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Boston Bombings Investigation Continues

Suspects had planned to drive to New York City to explode more bombs.
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The mother and father of the two Boston bombing suspects.

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From VOA Learning English, this is IN THE NEWS. Americans continue to follow reports on people and events linked to a bomb attack more than a weekago during the Boston Marathon. Two young men are accused of carrying out the attack. The two are brothers. The surviving suspect toldinvestigators that he and his older brother had planned to drive to New York City to explode more bombs.Nin eteen year old Dzhokhar Tsarnaev spoke from a hospital where he was taken after his capture. His older brother, Tamerlan Tsarnaev, died last week after a gun fight with police. He was 26 years old. Police say the brothers caused two explosions near the finish line for the race. The explosions killedthree people, including an eightyear- old boy and wounded more than 250 others. The Tsarnaev brothers came to the United States with their family as refugees from the Chechen conflict with Russia. Silvia Dominguez teaches sociology at Northeastern University in Boston. She says it is important to note that the Tsarnaevbrothers were not immigrants, but refugees forced from their homeland by danger and conflict. She says refugees carry strongbeliefs about the conflicts they fled. She says this is especially true when they leave areas where they experienced unfairtreatment. The ideology around them is very significant and very powerful. And, there is an aspect of injustice that is very difficult to notwant to act on. Russian officials had warned Americas Federal Bureau of Investigation about the older

brother after he visited Russia for sixmonths last year. American investigators have ques tioned the mother and father in Dagestan, where they now live separately. The investigators wanted to learn if Tamerlan Tsarnaev had contacts with Islamist extre mists. Professor Dominquez says it is possible that the older brother never developed an identity as an American because he left theCaucasus area during the Chechen conflict. She says young refugees know they were lucky to get out but also know thatmany others could not escape. She says those who leave at a young age need to have a sense of belonging in their new country. She says it is very importantto have activities to get young refugees involved. You know this is not just in the United States. Its any country that receives refugees. Television broadcasts show Zubiedat Tsarnaeva arguing that her sons did not carry out the crimes. She says accusations against them are false and part of a plot. Enrique Pumar teaches sociology at the Catholic University of America in Washington. His recent research deals with migration and violence. He notes that the Tsarnaev family was divided with the father and mother in Russia, and their sons in the United States. He says it is much more difficult to adapt to a different country without the support of a family or acommunity. A lot of times immigrants that are alone and dont have a community and support group oftentimes they suffer from status deprivation. They tend to be violent or at least deviant. Police have charged Dzhokhar Tsarnaev with using a weapon of mass destruction. The crime is punishable by death. And thats IN THE NEWS. Im Steve Ember.

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by: hasan from: Turkey
04/30/2013 10:55 AM

Report Comment Reply We believe that Islamofobia is a wrong and coined plot against to muslems . USA is the biggest and strongest country in the world. Therefore, USA must protect all worlds people against to disasters and all catastrophes. Because all resources of the world are entirely using by USA. CIA can find real criminals,if wants. I believe that VOA broadcasts honest news.

by: Olimar Oliveira from: Caetite, Bahia, Brasil

04/30/2013 8:04 AM

Report Comment Reply Great event, the big Boston marathon and quickly a explosion, three killed 250 injurieds, two youngs men made this tragedy, was sad and painful and was note in all the world.

by: John from: John

04/29/2013 1:26 PM

Report Comment Reply This is absolute nonsense. What is the aim of this article? Thereby one can justify any crime. If one take into account the key points of this report then nobody will not be able in safety! It is only a scientific hypocrisy. The author wants to say that these criminals are the miserable boys, to whom the USA gave a little warmth or opportunities? In my opinion they are absolutely grown-up men with developed outlooks. One must not forget, they are from the Caucasus. The committed crimes is the result of their ideology and their views. And our society must understand and admit this fact. Moreover, I think our society and state system must assume responsibility for this crime because these refugees lived among us. Thank you.

by: Bach Yen from: Vietnam

04/29/2013 1:03 AM

Report Comment Reply It's so sorry for Bombing in Boston. Hundreds of people become disabled just in seconds. Refugees are always an important issue in many countries. If only everyone lived together in peace.


04/27/2013 4:02 PM

Report Comment Reply The brothers' mood of the festival seem to have been outweighed by their feeling of mission they were entitled to. The joy of the Americans present there and the inactivism reflect a contrast with a huge difference. But alas, what should not have been happened, happened somehow. But let us be more vigilant. Thank you.


04/27/2013 3:19 PM

Report Comment Reply From the photographs given, prima facie, it is as evident as daylight that their expressions, gestures and moods do not seem fit fully relevant to the context. The joy shared by others does not seem to have passed on to them either. They seem to have been obsessed by something more determined, dedicated and time-bound thing to come. I think America should have been more on the alert and secretly monitoring the movements of the elder brother, if the Russians had raised suspecion about him. I think the Russian spywork is much more sensitive than the so-called American hi-tech technological spywork. The Russians have the example of picking up a suspects earlier. They must have been hired and plotted there, I think. It calls for American security system to wake up. Thank you.

by: Edson from: Brazil

04/27/2013 1:31 PM

Report Comment Reply The U.S. should not rethink the policy of giving refuge to people who do not believe in freedom and human rights?

by: mr.kokothet from: Myanmar

04/27/2013 9:02 AM

Report Comment Reply yeah ! I support the idea of giving death sentence because of causing many people injured and died!

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