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Taser Reports (scan ins below) Submitted by Offending Officers Expose

their lies and deceptions. Attack upon McCain affiliated Northwest Airlines,
spawns abduction and murderous ploys upon our family to provide occlusion of truth
including subjection to covert tribunal- ,
Report has been provided by Lesley Hughes Canadian Dimension magazine, written and
audio and Wayne Madsen, of the Wayne Madsen Report, in Washington.My mother and I
were subject to a vicious attack due to racial profiling aboard sued-by-the-ACLU-
Northwest Airlines:

Officers while writing their reports from their true perspective on the aircraft, had signed their
respective reports under their fellow officers’ names in order to provide obfuscation of their
positions on board the aircraft provide false account of events.

Again this was primarily done in order that they could falsely give account of officer Sean Hoerdt
#4254, having stood directly in front of me on the aircraft in the single file line up of officers in
front of me, *when in fact he had not been in my midst and had in fact, been 2 officers removed.
Given that he had sustained injury independent of any action on my part, as officers lunged
forward and attacked me without provocation causing injury requiring my hospitalization, false
pretense of his position having been directly before me allowed them plausible account of my
having inflicted the injury on the officer, allowing them to divert and deflect incrimination for
their crimes.

Analysis of the following taser reports, provided below, exposes their lies and
Taser reports indicated that officer Hoerdt #4254 and Wingate #4289, were the only
officers who deployed tasers and had tasers on their persons when boarding the aircraft.
As I stood in the isle of the aircraft facing the front, 4 officers stood in front of me in
single file fashion, and one behind. Witnesses would have seen that the two officers most
distant from me, towards the front of single file line of officers, drew their tasers upon the
order of the officer directly in front of me in my midst, yet without any provocation.
Witnesses would then have seen that these two most distant officers passed their tasers
forward to the 2 officers nearest me (Sergeant Milton #4214 and officer Sweigert, #4246,
who tased me.)

Taser reports were submitted by officers Hoerdt and Wingate. Note: that a taser report
must be issued not by the officer who uses the taser- but by the officers who originally
had the tasers on their persons and deployed them!; This indicates that officer Hoerdt and
Officer Wingate originally had the tasers on their persons and were in fact positioned at
the rear of the 4 man single fashion line up of officers standing in front of me, and were
thus 2 and 3 officers removed.

This is contradictory to police reports that claim that I had direct contact with officer
Hoerdt #4254, the reports falsely indicating that Hoerdt stood directly in front while in
fact he was several officers removed in the narrow confines of the isle of an aircraft. *
How then could I have assaulted this officer when he and I were mutually far removed?
The answer is that this event is fictitious and manufactured with the intent to falsely
incriminate and collude evidence of an unwarranted hate based attack.

All said evidence was suppressed at trial, where my mother and I sat threatened into
silence, before covert tribunal. Details at

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