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Shot list.

Scene 1 Market / Office 1. Track low angle, rises Past shoppers until meets Adam. Follows through market to door of office. 2. Mid /Long - Inside Office, Adam enters 3. Reverse - John Greene at his desk, hand shake 4. Mid - side of desk on men, motions "take a seat". 5. Mid - John Greene talking at desk 6. Mid - Adam Dialogue 7. Mid - back on JOHN 8. Mid - Adam 9. Mid - John 10. Mid - Side on again, men get up, pans as they leave. 11. Tracking back - men walking toward, chat until they stop. 12. Mid - Over Adams, shoulder, John serious / dialogue, laughs then motions to door, track back as they enter it. Scene 2 1. Mid John hands Adam some clothes, John dialogue, gets out other items, hands to Adam 2. Mid Reverse, Adam thanks John 3. Mid Holds up keys, John dialogue 4. Mid Reverse, Adam Dialogue 5. Mid John Dialogue 6. Mid Reverse, Adam Dialogue 7. Mid John Dialgoue, leaves frame 8. CU Adam looking at key, turns to locker on his left. 9. CU- Locker opening, photo falling out

10. CU - Adam picks up photo. Looks at it. 11. CU Of Photo 12. CU Adam looks around and puts photo away Scene 3 1. Est. - Market at night 2. Est. - Market at night. Whispering starts faint 3. Est. - Market at night. Whispering builds. 4. Mid / slow zoom Adam at desk staring at photo, whispering contd. Snaps from trance, whispering stops, Puts down photo, lights go out, cursing sounds. Torch comes on. 5. LS Market, torch light comes into shot, Adam approaches. 6. POV Mid Scans around with torch, shuffling sound, beam catches something moves 7. LS Behind Adam, Something moves between him and camera as he turns with torch. 8. CU Adam 'whos there?' 9. Mid shines torch on window, reflection of woman mouthing, he turns to face it, 10. Mid Reverse, nothng there 11. CU Adam, Show youself. 12. POV Mid Frantic scanning around, heels can be heard getting closer 13. CU Adam stands still, sound goes except breathing... Something rushes past him, knocking him down. Cut to black. Scene 4 1. Mid Pan Left Adam is wakes at the cafe table, pans to reveal Lily sitting beside him. He notices her, Lily dialgoue. 2. CU Adam reaction / dialgoue 3. Mid across the table from them, lily smiles and puts hand on cheek. 4. CU Lily dialogue, 5. XCU - puts lips to his ear

6. CU Adam reaction, dialgoue 7. CU Lily dialogue 8. CU Adam Dialogue 9. CU Lily dialogue 10. Mid across table, adam turs away, dialogue. Lily turns hs head back 11. CU Lily dialogue 12. CU Adam rwaction, closes eyes. 13. XCU Lily kisses forehead. Goes to black, lily dialogue. Scene 5 1. Mid Adam wakes abruptly at desk. 2. Mid low angle reverse, John Greene dialogue 3. Mid Adam gets up, dialogue as he moves round desk. 4. Mid John dialogue, they are face to face now 5. CU Photo gets picked up 6. Mid John looking at it warily 7. Mid Photo being shown, Adam dialogue 8. Mid John reaction, dialogue 9. Mid Adam dialogue 10. Mid john turns and removes article from cabinet 11. CU Article, john begins to speak 12. Mid Adam looking up from article. John dialogue contd. 13. Mid John dialogue on 'That's ancient history' 14. Mid Adam hold article up, dialogue 15. Mid John dialogue, sighs, more dialogue 16. Mid Adam nods. Looks down 17. CU photo annd article placed on desk. 18. Mid Adam dialogue, leaves frame

19. Mid John greene, stern, picks up photo and looks at for a moment 20. Mid Behind John as he turns, smirks then crumples up the photo / article. Leaves frame. Scene 6 1. Est. - Adam walks through the dark market with his torch. 2. Mid in front of Adam, he walks then stops as he hears a dripping sound 3. LS He turns to face camera from the side and walks towards the camera, as he reaches it the camera pans to the right to reveal the pool of blood. 4. POV Adam aims the light on the pool as he approaches it, notices a trail going off. He follows the trail to some kids rides, the whispering starts again. Flicker cut to the rides being on. 5. Flicker shot Horrible lily, hand reaching out to Adam. 6. POV the rides playing their songs 7. Pan Mid Pans round Adam slightly, he feels a presense as the whispering intensifies. Light goes out sound shifts to ominous drone 8. LS Shot of Lily's corpse in pool, lit from above. Adam runs into shot and kneels beside her 9. CU from Lily's perspective, Adam reaction to corpse 10. CU OTS Can see Adam's back and Lily's face. Her eyes are shut. Suddenly lurches forward, eyes wide, harrowing scream, Black. Scene 7 1. Est. - Adam sitting with his back to us, facing some security monitors 2. CU Adam eating pot noodle, flashbacks start. 3. Track across monitors, flashbacks end, stops on final camera. 4. Flicker to clothes being on the floor. 5. CU Adam double-tale Reaction, puts down fork 6. Flicker from clothes to lily standing there as well. 7. LS Stairs, Adam rushes down them 8. LS clothes on the ground, Adam runs into shot and approaches them. 9. Mid In front of Adam, Lily dialogue, he turns

10. Mid footprints leading off 11. Mid Adam dialogue leaves frame 12. Track Round coner to reveal footprints going through basement door. 13. Mid Inside the room, Adam approaches door cautiously. 14. LS Adam sees the body in the basement 15. Mid Recoils slightly 16. LS Lily approaches body, dialogue, circles it. Turns to face Adam, directly to camera. 17. Mid Adam dialogue as he backs away 18. LS Lily moves toward him, dialogue 19. Mid Adam dialogue, lily laugh, door swings shut, lily dialogue 20. Mid - Adam reaction, turns and runs out of frame 21. LS Lights flashing, Adam runs into frame stops in centre 22. Mid Adam turns his head to the right 23. LS Lily approaching in light intervals 24. Mid Adam dialogue 25. Mid OTS Lily dialogue 26. Mid Girl dialogue, adam reaction / turn 27. LS Girl standing ahead of him 28. Mid Adam dialogue 29. LS Girl dialogue 30. Mid Adam dialogue, runs away 31. LS Shot of lift, Adam rushes into frame, frantically presses buttons, doors open. 32. CU Presses up button 33. Mid On Adam, lift starts to move down. 34. CU lift floor marker shows descent. 35. Mid Adam looking worried, doors open he is grabbed out of frame

36. Mid Low angle Lily dialogue 37. Mid High angle Adam on the floor dialogue 38. LS Lily walking away, dialogue 39. Mid Adam gets up, looks up 40. LS Creepy girl dialogue 41. Mid Adam dialogue, back up against door 42. LS Lily walking toward him, Dialogue 43. Mid Adam dialogue 44. Mid - Lily wraps arms, dialogue 45. Mid Adam dialogue 46. Mid lily dialogue 47. Mid Adam dialogue 48. LS He tries to struggle, Lily cackles and tightens grip 49. Mid Lily Dialogue 50. Mid Adam scream Scene 8 1. LS track - Slow track away from basement door, sounds muffled from other side, after 5 secs blood pours from under door. John steps forward with mop 2. CU Darkness, John green lit by cigarette Scene 9 1. Track low angle, rises Past shoppers until meets man. Follows through market to door of office (foot level). Rise and pan to reveal Lily in the background watching.

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