma" of our mistakes. Our past actions - both good and bad - do come back to us. This is the law of karma. This impersonal cosmic law decrees that whatever we do comes full circle to our doorstep for resolution; simply, what goes around comes around. In general, most people must pay their debt to life, or "balance" their karma, by selflessly reaching out and helping others, by working through misfortunes that come their way, or by passing through diseases or other forms of personal suffering. But it need not be so with the Violet Flame! The Violet Flame is able to transmute or mitigate our negative karma before it comes back to us. On the physical level, the Violet Flame can help heal our bodies by removing the karma that makes us vulnerable to illness and disease. It also flushes out the body and aura (the energy field that surrounds your physical body), healing and cleansing anything from physical viruses to toxins and pollution. But the real cause of disease is often rooted in our mental, emotional and spiritual states. Today, we are discovering more and more about how our thoughts and emotions can affect our health. Research has shown that hatred and other negative thoughts and feelings actually create excess amounts of acid in the body that it cannot assimilate. These negative thoughts and feelings often originate in emotional and psychological problems, which the Violet Flame can help to resolve. The flame can help heal the cause of many psychological problems - emotionally distressing experiences which can go back to early childhood and even past lifetimes. The scars of old hurts and painful memories may be healed and dissolved when the healing balm of the Violet Flame is applied.

How the Violet Flame Works

The Violet Flame works by changing "vibrations". In physics, vibration is the speed of oscillation - the speed at which something moves back and forth. On the atomic level, vibration can be understood to be the speed at which electrons orbit around the nucleus of the atom. The Violet Flame works by changing vibrations on this level. Atoms are mostly empty space. The empty space between the nucleus and the electrons is where negative energy and karma can become stuck. When the atoms in our bodies and auras become clogged with this negativity, the electrons whirl slower and slower, and we begin to resonate more with negativity, and less with light - we have a lower vibration, and become less spiritual. The Violet Flame transmutes this negative energy. It does not simply surround and remove the energy, but transforms it into light. Because there is less density within the atom, the e

Silver Violet Flame The Silver Violet Flame is a mighty tool that we can all use in our daily lives to transmute lower vibrational energies into a higher vibration. The Violet Flame of transmutation was originally available to humanity during the highly spiritual times of Golden Atlantis, but later withdrawn. During the 20th century is was slowly reintroduced for humanity's use. During the Harmonic Convergence on August 16th and 17th 1987 so many Light workers prayed around the world that St

Germain asked source for a dispensation for humanity and the Violet Flame became widely available and for use by all. The Flame includes colours from lavender, through lilac to deepest violet. In 1998 the Silver Ray of Grace and Harmony, under the guardianship of Archangel Zadkiel, was made available to humanity and merged with the Violet Flame of Transmutation. This created the Silver Violet Flame of Transmutation and Mercy; increasing its power even further. We can call upon St Germain and Archangel Zadkiel to surround any thought or situation with the Silver Violet Flame and ask for its transmutation into a higher vibration for the highest good of all concerned. All we have to do is to ask for it to enfold and it will be done.

Some ways of using the Silver Violet Flame: Invoke it mentally Think about it, visualise it, imagine it or sense it Ask it to blaze a trail in front of you during the

day, purifying your pathway. Send it to people who are sick.

Use it to transmute your anger, fear, negativity or

clouds of it in or round others. Send it to heal disharmony in relationships. Send it to places to purify the energy of war and

disruption. Send it to your body where you hold physical blocks. Send it down phone lines or the Internet to purify

the web. Send it to the astral planes to help stuck souls who

have not passed over.

Decree for the Silver Violet Flame Diana Cooper has a very powerful degree given to her by Archangel Zadkiel, which if said daily could change lives in unimaginable ways. When you say I AM you are merging your lower self with your higher self, your monad and Source. The decree should be said out loud and repeated three times. I AM the Silver Violet Flame I AM the Flame of Mercy I AM the Flame of Joy I AM the Flame of Transmutation

I AM St Germain I AM Archangel Zadkiel (repeat the above 3 times) It is done So be it. So be it. So be it. What would you like to place in the Silver Violet Flame? Silver Violet Flame Experiences The following experience was sent to me by Margaret in May 2006: In December 2005 I was sending absent healing. I invoked the help of Archangel Zadkiel and the violet Flame for my sister Roz. Who had suffered a recent heart attack. Roz had never been ill all her life, not even a cold. She had also recently retired from her work, looking after the all this was a blow to her. I saw the Violet Flame cleansing and clearing the blockages to the arteries to the heart and saw it sweep over the whole body and auric fields. Two days later she rang and told me of an experience she had had a couple of days before (the same day as the healing). She had sat down to rest when she heard a voice. She closed her eyes and to her astonishment saw two young angels carrying her heart. The voice said "we are taking your heart away and mending it". When she asked what I thought I explained about Zadkiel and the Silver Violet Flame. Roz is anxious to know more!!

The Violet Flame is an amazing process for the transmutation of negative energies back into the pure source energy. This is a truly powerful process for those who wish to make a difference in their lives and the world. This is a way to work the Ascended Masters, those beings who are wholly Divine who have ascended beyond the mundane rules and illusions of this physical reality. They have lived human lives (sometimes several lives). There are many Ascended Masters. They are all equal to each other just as we are. There is no hierarchy among the Ascended Masters . . . they all have their own unique gifts to help us all to better understand Spirit. Jesus Christ, Buddha, Krishna, Saint Germain, Lady Portia, Mother Mary are just a few of the Ascended Masters who have experienced the physical form on this planet to help all of us remember who we really are. The use of the Violet Flame in your life will be personally transformational. The Violet Flame has the ability to release old habits and addictions. It can transform personal and business relationships and release them completely if they are not for your highest good. It can also churn up old emotional pains to be acknowledged then transformed and released. The Violet Flame is for those wishing to accelerate their spiritual growth. When you use the Violet Flame, please use it on yourself first. We are changing the world from the inside out. Have fun! Life is too serious at times and we tend to forget the fact that this world is truly a magnificent place to experience love, laughter and light. Joy is the absolute highest

vibration on this planet Earth! Play is essential. Love is our essence. Joy, play, and love together can transform life into a wonderful experience. The world is a very safe place and we are all provided for abundantly from Spirit. It is only our belief in the illusion that creates undesired experiences. Use of the Violet Flame will help release yor from the illusions of your life and the illusions around you. The man responsible for bringing the awareness of the Violet Consuming Flame to the general human population is Saint Germain. Saint Germain is an Ascended Master who is helping govern planet Earth from the other side of the veil. He is the authority of the Violet Ray - the purifying, cleansing power that is helping raise the Earth into its permanent Golden Age. One aspect of this ray is the Violet Flame. Saint Germain was known as the Wonderman of Europe. His actual birth date and time of passing are unknown, but he is referred to by kings, queens and many other nobles throughout Europe during the 18th century. Authentic records of the time describe him as having the appearance of a forty year old man for over 200 years. Fantastic? Well . . . it's all documented. Saint Germain spoke of America as the "Jewel of My Heart." His work and efforts concerning the creation and some of the sustaining forces of the United States of America has been and still is his passion. He is working constantly to bring about stability in America's activities so that America may "hold the Cup of Light from which the rest of the world will drink." Saint Germain was responsible for bringing to the awareness of the human masses the gift of the sacred knowledge of the Violet Consuming Flame. It is with his help and Angels of the

Violet Flame that we can have a profound and transmuttative effect on ourselfes and the world today. In the simplest terms, the Violet Flame is an energy given to humankind that has the ability to transmute negative energies back into the sourse energy of pure LOVE. When invoked, those of you who are clairvoyant might even see this energy as it is described - as a brilliantly burning violet fire. With the Violet Flame, negative and lower energies can be released or dissolved with one powerful swoop. It is an amazing tool for self transformation as well as to help release the world from the negativity that has been thrust upon it. It will work miracles in your life if you work with it. The best way to really get a handle on the Violet Flame is to start using it immediately. Here are seven easy steps for working with the Violet Flame. Begin with a prayer. It's always best, when working with the angels, archangles, and ascended masters, to begin with a simple prayer. Pause a moment to get centered. Take a few deep breaths. Ask your angels, guides, and all other beings of the highest love, light and integrity to be with you here and now. (They are always here with us. It just helps us to connect with them better when we call on them.) Use whatever prayer feels comfortable to you or make one up to ask them to be with you and help with this exercise. Call in protection. You will need to ask the angels to help protect you from anything that might be interested in the light you will be invoking. This is where we can call on the Archangel Michael for protection. He's the best at protecting people who are doing any kind of energy work.

Invoke the Violet Flame. There are many ways to invoke the Violet Flame. The easiest way is probably to ask Saint Germain and the Angels of the Violet Flame to be here and now. Then ask them to fill your aura and immediate surroundings with the Violet Flame. The energy may feel unusual at first but go with it. It it gets too intense, ask them to reduce the power. Don't worry if you can't feel it right away. If it just doesn't seem to be happening, just pretend that it is. Pretending opens up the energy to flow without the mind getting in the way. Visualize the Violet Flame. I have included several visual aids for you to help you visualize the Violet Flame. You can use them to visualize the Violet Flame when doing this exercise or invoking the Violet Flame. Visually place yourself within the Violet Flame. Don't worry it's won't burn you, but it will feel interesting. Visualization is a very important step in doing any kind of manifestation work. Work on yourself first. Always start from the inside out. That means use the Violet Flame on yourself first, from the innermost part of your being to the outer edges of your aura. You can go from your feet to your head or from your head to your feet. Just be certain you get every cell in your body filled with the Violet Flame. Visualize it in every cell of your body as if every nucleus was a violet fireball expanding outward. Then expand it into every part of your being. The more focused your visualization is, the more you will feel the results. You may not feel it right away, but with practice and focused attention you will begin to see

results in your internal and external life. Expand the Violet Flame. Once you have expanded the Violet Flame through your entire body, expand it outward or direct it at something you would like to help transmute into positive energy. This could be anything from your home, your work, your city, state, or your country. Violet Flame as many places that you can think of that need help and the transmutation of negative energies. Violet Flame any place that needs it. Violet Flame all the decision makers in all the countries all over the world. Violet Flame the entire world. You can even Violet Flame the entire universe! There are no limits to what you can Violet Flame. Close the session with a prayer. After a little while, close the session with a prayer of gratitude. As always, it's good to thank the beings who have assisted you. Thank them sincerely and honor them for the help they have given and will give you in the future. Your thanks to them is important, not so much for them as it is for you. It helps us stay in a place of gratitide and acceptance of their help. This receptive place will bring more help to you and help your desires come into the physical much quicker.

Don't spend too much time at first in the energy of the Violet Flame. It can be a lot of energy and will probably overwhelm you if you do too much energy work or are very sensitive to energy work. Drink lots of water. Eat very nutritious food.

Refrain from watching negative media. Sleep if tired. Ask your angels for help. A usual session may take only a few minutes. Once you get more practiced at it and familiar with the energy of the Violet Flame, sessions can last longer. But keep your Violet Flame sessions to under seven minutes in the beginning.

Violet Flame Decrees

Another way to use the Violet Flame is to say decrees. Decrees are affirmative statements spoken in present tense usually calling to action cosmic forces to help you in whatever situation you may find yourself in. Violet Flame decrees bring the Violet Flame right to you, through you, and out into the world very, very quickly. These decrees are for those of you who want to get right to it.

Violet Flame Invocation

I AM a being of the Violet Fire. I AM the purity GOD desires! Use this one to call in protection for yourself before doing any kind of energy work or any time you feel a bit unnerved by the surrounding situation. It is also good for purifying your intentions before doing any type of healing or intuitive work. Those of you who constantly do energy work or hands on healing will really benefit from this decree. It's simple, easy to remember and takes only a few seconds to say before a session. I AM the Violet Flame I AM the Violet Flame In action in me now. I AM the Violet Flame To GOD's light alone I bow. I AM the Violet Flame

In mighty cosmic power. I AM the light of GOD Shining every hour. I AM the Violet Flame Blazing like a sun. I AM GOD's sacred power Freeing every one. This one is very easy to remember. Use it whenever the mood strikes you to use it. It's a great all purpose decree that will instantly tune you into the Violet Flame energy. It also helps to align us with the power of GOD which flows through each and every one of us. Use this one as much as you like.

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Violet Flame

What Ever is the a wish there

is was a way you tool, even

Violet could given the wipe to out us by of

Flame? your past

mistakes? While you cant go back in time, the Violet Flame which Divine cause, transformational the effect and Ascended our past Master Saint Germain has the power to erase, or to transmute memory

mistakes. into our

Transmutation energy,



change, into


alter and

in fate

form, into

appearance or nature. The Violet Flame changes negative energy positive darkness light opportunity. The flame also erases the resultant bad karma of mistakes.

Our past actions, both good and bad do come back to us. This is the Law of Karma. This impersonal cosmic aw decrees that whatever we do comes to us full circle to our doorstep for resolution; simply, what goes around comes around. In general, most people must pay their debt to life, or balance their karma, by selflessly reaching out and helping others, by working through misfortunes that come their way, or by passing through diseases or other forms of personal suffering. But it need not be so with the Violet Flame. The Violet Flame is able to transmute or mitigate our negative karma before it comes back to us.

On physical level, the Violet Flame can help heal our bodies by removing the karma that makes us vulnerable to illness and disease. It also flushes out the body and aura (the energy field that surrounds your physical body), healing and cleansing anything from physical viruses to toxins and pollution. But the real cause of disease is often rooted in our mental, emotional and spiritual states. Today we are discovering emotions in can more affect and and our more about how our has

thoughts often




shown that hatred and other negative thoughts and feelings originate emotional psychological problemsemotionally distressing experiences which can go back to early childhood and even past lifetimes. The scars of old hurts and painful memories may be healed and dissolved when the healing

balm How

of the


Violet Violet

Flame Flame


applied. works?

The Violet Flame works by changing the vibrations. In physics, vibration is the speed of oscillation-the speed at which something moves back and forth. On the atomic level, vibration can be understood to be the speed at which electrons orbit around the nucleus of the atom. The Violet Flame works by changing vibrations on this level. Atoms are mostly empty space. The empty space between the nucleus and the electrons is where negative energy and karma can be stuck. When the atoms in our bodies and auras become clogged with this negativity, the electrons whirl slower and slower and we begin to resonate more with negativity and less with light. We have a slower vibration and become less spiritual. The Violet Flame transmutes this negative energy. It does not simply surround and remove the energy, but transforms it into light. Because there is less density within the atom, the electrons whirl faster and faster, thereby raising our vibration. When we have a higher vibration, there is more spiritual energy in our body. Acupuncturists and yogis know that optimum health comes when this spiritual energy flows freely throughout the body. The Violet Flame frees up this energy and re-establishes harmony and equilibrium, propelling you into a more spiritual state of being. The Violet Flame in is a Alchemist's tool of self-transformation. base metals are Dream Physical





into gold are symbolic of what Violet flame does. In medieval

times, alchemists attempted to transmute base metals into gold, using heat to separate the "subtle" from "gross. While there have always being alchemists attempted who sought to create wealth by transmuting base metals. This process of transmutation is symbolic of a higher and nobler Alchemy-the Alchemy of self-transformation. Alchemists of the Spirit did not seek physical wealth, but spiritual wealth. They sought to transform themselves into more spiritual beings, by becoming more loving, wise and compassionate. The Violet Flame has the capacity to bring about this transformation by transmuting negative elements within ourselves. The Violet Flame has the unique ability to transform fear into courage, anxiety into peace and hatred into love. This is why knowledge of the Violet Flame has been so prized throughout the centuries. Alchemists Stone. of all ages have sought pored the over mystical minutely Philosopher's Early Alchemists

ciphered texts in search of this stone. For them it was worth a lifetime to decode the mystery of this Stone which symbolized the transmutation of lower animal nature into the highest and divine. The coveted Philosopher's Stone was not physical, but spiritual and created out of fire. Some Alchemists did discover the secret of the Violet Flame.

According to Neo-Platonist chemists, the Philosopher's Stone was a self-transforming fire that would lead their souls upwards, by drawing up to the spirit all qualities which dragged downward and opposed the spiritual essences. In the process, the "hard and refractory materials" in their bodies would be transmuted into a rare and more said the luminous Alchemist material. would In this sacred the experiment, they become "like

Gods, pursuing the gold of the wise and not the vulgar metal. Transmutation, then, was not just a process which turned base

metals into gold, but a spiritual process which raised the soul of unity Violet Flame with for the Improving Divine. Relationships

Do you have a problem with a co-worker who irritates you? Do you have a relationship with a friend or family member thats a little rocky? Or do you just want to nurture a relationship thats going well? The violet flame can help you. It is able to transmute the negative energy of resentment, anger and blame because it has the vibration of mercy and forgiveness. You can use the violet flame to help take the rough edges off difficult relationships and harmonize your interactions with others.

Use the following exercise to focus the energy of the violet flame into any relationship you wish to improve. If visualization is difficult for you, as just think you about the say words of the affirmations them.

Before starting this exercise, you need to find a place where you won't be disturbed. Sit comfortably in a straight chair, with your spine and head erect, legs and arms uncrossed and feet flat on the floor. Rest your hands on your upper legs, with palms facing upwards. STEP 1 STEP 2 place your Think of a relationship that you wish to improve. Go within and consciously draw all your attention the point of your heart. You may want to over your heart to help you focus your there. Breathe deeply several times until you feel calm and hand

and energy to attention STEP 3

centered. STEP By I the send 4 power Give of the the Violet following light and prayer love to within the out my heart loud. heart, of:



_________________________________________ (Name of person to whom you are sending forgiveness)

I ask that the Violet Flame of forgiveness also be delivered by angels to everyone I have ever wronged and to everyone who has ever wronged me.

STEP 5 your STEP

Concentrate on the image of the Violet Flame. Close eyes 6 and Now see see this the image violet your in your mind. and heart.



interpenetrating STEP 7

Next, visualize sending the violet flame from your

heart to the heart of the person with whom you are seeking

resolution. STEP person STEP 9 8 are See this in violet an flame expand until you violet and this






Continue your visualization while giving the following for about five minutes. Speak them out loud,


rhythmically and energetically. 1. I am loving, lovable and loved. 2.I accept others for who they are and who they are not. 3.I joyously forgive others and myself and I set myself free from the past. I am at peace. 4.I love and accept myself exactly as I am now. 5.I attract loving relationships into my life. 6. I love. I am love. 7. I respect and care about others. 8.I am grateful for the people in my life. 9.I deserve love in my life. 10.I love everything about myself. STEP "I am 10 grateful, I Say O the God, that following for the the action prayer of out light violet into flame loud. this be

release of




expanded for the resolution of discord among all people on earth. Fill every heart with peace and mercy. Please protect me and all those serving the light. Let my prayers and affirmations be fulfilled according the to your results: holy will."


1) The next time you see the person you've been praying about, notice the any changes in your relationship. 2) Continue doing this exercise as long as needed to improve relationship.

To those who have developed their spiritual insight, the Violet Flame appears as a physical Violet Fire. You may also able to see the Violet Flame at work with your inner eye, by concentrating on the spiritual center between your eyebrows.

The Violet Flame Attunement is a part of Seichem Level 1 and people who have taken this attunement has amazing experiences while working with the Violet Flame, both as a healer as well as a healee.


By Troika Saint Germain, Copyright 2008 The Violet Flame is a Divine transformational tool, given to us by Ascended Master Saint Germain. Its purpose is to TRANSMUTE denser feelings, actions, deeds, karma, etc. into a higher vibrational frequency, which helps prepare us for our Ascension. This article will introduce methods of using the Violet Flame for healing relationships and the Earth, but first, a brief summary of the steps in using the Violet Flame for personal transformation. Personal Healing Step 1. Ask your Higher Self to make the Violet Flame manifest within your body. Visualize a ball of violet fire coming into your crown chakra and filling your entire body. Step 2. Bring the Violet Flame through your heart chakra to spin around you and encompass your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies. Step 3. Ask the Violet Flame to transmute everything you wish to be changed or eliminated from your life. This can be done by stating specifics, or by using a catch-all phrase, such as "transmute anything and everything standing in the way of my ascension, on all dimensions, on all levels, through all time and space, past, present and future". Step 4. Change the negativity into Divine Light and fill your body. In this very important

and often omitted step, you fill the void or "holes" left behind by the negativity you have transmuted with energy of a higher frequency. For example, you can request the negativity to transmute into specific positive qualities, such as peace, prosperity, etc, or you can bring in a high frequency color, such as the Golden Light of the Christ Consciousness. Healing Relationships The Violet Flame is a very effective tool for relationships, whether personal or business, wherein any misunderstanding or difficulty can be transmuted. The method is similar to the process listed above, with one important caveat, which is that one must never override another's free will. No one has the right to totally transmute or remove another person's karma or unresolved issues without their consent. We as humans learn and grow through our problems and difficulties. We should never deprive anyone of their learning process by removing what we perceive to be their problems. Preparation: First perform the Personal Healing (above) on yourself. Enter into mediation with your Higher Self. Invite the person you wish to work with and their Higher Self to join the mediation. Visualize them sitting across from you with their Higher Self standing behind them, and your Higher Self standing behind you. Step 1. Bringing the Violet Flame in. Ask your Higher Self and theirs to make the Violet Flame manifest within both of your bodies. Step 2. Spin the flame in and around your bodies. Envision the Violet Flame surrounding and encircling both of your bodies as if sitting in a large ball of flames. Step 3. Ask the Violet Flame to transmute "all negative karma, difficulties and problems between you in as much as the law will allow, to the degree that each is willing to release at this time in accordance with their free will, on all dimensions, on all levels, through all time and space, past, present and future." Step 4. Turn negativity into Divine Light and fill your bodies. Ask for all that you have just released to be transmuted into something beneficial. I recommend that you select the gentle soft pink light of unconditional love. Ask it to come into both of your bodies and surround the two of you in a ball of pink light, as love really does heal all. More negativity will be released with each additional session as everyone experiences the benefits, consciously or subconsciously. The healings will accelerate and expand with frequent use, similar to the "snowball effect". Violet Flame Earth Invocation This helps the entire planet to eradicate negativity and assist the Earth with it's own ascension. Even if you are only removing a small speck of density with each healing, you are still giving tremendous service to the planet. As with the Relationship Healing, the beneficial effects will accumulate each time. This is an excellent Invocation to be done in small or large groups.

Preparation: Begin with the Violet Flame Personal Healing on yourself. Then visualize the Earth in front of you as a ball floating in space. Step 1. Bring the Violet Flame into the Earth. Ask the Violet Flame to enter deep into the core of Earth, filling the entire planet. Step 2. Spin the flame in and around the Earth, extending out considerably so that it encompasses the emotional, mental and spiritual bodies of the planet. Step 3. Ask the Violet Flame to transmute the negativity from the planet, always adding, "as much as the Law will allow and in respect to the free will of all" Step 4 Change the negativity into Divine Light bringing it into and around the entire Earth. Invocation: This wording was given to me by Saint Germain and presented at the recent Wesak Festival in Mt. Shasta. You may use this example or your own Heartfelt words. "Mighty I Am Presence, please bring forth the Violet Flame to be made manifest in the Earth now. Fill our entire planet with your beautiful Violet Flame of peace and harmony, transmutation and freedom. Spread the Violet Flame throughout all the bodies of the Earth, surrounding her mental body, emotional body and spiritual body, bathing our planet in your beautiful, soft Violet Flame. Violet Flame, please transmute all negativity, undue control, greed, corruption, egotism, poverty, disease, anger and fear from our beautiful Mother Earth and all of her inhabitants, as much as the Law will allow and in respect to the free will of all. Beloved Violet Flame, turn all that has been transmuted into the beautiful pink light and ray of unconditional love. Bathe the planet with it now, filling her completely and totally and surrounding her as well. Please add to that the soft pale blue of peace and calm and harmony. Follow that with the abundant emerald green ray of prosperity and abundance, and vital life, and then please seal everything with the Golden Light of the Christ Consciousness. Let the Golden Light coalesce and mingle with the pink, the blue, and the green, raising the qualities of all of those rays to the highest level possible, that of the Christ Consciousness. Hold these colors and our wishes and desires for Heaven on Earth and peace and prosperity for all, forever and ever. Thank you Father God, Mother God, our Heavenly Source, The All That Is, The I Am That I Am. Amen and so it is."
The highest man's consciousness can comprehend as the manifestation of God is The Sacred Fire. Compiled by ANTHEA TORR.

The sacred fire and how you can use it

Flame is the highest manifestation of visible tangible substance - light is an emanation of the flame. There is a nameless, unseen, indescribable Force with The Sacred Fire, which is Its Heart Centre, but for man, the highest that his consciousness can comprehend as the manifestation of God is The Sacred Fire. The fire element is the supreme governing authority in the forces of the elements, the life of man and the solar system. The Fire of Creation is the individual, Eternal Identity of every human being. It is dual in its purpose, for it constantly creates manifestations of Itself, and may be called on to transmute imperfect expressions created by man. This two-fold action of the Sacred Fire is the Gift of God to His Creation. The most ancient of Spiritual Customs of the peoples of this Planet, and other Planets, was the worship of the Fire Element. The flame within the Heart is one of the manifold expressions of this Fire of God. In the physical world, the elements of water, air and earth are provided for man without self-conscious effort on his part and given to him as gifts for his use, but to enjoy the Fourth Element (which is, by its name, an Element of the Fourth Dimension), one must exert conscious effort and through certain processes, draw forth this Sacred Fire. This is true, not only in ordinary physical activity but also in Spiritual activity. Many, many centuries ago, Blessed Zarathustra brought the physical knowledge of The Fire Element to the outer minds of man, that he may use it for heat, light and in Its transmuting activity, to remove debris, and He, since Fire is His natural Element, is most active in kindling the Spiritual Fire in the hearts and minds of upward reaching man today! (Bridge to Freedom - Bulletin Vol. II no. 56.) The Violet Transmuting Flame The importance of the use of the Violet Flame cannot be over-emphasised. The Ascended Masters say that without this purifying activity, we will not reach our goal of Ascension this lifetime, and there has not been one Ascended Being who has not used this Sacred Transmuting Flame - we have the opportunity, so we need to take it! Until the 1930s, the knowledge of this Sacred Fire was known only in the Mystery Schools and Retreats of the Ascended Masters around the world, but due to the urgency of the moment and also the advent of the Seventh Ray, the Chohan of the Seventh Ray, Beloved St Germain, was granted a special dispensation by the Karmic Board to bring in this information. The Violet Ray of Freedom for the Earth (the predominant Ray of the last 2000-year period was the Sixth Ray, the Chohan of which was Beloved Jesus; the Seventh Ray moved into place in 1954). The need of the hour is so great, as certain things must be accomplished in a very short time in order for Earth to take up the opportunity of the "in-breath" that the rest of our solar system is partaking in. This activity brings the planets closer to the Sun (our physical Sun embodies our God Parents, namely Helios and Vesta - they can be invoked and called at any time). Our Solar System is getting more Light as it draws closer to our God Parents the Sun. It has been the talk of astronomers worldwide for many years now, not understanding why the planets are changing at such a rapid pace and are reflecting such immense Light! Primarily, the Violet Transmuting Flame, although as a unit, may and does act independently, yet it is a part or the Cosmic Sacred Fire which is God's pure energy. To manifest ourselves, it should be invoked through a "Decree", from

one's own I AM Presence and Christ Self and Members of the Spiritual Hierarchy or a Cosmic Being that has particularly dedicated Himself/Herself to this special service - usually these Beings belong to the Seventh Ray. Example Mighty Presence of God in me, and all mankind; Mighty Arcturus and Holy Diana, Beloved Archangel Zadkiel and Divine Amethyst, Beloved St Germain and Divine Portia, Holy Quan Yin and Ascended Lady Master Mercedes, and all Great Beings and Powers, and Legions of Light; the Angelic Host and all activities of the Sacred Fire: In the name and by the Power of The Sacred Fire vested in me, I decree: Blaze, blaze, blaze the Victorious Violet Fire of Freedom's Love through all destructive Karma bearing my stamp in the Universe, before it presents itself on me for redemption. Consume it all and transmute! transmute! transmute all cause, effect, record and memory, before it can act, approach or longer be sustained. Replace it by The Ascended Masters self-luminous intelligent substance of Light, eternally sustained and ever expanding to the complete fulfilment of God's Great Divine Plan and do this for the whole of humanity, until all is wholly ascended and free. Violet Flame Exercise for the evening The beloved St Germain suggested that before retiring at night, you stand in your room and call the violet transmuting flame into action, up through and around you, for at least three metres in every direction. You raise your hands to your "I AM" Presence, asking It and St Germain to qualify those hands with the purifying power of the Violet transmuting flame. Then, starting at the head, pass your hands down over your body to the feet, taking in as much of the body surface as you can reach with your hands. Now, with the left hand, sweep down over the right shoulder, arm and hand, and with the right hand, give the left shoulder the same treatment. Repeat this activity in its entirety about three times, shaking the hands from the wrist once in a while, by which action the substance is thrown into the surrounding Violet Fire. Call upon your Ascended Master Friend of Light (whichever one you desire) and ask that One to give you His feeling of the exact science and absolute unfailing Law which is within the magnetising and radiating of this Virtue of Freedom! Be still for a moment and wait for the Master's feelings to flood your emotional body. Do not try too hard. The only power in the Universe that can accept a Master's Flame into the heart, is the feeling of loving gratitude. Accept the flame with a feeling of joy and deep gratitude, love and blessing for the Master. Visualise yourself taking from the Master, as if with extended arms, a substance and a form. Stand aside emotionally and allow the invoked flame to act. Become an observer as well as a director of the Flame.

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The Violet Transmuting Flame

by Tellis Papastavro

The conscious Ascension into the Light is the ultimate goal of every human being, and that, for this achievement, mastery and sublimation of all the energies that have been drawn forth by the individual, in both the past and the present, is an indispensable requirement. To accomplish this in the past, for the average individual, was so beset with difficulties that scarcely one member of the entire human race, in each year could possibly have achieved it. The advent of the Seventh Ray, with its many dispensations granted to its Chohan, Saint Germain, by the Cosmic Law, has quite changed this condition and today, through the use of the merciful activities of the Violet Transmuting Flame, literally thousands of Ascensions are taking place each year. It is true that many of them are consummated in the inner Spheres, after the individual's demise but this does not alter the fact that the errors that held the individual in thralldom and in constant re-embodiment, have been transmuted

into the Light. (1) Until a short time ago, the knowledge of the Sacred Fire was known and taught only in the Retreats of the Ascended Masters throughout the world, but because of the shortness of time in which certain things must be accomplished, it has been brought into the outer world where anyone can know of it, use it, and experience the Freedom which it brings. The year 1954 was the beginning of the Era of Freedom for the Earth! It was a time in the history of the Planet in which Freedom is to take the eternal Dominion here. This means that the energy enfolding mankind and in the atmosphere, which has been charged with impurity, discord and viciousness, will be transmuted by this Violet Fire and when this is done, man will be free again to receive directions from his God Presence and the Ascended Host of Light and start going faster to his ultimate Goal the Ascension. Primarily, the Violet Transmuting Flame, though as a unit, may and does act independently, yet it is a part and parcel of the Cosmic Sacred Fire which is God's Pure Energy. (2) To manifest itself, should be invoked through a "Decree", from one's own Christ Self or through any Member of the Spiritual Hierarchy or Cosmic Being that has particularly dedicated Himself or Herself to this special service. Usually These Beings belong to the Seventh Ray. Being of Divine Origin, this Flame is a Fourth Dimension Activity; it is omnipresent and is found everywhere in the Universe. When it is called into action by Invocation (3) and starts

manifesting itself, it accelerates the vibratory action of the electrons which make up the atoms which compose the four lower vehicles of the individual. As this acceleration takes place, the cells and atoms automatically throw off the effluvia consciously or unconsciously gathered through the ages. As they dislodge themselves, fall into the Sacred Fire, where, purified, are returned to the individual with the required specific God quality. The time required for the transmutation depends upon the amount of the effluvia, the faith with which the effort is done and the perseverance of the individual. But for the accomplishment of this, it is more than necessary that the feeling and mental world of the individual should fully cooperate in the performance. This performance is one of Mercy, Compassion and Forgiveness, and the Violet Fire dissolves imperfect energy, when it is accompanied with the actual feeling of Forgiveness for your own mistakes and those of others. When we do not forgive, we should not ask or expect to be forgiven. Forgiveness is the great alchemy through which we can draw the Blessing, of the Sacred Fire, not only on us but on all mankind. The "I AM" Presence of every individual, even the most depraved, desires Perfection for that individual and when you call to the "I AM" Presence "of all mankind" and ask the Violet Flame to blaze through them and forgive their mistakes, it enables that "I AM" Presence to go into action, when perhaps it has been many centuries since it has been called upon and thus given permission to assist that lifestream. Thus we can see that for the service and benefits of

the Sacred Fire, we must give and forgive; we must harmonize our world and our acts to conform to the Laws of God. The activity, use and substance of the Sacred Fire was brought to this world of form by Beloved Elohim Arcturus and His Twin Ray Diana, Who drew it from the Sun of this System, in the very beginning of the Creation of the Earth, making it available for use by Beings serving this Planet and its evolution. This is done through a process of "stepping down" Its vibratory action and power, so it can be available where it would be consciously called forth. The Cosmic Beings, under Whose immediate direction the Violet Ray and Flame come, in order of importance are: The Elohim of the Seventh Ray Arcturus with His Divine Complement Diana; the Archangel of the Seventh Ray Zadkiel with His Divine Complement Amethyst, and Saint Germain, Chohan of the Seventh Ray, with His Twin Ray Portia, Goddess of Justice, Opportunity and Service. Each One of them represent one of the three evolutions of Earth: Arcturus, the Elementals; Zadkiel the Angelic; Saint Germain, the Human. They are assisted by others who belong to the Seventh Ray and who, having dedicated their energies to the assisting of evolving humanity, have forsaken "Nirvana". One of Those Glorious Beings is the Goddess of Mercy and Forgiveness, Kuan Yin, Whose evolution, long, long ago has transcended Her service of this Planet, but refused the Higher Spheres so that She may help struggling humanity. The best means to attract the beneficent activity of the Sacred Fire is through the use of "Decrees" and

"Invocations". (4) Through their constant use and their power, the individual is enabled to magnetize more Light and thus expand his influence and his usefulness. When this is done collectively, it creates a "pull" of God Beings who, for the lack of this "pull" have not been able to serve humanity. "Even Alpha and Omega", said Saint Germain, ("Bridge", July, 1955, p. 11), "Themselves - will not deny the magnetic pull of your Heart. Remember, the Sun Itself - Helios and Vesta - any Cosmic Being, any Angel, Deva or Power of Light, must respond to the magnetic pull of your Heart in Invocation. The immediate effect of Invocation, when directed to an Ascended or Cosmic Being, comes through Radiation. The Power of Radiation is the thing that does the mighty work in the decrees that go forth; it is the power of Radiation in the mental and feeling world of mankind which touches the Light within the Heart. Through that mighty vibratory action, the whole attunement of the individual is set anew and enables the perfect work to go on. This activity is an activity of the Fourth Dimension (Higher Octaves - ARC editor) and, by necessity, difficult to set it in words and more difficult to understand it, unless one has personal experience of it. In the following, the Cosmic Being, Lady Master Mercedes, Sister of Goddess Kuan Yin, Who long ago had evolved beyond the confines of this Planet and ascended to "The Heart of the Silence", coming back to the Earth, to assist in the present Planetary crisis, gives us the following detailed teaching in regard to the Violet

Transmuting Flame. 1. "Beloved Mercedes, what is the Violet Transmuting Flame?" "It is the Sacred Fire which is God's Pure Energy qualified by Divine Beings to purify all discordant energy." 2. "How can unascended beings avail themselves of this merciful blessing?" "By the Invocation of the Divine Beings Who have dedicated Themselves to this Service." 3. "Who are these Divine Beings?" "Those Who serve on the Seventh Ray - Arcturus and Victoria, Zadkiel and Holy Amethyst, Ascended Master Saint Germain and Portia, Kuan Yin and Myself, and the Ascended, Seraphic, Cherubic and Angelic Legions Who serve with Us. My Beloved Sister, Kwan Yin, and All of Us have taken a voluntary vow to Helios and Vesta that We would never enter Nirvana until the Earth and all her evolutions are completely free of distress." 4. "How can These Divine Beings be invoked?" "By thinking about Us and being able to accept Our Reality and Capacity to render this service; by requesting Us to give the required Assistance. This will be easier of accomplishment for those who have served with Us through the ages as this strikes a respondent chord in their feelings." 5. "Where is this Violet Transmuting Flame?"

"It is a Fourth Dimensional Activity which is Omnipresent, Actively Directed by the Divine Being when invoked by the individual requiring Assistance for himself or others." 6. "What happens when this Violet Transmuting Flame is called into Action?" 7. "Where does this imperfection go?" "Into the Sacred Fire which purifies it and returns it to the individual with the required specific God Quality." 8. "How long does it take for this Transmutation?" "It is dependent entirely upon the amount of the effluvia, the acceptance of faith, and the perseverance of the individual." 9. "What is required to sustain this state of purification?" "Rhythmic use of this Blessed Purifying Agent until Perfection is manifested and sustained." 10. "Can this be used for those not in embodiment?" "Yes, until an individual has made the Ascension. Through the use of free will, more imperfection can be created. Eternal vigilance over the creative faculties (of thought and feeling) will result in God Victorious Achievement!" 11. "Why do the Divine Beings serve on the Seventh Ray?" "The Seventh Ray is particularly active under the

two thousand year cycle of the Ascended Master Saint Germain begun in 1954. Will you My chelas, join with Us in this glorious redemptive process? Many of Us have come out of The Great Silence for this specific purpose. . . . " (7) During the Atlantean days, the Violet Flame of Transmutation had been much magnetized and used, and there had been built magnificent Temples for Its Invocation and Radiation. But it was in Lemuria where the Flames of the Sacred Fire had reached their zenith and power and this because human deterioration had not yet started. In the following, we give excerpts of an address given by the Maha Chohan to the students at His Retreat at Ceylon. " . . . You have heard something about the beautiful Temples of Light which have been active on this Planet in the past. Of course, there were Foci of the Flames of the Sacred Fire upon the continent of Lemuria where the Ascended Masters and the Angelic Hosts walked and talked freely with the priesthood there. This priesthood was made up of men and women who were highly spiritually evolved and who were able, through their developed powers of the Sacred Fire which was anchored within their own hearts, to magnetize from the Ascended Masters' Realm certain God Gifts for the Blessing of the entire race. This magnetized Radiation of perfection kept the Earth's atmosphere filled with the Faith of the First Ray, the Illumination of the Second, the Love of the Third, the Purity of the Fourth,

the Consecration to service and the power to Concentrate of the Fifth, the Peace and the desire to Minister to Mankind of the Sixth, and the conscious realization of the Power of Invocation and Radiation of the. Seventh Ray. "All these God-Qualities were constantly charged into the atmosphere of our Planet and were naturally breathed in by the people. If you could have seen with the Inner Eye; each of these Temple Centers was like a beautiful Sun of Light, Its Radiation constantly releasing from It, creating a charged atmosphere about It, just as the Retreats active on the Earth today, create an atmosphere of God Perfection about them by the Radiation of their own specific God virtue. . . ." (8)

In the following, we present excerpts of two Discourses on the Violet Transmuting Flame, one given by Neptune and the other by Archangel Zadkiel. In both these discourses, practically every aspect of the Sacred Fire received due attention, plus other vital information cogent for a full understanding of this much-important subject.

" . . . Now, again I ask you to follow with Me

the picture and pattern of the electrons as they exist within your emotional bodies. This picture will help you much in your visualization and in your use of the powers of the Sacred Fire to dislodge from around the electrons the discordant substance which you have drawn into your emotional vehicles by suction from the world without through indulgence in thoughts and feelings of an inharmonious nature. "Every feeling you entertain draws unto itself through the centripetal force of sympathy the feelings of a like nature that float in the atmosphere and these, coupled with the discordant feelings that you generate yourselves in secret during your entire waking state, are drawn into the forcefields around the electrons that make up your bodies, resulting in the feelings of heaviness, depression and discouragement in the emotional body and your outer body as well. "As the individual uses the Powers of the Sacred Fire, such as the Violet Transmuting Flame, or the Flame of Cosmic Christ Purity, what takes place? The 'wedges' of dark, heavy substance around the electrons are loosened and gradually thrown off. The vibratory action of the electron increases and it vibrates more rapidly in its orbit around the central core of each atom. Then, as you consciously call to the Beings Who represent the Virtues of a Perfect Ascended Master nature, asking Them to charge into the

forcefields around the electrons, those Virtues They will do it! Thus you build into your emotional body a storehouse of constructive energy which will act in the future as automatically as the destructive vibrations have acted in the past. "Now, let us look at this from a scientific standpoint! Early in your instruction, the Beloved Saint Germain gave you a set of daily exercises which would be of tremendous assistance to you if you were to use them. Under the present pressure of daily living, this instruction seems to have receded into the background of your minds, but We present it to you here again. . . . " " . . . The Beloved Saint Germain suggested that before retiring at night, you stand in your room and, calling the Violet Transmuting Flame into action, up, through, and around you, for at least nine feet in every direction. You raise your hands to your I AM Presence, asking It and Saint Germain to qualify those hands with the Purifying Power of the Violet Transmuting Flame. . . . " "Then, starting at the head, pass your hands down over your body to the feet, taking in as much of the body surface as you can reach with your hands. Now, with the left hand, sweep down over the right shoulder, arm and hand, and with the right hand give the left shoulder, arm and hand the same treatment. "Repeat this activity in its entirety about three times, shaking the hand from the wrist once in a

while, by which action the substance is thrown into the surrounding Violet Fire. "What is the purpose of this exercise and what happens when it is performed? "Saint Germain has said that if you could see with the inner sight what takes place in the first part of the exercise, it is as though a close fitting garment of black substance were being removed from the body with the hands. The second time you go over the body, the "garment removed is of a dark gray substance; the third time, it is of a lighter gray color and so on, night after night, as you proceed with the exercise, this astral substance gets lighter and lighter in color and texture until it is entirely removed from the body and actual purification takes place. "This is real substance, with actual color, vibration and feeling. "Now, for a lack of a 'Cosmic Screen', let us use the upper figure of the chart (the I AM Presence Portrait - ARC editor) as a visual aid.

Larger Size

"Will you please consider this figure as a magnified electron, the beams of light pouring from it forming the forcefield of the electron. That electron may be part of any one of the

four lower bodies emotional, mental, etheric or physical - each electron, of course, being composed of the natural element to which the body belongs, that is, air, earth, fire or water. "These electronic particles have, within their center, an intelligence which is a replica of your own individualized "I AM" Presence. Countless electrons form the atmosphere of the Seven Spheres - in each one of which, these electrons ensoul the color, the quality and the nature of the Chohan, the Archangel, the Elohim and the Sphere in which They abide - so on, upward from the Seventh to the First. "Now, the electrons which make up the atmosphere of the Seven Higher Spheres are intelligent, minute beings. They are the substance of which primal life itself is composed and actually make up the Body of the Godhead Himself. They, also, compose the substance which has been sent forth by HIM into the physical appearance world and it is from them that every manifest expression is formed. "In each Sphere, these electrons are utilized by the Immortal Flame of God through any selfconscious being Master, Angel, or Man. When you chose individualization and your Immortal Flame descended into the Fourth Sphere where the Holy Christ Self was fashioned - elemental light (which is composed of countless of these tiny electrons) was magnetized by your own God Identity and drawn around the Flame, within your heart, by

the Builders of Form. "Because elemental life is obedient and always mirrors that which it sees, the intelligence within the electron immediately took on the pattern of your individualized thought-form (i.e., Maltese Cross, rose, star, dove, etc.) These electrons then joined together and began to move around a central core of love, forming the atoms of your physical and inner bodies. The number of electrons making up each atom was determined by the God Intelligence which created your vehicles for a specific purpose. The speed with which the electrons move in their orbits is determined by the feeling of the evolving being whose instruments these various vehicles were intended to be. Permit Me to illustrate as follows: "The Ascended Master Body is made up of these beautiful, electronic particles - all in constant motion, moving so rapidly that they cannot be seen by the human sight. . . . " "The feelings of perfection within the Ascended Being make and keep the vibratory action of His atoms so rapid that they only emit light, which the outer consciousness of the majority of unascended mankind can neither see nor hear because of the speed with which they move, as well as the transcendent quality of their Radiation. "However, the Master, being in full conscious control of the rapidity of His own electrons, can slow them down at will to a point where the

Master Presence may be visible and tangible to physical sight, if at any time, the necessity should arise for the investment of such a concentration of energy. "In every sphere, these electrons have cooperated with your individualized I AM Presence in the building of your various bodies. From the Electronic Body down to your physical vehicle, pure electronic light responded to the pull of the Immortal Three-fold Flame in your heart and fashioned for you each one of the various vehicles through which you find expression: viz., the Electronic Body; the Causal Body; the Holy Christ Self; the emotional body; the mental' the etheric and the physical form. Electronic Light circling around the central core of millions of atoms make up your flesh body. Now, what has happened to these perfect vehicles which were created to allow the lifestream the privilege of cooperation with God? "In the upper part of the chart (which we are using for illustration of a much-magnified electron) the substance of imperfection or effluvia has been wedged in between the light rays that pour forth from central core. This dark substance looks like pie-shaped "wedges" as it has been forced into those spaces through the centuries. These spaces should be filled only with Light Substance, so that the tiny electrons might be able to spin freely around their central core. When this dark substance is present, however, it

slows down the vibrations of the electrons which make up the atoms of your inner bodies as well as your flesh body. "How is that done?" you ask. By the absorption of the discordant effluvia of the outside world through individuals attention upon and the acceptance of the discordant feelings released by the mass of the people whether those feelings be fear, depression, impurity, rebellion, hate; whatever they might be! "Into these 'wedges' is drawn the dark substance (energy qualified with too low a vibration to emit light). What effect has this on the electrons as they spin around the central core of the atoms? It bogs them down. In other words, it slows down the motion of the electrons and even as the Earth groans because of the heavy weight of man's discord which It carries as It turns on Its axis, so do the electrons in their endeavor to keep circling around the central core of each atom at their natural speed carry the weight which has been absorbed by contagion - in your feelings, your mind, your etheric body and your flesh form. . . . " "When you call to the Powers of the Sacred Fire, (or to any of the Ascended Beings connected with that activity) you would, if you had inner sight, see that Violet Fire passing through your flesh body and the etheric garment which interpenetrates it, as well as through your mental and emotional bodies. There it loosens and throws off into Itself for purification the dark

substance that is responsible for the slowing down of the vibrations of these bodies. This is the action which took place in the bodies of those who were privileged to sit within the Atomic Accelerator in Saint Germain's Retreat. "The Sacred Fire of Purification renders the same service and makes each one of your four lower bodies lighter - Why? Because as you consciously invoke that Violet Fire and see it sweep up, in, through and around that dark, heavy substance, It instantly obeys your command and that effluvia is removed from the forcefield around each electron and transmuted into Pure Light again through the action of the Sacred Fire. "This removal of the discordant substance allows the electrons in your flesh and inner bodies to spin more rapidly, thus making these bodies more sensitive to the Presence of the Holy Christ Self within the heart. "Buoyancy, Joy, Love, Happiness and Light are the practical, natural, and scientific results of the use of the Sacred Fire when you invoke It with Faith. If you do not feel these results, it is because you have not consciously accepted the reality of that purifying Fire or Its ability to restore the natural rhythm of your four lower bodies. "Now - those of you who are following My words with understanding should feel a tingling sensation in the extremities of your outer bodies

- in your fingers and even in your toes because while I AM speaking to you, We are dislodging tremendous concentrates of that dark, heavy substance from each one of your lower bodies. "The substance that I speak of looks something like the sooty deposits inside a chimney that has not been cleaned for a long time, and We are extracting that heavy substance, almost by hand, you might say; it is wedged in so tightly around the electrons. As it is removed, you will feel a great sense of relief and release, especially in your emotional bodies (the one with which I AM most concerned). However, I must warn you not to draw that substance back into your various bodies again through the affinity you have for it in your feelings, having lived with it so long. . . ." "The feeling bodies of mankind are active twenty-four hours of the day - and being literally catapulted into the atmosphere form blankets of misqualified energy which is looking for a home and for some life to sustain it. It is a vampire activity because it can live only on the thought and feeling vibrations of some lifestream who is willing to give it a home and entertain it. . . ." "Your feeling body was provided for you for one purpose alone: to radiate, magnify, and expand some particular virtue of the God-head, and for no other reason. . . . "

"You, who with such pride have held to the purity of your physical bodies, might well think of how loosely you have governed your inner vehicles through the ages. Those inner vehicles are as much a part of the Temple of the Most High Living God as is the flesh body, and more so, because at so-called death the substance that composes your physical body goes back to the various elements to which it belongs, while your mental, emotional and etheric bodies are the garments that your soul wears when you stand before the Karmic Board, and the records written therein will comprise your Book of Life not the flesh. . . . " (9)

Archangel Zadkiel's Address

On the following, we give excerpts of an address given to the students by Archangel Zadkiel, on the Sacred Fire, September 28, 1957. It was presented at the Retreat of Archangel Michael, at Banff, in the Canadian


The Activities of Violet Fire Vary in Different Spheres

". . . Now, as We have told you, all the activities of the Violet Fire are not identical in every Sphere. This has aroused a little curiosity in the minds of the 'research' members of Our Activity, so I shall endeavor to explain. "In any Realm where no imperfection exists, the Violet Fire is utilized by Cosmic Beings, Ascended Masters and the Angelic Host, to etherealize a form which has served its purpose for being. For instance, let us take the First Sphere which is the natural habitat of the Archangel Michael, Beloved Morya and Hercules - into which ideas of the Godhead first flow. The Beings of the Blue Ray are in constant busy service there, endeavoring to utilize those ideas for the ever-expanding blessings of God to man. "Each of these ideas has a heart-centre, which represents the magnetic power of the Immortal Three-fold Flame of Eternal Truth which abides within your physical heart and renders that service of cohesion to you. "Later, around those ideas the Beings of the Second Ray coalesce the form thereof. These ideas are tremendous in their scope and there is no human mind which can describe them. However, if the Great Beings in the First sphere, by looking at the Cosmic Screen (not only for this Planet Earth, but for all this entire Solar System), see that those particular ideas cannot

be efficaciously used at that time, what do They do? These great Beings then invoke and project the Violet Ray into that idea and, by the activity of Etherealization, They release the substance within and around that form, letting it return to the Universal from whence it came, to be used again in the future for some other purpose and form. The conservation of energy in Heaven's Realm is most magnificent indeed! Even in the Realms of Light - no Perfected Being would ever hold in form any substance--after it has served its purpose and has completed its course of manifestation. "Etherealization through the conscious use of the Violet Fire is well known on all the Planets of this System and was used here on Earth by your own dear selves before you forgot the way back "Home". At the completion of a designated lifespan, Etherealization is the way and means by which the people of Venus, through conscious endeavor, transmute into light (leaving no residue behind) the physical vehicles in which lifestreams have functioned. Conscious Etherealization can be used by any man, woman or child on this Planet Earth who will consciously, lovingly and gratefully call forth the Violet Flame, because Etherealization is one of the gifts of that beneficent Friend to life. . . . "The Source of every Ray, Flame or Virtue is the Heart of God! The Ray strikes downward to the point where the call has gone up - where the

magnetic pull of energy consciously invoked It; then beginning the return to Its Source that Ray becomes a Flame which rises upward because as has been said so often, it is the nature of the Flame always to ascend! Inasmuch as Light is Life - God's Own Life - the substance of the Ray and Flame which have come forth as the result of someone's conscious Invocation - that Light is the very Life-essence animating any Project or Activity. That is why so many good 'Movements' of a spiritual as well as of a secular nature cease to have life when the magnetizing lifestream in physical form takes his or her departure to Inner Levels in so-called 'death'. As a rule, the followers of the doctrine which that one has magnetized do not understand that the Flame must be rhythmically called forth and nourished by daily application. Otherwise, the Flame will ascend right back to the Father from Whom It came and the sustaining power of the Activity, therefore, ceases to be in this octave. "When you want the Violet Fire of Freedom's Love, Mercy and Compassion to act in the physical appearance world, you invoke It in the Name and Authority of your own God-self your own individualized I AM Presence. The Violet Ray and Flame have become more and more powerful as They have been called forth all through the ages - in every Sphere, by every Divine Being, as well as by the nourishment of Those Great Beings Who have served and drawn forth this Ray and Flame right here on Earth

(including the Great Sanat Kumara Himself). At your call, that Ray and Flame will answer you instantly because the Immortal Three-fold Flame of Eternal Truth which lives right within your own beating heart is the Divine Magnet which the violet Flame lovingly desires to obey! Then that Ray immediately becomes a living Flame and begins the process of ascending. This again represents the dual activity of centripetal and centrifugal forces. (5) "Now to sustain the Violet Flame in this physical appearance world, there must be self-conscious lifestreams to act as magnets for this Flame, with willing minds and hearts and an understanding of the efficacy of this application. These lifestreams should continue joyously to draw the Flame and rhythmically bathe the physical, etheric, mental and emotional vehicles of themselves and the entire race in that Violet Fire. Thus they sustain Its action here in Earth's atmosphere. "In these days when the activities of the Seventh Ray are so much in evidence and the reign of our Beloved Saint Germain as Chohan of the Seventh Ray has already begun, you have great opportunity to call forth this Violet Fire into this physical world around persons, places, conditions and things where it is most surely needed! To have the most efficacious use of this purifying activity of the Violet Fire, I am going to try to bring to you today a realization of the importance of Rhythm in your use of it. It is

better to use the Flame for shorter periods at a time and not to stay at it too long. It is much better to call it forth more often, for shorter periods at a time, in a rhythmic activity as we have suggested to you time after time. Set aside some uninterrupted time each day - if only five full minutes at a time (say three times a day morning, noon and night) to invoke that Violet Flame - calling for It to blaze up, in, through and around you; at that time giving conscious recognition to the Great Beings Who serve it and Who have sustained It all through the ages by the gift of Their Own life. Feel Its activity in, through, and around you then expanding out into the world about you which requires it so much. If you will do this, not tiring of the exercise or considering it a chore, but with a consciousness of joyous gratitude for the use of this merciful transmuting power which is yours as a glad, free Gift of Love from "your Heavenly Father" (your own Individualized "I AM" Presence) there is no reason why this Violet Flame cannot be externalized in this physical appearance world visible and tangible to the physical sight of all that sees. "On Atlantis, long ago, we did externalize a gigantic focus of this Violet Fire and Its radiating Flame was seen by the physical sight of all for a distance of a thousand miles in all directions! . . . But it had to be consciously called forth once every hour, during each twenty-four hour period. . . . "

"The use of the Violet Ray and Flame is so practical - but in its Invocation never allow feeling of fear, doubt and discouragement to remain in your world and to register within your etheric bodies. The moment you become tense in your application or the moment you sense within yourself a feeling of strain in applying the Law, that moment your feeling world has questioned the absolute science of the magnetization and Radiation of this Flame. If this occurs just let your application alone for a while - turn your attention to something else. Later, when you have quieted your feelings again, call upon your Ascended Master Friend of Light (whichever One or more of Us you desire) and ask that One to give you His feeling of the exact science and absolutely unfailing Law which is within the magnetizing and radiating of this Virtue of Freedom! Believe Me - you will receive that for which you ask! Be still for a moment, however, and wait for the Master's feelings to flood your emotional body. You see, it is the trying too hard - the striving - through overconsciousness, which delays so much of your manifestation. . . . " "The Violet Ray and Flame are tremendous momentums of God Power! Perhaps you will remember that the Beloved Sanat Kumara was the very first Chohan of the Violet Ray to this Earth and our Beloved Kuan Yin (Goddess of Mercy) was One of Its Chohans also. (6)

"At Inner Levels of consciousness, below the Perfected Realms, just what does the Violet Fire do - and what is the service of Its Ministering Angels? As you have been told, there are limitless Legions of Angels of Mercy and Compassion (qualities of Violet Fire) Who give as much service as They can in the Astral Realm. This is the Realm which constitutes most of the Earth's atmosphere - in the past and up to this time, for that Realm extends out from the Earth about ten thousand feet. In this Realm abide the destructively qualified thought and feeling forms, created and released by mankind during embodiment here and, until a year or so ago (1956) souls who had passed from physical embodiment but, because of certain magnetic attraction to the discord of Earth through habits of thought, feeling, spoken word and deed of a like nature, were often bound in this Realm for long periods of time. This condition, as you know, has now been remedied and no soul is allowed to remain in Earth's atmosphere after leaving the body. They are taken directly through to Inner Levels where they are assisted in gaining their freedom more quickly. This is one of the tremendous mercies of the Cosmic Law which has been recently made possible, during the last few years in particular, by the calls from unascended mankind for the use of the Violet Transmuting Flame and other Activities of the Sacred Fire. "Today there are no discarnate souls allowed to remain in the atmosphere of Earth. Now, as a

soul leaves its garment of flesh, in what the world terms 'death', that one is met by certain Angels who render that service. These souls are then taken (I am speaking of the masses of mankind now, who know nothing of the use of the Violet Fire as you do) to the River of the Violet Flame (spoken of in mythology as "The River Styx"). This "river" had been provided at Inner Levels for the purification of those lifestreams from as much discordantly qualified energy as possible, before either going to the 'Sleepers' Realm' (if they need that rest) or before appearing before the Karmic Board to receive their assignments of study and service at Inner Levels between embodiments. . . . " "This River of Violet Fire of which we spoke, has been drawn forth by Those Who serve the Seventh Ray according to the same principles which We described to you earlier in this Address - the drawing first of the Ray through Invocation to the Godhead in the Name and Authority of the Creative Word 'I AM', then as the Ray reaches the destination into which It was called forth, It immediately turn upward in the living Flame activity, as It returns to Its Source, completing the circle of Its existence. As this Invocation is rhythmically continued day after day, year after year, and century after century (in the case of the Angels Who have drawn this River of Violet Fire), this Ray and Flame become very, very powerful and expand in size until they become a veritable 'river' of this merciful,

purifying, freeing Essence, into which the evolutions of Earth may be taken between embodiments for as much purification as possible. This "river" has been sustained by the constant, never-ending, rhythmic calls of these Angels at definite periods during the twenty-four hours. "The beauty of this Violet Fire River is indescribable; therefore, its appearance does not frighten these souls who have passed through the change called 'death' when they are invited to step into It and bathe in Its substance. This Violet Fire then dissolves much of the causes and cores of the physical distresses of the individual's past Earth-life, especially those which caused their demise. "Legions of Violet Fire Angels surround the Halls of Karma as the soul who has just been released from an Earth life is called to appear before the Karmic Board. These Angels provide an atmosphere of purifying Violet Fire there so that every soul who, as he appears before the Karmic Board, must pass through Their Radiation as They enter these Halls. Then, when the souls are given their individual assignments for instruction and assistance between embodiments, some of these Violet Fire Angels go with them to their places of abode at Inner Levels. While in these Inner Spheres, the Violet Fire Angels often use a very delicate shade of violet so that, as easily as possible, They are able to minister to these individuals without arousing the rebellions and

resentments of their inner bodies by too quick or powerful and activity - even of the Mercy Flame! "Again, before entering the Gates of Birth, when the soul who desires to re-embody stands before the Karmic Board to ask permission to do so, these lovely Angels of Violet Fire stand around the Karmic Halls - circle after circle - tier upon tier - as far as the eye can see! The love and beauty of these Violet Fire Angels is simply beyond description! Here again They provide an atmosphere of Mercy and Purification to assist the soul who needs Their help. "Especially since the advent of the Seventh Ray to this Planet, whenever and wherever possible, the Angels of Mercy and Compassion go with an incoming soul, going into places, sometimes, which are not too pure. They endeavor to prepare the home and its atmosphere (as well as the parents - as much as they can) for the coming of the infant. At times, such an Angel is permitted to remain with that infant for a while - at least until the time comes when the little mind is disabused (shall we say) of the reality of the Angels. When this 'shell' of rejection in thought and feeling is thus set up around the child, this beautiful Angel must leave that one and return to the Inner Spheres again! "Angels of Mercy and Compassion are always serving as much as possible in hospitals, mental institutions, and foci of mankind's need and discord. Today, some of these are actually living

in aura of the conscious chelas (those of you who are daily consciously calling forth the Violet Fire - at least six of these glorious Beings stand around every conscious chela who daily calls forth the Violet Fire for purification). Such Angels await your daily conscious recognition and calls for Their greater assistance to your use of this merciful Flame of Freedom. . . . " "Today we are entering into a New Age. The Priests and Priestesses of the Order of Zadkiel are now not only given opportunity so to do, but they are commanded and expected to bring into outer manifestation, visible and tangible to the physical sight, acceptance and use of all this Violet Flame in Action - right here in this physical appearance world. That is a Fiat which came - not from Me - but from the Godhead Itself - your Creator - Whose humble and grateful Servant I AM. . . . " (10) In the following, we receive additional information on this most important subject of the Violet Flame, from The Maha Chohan.

How to Invoke and Use the Flame

A - Things to know and remember about the Flame: "In this presentation of the Use of the Flame, I would go further than merely unrolling the Scroll and deeply urge your consideration and your concentrated interest, because it is the revolutionary activity which, when it enters Life, hastens the final awakening of the consciousness

and greatly increases the powers and capacities of the soul to serve the race." 1. The "Bridge Activity" is designed primarily to acquaint the consciousness of mankind of Earth with the Flame. 2. The Flame is the Vibration of the Godhead and the cohesive power that holds the Sun and Stars in space and which - through the Light Rays from the Sun - fills the atmosphere of the Earth. 3. The Flame is the Animating Principle of Life. Wherever there is God Activity, Flame becomes Its expression. Flame is the first manifestation that is externalized. 4. The Flame is a Power, a Substance and Intelligent Force. The Flame of Cosmic Love, of Cosmic Healing, of Cosmic Peace is all Powerful; it is Master. The Flame is a Fourth Dimensional Activity. The Cosmic Flame is the Power, Intelligent Life. 5. The Flame's Radiation is Light, because the Electronic Substance which will become the created thing is woven right out of the Cause which is the Flame, complete within itself at the moment that God thinks and feels His Idea. The Flame is the Power of Accomplishment, and the clothing of the Flame, which is Light, is the Substance from which the idea will finally secure its form. Within the egg is the substance of the body of the chicken; within the seed, the body

of the tree. Within the Flame is the power of motivation and through its own Light emanation, the full substance is provided for the manifestation of the idea. The size of the original Flame will be determined by the amount of substance required to externalize its complete manifestation, because from its own Light will that Flame mould the form. 6. The Flame is available like air and water and the beauties of Nature, to all who, consciously or unconsciously, are capable of Accepting It. B - The Relation between Man and the Flame: 1. The only power in the Universe that can accept a Master's Flame into the heart, is the feeling of loving Gratitude. 2. The immediate assignment of an aspirant is to learn how to avail himself of the Electronic Substance, so that he may become a natural and conscious conductor of it. In order for individuals to intelligently use the Power of the Flame, there must be a certain illumination of the consciousness regarding both Its Essence and Its Nature. 3. The student should meditate upon the Powers within this Activity of the Flame, seeing and feeling Its independent, positive effects, proving beyond the question of doubt the Presence and the efficacy of the Flame. 4. By Invocation and direction of the Flame, man

must become a channel for Its disbursement in the lower octave in which he functions at present. Invoke the Flame and then stand aside and let Its rushing substance continue unrecalled until the effect is manifest. The emotional body must be trained in the Power; the Power which is the Flame. Practice becoming the observer as well as the director of the Flame. 5. The Intelligent attention, the emotional devotion is all that is required to make that contact by which this substance might flow to enrich the lower atmosphere, and it truly makes a localized Sun in and around the very environment of the chela, which is more powerful, potent, of Cosmic import than the worshipping one shall ever know. 6. To become a conscious director of the Cosmic Flame of Love, Supply, Healing or Peace, one must be able to magnetize the Electronic Substance that surrounds him, through the generation of a vibration which is a supplement of the vibration of this Power and Essence of Flame. In other words, the lifestream must come into sympathy with the natural vibration of the electronic force held within whatever Flame is to be invoked and directed for a certain definite purpose. C - How to Invoke and Direct the Flame: "I cannot urge you deeply or too earnestly to experiment with the Invocation and direction of Flame, visualizing and feeling It an intelligent,

capable, independent Element and allowing that Element as much Freedom as you allow the physical flame when you apply it for cooking or disposing of unwanted substance.".

1. Determine clearly your idea and your desire, if you want to manifest health, supply, freedom, etc., and be certain that your motive is to produce perfection in your need and universally. 2. Ask the Beings in charge of the Flames of Humility and Receptivity and Gratitude to flood your feelings with Their Flames. 3. To establish the right vibratory action, magnetize with your thoughts and feelings the electronic substance that surrounds you with the quality you wish to manifest. This will establish the bridge or conductor between Its Source and you. You can say "I AM" the Hand of God, Charging (3) the electrons around me with an infinite supply of money, health or whatever you want. 4. Meditate upon the Powers within the Flame and see and feel Its independent and positive effect and Its freedom of action. 5. Select the Master Who is a Specialist in the quality desired, direct your attention and love to Him. Visualize Him rendering His Special Service to individuals, personally near them, or from His Temple of Light. By this time you and the Master are in spiritual rapport.


1. Now, invoke the Master you have selected and ask Him to send you a Flame of the quality you desire from His Own Heart or from His Temple of Light. See it! Feel it! Acting! 2. Then Accept the Flame with a feeling of joy and deep gratitude, love and blessing for the Master. Visualize yourself taking from the Master, as if with extended arms, a substance and a form. 3. Then, stand aside emotionally and allow the Flame invoked to act. Become an observer as well as a director of the Flame. Know that the Flame has rendered the service demanded, and act accordingly. 4. To help another: To help another, ask the Holy Christ Self of the individual to help you make the proper petition to the Master; then make your request to the Master and see the Flame acting. 5. It is necessary and a requisite for the student to have some knowledge of the Nature of the various Masters who dwell in the Unseen Hierarchy. List of some of the Ascended Masters and Their Qualities: Healing: Helios, Jesus, Mary, Leto, Diana, Cyclopea, Kwan Yin

Opulence: (Freedom from limitation) The Maha Chohan, Surya, Jupiter (Zeus ARC editor), Fortuna, Saint Germain Illumination: God Meru, Archangel Jophiel, Kuthumi, Minerva (Lumina - ARC editor), and the Elder Brothers and Sisters of the Second Ray Love: Lord Maitreya, Nada, John the Beloved, Charity, Chamuel, Paul the Venetian Power: Hercules, Archangel Michael, Morya Peace: The Elohim of Peace, Jesus, Maha Chohan, Surya Opening of Inner Sight or Hearing: Cyclopea, Virginia, Kuthumi (11)

In the following, we get another view of the "use" of the Sacred Fire - Violet Flame - and what a group of students wanted to do with it. In 1954, a group of earnest and ardent students, invoked the Karmic Board to be permitted to help, through the use of the Violet Flame, the souls of men, that have passed to the other side, so that they will not have to re-embody on Earth. These Invocations were so numerous and so persistent that the Karmic Board, realizing that these students didn't fully realize the responsibilities they would have assumed, should their request was granted, They asked

Chohan Serapis Bey to give them the necessary information. In the following, we give excerpts of Serapis' address. " . . . I was told by the Karmic Board that you are storming the very gates of Heaven in a magnificent desire to assist mankind (once they are released from embodiment) from the necessity of taking again an Earth body - giving them the tremendous freedom to complete their evolution at the Inner Level. It is desired by the Karmic Board that you might understand something of the intricacies of the act of Mercy which you called forth, in order that you may intelligently - in your application - prepare for the granting of such a great petition and the blessing of freeing these souls from the necessity of reembodiment. It is one thing to ask innocently for the release of mankind from reembodiment and it is quite another to know the pressure that you will place upon the Beings at Inner Levels, Who must care for, guide, train, educate and redeem these ever-increasing millions and millions of lifestreams. "Let Me now remind you that every individual has created a certain amount of what is referred to loosely, as 'destructive karma', in every Earth life, since the fall of man. This Karma acts on many planes, determined by which body is the chief offender in the case. The physical body performing acts of violence, acts of physical assault, murder and the like, releases tremendous

vital energy into the elemental substance of the physical world. That substance remains part of the imprisoned elemental life of the physical plane until the individual soul who has created it, takes it back into his own physical body in some future life. Under the old Occult Law, this was done through suffering and disease. Now, through the action of the Sacred Fire, it can be done through the use of the Purifying Flame (Violet Fire) and the energy is thus redeemed and set free. "Lifestreams perform great acts of discord on the mental plane, crimes of mental cruelty. The mental elements charged with the vibratory action and the stamp of the individual fill the mental atmosphere and must be redeemed through mental pressures returning into the mental vehicle of that same soul of some future time. "Individuals that perform acts of emotional cruelty charge the substance of the emotional and feeling planes (the great mass, I mean) with certain vibratory' actions which will record primarily in the emotional body of that same lifestream in a later era. These various types of crimes, whether they are physical, mental or emotional - in their return circuit - are primarily the causes for the diseases of mind, feeling and flesh. Now, in order for a soul to receive its full freedom from any theatre of evolution, it must of necessity redeem the energies it has qualified imperfectly. For that

reason, it is required of that soul that it have a body in each of these planes including a physical form through which it may redeem the physical elemental life. That was the Occult Law of the past, as you know. This was the reason why the Cosmic Law did not allow individuals to finish their progress at Inner Levels until they perfected and redeemed their physical energies on the physical plane. "When the activity of the Sacred Fire came forth and the great group work under the Ascended Master Saint Germain began, there were what you might call 'Cosmic Incinerators', established which, at Inner Levels, took into themselves the unpaid debts of the physical energy that had been imperfectly qualified by certain lifestreams. These individuals who had rendered great service in other eras, even though they had yet some unconsumed karma, were not required to return to Earth. They were the first individuals to enjoy the New Dispensation and were allowed to go to Venus and to other Stars and Systems to complete their evolution. In the mass Decrees invoking the use of the Violet Fire of Freedom's Love, the student body consumed for these few individuals (who were among those who received that Dispensation) the necessity of returning again in an Earth body to complete their personal redemption. "Now, We come to your request that some three hundred million lifestreams yearly, in all stages of

obligation to life (absolutely without any knowledge of how to repay their debts to this Planet Earth, physically, mentally, and emotionally) be released from further obligation to use the Violet Fire of Freedom's Love in a future life, helping to bring this Earth back again to the Purity and Perfection which it had when mankind first came forth upon it. This will mean that the student body, the conscious active groups who are making this petition and sending this mighty Fiat forth in cooperation with the Archangel Michael, will have to assume that debt, at least so far as the physical world is concerned. I would like you to think and ponder upon this deeply, because it is a big task which you take upon yourselves and which the Karmic Board has asked be explained to you. "I do not mention this in any way to discourage you. It is magnificent for you to be interested in the Freedom of mankind from the wheel of birth and death. It is magnificent for you to be interested in the progress of the evolution of the Earth. We are hoping that at least a partial grant may be given so that We can see what the group activities will do for even, say a hundred thousand souls in the course of a year. If even one hundred thousand lifestreams who are to pass from the Earth in this one year were to be free from the necessity of reembodiment and the student body were to take upon themselves the karma of that number, successfully dissolving it, this Cause would receive greater consideration

from the Karmic Board by next July. It does not mean that you must take the karma into your flesh, but it means that in the application and the use of the knowledge of the Sacred Fire and the tremendous calls for purification of the souls concerned, that you render a consciously intelligent, illumined balance for the petition for which you asked in innocence. "The petitions that are presented to the Karmic Board are always paid for by somebody's life. The Great Archangels, the Mighty Devas and the Masters of Wisdom Who petition the Karmic Board for dispensations, always guarantee service through the use of Their Own life for the grants that They receive. In Its great wisdom, the Karmic Board always measures the capacity of the earnest and zealous who see a great plan and yet have not the full understanding of what is contained within the releasing of that benefit and blessing. The Great Archangel Michael Himself, as you know, has offered to accept the full karma of all the lifestreams; but as His service already employs the far greater part of His life, it is neither justice nor mercy to allow Him to assume any further obligation in this regard. As for the mental and emotional crimes, these can be expiated on the 'other side', because you retain these records within the etheric (memory) body . . . " (12)

1. Archangel Michael speaking to a class of students some time ago, and referring
to the power and efficacy of the Violet Transmuting Flame, said that mankind

cannot be free without its beneficent use, and the only one who could bring it forth was Saint Germain because it belongs to His Ray (the Seventh) and Authority. Neither Jesus nor I, he continued, could bring it forth because it does not belong to our element and sphere of influence.

2.Adding to our knowledge, the Maha Chohan gives us the following: ("Bulletin",
Vol. 11, #52)

"The Godhead always appears clothed in Robes of Flame. The Sacred Fire is the whole activity of God. Flame is the highest manifestation of visible, tangible Substance. Light is an emanation of the Flame - the Cosmic Effect and The Fire of Creation is the Cosmic Cause. There is a nameless, unseen, indescribable Force within The Sacred Fire which is its Heart-Center, but for man, the highest that his consciousness can comprehend as the manifestation of God is the Sacred Fire. The Fire Element is the Supreme governing authority in the forces of the elements, the life of man, and the Solar System. The Fire of Creation is the individual, Eternal Identity of every human being. It is dual in its purpose for It constantly creates manifestation of itself, and may be called on to transmute imperfect expressions created by man. This two-fold action of the Sacred Fire is the Gift of God to His Creation. The most ancient of Spiritual Customs of the peoples of this Planet, and other

Planets, was the worship of The Fire Element. The Flame within the heart is one of the manifold expressions of this Fire of God. In the physical world, the elements of water, air and earth are provided for man without self-conscious effort on his part and given to him as gifts for his use, but to enjoy the Fourth Element (which is by Its name an Element of the Fourth Dimension) one must exert conscious effort and through certain processes draw forth this Sacred Fire. This is true, not only in ordinary physical activity but also in Spiritual activity. Many, many centuries ago, Blessed Zarathustra brought the physical knowledge of the Fire Element to the outer minds of man that he may use it for heat, light, and in Its transmuting activity, to remove debris, and He, since Fire is His natural Element, is most active in kindling the Spiritual Fire in the hearts and minds of upward reaching man today." 3.In the following, we give an example of an Invocation for that purpose: Mighty Presence of God, "I AM" in me, and in all mankind; Mighty Arcturus and Victoria, Beloved Archangel Zadkiel and Holy Amethyst, Beloved Saint Germain and Portia, Beloved Kuan Yin and all Great Beings and Powers and Legions of Light; the Angelic Host and all Activities of The Sacred Fire: In the Name and by the Power of The Sacred Fire vested in me, I Decree:

Blaze the Victorious Violet Fire of Freedom's Love through all destructive karma, bearing my stamp in the Universe, before it presents itself on me for redemption. Close it on it all and transmute! transmute! transmute all cause, effect, record and memory, before it can act, approach or longer be sustained. Replace it by the Ascended Masters SelfLuminous Intelligent Substance of Light, eternally sustained and ever expanding to the complete fulfillment of God's Great Divine Plan. 4.Mighty Zarathustra to the students July 8, 1954. ("Bridge", November, 1958, p.

"Invocation, to become Sacred Fire, must cross with Ministration, the carrying of that Power invoked into the world of form. Invocation must cross with Illumination, carrying the received thoughts into the world of form. Invocation must cross with the activity of Consecration that the Energies drawn from the Heart of God may be consecrated to Service. . . . " 5. The Maha Chohan, ("Bulletin", November 5, 1957) " . . . In your efforts to expand your consciousness, you will find the Sacred Fire is a tangible substance that can be wielded and molded as can any material of the physical plane. "The Higher Consciousness cannot be achieved when you identify yourself with the physical form. The Flame, in Its Great

Power, can be wielded best from the Higher Radiation of your Holy Christ Self. The physical consciousness, being so impregnated with the idea of form, finds it is out of its element in dealing with the Flame of God and cannot even control physical form with much success. Therefore, to treat the physical body and inner bodies by the drawing, focusing and expanding of the Sacred Fire from above, or from within your hearts will bring much greater results than by trying to expand it through the instruments in question from below. This, I think, will assist you in the powerful freeing of your vehicles from the impure substance of the third dimensional plane. "When the outer self and the "I AM" Presence are going to affect a movement for the expression of the God within, they must first of all become in harmony this is achieved in Silence, in Love, in Peace. It is done by the absolute transmutation of every critical and inharmonious thought and feeling. . . . " 6. The Chohan Morya, ("Bridge", May, 1954, p. 9) "The first Chohan of the Seventh Ray was the Beloved Archangel Zadkiel. He was followed in successive order by Sanat Kumara, the Lord Gautama Buddha, the Goddess of Mercy, Kwan Yin, and now Saint Germain. Initiates are now in training and

preparing for the opportunity of assuming this Office when Saint Germain is called to greater Service in the near future."

* JAZ SEM vsa Boja Ljubezen, Milost in Odpuanje dejavne v mojem srcu in umu v srcih in umih vseh mojih blinjih, vseh v moji druini in vseh ljudi zdaj! Dejavnost Vijolinega Odpuanja Plamena. je Za mono dosego povezana Vnebovzetja z je dejavnostjo potrebno

dokonno odpustiti vse, kar nas je kakorkoli prizadelo. Posveenje Odpuanja je eno najtejih na Poti k Vnebovzetju. Morda se slii lahko, a je zahtevno, ker je treba odpustiti sebi in vsem, s katerimi imamo e karkoli nerazreenega. A odpustiti sebi je najteje. Pri tem nas najbolj ovira samo-obsojanje. Kuan Yin Z Odpuanjem prejmete nove monosti za izpolnitev Zakona. Brez Odpuanja lahko le malo napredujete na Poti. Potrebno je, da se spoveste Bogu, da Mu poveste, kaj ste naredili v nasprotju z Njegovim Zakonom. ele ko Mu to poveste in prosite za odpuanje, se osvobodite obutka krivde, strahu, sramu mnoge in loenosti druge od Njega. Danes se to izraa k in kot razne duevne in ustvene bolezni, razdvojene osebnosti, sovratva in drubene da problematike. lahko odpustite Vrnitev drugim svojemu tudi, da Notranjemu Uitelju, Kristusu, je skozi Odpuanje. Odpuanje pokliete,

drugi odpustijo vam. Ko kliete za Odpuanje, je za to potrebna velika Ljubezen v srcu. Vae odpuanje in pronjo za odpuanje naj bi drugi obutili v svojih obutkih. Vidite, ne gre le za besede ampak za energijo v vaem ustvenem telesu. e je potrebno, da nekoga prosite za odpuanje, je za * Naredil/-a sem narobe. In v Imenu Boga te prosim, da mi odpusti. Vasih so ljudje depresivni in nesreni, ker nekomu enostavno ne morejo odpustiti; ne morejo pozabiti, kaj se je zgodilo. e se vam to zgodi, lahko pogledate na vse to kot na karmo, ki se vam je vrnila, da jo odpustite in razreite. Lahko poljete Vijolini Plamen skozi vse to in nadaljujete svoje ivljenje. Potrebno je, da resno in zavzeto uporabite Odredbe Vijolinega Plamena, da doseete mo odpuanja za vsako situacijo. (Pot Vrnitve k Bogu, str. 25-26) Ali utite (ali celo odpoiljate) kritiko, obsodbe ali sovratvo proti kateremukoli Bojemu otroku? e da, pokliite dejavnost Zakona Odpuanja: * Kliem Zakon Odpuanja za vsa neskladja, teave in omejitve, kar so kdajkoli bila, so ali (morda) bodo med mano in to osebo! Predstavljajte si sebe in to osebo v Vijolinem Plamenu ter ji iz svojega srca poljite iskreno Ljubezen kot arke Ronate to potrebna vaa resnina poninost:

Svetlobe. Pri tem ji v mislih recite (in tudi obutite): * Poiljam ti polnost Boanske Ljubezni svojega bitja za tvoj Blagoslov in Sreo. (Pot Vrnitve k Bogu) Kdor se eli pribliati Lui, naj vsak veer, preden zaspi, zavestno polje Ljubezen vsakomur, za katerega misli, da ga je kdaj prizadel. Ta Ljubezen bo neustavljivo odletela kot puica v zavest teh oseb in tam izrazila svoje Boanske lastnosti in mo. In to, kar odpoljete, se vam bo vrnilo tako zanesljivo, kot ste odposlali.

Telo Lui
Telo Lui = Prisotnost JAZ SEM Saint Germain Popolno veno Telo Lui se nahaja tiri do pet metrov nad fizinim telesom vsakogar. e pa je neka oseba zelo unievalna in ima nizka nihanja, je Telo Lui bolj oddaljeno od nje. To je sin in sonce Boga, ker je Telo Lui vsakega posameznega Bojega Plamena zaslepljujoa, sijoa Svetloba tolikne moi, da lahko loveke oi strmijo vanjo samo za delek sekunde. S aenjem Bojega Plamena in oievanjem njegovega instrumenta (osebnega jaza), se zunanje dejavnosti uma in fizinega telesa dvignejo in nihajno uskladijo s Telesom Lui. V tem povianem stanju lahko posameznik vidi svoje Telo Lui v sijoi Svetlobi polja moi okoli Njega. Fizino telo je gosta oblika in je izraz dejavnosti zunanjega uma. V verskih razlagah so to Telo Lui oznaili kot Angela varuha. Ono je to in e ve. K njemu naj bi se zunanji jaz obrnil (kot se otrok obrne k materi) za oskrbo z vsemi dobrimi stvarmi. Vse

to je v Bojem Plamenu znotraj Telesa Lui, od koder velikanske Moi Lui Mogone Prisotnosti JAZ SEM sestopajo na fizini nivo, kjer so nato dejavne. Iz Srnega centra Telesa Lui (Prisotnosti JAZ SEM) tee ivljenjsko bistvo oziroma Tekoa Lu (Liquid Light), ki vstopi v fizino telo skozi epifizo in polni ivni sistem. Ta tekoi Beli Ogenj tee po ivcih, kot tee kri po ilah. Prav tako povzroa utripanje srca, premikanje miic telesa, polni s Svetlobo celice moganov in omogoa, da hodimo, premikamo roke (JAZ SEM, KI SEM 1/ Mogona Prisotnost, str. 114)

Svoje telo glejte in obutite kot ist Bel Plamen, ki oddaja dolge arke Svetlobe. Ta Plamen je va Resnini jaz Mogona Prisotnost Germain) ZDRUITEV Z NOVIM SVETLOBNIM TELESOM ZAVESTI MILA POT do celostnega zdravja in podaljanja ivljenjske dobe SvetlobnoTelo Ravnovesja je energijska praksa ustvarjena za delo z unikatnim Svetlobnim telesom in svetim notranjim sistemom, za povrnitev ravnovesja na vseh nivojih lovekovega Bitja. Ta izjemna praksa Nove zavesti kreira zdravje in preobrazbo na nov, enostaven nain. Ustvarja mogono energijo zdravljenja z uporabo nove Univerzalne svetlobe in informacij. Vse od hudih alergij do kroninih bolein se odziva na to energijsko delo. Kristalinsko Svetlobno telo je polje nae iste, nove zavesti ki ari okrog nas. V tem naem vrtu soutja je manifestiran najviji potencial nae boanske Biti. Novo Svetlobno telo je na novi JAZ, ki ni bil e nikoli z nami na zemlji. Ustvarjeno je za JAZ SEM, polna Kristusova Popolnost. (Saint

pomladitev na ravni, kjer je bilo poprej miljeno, da to ni mogoe. Neomejen vir te udene svetlobe in kvantne zdravilne energije uporabljamo za notranjo komunikacijo, za kreiranje sprememb in nove realnosti. To energijsko delo zdruuje lovekovo edinstveno Svetlobno telo z fizinim telesom, umom, duhom in Gnostom. Gnost je nae kreativno vedenja in naa osebna kreativna reitev za izzive v ivljenju. Zdruitev z Svetlobnim telesom razsvetli vsak del naega Bitja in prebudi novo raven zavedanja v celicah in v telesu. Omogoa nam uporabo nae Nove svetlobe v resninih ivljenjskih izkunjah. SvetlobnoTelo Ravnovesja vam nudi prakso za irjenje DNK, ki predstavlja izjemno uinkovit nain za samostojno kreiranje celostnega zdravja in dolge ivljenjske dobe. Praksa temelji na zavestni celini komunikaciji, z njo preseemo ponavljajoi ciklus zdravljenja in postanemo popolnoma uglaeni z notranjim telesnim sistemom ravnovesja. Sodelovanje med notranjo inteligenco in svetimi deli lovekove Biti razodeva najbolj inteligenten pomlajevalni in zdravilni sistem, ki si ga lahko zamislimo. To energijsko delo gradi temelj za zavestno sodelovanje z novim Svetlobnim telesom in svetim notranjim sistemom v vsakdanjem ivljenju. Krepi vao sposobnost, da revitalizirate in regenerirate vae telo brez omejitev, ki ste jih doslej poznali. Energijsko delo z novo Univerzalno svetlobo ustvarja premik na ravni celine zavesti, ki podpira naraven proces vae preobrazbe in irjenje v Novo zavest. Ponuja vam reitev za vrnitev zavesti in vseh energijskih teles v naravno stanje ravnovesja.

Vae ivljenje se spremeni in oplemeniti v skladu z notranjimi premiki. Koristi te energijske prakse so brezmejne, ko trdno stopite v vao Novo svetlobo v resnini ivljenjski izkunji.


by Soluntra King from the book LIGHT CODE ACTIVATIONS by Soluntra King pleases read about the levels of Light Body , the Diamond Light Body and the Iridescent Light Body. You are Divine, you are immortal, your physical body is your vessel. Do not be attached to it but Love it unconditionally, it is beautiful. Your temple is complete, your Light Body is your Body, you are ONE BODY OF LIGHT, there is no separation between your Light Body and your Physical Body. You have been asleep to the higher vibrations of your true self, but now you are awakening, no longer are you ignorant, or believing it to be above you, or you are not evolved enough to be in your Light Body. All you need to do is acknowledge that you are it already. I AM MY LIGHT BODY RIGHT NOW. You have forgotten and lowered your frequency for Divine expression on the Earth Plane, so that you may fully know what it is to be in physical form and experiencing matter. At this level it is easy to forget and be firmly anchored in the material experience. You chose this mission, as only by being in a physical body could you marry spirit and matter. You are not separate from your Light Body, it is just operating at a higher frequency than what you may be aware of. This is your true form, the energy of Light and Sound that is the expression of the Divine energy.

Your Light Body stores the electrical ions that connect all your sub-atomic particles and structures in synchronistic synergy in alignment with Source. There are different levels or aspects of the Light Body and as you clear you open up to them; merging to become one with your Solar Self through the Central Sun and one with the Earth and Inner Earth Sun. There are five levels of the Light Body as you open up to the frequencies of your Solar Self; they are the Blue, Violet, White and the Gold Light Body, which are all One Body of Light that operate at different frequencies of Light. As you clear you access the higher vibrations. Do not think you have to be really evolved to work with all these levels of your Light Body, as you are already your Divine Self, one with the Source of all that is, all you have to do is remember it, and activate the codings on a cellular level. The fifth Light Body, the Present Light Body has now been awakened since 2006 as we unify with the Earth and Inner Earth Sun, spirit and matter are one. Next is listed the five levels of the Light Body with a visualisation to activate the energy and the description of the mandala of each (found in colour in the chart for the full Activation of the Chakras and Light Bodies, in the Activation and Awakening Chapter), and which can be used separately or all together in the full Activation of the Charkas and Light Bodies.


This is the first level of Light Body integration; the Blue Light Body is where you cleanse your cells on a cellular level, embracing your fear, trauma, darkness and duality

consciousness in love and acceptance. It transmutes the Physical and Etheric Blueprints so that your codings are now opened to your unlimited self, rather than the limitations of duality and separation that were all you could perceive previously. Your Etheric Blueprint is what holds the memories of everything you have been, are and will be. When it is clear, you experience good health and your life flows. The blueprint is situated in the Etheric body, which is an energy field that permeates every cell and atom of your physical body, extending out about twelve centimetres from the physical body, thus creating the health aura connecting the physical to the emotional, mental and spiritual bodies. The chakras are also situated in the Etheric body that receives, assimilates and transmits energy into the chakras, which are distributing agencies, providing dynamic force and energy to you. When you have transmuted your Etheric Blueprint and are working at the level of your Blue Light Body you are in complete accordance with the Divine patterning of your True Essence. This you will know when; a) You experience in your Being a harmonious state of physical well-being. b) You are in complete harmony with all other beings and creation. c) Everything you do is in accordance with your Divine Self, you will know this is so when everything in your life is completely flowing. d) You experience a state of Love and Oneness with all Beings. e) You become open to being fifth dimensional and being at the vibrationary level of your Violet Light Body.

To achieve this use the visualisation of the Blue Flame and the Blue Light Body mandala separately, or together, and the full activation with all the chakras and Light Bodies. As well, use the ongoing process of Loving and Accepting your fears and blocks and having awareness of coming from Acceptance and Love of all, not reacting or blaming but going beyond duality and into Oneness and full responsibility for self. THE BLUE LIGHT BODY IS ABOUT: Cleansing and purifying your Etheric Blueprint, all the old programmes and memory from this life, past life/parallel worlds and all memory that is still held in duality consciousness. Being in good health, so working on clearing the Blue Light Body will keep your energy field strong and in good health. For any illness, weakness or dis-ease this work assists shifting your vibration to a higher octave, out of separation and illness. Being in the flow and aligned to your soul purpose. Harmony and unity within yourself and with all creation.

The Violet Light Body is the final purification of all your bodies, as they transmute and blend into one unified energy field of Light. It cleanses and purifies the Emotional and Mental Bodies and opens up your energy field to the heightened octaves of Light of the fifth Dimension. The Violet Light Body is where you cleanse your sub-atomic particles of the nucleis reaction to disharmony and learn to harmonise the atoms in sync with your Divine essence and Source. THE VIOLET LIGHT BODY IS ABOUT:

Cleansing and purifying the Emotional and Mental Bodies. Being your Fifth Dimensional self and conscious awareness of yourself on the ships of Light and in the Councils of Light concurrent with yourself in a physical body. You are now in the world but not of it. Transmuting the outer projection, all the pain, betrayal and disappointment from relationships with lovers, children, parents, friends, position in life and expectations of life. Burn and transmute in the Violet Flame all these outer projections, expectations and control of others and self. All these emotions and thought patterns are from your reliance on the outer world to love and support you. When you feel the love and support from within the Violet Light Body is clear, you have no more hooks in the emotional and mental bodies and are ready to become your White Light Body. Moving out of the illusion, astral hooks and duality consciousness and merging with your multi-dimensional self. Full unity is at the Seventh Dimension, but by the time we become Fifth Dimensional we are reaching the level of what our guides or guardians were at, when we were less awakened. In the old paradigm Fifth Dimensional Beings were not physical, but now they are us, as we are the Guide, Guardian Angel and Master of ourself as we merge through the Photon Belt and align with the Central Sun, raising our frequencies of Light while still being on Earth. Purifying and accepting your emotional and mentals bodies in love. When this is done you create great clarity within the etheric and cells as they are now Light and you enter the level of your White Light Body.

This is where all your bodies are merged into One Light Divine Light, where you blend all co-creative fields of energy into synchronistic resonance, the Masters vibration, your Christ or Buddhic self. You become master of yourself and all your bodies; you not only know you are Light but you have fully integrated it, you are it. So you can do whatever you want with your body, as you are master of its molecules. You are physically immortal and can materialise, dematerialise, be invisible, and take or do with your body whatever is in alignment with source and your soul. You are not bound by dimensions or worlds and are of service to humanity in total selflessness. The White Light Body is the nuclei of the cells in harmony with their Source and vibrating at the sonic sounds of the Celestial Heavens at the level of the Christ/Buddhic vibration that is the Sixth Dimension. You can experience a lot of these gifts before you reach this state, but it is usually spontaneous and just to show you what you are capable of, and who you really are. THE WHITE LIGHT BODY IS ABOUT; Becoming master of yourself and being from the inner realms such as Shamballa. Letting go all the hooks and attachments from outer gurus, so called masters and those whose egos need followers. You become free to follow your own soul and learn from the inner planes. Awakening the cellular Light codings for rejuvenation and immortality. If you do not like the idea of being around for 500 years or more, then I would suggest you are not enjoying being in life Now. Physical immortality is being your Body of Light and in life, once you attain that it is irrelevant whether you are here for another 10 minutes or

million years because you are not only in life, but you are multi-dimensional and live in all worlds at once. Becoming selfless and of service, this is our true soul purpose. It does not mean you have to be a Mother Teresa, or give all your money away. We each serve in our own unique way, but we come from the bigger picture and awaken to our soul purpose on Earth from our multidimension self. We become the clear vehicle that is Divine Love, Peace and Unity. By Being, we are a catalyst to assist the transformation in others and the 3rd and 4th dimensions. You are now radiant, as you have illuminated your being in total surrender to Divine Will and universal flow. You are now ready to be at the level of your Gold Light Body where you are unified and your body is fully radiant, your heart one with Source, Divine Love essence. Then you are ready and at the heightened vibrations to open to the Central Sun, as the Golden Ball of Divine Essence from the centre of your being becomes you completely. Now you can take yourself anywhere completely, in your complete form, including your physical, there is no separation as you are the All That Is.

Your Gold Light Body is the level of harmony you achieve when you are in harmony with Source, as you know it at the level of the Central Sun. Once you have aligned with the Central Sun you have fully anchored the Divine principle in matter as the connector vehicle that you are. You then move through the Central Sun into wholeness, Nirvana, unified essence, the Seventh Dimension and flow outwards once more creating new worlds. You create these worlds at

this level as you are the Creator Goddess/God at this vibration in alignment with Source. You are not Source but at the level of full creative principle in action. So you become true essence, your Solar Self, Golden Being, home through the Central Sun, your connection to Source, your Divine presence. We are becoming our Gold Light Body for the first time ever just as we are, still in a body on the Earth plane. It is the state of being that we are, as we shift into the Golden cycle and align fully with the Sun, Central Sun and Greater Central Sun. This is the time of the completion of all these great cycles as we move through the Photon Belt and into our home Solar System and the Second Sun. The Earth herself is becoming a Sun, as our Sun becomes a Central Sun and the Central Sun becomes a Greater Central Sun. This state is a blessing that has not occurred before in full embodiment. We have the opportunity to fully marry spirit and matter and create Heaven on Earth as the God Creators that we are. Please see the introduction for more information on the Sun, Central Sun and Greater Central Sun. We have always been Goddess/God Creators, but have previously abused the power. That is why we are all here in our creation frantically trying to get it together. We are healing our power plays and control dramas in the great Cosmic play by becoming that which we created without full consciousness. The only way to resolve this was to come back into our past, which is now on Earth and heal from within, becoming fully conscious. That way we create the doorway for our future life in alignment with Divine Will, otherwise we continue duality and destroy our future. THE GOLD LIGHT BODY IS ABOUT;

Being your Solar/Divine Self. Resolved cosmic karma and great power plays that have kept this world trapped in duality and in the belief that the body is a limitation and not Divine. Awareness of yourself as a Creator Goddess/God and the responsibility of co-creating worlds in alignment with Divine Will, being the Divine in all creation, Divine Right Action. Through Being, allowing the transmutation of duality consciousness into Unity/God consciousness. Being an instrumental in the great change of cycle through the Central Sun and fulfilling your destiny in loving service, at the completion of the duality drama as you create the New Earth and Heaven on Earth. You are now ready to move into the black hole, fully back with Source, the void in total surrender and then you will create new worlds to play in.


I became aware of this new Light Body on the Wesak Full Moon 2006, every Wesak I travel to Mt Kailash in Tibet in my Light Body to join with all the masters and divine beings from many different dimensions and Councils of Light. They all have a connection to Earth, humanity, our solar system and galaxy as we shift cycle, with the unification of worlds and dimensions through the Galactic Centre. Each year when I travel to Mt Kailash on the inner planes it is always a powerful experience for my service and work. As I entered into the mountain and joined everyone there an Arcturian Light Ship came in with a new Light Body for us all. I connected also to Hikarangi, the place of first light, biggest mount on the East Cape of North Island, New

Zealand and the guardian there. Hikarangi was connected to Mt Kailash and the new Light Body that was brought through at Mt Kailash, was anchored at Hikarangi and the energies went out through the Crystalline and Light Grids and Serpent tunnels, through the Earth and all around the world. In Hikarangi I saw an Arcturian Light Being and I was told on the inner the new Light Body is the one that is working with the New Earth, it comes from the Arcturians and the Inner Earth, these beings are all one, the Arcturians have been in the Inner Earth for aeons and the angels and lightships and masters people work with, may not be as they thought from the stars but from Inner Earth. The inner and outer are One. The new Present Light Body operates in conjunction with the new Soulight Chakra and the new Earthsun Body. It is working with the New Earth, higher dimensional Earth that we are creating and can be used by everyone, as with all the Light Bodies it can be worked with separately as well with the other Light Bodies and Chakras. The Present Light Body is one with the Earth and so assists to fully ground us, and attunes us to the Crystalline Matrix of Light in the Earth and within us. This light body is the one where we work in the New Earth co-creating. The new energies that have been graced to us in the 2006 March Equinox, Christ and Wesak Full Moons and eclipses have activated us to be in the frequency to awaken this light body. At those cosmic events and open dimensional doorways the sixth dimensional Inner Earth has unified with the third dimensional surface. This has been a gradual process since the fifth dimensional union in 2001 June Solstice and Eclipse. The union of the third dimensional surface and sixth dimensional Inner Earth activates the Matrix of Light

through all worlds within worlds, as the inner and outer are one. We become fully present in our body of light. This opens up unlimited possibilities and dimensions as we anchor and create from the living library of light that is created through the grids of light we are. One with the Inner Earth Sun, the Sun within our Heart, the Sun and Second Sun, Central Sun and Greater Central Sun. Please see page ??? for the Soulight Chakra and page??? for the Earthsun Body. THE PRESENT LIGHT BODY IS ABOUT; Being aware of the Inner Earth and the Inner Earth Sun, this union of the Inner Earth and Outer that is now opening us up to the higher dimensional New Earth that we create as the Creator Goddess/God we are. Becoming active through our awareness and grounding of the divine in us, our Gold Body of Light, the Creator Goddess/God we are, as we become one with the Central Sun at the level of the Gold Light Body. The Present Light Body takes us into the next stage in the shift as we cocreate the New Earth from our hearts in love, rather than duality and fear. The Present Light Body assists us to be one with the Inner Earth Sun, as we unify through all the Suns and are fully present as all worlds merge through our being and body here on Earth. Being grounded and present and so are one with all creation and can ground the energies of the RA Light, Second Sun through our union within. The Second Sun illuminates the RA Light that activates our DNA, Chakras and Kundalini to open us up to the higher vibrational body we are and the New Earth. For more on the Second Sun and RA Light please see the Glossary and Book of RA.

Moving forward as the radiant being you are, in life and in the New Earth. Integrating the Goddess/Divine Feminine within. Being present so you do not take on negative energies.

To be your Light Body is an on going process and means being fully present in your body, on Earth, loving and accepting all, seeing the divine in everyone and allowing all to be. Control dramas, fear of survival, relationship issues are transmuted into complete trust and openness, to be in the world but not of it. This is an ongoing process of awareness of self and your relationship to life and others, coming from an open heart and honouring the sacredness of all things. This is a full life experience, but if you feel you are not there yet, you do not have to worry about how to change, or what to do in your outer world life. If you love and accept from the inner; all aspects of your life as it is right now, then you will be in divine will and so all change will be flowing and easy, you are the Universal Flow. You live and breathe your life by being aware and loving any aspects of yourself not in unity, by doing the activations, meditations, exercises in this book and others that resonate with you. By living life with integrity and honour, by trusting you are always looked after, your body becomes lighter and lighter in its frequency. You will notice your body will change shape and size, subtly or obvious, every now and again or often, you will look different, think different, feel different and experience joy in your life at just the simple fact of being here. You become in life which is light, the illuminated codings of the

Creator energies from Source are in you. You accept and love your situation in life and are a living example for others, for through your effort you will reap results so beautiful, that you will see the beauty within you and everyone else and all creation. You can work with all the Light Bodies right now, you do not have to wait until you think you are clear enough, because you are your Light Body right now, including your Gold Light Body and Present Light Body. You are already One, Divine Essence, all you have to do is remember and activate it from within, not putting any limitations on yourself. By using the visualisation and/or mandalas for the Light Bodies often, you are actually awakening that energy within you. Each time you do the meditation, activation, visualisations in trust, you are becoming that very energy. The more you practise the better you get. Now that we have awakened and unified enough to be the Present Light Body, you can do the visualisation and/or use the mandala on their own, or if you are doing an activation of the Light Bodies using the visualisations, then anchor the Present Light Body first within, then work on the Blue, Violet, White and Gold, then the Present Light Body again as described next. Also see in the Activations and Awakening chapter, the section on Working with the Light Bodies and Chakras individually Using the Mandalas and Sound Codes. TO USE THE INNER VISUALISATIONS AND MANDALAS OF THE LIGHT BODIES TO AWAKEN AND ACTIVATE THE LIGHT CODES WITHIN YOU, BEING FULLY PRESENT, YOUR BODY OF LIGHT YOU WILL NEED TO GET THE LIGHT



Your true form is Light and as you become master of yourself and your molecules, you rejuvenate, awakening to your eternal presence; in your vehicle of Light, your physical body and Light Body are One. Your body is your vehicle for this journey, as you align with the Sun, Central Sun and Greater Central Sun. Moving into the new cycle and the next Golden Age, you do not lose your body through death, but ascend in your body, as your body is your body of Light. If you choose to honour yourself and all others in a state of Love, Acceptance and Joy in whatever you experience in life then all experience is easy and flowing, you activate your cellular memory to its divinity and become your body of Light. You are one with the Source that created you and you become in the world but not of it. You no longer resonate at the lower density of matter and duality, but in the heightened frequencies of Light and your multidimensional self. When you Love your body and yourself, you are the master of your own molecules. You create your own reality in alignment with Divine Will, as all your bodies and dimensional aspects merge into One Body of Light. Through love they are aligned with Source and the unification and remembrance of who you are. As master of your own molecules you can rejuvenate your body, teleport, dematerialise and move your molecules through worlds and dimensions. These are not futuristic stories; I have personally experienced many of

these things already. The way to do this is to keep embracing your fears with Love, as you move through the doorway of your heart and into your multi-dimensional self.

Know and trust deep within your Being that you and your Light Body are ONE. Affirm `I am my LIGHT BODY'. Visualise it. Feel it. See it. Believe it. Know it. Draw a picture of yourself as your Light Body. Keep seeing yourself as your Light Body Keep telling yourself how radiant your skin is, your hair, eyes, your whole body. Be aware of when you are thinking or saying that your skin is getting wrinklier, or your hair greyer, change the thoughts or the words. My body is transforming into my Light Body, my hair is thick and healthy, my skin is smooth and soft, and my eyes are sparkling and radiant. Align not only to the Source and Divine Self within your heart centre, but your whole body. Keep telling yourself My body is my Body of Light, in divine will, energy and love, unity and radiance, flowing through my body right now and eternally. My organs are radiant and alive, my muscles are light and alive, my hair is vibrant and alive, my eyes glow and shine forth my light and divinity, my nervous system is at peace, glowing and radiant, my digestive system is clear, alive and radiant, my reproductive system is balanced, aligned and radiant, my circulation flows in joy and love and my heart is open and at peace, my immune system is alive, healthy and radiant...I am divine light in body, mind and

soul. Imagine all the cells are like radiant dew drops with the light radiating from them, radiant, clear, alive, refreshed, rejuvenated. Breathe in deeply and be aware of light going to all your cells, each cell is alive and radiant, like sparkling dew drops. Do this whenever you remember through the day, and before going to sleep. Go beyond the limitations of fear and duality. Loving yourself and others unconditionally, we are all One. Own your fears and deep breathe into them with Love and Acceptance. Embrace all of yourself, and others without judgement. See the chapter Clear to be your Light Body for full details. Love your body it is beautiful, it is your temple, your Light Body is your Body, you are ONE BODY OF LIGHT, GO BEYOND. GO FORWARD AS YOU TRULY ARE, YOUR RADIANT DIVINE SELF, resonating in Divine Harmony, ONE BODY, ONE BODY OF LIGHT, YOU ARE GOD CREATIVE ENERGY, THERE IS NO SEPARATION.


Beseda Mer-Ka-Ba je sestavljena iz treh manjih besed: Mer, Ka in Ba. Pojem mer-ka-be, kot ga uporabljamo v misterini oli Roe ivljenja, izhaja iz starodavne egipanske kulture. V drugih kulturah je poznana tudi kot merkabah, merkaba ali merkavah. - Mer se nanaa na posebno vrsto svetlobe, ki so jo razumeli v Egiptu med vladavino 18. dinastije, v asu, ko je Ehnaton uvedel monoteizem vero v enega Boga, ki je ustvaril vse, kar je. Mer je svetloba, ki nastane, ko sta enski in moki princip v ravnovesju in zdruena spodbudita regenerativne moi v nas in okoli nas. Mer pa pomeni tudi "iti navznoter". Vidimo jo kot dve

na istem mestu nasproti vrtei se polji svetlobe, ki ju poganja poseben nain dihanja boanske Ljubezni. - Ka oznauje enega od petih nesnovnih teles, viji jaz. Predstavlja povezavo in dostop do univerzalnega spomina in principov stvarjenja. - Ba oznauje duo, ki se v svoji snovni pojavnosti vedno znova utelesi, vdihuje ivljenje vsemu, kar ivi, in ga oblikuje v njegovi popolnosti. Mer-Ka-Ba je polje boanske svetlobe, ki nastane okoli nas zaradi vrtenja doloenih geometrijskih oblik - ki predstavljajo ravni zavesti boanske ljubezni v boanskem razmerju. Ko to polje preame telo in duha, spremeni nae dojemanje samega sebe in s tem tudi stvarnosti okoli nas. Je vedimenzionalno 'vozilo', ki lahko premesti duha in telo (ki ga po navadi dojemamo kot sidrie nae zavesti v svetu) iz enega sveta ali dimenzije v drugo. Beseda Mer-Ka-Vah pomeni v hebrejini "svetlobno koijo", pa tudi "boji prestol". Pomaga se nam vrniti v izvorno stanje zavesti in iz njega soustvarjati ostala stanja zavesti oziroma ravni bivanja. Ko govorimo o mer-ka-bi, si obiajno predstavljamo zvezdno mer-ka-bo, ki je pomembna, a ne edina oblika svetlobnega telesa. V resnici jih je ve, ki se kot "kolesa v kolesih" vrtijo istoasno in nam odpirajo razline dimenzije. S teajem zvezdne mer-ka-be vstopamo v ta svetlobni svet in ga sidramo tukaj in zdaj. Nadaljevalni teaji nam pomagajo presvetliti vsakdanje ivljenje, nam odpirajo nove razsenosti bivanja in nas vabijo na potovanje skozi dimenzije.

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