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1.emancipate- free somebody from slavery 2.corpse- a dead body 3.

manifestation- something shows that a quality and condition exists. 4.disguise- to confuse the person by changing his appearence. 5.mob- a large group of people. 6.undermine- to make sum one less confident. 7.rigorous- to check sum thing carefully. 8.impetous- done anything without thinking carefully. 9.despise- to hate sum one nd have no respect for them. 10.deteriote- to become worse. 11.trenchant- express strong critisism on any matter. 12.tranquil- calm and quite.. 13.devoid- completely without a quality. 14.patronize- to speak or behave in front of anyone such u r better than that, 15.utopia- an imaginary idea. 16.contort- express by facial expression. 17.jaded- tired or with something. 18.ecstacy- feeling a lot of happiness, 19.smudge- a dirty mark. 20.fraternity- feeling of being friendly. 21.peculiar- in a strange way. 22.adore- to love someone. 23.inane- silly. 24.absolution- free. 25.austerity- lacking comfort nd luxuries.

26.appal- something which is extreme bad. 27..aftermath- consequences of unpleasent event. 29.aton - to admit the thing. 30.litany- a tedious or repetetive series. 31.barrage- overwhelming questions ask in a succesive manner. 32.lambaste- critisize sharply.. 33.reconnaissance- military observation of any enemy to locate the enemy. 34.rebel- rise in opposition. 35.strangle- throttle... 36.solace- comfort or consalation in time of stress, 37.gobsmake- to astonish, 38.coerse- persuade to unwilling person by using force and threads. 39.plead - a emotional appeal in court, 40.treason- the crime of betraying country ( especially by throwing sovereign government) 41.vermin- very unpleasing and destructive people. 42.triumph- a great victory. 43.preach- to deliver a religious lecture to people. 44.defiance- open resistance. 45.pacifist- a person who believe on non violence. 46.humiliate- injure the self respect. 47.sobriquet- nick name. 48.peril- extreme danger. 49.ravage- completely distructed. 50.squander- waste in reckless manner. 51.freak out- suddenly become angry.

52.prone- to suffer from sum thing. 53.asylum- when sum want to make him safe by escaping in safe place. 54.frantic- fast done ( without organized) 55.retaliate- to do sum thing wrong because sum did wrong to u. 56.conspicuous- very easy to notice. 57.sprout- to grow up. 58.requiem- a grand musical song organized for a dead person. 59.oasis- a green place , a lavishness in rigor life. 60.fathom- understand after a long thinking. 61.irrevocable- unable to stop. 62.relent - to allow sum thing that u refused before. 63.obstinate- persist to change ones opinion. 64.enthusiastic- interesting. 65.juvenile- younger. 66.strive- make great efforts. 67.content- satisfy. 67.inoble- not in good status, 68.sequestered- apart from society. 69.vassal- under govern of another government. 70.vagrant- with home or job. 71.solitude- alone. 72.malice- desire to harm other. 73.swindler- cheats sum one for money. 74.raze- tear down a building. 75.clement- mercy full.

76.petition- appeal in court. 77.tiff - quarrel. 78.apathy- lack of interest.. 79.acquaint- make sum one familiar from. 80.surge- a sudden large increase.. 81.accord - to give someone. 82.rejig- rearrange.. 83.molestation- abuse. 84.ablaze- catch fire. 85.espouse- to adopt. 86.burgeon- increase rapidly.. 87.scuffle- combate. 88.deter- to discourage sum body by fear of consequences.. 89.glimpse- briefly. 90.entrusted- assign resposibilty.. 91.jolt- shock. 92.deceased- dead. 93.succumb- die after injuries. 94.emeliorate- try to better the things. 95.innundate- flood a place. 96.smash- break, crumble, shatter 97.marsh- a place which is water lock all the time. 98.abdust- move away force fully. 99.exorbitant- rise in unreasonable manner. 100.bibiliophile- a person who loves collection of books.

101.epitomize- perfect example of. 102.dichotomy- include in two works. 103.profecy- prediction. 104.stuffy - place without ventilation. 105.alighnate- make sum one isolate. 106.verdict- a decision in criminal case. 107.anticipate- to guess the future situation. 108.spate- a large no. of repetetive thing. 109.absolve- free from guilt. 110.spat-a pretty quarrel .. 111.alimony- maintenance of spouse after divorse. 112.lethal- sufficient to call death. 113.petrify- have lot fear of something. 114.dwindle- diminish. 115.opulent- rich. 116.foyer- open area outside a building. 117.stinking- unpleasent. 118.ambidextrous- a person who can write by both hands. 119.acetic- a person who live alone. 120.misogamist- hater of mankind. 121.misogynist- hater of women. 122.anamalous- unusual.. 123.shematic- related to meaning of words. 124.tyro- beginner. 125.antipathy- hostility, animosity.

126.clandestine- secret.. 127.indefatigable- tire less. 128.supersede- take another place. 129.pandemic- spread... 130.schemer- conspirator, traitor. 131.anarchy- chaos, lawlessness, disorder, revolution. 132.covet- desire to have or take. 133. abhor- to hate very much. 134. abject- hopeless; extremely sad and servile. 135. abnegate- to deny; reject the thing. 136.abortive- unsuccessful. 137. abstruse- very hard to understand.. 137- accolade- a reward, honor.. 137- accost- to approach and speak to someone.. 138- acrimonious- full of spite.. 139.adage- an old saying.. 140.adherent- follower, supporter, believer. 141.admonish- scold gently; to warn.. 141. adroit- dexterous, skillful. 142, adulation- wild or excessive admiration; flattery.. 143.aesthetic- artistic. 144. affable- easy to talk to or friendly.. 145- affectation- artificial behaviour.. 146.agnostic- who is confounded in existence of god.. 147.alacrity- cheerful eagerness

148.allocate- to assign the task.. 149.allusion- an indirect reference. 150.aloof- uninvolved.. 151. altruism- to help others without expectation of personal gain , philanthropy. 152.ambivalent- undecided... 153- ravenous- heavy appetide .. 155-concieted- having false pride, who exaggerated

156.satire- a noun that means witty language used to convey insults or scorn
157- astute- shrewd , or clever.. 158- sniff- sensing an odor by inhaling through the nose 159-hypocracy- People who go to church but don't believe in god?


flabbergast- is to shock, so some events that might flabbergast you include winning the lottery,...

161- autopsy- postmortem..

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