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Settings : In a village Characters : Villagers, Head of the Village Story Line Scene 1 A general scenario of a decent, simple village

e ( the womans busy with house chores and the guys working eg. Poultry works ) Scene 2 One day, an inspector visit the village to inform the head of villager about an ISSUE ( * still brainstorming = ). However, the head of the village misinterpret Scene 3 Head of village passing down the wrong message to villagers. Scene 4 The villagers blindly follow the instruction given Scene 5 the effects bring about and everybody aware of it Moral Value : Importance of Effective Communication Be a good listener and messenger

Scene 1 : Far in the wonderland, in a small town ,there lives a small decent village named Rivendell. All the villagers in Rivendell leads a happy life enjoying each day with all their daily works. The woman enjoys growing crops and farming, the man busy hunting food in the jungle to support the family. Situation the woman singing while washing clothes, growing crops while the man happy dancing around in the jungle.

Scene 2 : On one sunny day, a good-looking experienced Health Inspector, Mr.. who pays a visit to Rivendell village concerning about the ___ faced by the villagers and would like to aware them for stop ________. Good morning, Pak Law. Im,the inspector of Recently we have tested tat < name of flower > is no longer _____ and bring a ________ HARM for us. For that reasons, we would like to inform all the villagers that it is highly advisable that the flower should not be planted for its deadly cause. We hope that Pak law could take immediate action to aware them about the danger of planting ___flower. Situation : conversation btw head of village and the inspector ( the head of village reacts with a puzzled face )

Scene 3 : After hearing the good news, the head of village immediately shout out to the villagers to gather at village hall for the announcement. ( with a happy smiling face ) Good evening to all. Are you all surprised and wonder why you all are being called to gather here today ? Hmmm.. I have a good news to share with you all. Today, the ___inspector looked for us and informed us that ___flower should be planted daily as it can make a farm for us. Therefore, I want you all to search for the seed of the flower and start planting it tomorrow. I believe sooner or later, we will have a great harvest at the end of monsoon season ( nt sure ). Situation : villagers listen carefully to what the head of village said and show happiness Scene 4 : On the very next day, all the villagers wake up early and start searching and planting the flower excitedly and enthusiastically with all the strength and good teamwork. Situation : start singing song where the song must have to words farm and daily in order to alert the spectators what words do we emphasized on.

Scene 5 : To be continue.

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