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Tricia Maybaum Phase 4- Spring 2013 Scheduling

Monday- Friday AM:

Time 8:00-8:30 Students/Staff Daily Prep/Hygiene: Jim- Vinnie, Travis- Tricia, Steven- Josh, AngelaMichele, Shanice- Pamela Work: Rob, DJ- checked on by vocational coordinator Where YAP house Rob- McDs DJ- Library Objective/Target Behavior Hygiene skills: tooth brushing, face washing, deodorant Daily prep: eating breakfast, making schedule Vocational skills: cleaning skills (clearing tables, dusting, washing tables) and site specific tasks (reorganizing books) Planning MTD bus: utilize website to successful plan bus route Volunteering: being within community learning vocational skills (clearing tables, dusting, washing tables) and site specific tasks Vocational Skills are applied at all sites. Skills such as clearing tables, dusting, and washing tables may exist at each site, but there are site specific tasks students learn as well. Vocational Skills are applied at all sites. Skills such as clearing tables, dusting, and washing tables may exist at each site, but there are site specific tasks students learn as well. Vocational Skills are applied at all sites. Skills such as clearing tables, dusting, and washing tables may exist at


Daily Prep/Bus Plan: Angela- Michele, Shanice- Pamela Volunteering: Jim- Vinnie, TravisTricia, Steven- Josh Work: Rob, DJ- checked on by vocational coordinator

YAP house Salt n Lite Rob- McDs DJ- Library Salt n Lite Manor Care Rob- McDs DJ- Library Salt n Lite Manor Care Rob- McDs DJ- Library Salt n Lite Manor Care


Volunteering: Jim- Vinnie, TravisTricia, Steven- Josh Work Internship: Shanice, AngelaMichele, Pamela Work: Rob, DJ- checked on by vocational coordinator Volunteering: Jim- Vinnie, TravisTricia, Steven- Josh Work Internship: Shanice, AngelaMichele, Pamela Work: Rob, DJ- checked on by vocational coordinator Volunteering: Jim- Vinnie, TravisTricia, Steven- Josh Work Internship: Shanice, Angela-



Michele, Pamela Work: Rob, DJ- checked on by vocational coordinator Bus back from volunteering, work internship, or work: All

Rob- McDs DJ- Library MTD buses

each site, but there are site specific tasks students learn as well. Bussing skills: pulling cord, showing DASH pass, waiting for bus, behaving appropriately on bus, transferring buses


I have the mornings for my students the same for everyday because I think work and volunteering should be a crucial part of their day. The majority of the parents on my caseloads largest concern is where their child is going to work when they finish school, and where is going to make up their day once school is done. Two of the students on my caseload I put in real job situations being supported by the vocational coordinator because they have or have in the past jobs that they attend to alone. Additionally, they can bus independently and this is a major factor in holding a paid job. Two other students I gave a community internship to, because although these two students cannot bus alone, they can complete the tasks necessary for a community internship, which can be paid. Therefore, they would be supported the w hole time getting to work and at work, but could still earn a paycheck. The last three students on my caseload I put in a volunteering site, because currently that would be the best fit for them. Although these three students do not have the skill set yet to be in a job placement, I think it is important that they continue learning the skills needed to hopefully one day be placed in one. These students would be supported the whole time on the bus and at their site.


Lunch: Travis, Rob- Tricia; Anglea, Shanice- Pamela; DJ- Michele Out to Lunch: Jim, Steven- Vinnie Cooking/Shopping: DJ- Josh; TravisPamela Rec/Leisure: Rob- Michele Girls Group: Angela, Shanice- Tricia Out to Lunch: Jim, Steven- Vinnie

YAP house In community YAP house Community Community YAP house Community

Lunch at house: student/staff eat lunch Out to lunch: work on busing, social skills, ordering skills, paying skills, tipping skills Cooking: Working on following recipes, using simple appliances, using measurements Shopping: working on making grocery lists and price comparing in store, budgeting, paying, recipe planning Rec/Leisure: going somewhere in the community and doing something enjoyable Girls Group: learning about different health issues and topics relatable for girls. Speech and Social work would come in during this time and the three of us would work together to hit different objectives Cooking: Working on following recipes, using simple appliances, using measurements Shopping: working on making grocery lists and price comparing in store, budgeting, paying, recipe planning Rec/Leisure: going somewhere in the community and doing something enjoyable Girls Group: learning about different health issues and topics relatable for girls. Speech and Social work would come in during this



Cooking/Shopping: DJ- Josh; TravisPamela Rec/Leisure: Rob- Michele Girls Group: Angela, Shanice- Tricia Out to Lunch: Jim, Steven- Vinnie

YAP house Community Community YAP house Community


Cooking/Shoppong: DJ- Josh; TravisPamela Rec/Leisure: Rob- Michele Girls Group: Angela, Shanice- Tricia Out to Lunch: Jim, Steven- Vinnie

YAP house Community Community YAP house Community


Shopping/Cooking: DJ- Josh; TravisPamela Rec/Leisure: Rob- Michele Girls Group: Angela, Shanice- Tricia Out to Lunch: Jim, Steven- Vinnie

YAP house Community Community YAP house Community

time and the three of us would work together to hit different objectives Cooking: Working on following recipes, using simple appliances, using measurements Shopping: working on making grocery lists and price comparing in store, budgeting, paying, recipe planning Rec/Leisure: going somewhere in the community and doing something enjoyable Girls Group: learning about different health issues and topics relatable for girls. Speech and Social work would come in during this time and the three of us would work together to hit different objectives Cooking: Working on following recipes, using simple appliances, using measurements Shopping: working on making grocery lists and price comparing in store, budgeting, paying, recipe planning Rec/Leisure: going somewhere in the community and doing something enjoyable Girls Group: learning about different health issues and topics relatable for girls. Speech and Social work would come in during this time and the three of us would work together to hit different objectives


Bus back/Chores: DJ- Josh; Angela, Shanice- Tricia, Bus back from lunch/Chores: Jim, Steven- Vinnie

MTD YAP house

Busing skills: pulling cord, staying attentive, waving for bus Domestic Skills: practicing different chores that are practical and meaningful within the house

This is an example PM schedule. Each student would participate in each of these activities each week. Friday would be boys group when a male paraprofessional, social work, and speech would work together to target topics appropriate for boys. All of the boys would participate in boys group.

OT would be targeted on Thursday afternoons for the students. Parklands OT program runs an OT group for us that everyone would go to. The OT for Unit 4 would collaborate with the OT group to make sure objectives are being addressed.

Each student during the week would have their group (boys or girls), cooking/shopping, rec/leisure, OT, and out to eat to fill their afternoons. Students may shop and cooking twice a week and I think this is appropriate because students need to learn multiple recipes and practice multiple times. Additionally, this allows students the choice of picking a long recipe and shopping for it one day, then cooking for it the second day of the week.

I did not put a location for shopping/cooking, rec/leisure, or out to eat because the students are allowed to choose where they would like to go each day. Our common shopping locations are Meijer, Walmart, Aldi, and Walgreens. Students go a variety of places when they go out to eat or to do

rec/leisure. Additionally by changing locations frequently students are able to practice planning for different buses and taking these bus routes. There would be different staff/student combos each afternoon so that students and staff do not get tired of one another. It is important also that students do not become used to one staff member, and that they are able to take instruction form all staff members. Staff meetings would occur weekly before the students arrive. This would give me the time to address issues or concerns each week, in addition to letting to me hear from staff what concerns they have. This would be a good time to address any problems that have not been worked out throughout the week. Communication and collaboration would be ongoing in the YAP house. The paraprofessionals and myself would be in constant communication, as well as using a board to summarize how the student was in the AM and PM. Because the YAP house is sort of a meeting place, it would be easy to communicate with any staff member in the beginning, middle, or end of the day. Each paraprofessional would have a binder for data sheets for each student that they work with for each area they are with them for. These data sheets would be reviewed weekly by myself, and any problems or concerns could be addressed with the specific paraprofessional. During our weekly meetings we can also review how complete data sheets should look and how to correctly fill out these sheets.

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