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HO ME Public Experiment s Mult iple Universes 2012-3 Eart h Changes Exploding Planet Base on Mars "Myst eries" Series

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Post-2012 Earth Changes

A Global Climate Change Remote-Viewing Study Multiple Realities, Timelines, and Events
We at T he Fars ight I ns titute are c urrently engaged in a fas c inating s tudy us ing remote viewing to s tudy c limate and planetary c hange between the years 2 0 0 8 and 2 0 1 3 . T he initial res ults appear dramatic on a global s c ale, and our res earc h does indeed s ugges t that major global c hange is a pos s ibility between now and 2 0 1 3 . H owever, web s ite vis itors are reminded that this is res earc h, not c ertitude. Remember what A lbert E ins tein onc e s aid, "I f we knew what we were doing, it wouldn't be c alled res earc h, would it? " Web s ite vis itors are enc ouraged to examine all of our res ults c arefully, and learn with us as we c omplete this experiment in mid- 2 0 1 3 . We will not fully unders tand thes e remote-viewing data until the experiment is c ompleted at that time. I mportantly, this experiment has no c onnec tion with the M ayan C alendar hys teria related to 2 1 D ec ember 2 0 1 2 . T his is an experiment that ends on 1 J une 2 0 1 3 , and the data will be fully evaluated only after that date. A ls o, note that thes e analys es are the produc t of the C hief I nves tigator for this projec t, C ourtney Brown. O ther inves tigators us ing other methods of analys es may analyze thes e data and c ome to different c onc lus ions . H RV G and C RV methods of analys is in partic ular tend to be more nuanc ed than s ome of the analys es pres ented below. H ow we obtain thes e res ults is a bit c omplic ated, but it is worth the effort to unders tand our methods . T he ac tual types of global c hange is dis c us s ed in the s ec ond part of the video pres entation below, but the firs t part of this pres entation is abs olutely es s ential to unders tand how thes e res ults were obtained. Web s ite vis itors s hould watc h both parts of the video pres entation. T his pres entation was given during the 2 9 th A nnual M eeting of the Soc iety for Sc ientific E xploration in Boulder, C olorado in J une 2 0 1 0 . T his is the mos t c arefully c ollec ted s et of profes s ional- grade remote-viewing data involving this time s pan that c urrently exis ts . T his experiment is potentially one of the mos t s ignific ant experiments ever attempted us ing remote viewing as a data- c ollec tion platform.

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P rinc ipal I nves tigator: C ourtney Brown Remote V iewers : H RV G viewers led by G lenn Wheaton and C RV viewers led by Lyn Buc hanan.

Initial Results:
T his projec t des c ribes c hange between the years 2 0 0 8 and 2 0 1 3 ac ros s nine geographic al loc ations with a global s pread. T he loc ations are 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. V aitupu, Tuvalu Fort J es us , M ombas a Kenya Sydney O pera H ous e, Sydney, A us tralia M ount Kilimanjaro, Tanzania U nited States C ongres s Building, Was hington, D.C . M al I nternational A irport, M al, M aldives KI T V Building, H onolulu, H awaii T he V ehic le A s s embly Building at L aunc h C omplex 3 9 , Kennedy Spac e C enter, M erritt I s land, Florida Key Wes t, Florida

I n terms of the effec ts of thes e c hanges on humans , thes e data als o s ugges t: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. M as s ive s elf- organized reloc ation from c oas tal areas (refugees ) T he breakdown of res c ue or other notable governmental func tioning T he breakdown of the food s upply s ys tem T he breakdown of the vehic ular trans port s ys tem E xtens ive los s of buildings near c oas ts

O ddly, thes e res ults largely parallel rec ent warnings being is s ued by N A SA relating to the dangers of s evere s olar s torms antic ipated around the years 2 0 1 2 and 2 0 1 3 that would threaten the global long- term us e of elec tric ity. N A SA is not c urrently explaining exac tly why thes e unprec edented and s evere s torms are antic ipated, but the warnings thems elves c ould not be more c lear. M eteor impac ts are not inc luded in the c urrent s et of N A SA warnings . For this projec t, all targets are as s igned two timelines for the date 1 J une 2 0 1 3 . T his allows us to attempt to us e remote viewing to des c ribe alternative futures by s pec ifying c harac teris tic s of future timelines . Web s ite vis itors who are not familiar with our res earc h into multiple realities might want to view this introduc tory video pres entation on the s ubjec t. T he two 2 0 1 3 timelines examined in this s tudy are T imeline A : 1 J une 2 0 1 3 , 1 2 noon target loc al time, following the timeline in whic h the leaders hip of the mains tream global s c ientific es tablis hment c ontinues to ignore or deny (1 ) the reality of the remoteviewing phenomenon, and (2 ) the exis tenc e of life not originating from E arth. T imeline B: 1 J une 2 0 1 3 , 1 2 noon target loc al time, following the timeline in whic h by the end of 2 0 0 9 leaders of the mains tream global s c ientific es tablis hment public ly rec ognize (1 ) the reality of the remoteviewing phenomenon, and (2 ) the exis tenc e of life not originating from E arth. T he res ults of this s tudy do s ugges t that there is a differenc e between the two timelines . T hes e data s ugges t that the impac t of planetary c hange is les s s evere for T imeline B as c ompared with T imeline A . T his s ugges ts that having the mains tream s c ientific c ommunity openly ac knowledge the reality of remote viewing and life (even mic robial) not originating on E arth may help ameliorate the impac t of s evere planetary c hange, perhaps by giving people a greater c hanc e to prepare for the c hanges . T he Key Wes t target was added late in the s tudy to explore a timeline in whic h the s c ientific c ommunity rec ognizes the reality of remote viewing and the exis tenc e of extraterres trial life by 2 0 1 1 . H ere are links to s ome of the data and analys es for the c urrent projec t. Remote-viewing s es s ions for all targets and all dates Remote-viewing "C larity Sc ores " for the 2 0 0 8 targets , plus links to s es s ion evaluations T he targets for this s tudy

P redic ting any event on a s ingle timeline may involve (1 ) us ing remote viewing to examine alternate timelines to c hec k for unus ual events , and (2 ) looking for c lues in a given pres ent to s ee if anything that is c urrently happening s ugges ts that the future events perc eived in the alternate timelines might be pos s ible for our mos t likely future. T hus , if the above res ults are indeed c orrec t for the two s pec ified timelines (T imelines A and B), then it is natural to as k if the res ults are relevant for our mos t likely future timeline. Sinc e it s eems likely that major governments would be aware in advanc e of mos t near term global threats , then it als o s eems likely that they would take s ome ac tions that would reflec t their antic ipation of thos e events . T hes e ac tions would likely not be explained to the mas s es to avoid panic . Below is a lis t of largely anomalous governmental ac tions that may indic ate an awarenes s of a near term global threat that is s ugges ted by thes e remote-viewing data. A gain, thes e are only s pec ulations , none of whic h "prove" anything. But c ons idered c ollec tively, they are exc eptionally odd. 1 . T he U .S. Spac e Shuttle will launc h its las t mis s ion in mid- 2 0 1 1 . A t that time, N A SA is entirely abandoning its government- funded manned s pac eflight program. G iven the inves tment that the U .S. has made in launc hing humans into s pac e s inc e the 1 9 6 0 s , this is odd, es pec ially s inc e private efforts to launc h humans into s pac e are years away, and c urrently unproven. I t is as if the government does not antic ipate being able to launc h humans into s pac e in the near future for reas ons not c urrently s tated. 2 . T he Svalbard G lobal Seed V ault is now finis hed and fully s toc ked. T his will allow the world to res tart agric ulture given a global c atas trophe. T he U nited N ations formally ins pec ted the fac ility, whic h might s eem odd for a N orwegian projec t. T he timing of this projec t s eems like a s trange c oinc idenc e. 3 . U .S. and global debt. I t is as if various governments are not expec ting to have to pay bac k their debts , perhaps antic ipating a global ec onomic res et due to reas ons not c urrently s tated. 4 . T he devaluing of the U .S. dollar s eems to be a trend that will s tay. M oody, Standard and P oor, and Fitc h have announc ed that they may be devaluing the rating of U .S. Treas ury bonds (s ee NY Times artic le, 1 5 M arc h 2 0 1 0 , as well as the editorial on 2 0 M arc h 2 0 1 0 ), and there have been dis c us s ions within the U nited N ations of the I nternational M onetary Fund phas ing out its dependenc y on the U .S. dollar. T he governments s eem to be ac ting as if the U .S. dollar will be replac ed as the global c urrenc y. 5 . D igging, digging is everywhere. T he U .S. has no nuc lear enemies , yet it is digging huge underground fac ilities in inhos pitable regions diffic ult for the mas s es to reac h. Why? O n the other hand, the C hines e tend to think c ollec tively, and C hina is digging extraordinary s ubway c omplexes under mos t of its major c ities in a c ras h program that s eems odd in terms of timing and s c ope. See, for example, the NY Times artic le by Keith Brads her, 2 7 M arc h 2 0 0 9 . Subways are, of c ours e, c onveniently loc ated underground tunnels , and s uc h tunnels c ould hous e millions of people in an emergenc y. Rus s ia announc ed in 2 0 1 1 that it is adding 5 ,0 0 0 new nuc lear bomb s helters in M os c ow, enabling it to protec t all of M os c ow's res idents . T he program is to be rus hed s o that it is

previous 1 1 -year s olar c yc les hit. What is different about the c urrent c yc le? Some might s ugges t that N A SA is ac ting as if it has s ome extra information that is not c urrently s tated.

Project Overview for the 1 June 2008 and 1 June 2013 Experiments:
T he remote viewers partic ipating in this s tudy have remote viewed various geographic ally determined targets during two time periods : 1 J une 2 0 0 8 and 1 J une 2 0 1 3 . T his five-year gap will allow us to look for planetary c hange that may oc c ur over that period. We are als o aware that popular c ulture views the year 2 0 1 2 as potentially s ignific ant, and s ome people may be interes ted in following our res ults bec aus e of this . (N o reas on s c ientific s tudies c an't be fun! ) From our pas t res earc h we know that the future is probabilis tic . (See als o, the M ultiple U nivers es P rojec t.) I f multiple realities emerge from every moment of now, then there is no s ingle future timeline. T hus we hope that by s pec ifying c ertain timeline c onditions with our remote-viewing tas king, it is pos s ible to perc eive a s pec ific future (for a s pec ific timeline) c orrec tly. For this reas on, our partic ipating remote viewers have perc eived the 2 0 1 3 targets along two s eparate timelines , with eac h timeline offering the potential for s ignific ant differenc es in future events given s pec ific pos s ible ac tions taken by the mains tream s c ientific c ommunity. T hus , we are hoping to dis c ern what the future looks like if the mains tream s c ientific c ommunity purs ues one polic y as c ompared with a future in whic h the mains tream s c ientific c ommunity purs ues a different polic y. I n the former c as e, the polic y is a c ontinuation of a c urrent polic y. I n the latter c as e, the polic y is an alternate polic y that might produc e a s ignific antly different future. We are attempting to learn if the public ation of information about two future timelines bas ed on differenc es in c urrent polic ies c an c hange the future that our c urrent now evolves into. T he various 2 0 0 8 targets es tablis h a bas eline s et of c riteria by whic h the ac c urac y of the remote-viewing res ults in general may be evaluated. T hus , if the 1 J une 2 0 0 8 targets are perc eived ac c urately by the remote viewers partic ipating in the s tudy, then it is reas onable to as s ume that the res ults for the future dates for thos e s ame targets will be c omparably ac c urate. Sinc e eac h geographic ally determined target is evaluated three times (onc e in 2 0 0 8 , and twic e in 2 0 1 3 onc e for eac h future timeline), there are three times as many total targets as there are geographic ally determined targets in this s tudy. T he remote-viewing s es s ions were c onduc ted prior to the targets being as s igned to thos e s es s ions by a truly random proc es s (explained in "E xperiment D etails " below as well as in the video pres entation that appears at the top of this page) that took plac e on Wednes day, 4 J une 2 0 0 8 . I t was not pos s ible for a remote viewer (or anyone els e) to know the identity of a target at the time the target was being remote viewed s inc e the remote-viewing s es s ions were c onduc ted before 4 J une 2 0 0 8 . T hus , the targets are as s igned in the future with res pec t to when the s es s ions were done, and the remote-viewing data des c ribe the future target as s ignments .

Important Links:
H ere is where you c an find links to the remote-viewing s es s ions , all dec rypted and organized for eas y viewing. H ere is where you c an read about how the experiment was c onduc ted. You c an als o s ee all of the s upport files that were us ed for this experiment.

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