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The Evangelical Presbyterian MAY-JUN 2013

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Ecclesia reformata semper reformanda est
the Reformed Church is always reforming
Gareth Burke
33, Onslow Gardens,
Phone: 07803 282489
Uniformity and unity...............................
Man as God made him............................
Whose Faith Follow................................
The Return of Christ...............................
Meditation in the digital age..................
Time for a new chapter..........................
Church news...........................................
The 5 Solas..............................................
A student worker in Munster..................
Book reviews...........................................
Dear Rev .................................................
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Book Reviews
Colin Campbell
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The Evangelical Presbyterian is published bimonthly by the Presbytery of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church.
The Evangelical Presbyterian MAY-JUN 2013
Isnt the web a remarkable thing? You can sort of remember something from an article or sermon long ago,
tap in a few words to Google and the next thing youve found what youre looking for. That happened to me the
other day. I was thinking about an address that John Nicholls of London City Mission had given to the London
Presbyterian Conference in 1987. I thought it was entitled Holy Moderation and when I typed these words into
the Google word search up it popped:
Holy Moderation: Towards a Presbyterian Mind.
What a super article it is especially the section in it dealing with the whole issue of uniformity and unity. The in
thing at the present time in a number of Presbyterian churches seems to be to get all the congregations within
the denomination to look alike, act alike, speak alike. This is a trend from which we are not entirely immune. Of
course we have core issues that are non-negotiable. We hold to the Bible, the Word of God, as the sole rule of
faith and practice. We are committed to the regulative principle of worship and we adhere to the Westminster
Standards. But holding tenaciously to these truths does not mean that we have to be identical in all that we do.
Indeed I believe that it is one of the core principles of Presbyterianism that we are united together in common
testimony to the Gospel and the Reformed Faith but we are free to cultivate within our congregations our own
emphasis and ethos according to the location where we have been called to witness. As such, the feel to church
life will be somewhat different in Richhill in comparison to Crosscollyer Street. We must be careful not to confuse
unity with uniformity. John Nicholls expresses this well when he writes:
The third aspect of holy moderation is a concern for unity but not an attempt to press all believers into the same
It is unity, not uniformity, that we want to cultivate in the EPC. We want to work together as those of like mind.
We rejoice in those opportunities that we have to come together for teaching and worship such as the recent
Presbytery Day Conference with Iain D Campbell. We are greatly blessed by the work of the church camps and
the outreach teams where gifted people from the different congregations come together to serve and witness. But
we must guard against the mentality that suggests we must do everything in the same way. Indeed, as one looks
out across the globe and observes the work of different presbyterian churches one becomes more attracted to
those denominations that are sometimes unkindly described as being Presbyterian Lite. What are the features
of such a denomination? The elders meet together in Presbytery and Synod to discuss matters of a doctrinal
nature and share together in prayer and fellowship. Matters of fnance, evangelism and other such issues are
left very much to the local congregation. There is unity in essentials but considerable freedom is given to local
elders to work it out on the ground where their church is located. Minimal direction and oversight is coming
from the central body. Strikes me that this is a New Testament model. When we take Acts 15 and the Pastoral
Epistles together were really looking at a presbyterian model with a small p. The Council of Jerusalem makes a
declaration on a doctrinal issue but the local elders lead, guide and develop the work of their church in conjunction
with the deacons. Presbyterian Lite.
Thomas Boston has written a book called Human nature in its
four-fold state. As the title suggests he describes man in a state
of innocence, fallenness, grace and glory. This article is the frst of
four on these various states. The full titles of all four are as follows:
man has God made him, Man as sin marred him, Man as grace
transforms him and Man as glory perfects him.
Genesis 1:27 informs us that God made man in his own image,
language that is used exclusively to describe the creation of man.
However, in addition to the use of this exclusive language, scripture
also provides several other hints that man is to be distinguished
from everything else that God created. Its interesting to note that
man was created last. This meant that when he arrived on the scene
everything he needed to survive was already present - plants to eat,
cattle to provide milk and oxen for labour etc. In other words the
world was made for man, not man for the world. Another point of
difference is the special executive divine counsel which preceded
the creation of man. There is no mention of a discussion between
the members of the triune Godhead prior to the activities of the other
days, but we read that on the sixth day the Father, Son and Holy
Spirit held a counsel meeting - let us make man in our image. This
implies that God had a special interest in the creation of man. Yet
another distinction is found in the language that God used to express
His satisfaction over everything that He had made. After the creation
of the plants and the animals He pronounced everything good, but
after the creation of man He pronounced everything very good.
All these statements imply that man is superior to the rest of
creation. One fnal distinction is found in the very way that God
created man. In the case of the plants and the animals He spoke
the word and created everything after their kind, but when creating
man He breathed into his nostrils the breath of life. This marks him
out as the pinnacle of Gods creation, but the fullest description of
mans uniqueness is found in these words God made man in his
own image.
1) What constitutes the image of God in man?
There is obviously something godlike about man, hence the use of
these two phrases to describe him - in our image and according
to our likeness. The former phrase comes from a Hebrew root
which means to carve or to cut. Think of the carving of an animal for
instance - its obviously patterned after the original. So man images
God in the same way as a carving images an animal. The term
likeness comes from a word which means to be like, so taking
these two phrases together we can say that man in some senses
represents God and in certain respects is like Him. In other words
all of us refect our Maker and this is even true of man in a fallen
condition (James 3:9, 1 Corinthians 11:7). Sin may have greatly
marred us but we are still in the image of God and not even the fall
has managed to eradicate every remnant of our original glory. Think
of Windsor Castle after it was scarred by fre some years ago. Great
damage was done but even amongst the charred remains you could
still see some evidence of its original beauty. This is also true of
fallen man, hence Rabbi Duncans comment: man is a ruin, but he
is a noble ruin. We can learn what this image of God in man is like
from two sources - nature and the bible.
a) NATURE. Does not nature itself teach you? (1 Corinthians
11:14). This text implies that we are warranted in making certain
deductions from nature about the image of God in man.
1) Man is physically different. Of all the beings in animate creation
man alone can stand upright. Even his posture seems to emphasize
his superiority over other created beings. Furthermore, he has the
ability to vary his facial expressions. A dog may be able to send out
a signal that its angry by snarling or barking, but it cant cry, laugh,
smile or frown the way we can. Another feature which distinguishes
man from the animals is that man alone can speak. Communication
with an animal is very limited. It may learn certain things by rote
but it can never think or communicate the way we can. Yet another
difference is that man can also blush. Mark Twain was observant
enough to note that: man is the only animal that blushes. Or needs
2) He also has a sense of morality. He instinctively knows that
certain things are wrong and other things are right. The bible
explains this by speaking of the work of the law written in our
hearts (Romans 2:15). This produces a sense of ought or ought
not which intrudes into our consciousness through the working of
conscience. And this religiosity is present everywhere and at all
times. Animals have instinct which determines their behaviour but
they have no sense of morality. Thats why monkeys dont hold
meeting to discuss the behaviour of other monkeys, but human
beings do.
3) He can exercise the powers of reason. Blaise Paschal once said
that man is only a reed, but he is a thinking reed. We can all think,
absorb certain pieces of information, come to conclusions about that
information and then impart our opinions to others, although a former
teacher once suggested that perhaps I didnt fall into that category.
He informed me that my head was for thinking, not for keeping my
ears apart! Nothing remotely resembling this exists in the animal
kingdom. Most children can write a letter to granny thanking her
for a birthday present, or they can read a post card received from
someone on holiday. Even such basic activities as these have never
been observed in animals.
4) He has a unique creative ability. Birds can build nests, rabbits can
dig burrows, but man has designed equipment which has enabled
him to fy to the moon. Original ideas belong to man, not the animals.
As a little boy I used to get excited every time Ford introduced a
new car. My father was a Ford dealer and the introduction of a new
model was a big event. No animal has ever experienced anything
like that. Animals don't visit the patent offce to take out new patents;
but men do. John Benton put it like this: Beavers may build dams,
but men develop quantum mechanics, paint the Mona Lisa and fy to
the moon. To say that animals are the same is like saying coal and
diamonds are the same.
Closely related to this creative ability is mans aesthetic sense.
He appreciates beauty in a way that animals do not. We all know
what it is to take delight in the sight of a setting sun, or the beauty of
a mountain range. A piece of music can also reduce us to tears, or
even a particular rugby match can remain so etched on our memory
that we get excited just thinking about it. All of us know something
of these experiences; in comparison animals just grunt and make
b) SCRIPTURE. Not surprisingly both nature and scripture agree as
to what it means to be made in the image of God. Thats because
God reveals Himself in both spheres. However, scripture expands
considerably on some aspects of Gods image that nature only hints
at. Here are a few pointers.
1) Mans natural religiosity. God is a Spirit (John 4:24). Only man
is an uniquely spiritual being, hence the fact that he is instinctively
religious. He has a sense of deity which is part of his mannishness
and he can no more deny this than he can deny himself. So when
the Westminster Divines defned the image of God in the Shorter
Catechism this was their main emphasis. How did God create
man? God created man, male and female, after his own image, in
knowledge, righteousness and holiness, with dominion over the
creatures. Notice that the image of God in man is described here
along the lines of knowledge, righteousness and holiness.
How come? This is how scripture defnes what it means to be
restored in the image of God, so man must have originally
possessed these characteristics in the frst place. Colossians 3:10
informs us that the new man is renewed in knowledge according to
the image of Him who created him. So if our renewal in the image of
Man in his four-fold state
1. Man as God made him - Genesis 1 v26-27
Apartheid is a stench in
Gods nostrils
The Evangelical Presbyterian MAY-JUN 2013
God consists of a renewal in knowledge, then knowledge must have
been part of the image of God in Adam. He wasnt a primitive being
who one day found himself in Eden without a clue as to his identity
or whereabouts. On the contrary he knew that he was made by God,
answerable to God and in possession of a knowledge of Gods law,
as well as having a highly developed intelligence with regard to his
surroundings. Perhaps the clearest illustration of this is his naming
of the animals with names appropriate to their make-up (Genesis
2:19-20). Fallen man also possesses amazing knowledge and his
incredible achievements prove that to be the case. He has managed
to crack the atom, fy to the moon and analyze DNA. Furthermore,
he also knows that God exists (Psalm 19:1). However, the presence
of sin means that he doesnt know God in a personal sense.
This knowledge of God can only come about through the new birth
and belief of the truth (John 17:3).
Mans original righteousness and holiness are referred to in
Ephesians 4:24. Once again this helps us to understand what it
meant for Adam to be made in the image of God in the frst place.
If the new man is renewed in righteousness and holiness after the
image of God, then these characteristics must have been part of
Adams original make-up.
Therefore, when God made Adam he wasnt morally neutral with an
equal desire to do good or evil, rather he was positively righteous
and holy. In other words as he came from his Creators hand he
had a positive love for the Lord. He was capable of falling of course,
but he had no excuse for falling because God made him positively
upright (Ecclesiastes 7:29). Tragically the fall has marred us terribly
in this area. We no longer possess righteousness and holiness - we
can recognize it in others and in our hearts of hearts we know our
need of it, but we have no desire for it. Only God can re-create us in
His image in this sense and once again this renewal is a product of
the new birth.
2) His physical appearance. Our text doesnt say that God only
made mans soul in His image, it says that he made man in His
This implies that there is something even about mans body which
refects God's image. Now the primary part of God's image in man
is in his soul, but the fact that man in his totality is said to be in the
image of God implies that in some sense or other our bodies refect
our Maker. That immediately creates a problem because God is
a spirit.., so how can a body refect a spirit? Before you write this
concept off as nonsense listen to some of the experts. John Murray:
it is man in his unity and integrity who is made in the image of God.
John Calvin: There was no part of man, not even the body itself, in
which some sparks of the image did not glow. John Frame: There
are ways in which a body can picture a spirit. Psalm 94:10 asks
does he who implanted the ear not hear? Does he who formed the
eye not see? God does not have literal ears or eyes, but our ears
and eyes image His ability to hear and see. Perhaps this helps us
to understand the incarnation a little bit better. Because man as a
totality is made in the image of God, there is something about the
human body which made it even appropriate for Christ to take one
(Colossians 2:9).
3) His desire for fellowship. Let us make man in our own image.
male and female he created them. Notice the close juxtaposition
here between the us within the godhead and the male and female
within the human race. This implies that both the man and woman as
a plurality mirror Gods image in some sense of the word.
We are reminded here of what happens within the Trinity itself.
God is a plurality within unity and there is a sense in which human
relations refect that. So the image of God in man hints at our need
for community and fellowship. Anthony Hoekema comments: What
is being said in this verse is that the human person is not an isolated
being who is complete in himself or herself, but that he or she is a
being who needs the fellowship of others, who is not complete apart
from others.
4) His authority over the animals. mmediately after affrming
that God made man in His image, Moses went on to speak of
mans dominion over the animals (Genesis 1:28). We call this the
cultural mandate. The animal kingdom and creation itself are to
be subservient to man within certain bounds. This is part of mans
uniqueness as a being made in the image of God. To deny that
Jeff Ballantine, a native of Co. Tyrone,
has been a minister of the Evangelical
Presbyterian Church for almost 25
years. He is currently ministering
in Groomsport, Co. Down having
previously served in the Lisburn Road
man has such a role and to treat all creation alike is to have a zeal
not according to knowledge. In fact such a philosophy constitutes
rebellion against God because it denies that man is a unique being
who is made in His image.
In practice this means that it is the duty of scientists to explore
Gods universe in order to improve our comfort and welfare. It also
means that it is right for man to make use of the animals and his
environment so as to enable him to live to the glory of God. Men,
animals and inanimate creation are not on the same level (Matthew
10:31, 12v:2). But does this mean that we can pillage the earth
and use animals in whatever way we please? Not at all. God cares
for them too (Deuteronomy 20:19, Jonah 4:11). So be careful how
you respond to animal rights and environmental groups. Accept the
scriptural elements of their teachings, but dont have an unscriptural
zeal by swallowing everything they say.
2) What does this mean for us in practical terms?
a) It means that God can hold us accountable for our deeds.
Why will God judge man and not animals? He will do so because
man is unique among His created beings. He alone possesses the
ability to reason; he alone has the remnants of the law written in
his heart; he alone possesses a conscience; he alone intuitively
knows God exists. It is for reasons such as these that God can even
describe Gentiles as without excuse (Romans 1:20). Thats why
we all need to fee to the Saviour who has done what we cannot do
(Isaiah 53:6).
b) It means that we dare not esteem lightly the dignity of other
human beings. Murder is a heinous crime demanding the forfeiture
of the persons life precisely because men are made in the image
of God (Genesis 9:6). Apartheid is also a stench in Gods nostrils
for the same reason. Because of sin we tend to despise certain folk
who have strange personalities, little intelligence or idiosyncrasies
which annoy us. God demands we love them for this reason - they
are made in his image. Anthony Hoekema once again reminds us of
our duty: Even a person who is living a disreputable life, who has
become an outcast from society, who has not a friend in the world -
even such a person still bears Gods image, and that image we must
honour. Because everyone we meet is an image-bearer of God, we
may not curse him or her but we must love that person and do him or
her good.
c) It means that we have the potential of being renewed in the image
of God. The image of God in man has been badly marred but not
eradicated. However, praise God it can be renewed. Thats because
God has sent One in His own image for us men and our salvation
(Hebrews 1:3). Through Him we can be renewed. By looking to Him
with the eyes of faith you too can be renewed in the image of God
in your soul. And while that image of God is not renewed entirely
at the point of conversion, nevertheless, it can be further renewed
in exactly the same way as it was established in the frst place, by
looking to Christ (2 Corinthians 3:18). Then one day your renewal
in Gods image will be complete when you catch a glimpse of Him
at His return (1 John 3:2). All through Christ. Where do you stand in
relation to these great truths?
The image of God in man
has been badly marred
but not eradicated.
The Evangelical Presbyterian MAY-JUN 2013
The Evangelical Presbyterian MAY-JUN 2013
Whose faith follow
A short series on the founding fathers of the EPC
John Richard Gillespie
I am indebted to John Grier for the family information in
the frst three articles of this series. He came round one
night a few years ago and talked it into a recorder.
Three families, the Hunters, Gillespies and Griers, played
a key part in the establishment of the Irish Evangelical
Church. The Gillespies of Newry, were a business family
- William Gillespie was an independent banker before
the day of modern banks. John Gillespie was born,
29 December 1871, in Newry where he had his early
education. He was converted in his own bedroom when
he was about 13 through John 6.37: Him that cometh
to me I will in no wise cast out. He studied chemistry
at Queens College Belfast, funded by scholarships and
later graduated in medicine also by scholarship. He was a
talented tennis player.
Marriage, Missions and Medicine
The Gillespies attended First Newry where James
Hunter ministered 1888-89 but the short period had
lasting signifcance through the marriage of John Richard
Gillespie to Catherine Hunter, James Hunters sister, in
1900. The day after their wedding they sailed for Liverpool
and the following day to China, at the height of the Boxer
Rebellion. Johns brother, William, and sister, Annie, had
gone to the Churchs Manchuria mission before him.
Annie died of fever just six months after her arrival in
1897, and although she had advised John not to go
because of theological liberalism in the mission, her death
on the feld left him feeling compelled to follow. William
was murdered by bandits in 1920.
John Gillespie had become Principal of the
Presbyterian College at Mukden. When a theological
liberal was appointed to cover his year of furlough, 1907,
and to remain as his colleague, it brought existing tensions
to a head. For John, evangelicalism and liberalism could
not coexist so he resigned and resisted a succession of
requests to return. He applied to the China Inland Mission
and they sent a representative to Belfast, but for some
reason he decided not to proceed with the interview.
Dr Gillespie became Medical Offcer of Health
in Hampshire until 1914 when the family returned to
Belfast. From 1914 until his retirement in 1947 he was
Tuberculosis Medical Offcer for County Down.
He published an MD thesis on the subject and in the
period 1911-1935 saw the TB death rate fall from 2.25
per 1000 to 1.06. He was President of the Ulster Medical
Society in 1946.

Family Life
James Hunter was born to John and Catherine in
Manchuria in 1906, and Catherine on 13 July 1913 in
England. On return to Belfast in 1914 the family attended
Knock Presbyterian Church. When James Hunter retired
in 1924 Catherine and the children left with him but
John remained for a time to teach his Bible Class. The
new venue became Ravenhill Presbyterian where they
enjoyed a reformed ministry. The family had musical gifts.
James, was an organist and Catherine a trained mezzo-
soprano. And sport? When Catherine felt it was somehow
inappropriate for her daughter to play hockey, James
Hunter, brother, uncle and minister, arrived with a hockey
stick for her next birthday!
Heartbreak came in 1934 when James was killed
in a motor accident in London. He had just equipped his
Consultant Radiologist rooms in Queens Elms, Belfast.
The way the news broke to the family was harrowing.
Dr John Gillespie was receiving in-patient treatment
and his daughter Catherine was at home alone when
reporters called for an account of her brothers life. When
Jim Grier came to see her later that day she said: Dont
The Evangelical Presbyterian MAY-JUN 2013
cry, Mr Grier, The Lord gave, the Lord has taken away.
John Gillespie received the news similarly, with another
quotation from scripture. Dr Jamess leadership gifts made
him the heir apparent of his uncle and his death was
a stunning setback for the church. For Jim Grier it was
the loss of his only personal companion with whom he
had become bonded in the work of the church, and had
enjoyed recreation. n June 1927 Jim Grier had confded in
Dr Machen about his friend: he looks forward to some day
being one of your students if the Lord will. It was not the
Lords will, and that is the explanation of this inscrutable
The Catherine Gillespie Junior diaries record that
Jim Grier visited for tea most Saturdays from 1926-1943.
She was thirteen in 1926 and her frst recollection of Jim
Grier was of trying to haul him off her brother as they
wrestled on the lawn. His comment about this frst meeting
with his future wife was that she was only a schoolgirl.
Catherine, senior, died in 1930, in her sixtieth year, and
when daughter Catherine married Jim Grier in 1943, they
went to live with Dr Gillespie at 28 Knockdene Park South,
Knock, east Belfast, an address where hospitality to
visitors closely identifed it with the church.
The Irish Evangelical Church
Dr Gillespie was one of the 10% minority who voted to
uphold the heresy charges against Prof J E Davey at the
1927 Assembly. He attended the founding meetings of the
IEC in Fountain Street, Belfast, 1927-28. He and his wife
were on the committee which drew up the eight Articles of
Faith, the church's frst doctrinal standard, and were two of
its frst signatories.
General Treasurer: The Fountain Street Forum, which met
until the IEC Council had taken up the responsibilities,
appointed Dr Gillespie as treasurer of the denomination,
an appointment he held until his death in 1960. The
increase in our number of ministers in the 1930s produced
escalating demands on the Central Fund. In October 1938
Dr Gillespie commended Central Fund Gift Days to the
congregations, a practice which is still among us today. At
our 30th Anniversary meeting, 1957, Council presented
him with an easy-chair in appreciation of his thirty years
service as treasurer. His thanks to Council contained a
note of disavowal which drew from Rev Stuart Law the
lovely expression: they would have all been deprived of
very real pleasure had the presentation not been made.
The Irish Evangelical: It began in 1928 with Dr Gillespie
and W J Grier the joint editors and although it was W J
Grier who undertook the work, Dr Gillespie provided the
initial support. He was not a frequent contributor to the
magazine, but his nine articles, Studies in the First Epistle
of John, 1931-32, are an example.
Preachers: In the early years Council felt the need to
approve preachers and in 1932 Dr Gillespie produced a
schedule of speakers which became Councils pool.
Ministers took over the responsibility in 1960.
Inter-Church Relations: In September 1936 Dr Gillespie
drafted the Councils greeting to the General Assembly of
the newly-formed Presbyterian Church of America (later
Orthodox Presbyterian Church), of which Dr Machen was
frst Moderator. t was historic as the frst that the church
had sent to another body whose beginnings had parallels
with our own.
Dr Gillespie was 88 when he died quite suddenly
in 1960. The memorial minute recorded his generosity in
the service of Christs Kingdom, home and abroad. He
was also one of the original Trustees of the Evangelical
Book Shop, serving until his death. He fell asleep, after
a long life of devotion to the kingdom of God.
Ernest Brown of Knock is well known
throughout the EPC. For many years
he represented the church on the
International Missions Board of the Free
Church of Scotland. Ernest is also the
historian of the EPC and is a recognised
authority on the 1927 Heresy Trial. Here
he continues his series on the founding
fathers of our church.
The day after their wedding
they sailed for Liverpool
and the following day to
China, at the height of the
Boxer Rebellion.
The Evangelical Presbyterian MAY-JUN 2013
The Return of Christ
Part 3 - The Future of the Jews
(In the last article we were considering the Signs of His Coming.
In this article we continue to consider the signs by looking at the
issue of the restoration of srael is God fnished with the Jews?)
Although it is almost seventy years since the Second World War
drew to a close it is very striking to note the amount of literature
that is still being produced relating to the events of those six terrible
years. This is clearly seen in relation to the ongoing interest in the
events of the Holocaust. It doesnt make for good reading - the
brutal annihilation of some six million Jews in Nazi concentration
camps. One cannot help asking the question why? Why did Hitler
have such a hatred for the Jews? Why, throughout the centuries,
have the Jewish people so often been persecuted? How have they
managed to survive as a people? Has God particularly preserved
them as a people? s God fnished with the Jews or is there a
glorious future for them?
The Bibles teaching on this vital subject is found principally in
Romans chapters nine to eleven. Here Paul is arguing that although
the Jews have rejected Christ and are essentially unbelieving today
yet there will be a signifcant turning among them spiritually just prior
to the return of Christ.
Pauls optimism concerning his own people is
summed up in Romans 11:1
I say then, has God cast away His people?
Certainly not!
As we consider the future of the Jews in relation to the return of
Christ, and seek to unpack Pauls teaching in these chapters, we
want to do so by asking four signifcant questions.
1. What is the present spiritual state of the Jewish people?
Sadly the vast majority of the Jews today have no interest in the
Gospel and are clearly hardened as far as spiritual things are
concerned. Now that is not to say that there are no conversions
among Jewish people at the present time. Indeed the Christian
Focus publication The Unusual Suspects(1) makes for encouraging
reading as different men and women converted from Judaism
share their testimonies. However the vast majority of Jewish men
and women are unbelieving. Paul details this for us in Romans
11. In verse 12 he speaks about their fall whilst in verse 15 he
speaks about them being cast away. In verse 17 he introduces
us to the illustration and the imagery of the olive tree. The olive
tree represents the people of God. The cultivated branches are
the Jews whilst the Gentiles are represented as branches of a wild
olive tee that have been grafted in. We need to notice that some of
these natural branches have been broken off (verse 17 & 19). The
current unbelief of the Jews is represented by the natural branches
that God did not spare (verse 21).
2. Will the Jews remain in this poor state spiritually until Christ
Paul asserts in Roman 11: 23 26 that once the fullness of the
Gentiles is gathered in there will be a movement spiritually among
the Jews. His use of the term Israel has generated considerable
discussion among Bible scholars over the years. It seems clear,
however, that Paul is referring to his own people, the Jews.
Everywhere else in Romans 9 to 11 where Paul uses this expression
it is used in reference to his brethren, his countrymen according
to the fesh'. There is no good reason for suggesting that here in
Romans 11: 23 to 26 he is now using Israel to refer to the Israel
of God all the elect from among both the Jews and the Gentiles.
No, Paul is declaring that the natural branches the Jews will be
grafted in (verse 24). When will this happen? Verses 25 and 26a
provide the answer:
blindness in part has happened to Israel until the fullness of the
Gentiles has come in. And so all Israel will be saved.
Once the elect among the Gentiles have been gathered in then God
will be pleased to work mightily among the Jews so that all Israel will
be saved. It is wrong to suggest that this means that every single
living Jews is going to be saved when God begins to work among
them. We use the word all in various ways. When President
Clinton came to Belfast the papers declared that all of Belfast went
out to see him. Of course every last citizen of the city didnt go out
to view the president. There were those who stayed indoors, but,
all could legitimately be used in the sense that the vast majority
of people, a huge proportion of the population, were involved in
presidential sightseeing. So, when God begins to work among the
Jews, having gathered in his people from among the Gentiles, the
vast majority of the Jewish people alive on the face of the earth at
that time will be gathered in to the kingdom of God.
Some within the Christian church seem to feel that this salvation of
the Jews is going to be different from the salvation of the Gentiles.
Nowhere does the Bible support such a view. The Jews will be
saved by looking unto Jesus Christ in faith. There is no distinction to
be made between the way in which a Jew or a Gentile is converted
to Christ.
3. Where does the present state of srael ft in to all of this?
Most Christians with reformed convictions are agreed that the
formation of the present state of Israel is not to be understood
as the fulflment of various prophecies that were made in Ezekiel
and Zechariah and elsewhere in the Old Testament scriptures
prophecies that speak about the children of Israel returning to their
homeland eg Ezekiel 37:21. If space permitted we could pursue
this theme and demonstrate that these prophecies found their
fulflment in the restoration of srael after the Babylonian captivity.
Does this mean, however, that we are to see no signifcance in the
establishment and growth of the present state of Israel? R C Sproul
in an interesting footnote in his commentary on Romans 11 says:
' don't know what the signifcance of it (the establishment of srael)
is. But I will tell you this: we should be watching very carefully. It is a
remarkable event in history that the city of Jerusalem is now back in
Jewish hands, under Jewish control.
Surely we can say that in the general providence of God there is
some signifcance in what is happening in srael today in the sense
that the Jews have been able to gather there in signifcant numbers.
If the Lord is going to work mightily in salvation among the Jews just
prior to the return of Christ could we suggest that their gathering
together in one geographical location is in a sense a preparation for
the day when the fullness of the Gentiles will be gathered in and all
Israel will be saved?
4. How should we respond to Romans 9 to 11?
Undoubtedly we are to have a burden for the salvation of the Jews.
We are not only to be concerned for the future salvation of the Jews
but their present rejection of the Messiah should trouble us greatly.
We must be careful to have a concern for the Jewish people whether
found within the state of Israel or scattered to the ends of the earth.
We must support Christian Witness to Israel and similar evangelical
agencies which are working among Jewish people. We must
increase our praying for the salvation of Israel ever remembering
Pauls great exclamation:
Has God cast away His people? Certainly not! (Romans 11:1)
(1) The Unusual Suspects by Richard Gibson. Christian Focus Publications
Today we are blessed with whole libraries of good
Biblical aids all indexed and searchable. These tools
are available on our computers, tablets and phones
so that we can access them anywhere at any time.
Never have we had so many ways to redeem the
time than we do now. However, recent research
indicates that our electronic tools actually hinder
meditation and refection on God's truth.
Research has shown that reading comprehension
is lower for text with hyperlinks than for text without
hyperlinks. This is likely due to breaking focus on
the text to make the decision of whether or not to
click on the link. It appears that the more options
we have to get additional information while reading,
the worse our focus and ultimate comprehension.
Other research has shown the personal computer to
be a distraction machine that fragments our focus
with email, Skype, RSS feeds, multiple browser
windows, facebook and twitter feeds as well as the
false promise of multitasking. The overwhelming
majority of us do not really multitask but rather jump
from task fragment to task fragment, often resulting
in lower productivity and lower engagement with
important tasks. Combined with the massive volume
of information we can access at any moment through
the Internet, we are generally cognitively loaded
which gives the impression of being well informed
and full of information yet we are easily distracted
and bored, fnding it hard to focus on printed text for
extended periods of time.
There is a growing consensus that our hyper
connected lives are actually rewiring our brains
to process the vast amounts of information that
is bombarding us. Yet, there is a trade off in the
corresponding loss of ability to deeply engage with
complex ideas for sustained periods of time. Or, in
other words, we are losing our ability to meditate.
Meditation is often encouraged in Scripture and
reward is promised to those who will do it.
As Scripture comes from the unfathomable mind
of God, it deserves and requires all our mind. The
current research on how our brains adapt leads to
the idea that as we grapple with Gods Word and
think His thoughts after Him, we physically develop
new neural pathways. It is quite literally, in the most
miniscule way, developing the mind of God in us.
How can we encourage that process? I am certainly
not a technophobe yet the research suggests to
me there are some old fashioned methods that,
combined with our technology, will give us a better
result. The frst is note taking with pen or stylus. t
has been shown that we develop deeper and more
robust memory from the action of our arm and hand
in writing than from typing on a keyboard. Secondly,
there is the art and discipline of the personal journal.
John Piper has said, Until you have written your
thoughts you have not really thought them. There
is a much deeper level of interaction with a complex
idea when we take the time to write.
Thirdly, spending time reading physical books
is benefcial because they have many three
dimensional aspects that aid in information
processing that have not yet been captured by even
the best e-readers. Lastly, devoting time in solitude
and silence with no phone, computer, Internet or
other distraction gives space to unclutter our minds
and focus on a single idea or theme in Gods Word.
As we seek to refect and meditate on God's truth
we will fnd sustaining refreshment for our souls.
His promise to Abraham will be ours. He will be our
exceedingly great reward.
Ed and Kate Underwood
with their three young
sons are actively
involved in the life of
Stranmillis EPC.
They lead the new UFM
Digital Technology Team.
Meditation In The Digital Age
The Evangelical Presbyterian MAY-JUN 2013
The Evangelical Presbyterian MAY-JUN 2013
We were privileged to serve God for 23 years in
Nigeria. After God directed us back to N. Ireland in
April 2010, I continued to work for Mission Africa,
venturing to different churches and speaking about
Gods work in Nigeria. But it is time for change.
Through my involvement as a board member at Belfast
Bible College and as part of the Mission Group at the
college, I was introduced to Kairos, a short, condensed,
interactive world missions course. The Greek word
Kairos means the time. Now is Gods time for the
gospel to be preached to all nations. Jesus said Do
you not say, There are still four months and then
comes the harvest? Behold, I say to you, lift up your
eyes and look at the helds, for they are already white
for harvest! (John 4:35).
With a variety of articles in a workbook, DVDs,
prayer times, group discussions and time for personal
refection, Kairos is less of a course and more of a
personal journey to discover how God is leading us.
The Bible tells us God wants us to take the gospel to all
peoples. Kairos unpacks this in the light of Scripture,
history and what he is doing in the world today.
I have now been trained as one of the facilitators to
run Kairos for students, churches, and other interested
groups. Mission Agencies Partnership (MAP), an
umbrella body for the mission sending agencies in N.
Ireland, and IMAP, the equivalent body in the Republic
of Ireland, are partnering in making Kairos available.
Originally fashioned in the Philippines and now in
its fourth edition, this course is being used in more
than 66 countries and has been translated into 30
languages. Kairos ( is available
for the Church in both western and non-western
countries, including recently in Jos, Nigeria. The
passion of Kairos is that the whole Church be mobilised
for mission to the worlds remaining unreached
William Carey, in his generation, challenged the
dominant excuse of his day which was that God would
save the heathen through some sovereign act without
the Churchs involvement. It is reported that when he
made a passionate plea to church leaders to engage in
world mission, he was reprimanded by a senior pastor
with the words, Sit down young man. When God
decides to save the heathen he will do it without your
help or ours.
Undeterred Carey continued to proclaim Gods call to
missions with convincing arguments through preaching,
writing and dialogue. Carey became a catalyst for the
hrst era of the modern missionary movement, resulting
in scores of mission agencies being established and
thousands of missionaries being sent to un-evangelised
regions of the world.
In our generation, there are still over 6,000 people
groups without a viable, indigenous church
An estimated 600 million evangelicals on every
continent need to be mobilised for mission to the
worlds remaining unreached and unsaved.
Some unreached people groups are now close to us.
The UK hosts people from at least 30 unreached groups
including nearly two million Muslims and half a million
Kairos helps change the perception that mission is
always about air travel to a distant country and helps
churches to realise that cross-cultural training needs
to be a standard part of every churchs discipleship
In the months ahead, as well as facilitating Kairos
courses I plan to be available to help our son Peter and
his family as they pack up and head to North Africa in
response to Gods call to mission.
Time for a New Chapter
Jean Garland, along with her husband
Sid, served in Nigeria with Mission
Africa for 23 years. More recently she
has been actively involved with the
mission in a deputation ministry. In this
article Jean shares with us the work
into which the Lord has recently called
her. She is a member of the Stranmillis
Pictured at the Presbytery Day
Conference held in Belfast Bible
College on 27th April are:

David Watson (Outgoing Moderator)
Norman Reid (Incoming Moderator)
Iain D Campbell (Visiting Speaker).

(photo courtesy of Shaun McFall)
The Evangelical Presbyterian MAY-JUN 2013
Knock EPC News
On a Monday evening in February, Knock ran a Parents Night
for the parents of the children who attend our Friday night
clubs and Sunday school. We had prayed for the Lords help at
every point, and in His goodness and mercy the evening was a
wonderful step forward in reaching our surrounding community.
Not a giant leap, but a baby-step in the right direction!
We had seven parents attend, and a number of children and
young people too; for them no baby-sitters could be found! A
quest which many parents understand! Virtually all our leaders
and teachers of the various youth groups were there, including
those who help us from the Stranmillis and Groomsport
On arrival we shared some drinks and nibbles, and the chat
was open and good. Then we had some introductions, which
were brief and somewhat
entertaining. This was
followed by a quick tour
around the church building
and some chat about our
plans to rebuild. The chat
was fowing throughout
- in ways I didnt think
possible; some of the
parents had never been
in a church before, never
mind our own. Some parents had been in the church before as
children - but had not been in over the last 25 years!
Then a short slide show on India. One of our own members,
Ernest Brown, had been there a number of times. It was both
colourful and interesting. There was quite a bit of chat about it
over supper at the close.
Last on the nights programme was a presentation of the Gospel
itself. (Nothing outshines the Gospel!) Our minister spoke on the
miraculous deliverance of Samaria from the Syrian army in 2
Kings 7, and focused in on the wonderful phrase in v9 This day
is a day of good news.
By Gods grace the hall was silent, and the good seed was sown.
The evening ended with a great supper, and no one wanted to
leave! Each parent left with a Bible and a small gift, and some
sweets for the kids. Perhaps our biggest challenge is now to
build upon what was a small but worthwhile step forward, and for
that we would ask for prayer.
Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly
abundantly above all that we ask or think,
according to the power that works in us, to
Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to
all generations, forever and ever. Amen.
Come over and help us!
Knock EPC are planning to run a special week of outreach for children and young people in our area from Monday 5th
to Friday 9th August, 2013. We plan to follow a similar programme to that which we had last summer. We are once
again appealing for some help from our brothers and sisters in the EPC family.
We need dedicated Christians who desire to tell others about the Lord. You must be over 16. Please take time to pray
about joining the team. We really want the Lord to bless our efforts. We can only begin to speak of Christ when we
have spent much time speaking with Him. Contact Robert at
Finaghy EPC are holding their
Holiday Bible Club (HBC) from the
26th-30th August.
When is yours?
Email the editor with details of your
HBC, summer camp or outreach team
for inclusion in the special summer
prayer diary in the July/August edition.
Conference held in Belfast Bible
Another Monday morning, as the sun dawns on a sleepy Cork city. As I rush off to meet some local students for a
prayer walk round campus (why walking makes prayer more radical for students, I havent yet found out), a few heads
turn at what someone could be in a rush to do. On my way out, I pass my housemate Seamus, who, far from what I
was told up north, is not an ardent Catholic at all, and in fact much like the vast majority here, probably feels more at
home with a pint in his hand and having a chuckle (his to do, not mine) at anyone who takes Catholicism too seriously
at all. And so, as culture demands (despite my increasing lateness), we sit around for a while drinking tea until both
of us feels it suitable to politely excuse ourselves. For here, one of the beautiful things about (post-) Catholic culture
must be its relational nature, that leaves "being resting frmly above "doing and creates marvellous space for people.
But hes just one of hundreds I regularly see, as an average week splits in various things:
Bible studies and talks: Sent by the churches, Christian Unions are mission communities on campus. Yet in order for
mission to be fuelled, Bibles must be open and applied to our lives in such contexts. Praise God for the marvellous privilege of knowing that many
of the students who are opening the Bible week by week are doing so for one of the frst few times (meaningfully) for themselves and quite a few of
them arent even Christians (yet!). Here, I train them to do this with their friends (both Christian and evangelistically).
Evangelistic events: Events dont work in relational culture was the cry of many church leaders and students when I arrived in Munster. In fact,
weve found that events work even better in a very relational culture, because people have friends to bring! Praise God for some of the small CUs
who have done an amazing job at trying to break the mould, and have stepped out in faith, seeing great fruit as a result.
Christian Persuaders: Some of my time is spent on national initiatives to drive forward change to make university campus ministry more effective.
Christian Persuaders works with church leaders/workers and graduates to train them up to speak engagingly in the public square and help restore
proclamation to the heart of our campus mission teams. Praise God for the small beginnings of this, which saw hundreds of students hearing the
gospel and several speakers starting training this year.
National Conferences: 175 students got together for a weekend to think about why church matters. Around 60% of the students from this region
attending Christian Unions arent committed to a local church. Talks on 1 Cor. 12-14 formed the backbone of the conference, with many other things
such as seminars from Irish academics and church leaders, prayer times, a bookstall courtesy of the Evangelical Bookshop and great craic!
Praise God that the response seems to have been huge, with many confessing their sin and now seeking to get stuck into church life.
Graduate Network: Many come to faith at their time at university (whilst others from Christian backgrounds forsake the
faith), many (including some local church leaders here) have declared it to be the most infuential years in their Christian
life (while others arrive to fnd a struggling mission team that does little), and many go on to be the next generation of
church leaders and missionaries. Thats why Im helping to build up a network of graduates to support the ministry, which
is fnding it hard to raise prayerful and fnancial support that allows staff like me to work in the heart of our island's think
tanks to train Christian students to ensure that more and more students get the chance to hear and respond to the gospel
of Jesus.
If you would like further stories and prayer news from the campuses where I am working with IFES Ireland: the Christian
Unions, then do please get in touch.
Large companies spend millions of pounds designing their trademark
and brand message. When this goes wrong it can be embarrassing
and expensive, but when done well, a frm, institution or even a
concept can gain widespread recognition and a huge advantage over
its rivals. Here we are not dealing with company rivalries but the core
brand message of the Reformation.
Still going strong
Nearly fve centuries ago the core message of the Reformation
was encapsulated in the 5 Solas. The Solas cover a huge amount
of theological ground quickly and in a memorable way. They have
stood the test of time, evidenced by the fact that we still know and
write about them. Our Reformed forefathers did not use focus groups
or marketing strategies to arrive at them in fact we dont know
who, when, or where they were frst thought of. Not knowing this
is a positive for it means we can focus on substance rather than
What are the 5 Solas?
The 5 Solas or Alones of the Reformation are Scripture Alone, Grace
Alone, Faith Alone, Christ Alone and the Glory of God Alone. They
show us the foundation of our faith the Bible, Gods Word given to us.
They bring us to the means of our salvation by grace through faith.
We then come to the very centre of our faith, Jesus Christ. Finally we
are reminded that whatever we do, we do it to the glory of God alone.
This is succinctly summed up in the words mans chief end is to glorify
God and enjoy him forever.
Theological, historical or practical?
How we view the 5 Solas probably explains what we do with them. Do
we deem them to be theological, historical or practical?
Should we try to ft them into just one of these boxes we will miss out!
Robert Campbell, who has recently
completed his theological studies at the
Whitefeld College of the Bible, has a
particular interest in Irish Presbyterian and
Reformation Church History. Currently
residng in Londonderry with his wife and
young son, he also heads up the Twelve
Stones Media Company. Throughout the
past year he has preached in a number of
EPC congregations.
The greatest benefts and blessings come when we view them in their
historical context, while recognising how succinctly they sum up the
central themes of theology, and yet are of great practical use to us.
The church has been blessed by clear statements of faith summarising
what the Bible says, from the Apostles Creed, to the 5 Solas to the
Westminster Confession of Faith to name just a few. We cannot simply
possess these as ancient and respected documents. How do we
handle this treasure chest of Reformed theology?
The next article will focus on Sola Scriptura/Scripture Alone.
The 5 Solas - an introduction
Life from the other end of the island: a student worker in Munster
Peter Grier, from the Crosscollyer St/Somerton Rd congregation, is currently the IFES staff worker in Cork.
The Evangelical Presbyterian MAY-JUN 2013
The Evangelical Presbyterian MAY-JUN 2013
Grace Transforming RRP: 7-99 Our Price 6-75
Author: Phil Ryken
Publisher: IVP
Published: 2012
128 pages
Paul Tripp once said, Jesus didnt just die for my past or my future, he died for my here and now. People dont understand the present
benefts of the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ. n 'Grace Transforming', Phil Ryken helps us to see not only that Jesus died for the past
and the future of those who are in Him, but that there are also countless present benefts available for His followers in the midst of the
drudgery of everyday life. Ryken opens the book by stating, grace is not something we leave behind once we decide to follow Jesus.
Grace is our present need as well as our past experience. The gospel is not just the way into the Christian life; it is also the way on in
the Christian life.
The book is made up of eight chapters, each one focusing on a specifc aspect of grace: 'Grace's Humbling Necessity', 'Grace's
Costly Provision, Graces Justifying Righteousness, Graces Sanctifying Power, Graces Clarifying Perspective, Graces Perpetual
Abundance, Graces Precious Testimony, Graces Endless Kindness.
The book is based on a series of chapel messages given by Ryken in his frst year as president of Wheaton College. He states his
motivation for giving these messages when he writes, "Wheaton is a performance-orientated place, so in my frst year as president
I wanted to speak as often as I could about the grace of God. At one-hundred and nine pages the book is a short read, but it is one
packed full of life-transforming, biblical truth that I will keep in my library to return to and meditate on.
Prior to being president of Wheaton, Ryken was senior minister at Philadelphias Tenth Presbyterian Church. This is obvious throughout
the book, as in each chapter he unpacks truth from the Bible and explains its application to our everyday lives, with the skill of an
experienced expositor and the heart of a pastor.
For example, in Graces Humbling Necessity Ryken expounds Luke 18:10-14, in which Jesus tells the parable of the Pharisee and
the tax collector, which Ryken describes as a story for us, if we are too proud to confess our sins. Verse 13 of this passage contains
the phrase, God, be merciful to me, a sinner! Ryken explains that when reading this verse he says the sinner rather than a sinner
because in the original Greek, this verse uses the defnite article. As we consider our own sinfulness, the implications of this change of
word are huge! Ryken writes, As far as the tax collector was concerned, he was the only sinner that mattered. Rather than comparing
himself to others, he measured himself against the perfect holiness of God. We are all prone to making the error of minimizing our own
sinfulness by comparing ourselves to other sinners rather than a holy God. To avoid this, Ryken recommends that, like the tax collector,
we identify ourselves as the sinner when we pray, as if we were the biggest, most obvious sinner in our congregation, corporation,
family, or dormitory and that we survey the wondrous cross of Jesus Christ, where the atoning blood was sprinkled for our salvation.
Only when we pray this way will we be so humbled by (our) desperate need for Gods life-changing grace that (we) will not look down
on anyone but live instead with the humility, joy, and gratitude that only grace compels.
I recommend that any sinner in need of grace reads Grace Transforming slowly and prayerfully. It is a book that has left me in awe as
I have considered the glorious implications that the grace of God has not only for the future of His children, but also for the here and
now. Ryken's teaching has brought my focus back to the glorious gospel of grace, leaving me flled with greater humility and joy, and a
deeper desire to spread the good news of the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ (2 Cor. 8:9).
Robbie Jemphrey
The Way of the Righteous in the Muck of Life (Psalms 1-12) RRP: 6-99 Our Price: 5-25
Author: Dale Ralph Davis
Publisher: Christian Focus Publications
Published: 2010
144 pages
The psalms have been the staple diet of Christians from the beginning. Anything that contributes to our understanding and delight in
them is to be welcomed. The number of books and sermons on the psalms is legion and regrettably not all of them are useful. In my
opinion Calvins commentary remains by far the best, however, Dale Ralph Davis has contributed something that will prove very useful
indeed for all Christians and ministers.
Perhaps the best way to show its usefulness is to pose a series of questions:
Why for example, is Psalm 1, Psalm 1 and not number 2 or 3? For that matter why is Psalm 2, Psalm 2?
The Evangelical Presbyterian MAY-JUN 2013
What is the relevance of Psalm 2 to everyday life?
Why is Psalm 3 where it is and what is so special about it?
How can Psalm 4 help when we are in trouble?
We all need help with prayer: what can we learn from Psalm 5?
Skipping over to Psalm 8 we might ask how can I delight in the splendour of God so as to make it a soul strengthening experience?
What can the righteous do when everything falls apart? See Psalm 11
Finally, what can believers do when the spin doctors win? See Psalm 12.
In 144 pages, Davis gives us clear and concise exposition with easily understood outlines. The only negatives are the range of Bible
translations used and the repeated use of Yahweh instead of God. With these caveats, this book is a really useful introduction to the
psalms and at a little over a fver well worth the price.
Better still get to the Evangelical Bookshop and buy 4. One for yourself and three as gifts. The recipients will be delighted and blessed.
Trevor Kirkland
The Good God: Enjoying Father, Son and Spirit RRP: 9-99 Our Price: 7-50
Author: Michael Reeves
Publisher: Paternoster
Published: 2012
112 pages
In this wonderful little introduction to the doctrine of the Trinity, Reeves shows us just how important it is for the Christian. Unlike some
volumes on the Trinity, Reeves does not presume that the reader will be theologically trained, and writes in a style which is clear,
succinct and non-technical despite the depth and mystery of the subject.
There are fve chapters in the book. The frst deals with the issue of what God was doing before creation, showing us that God is not
in any way dependent upon creation to be Himself. The second chapter deals with the Father's role in creation; the third with the Son's
role in salvation; the fourth with the Holy Spirit's role in sanctifcation; the ffth with the holiness, love, and sheer glory of the tri-une God.
The book deals sensitively with misconceptions other monotheistic religions have regarding the Trinity, and would be an appropriate
book to offer a Muslim friend or neighbour to show them that the Christian Trinity is monotheistic.
Reeves has some sound advice for those of us who are reluctant to study the doctrine of the Trinity on the grounds that it is a mystery
too great for us to understand. There is, of course, a sense in which that is true, but it is also no longer a mystery in the sense that it
has been revealed to us in Scripture. Another facet of the book is that Reeves introduces us to the thought of some of the greatest
theologians who have ever considered the doctrine of the Trinity such as Athanasius, Luther, Calvin and Edwards, to name but a few.
This is not to say that they were on a higher state of religious evolution that the Bible, but that they were heralds of the triune God
revealed in Scripture.
Reeves also explains that when we dont have a biblical understanding of the Trinity we have a faulty understanding of the God we
worship. He goes further by suggesting that the God we are worshipping is actually a construct of our imaginations. Therefore, if we
want to worship God, to really worship Him, we frst need to comprehend this doctrine.
The American edition of the book is entitled, Delighting in the Trinity. A reading of this book will have us doing precisely that!
Colin Campbell
The Scriptures Testify About Me The Psalter Reclaimed Christians in a PC World The Kindness of God
Edited by D.A. Carson Gordon Wenham John Benton David W. Smith
RRP: 9-99 Our Price: 7-50 RRP: 9-99 Our Price: 7-50 RRP:8-99 Our Price:6-75 RRP: 9-99 Our Price: 7-99
15 College Square East
Tel: 028 9032 0529
E Mail:
Manager: Colin Campbell
The Evangelical Bookshop
The Evangelical Presbyterian MAY-JUN 2013
Preschool - P1 1st Elijah Underwood (Stranmillis)
2nd Nathan Watson (Ballyclare)
Joint 3rd Naomi & Caleb Hazley (Stranmillis)
P2 - P4 Joint 1st Murray Birnie (Stranmillis) & Emma Watson (Ballyclare),
2nd Joshua Schmit (Ballyclare)
3rd Sarah McMullan (Ballyclare)
P5-P7 Joint 1st Paulena Birnie (Stranmillis) & Jane Beattie (Groomsport)
Joint 2nd Calvin Birnie (Stranmillis) & John Watson (Ballyclare)
Joint 3rd Lucy Beattie (Groomsport) & Samuel Logan (Ballyclare)
Robert Plant, Author of Titanic: Ship of Dreams,
has written a new book: Emerald Isle Adven-
tures. We are delighted to have Robert with us
on May 25th 2013, 2.30pm, when he will read
to us from his new book. Robert is an engaging
story teller and we hope to see as many children
as possible joining with us for what promises
to be an exciting event, as we see how stories
from the Island of Ireland can teach us about the
power and love of God. Check the website: www., for further details.
(All children must be accompanied by an adult!)
Dear Rev
I thought I might have heard back from you by now cos its
four weeks since I e mailed you but anyway I just wanted to
let you know that things are looking good. Dont worry about
writing back to me about the web and dating sites and all of
that because Ive met someone. Cynthia is her name.
My friend Tony invited me along to an after church Bible rally.
Its a big gathering of about 200 young folks that takes place
about once a month in his church. Anyway during the cup
of tea I had a slight mishap and managed to nudge a girl
who was holding a hot cup of coffee. Obviously I apologised
and offered to pay for the cleaning of her jacket but, really,
we just got talking. I introduced myself and found out that
she was called Cynthia. I noticed that she had a copy of the
Catechism sticking out of her handbag and she explained
that she was a teacher in the Sunday school associated with
her church. We just got talking and talking and we clicked.
This was two weeks ago and weve managed to meet up on
six occasions since then. The only difficulty were having is
concerning Cynthias work or lack of it.
You see Cynthia is two years older than me. Shes already
finished at uni and is qualified in physiotherapy. For the past
year she hasnt been able to get regular work. Well shes had
a few part time jobs but nothing permanent. Now she is in the
process of applying for a post with one of the big Care Home
groups. Im not at all happy about it. The Group has over the
years received extensive funding from the National Lottery
and has a very restrictive policy when it comes to matters of
faith. They do not permit any services to be held in any of
their homes and even stopped one member of staff wearing
a cross. How could a Christian work for people like that?
Possibly you could help me by sending some Bible texts that
highlight the evil of the lottery and the need to live lives of
separation from such secular and godless people.
Many thanks
Dear Herbert
Good to hear form you. Sorry it took me so
long to reply but Ive been busy over the past
while. Busy, if Im being honest with all sorts
of stuff that is important but not the kind
of work that I really want to be involved in.
Minutes, agendas, e mails, planning meetings
etc. All important in their own way but not
the work of the ministry to which I feel called
Word and prayer. Im thinking of writing
a book My call to Administry. Anyway
enough of my moaning. Im not quite seeing
your problem. Obviously I dont like the
National Lottery. The Bible is clear that the
only legitimate ways of obtaining money are
by work, by gift or by inheritance. And no,
I dont like the idea of a Care Home Group
insisting that there be no acts of worship on
their premises. God is God over all. He is to
be acknowledged in every sphere of life. As
to the wearing of the cross I must confess Ive
never much been in to that whole business of
badges and symbols and am not sure that I
would want to take my last great stand
over it.
But if Cynthia is able to get work with these
people then she should go for it. God gave
work to us as a creation ordinance in the
Garden of Eden. We are to engage in gainful
cwpIcgwcrt i vc urc ubIc tc rd it urd,
particularly in the present economic climate,
i s/c cur rd vcrk ir /cr cvr cId s/c's
doing well. Cynthia is not responsible for the
company applying for aid from the Lottery.
Nor is she responsible for their policies on acts
of worship or religious symbols. She is always
tc put Qcd rst urd i s/c is bcirg uskcd tc dc
something that is contrary to the law of God
she must honour God and refuse to obey the
management. However I dont have any major
problems with her applying for this post.
Call by some day - with Cynthia! then we
can chat.
Keep in touch
The Rev
The Evangelical Presbyterian MAY-JUN 2013

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