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Nest of the Fire Drakes BR4 April 683

Pendrak watched as his mace wielding warriors moved towards the cave mouth. This was the first cave they had come across, and there were definite signs that the Drakes were inside. Steam was rising from vents in the mountain above the cave mouth, and there were tracks of large beasts moving in and out of the surrounding area. He did not really know what to expect from the Drakes. From the tracks the largest looked had a span of seven feet, but the Drakes could have far longer bodies that than. He had planned well though. His mace men would lure the Drakes out, and then withdraw so that his spearmen and archers could take them down. Keep them at a distance, and they could not harm many of his men. His warriors had reached the cave mouth, and the first few began to move inside. Pendrak felt very nervous, his officers had warned against being at the front, for these were not men he fought, and would have no respect for heroism. A few of the men were pushing back through the others, and Pendrak saw they were rolling large steaming eggs, easily the size of a large dog from the cave. They were not touching the eggs for long as the shells were hotter than a rock in a desert. The cave lit up with a flash, as if someone was striking a fire. The mace men were falling back without any discipline, blocking line of sight to the cave. No one could have missed the

flame and smoke that engulfed them. The whole of the cave mouth was lit up with the flame, and the screams were quickly cut off as their skin sloughed off their bodies. The stench of burning flesh was overpowering, and the surviving warriors ran leaving their friends behind them. Pendrak saw a Drake for the first time. It was easily fifteen feet from head to tail, with deep red scales protecting its hide. The archers began loosing at the creature, but the arrows were bouncing harmlessly off its tough hide. A mixture of smoke and steam rose from its jaws and it turned its head looking for its next target. Its eyes locked on Pendrak, and with a strange recognition of his rank moved towards him. His officers began giving the order to withdraw, and Pendrak came out of his frozen state. He realised the Drake could not match the speed of a marching man, and knew his men would be safe. He had lost men today, but gained knowledge of the Drakes and also some of their eggs. With his troops forming ranks behind him Pendrak looked once more at the Fire Drake, ideas already forming in his head on how to tackle them next time.

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