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Origin Story The rain falls gently in the distance and continues throughout.

The stage is broken into two sections and thrusters on each side; the upper level begins as the HOUSE and leads to the CORRIDERS along the right. The stage uses two tiers and is able to slide between upper and lower levels. Light on the set should be kept minimal and booster lights on to have shadow effects cast upward. Stage left a tube TV turns on and plays per-recorded newscast. Players enter from thruster upstage left cross to downstage. Kit: The fuck were you doing down there all alone? Xhi: I heard someone and went to check... XHI's hair is wet from the rain. KIT shakes her head and kicks the TV it turns off. Kit: You just don't understand what's down there. It's not like before where you could just aimlessly wander. Cue thunder Fucking weather can't make up it's mind. Beat So I take it you went without your weapon again? Xhi: I'm not that defenseless. KIT grabs XHI's wrists and shakes her violently. Kit: I'm sure you don't fucking need my help then. Just like you didn't need me to save you when we met. Crying like the bitch you are, bloodied and bruised, begging for help. I should have left you to die. Xhi: But you're a kit! You're honor bound to Kit: Honor? You think anyone left alive really gives a damn about justice? It's kill or be killed. I saved you because of your talents. Hold me back and I'll leave you. Go ahead, go off alone and you'll never see me again. Xhi: Shut up! I can hear them. She crosses towards center stage and places her ear towards the ground. The stage rises to show a disfigured man covered in blood walking along the CORRIDER. He bangs loudly on the hatch that separates them. He is unable to get in and leaves. The sound of metal scraping as he drags a blunt pipe is heard. The stage resets. Kit: Haha. That's why I keep you here. I'm amazed seers have died out. XHI shoots daggers at KIT Erhm.. mostly died out. Xhi: I've never asked... but why call me Xhi? I'm just a seer. Stage right's screen lowers and is back light. IVES' silhouette is seen acting out the action narrated. Kit: My lover was a seer as well. His name was Ives. We used to live together before all this mess. Like many seers, he suffered from sharp pains when had visions. He awoke one night and told me that he had to go. His pillow was covered in blood; I could see him bleeding from his eyes. I tried to help but he pushed me away.

Xhi: I'm so sorry. But I'm really still confused about the name... Kit: Our daughter our late daughter. That was her name. It's the reason why I became a kit. I never wanted to be that helpless again. Ives went off to look for a cure; his visions had helped us in the past but I believe it drove him mad. She tears up slightly and XHI holds KIT for a moment. We shouldn't stay here any more. Those buggers may come back. Xhi: Are we going deeper? Is it safe? Kit: Nothing is certain anymore. Come. The pair go down the stairs and enter the CORRIDER. The stage moves upwards and water dripping is heard. They enter stage right and move to the stage right thruster before doubling back while the following. Xhi: So who were you before all this? I mean before you were a kit? Kit: Does it matter to you? Xhi remains silent and runs a hand along the wall to navigate. I saw the jar at my work. Pope Pharmaceuticals. I was a janitor, really just a paycheck between jobs. Ives just wanted me out of the house. Not out of malice though. They did all sorts of crazy shit. Biowhatchumacall it. They fucked with nature in ways I've never seen. Xhi: You mean the company that found the Seer's eyes? I was able to see for some time because of them. She pauses. Kit keeps walking, ignoring her protest. From the opposite side thruster, IVES slowly walks on deliberately. He carries a monstrously large CLEAVER dripping in blood but is dressed handsomely otherwise. Ives: But tell them Z, tell them why this girl's vision is gone. Kit: Ives! You're early. She smirks and joins IVES' side. XHI stops, puzzled and then moves towards them; IVES' picks up his WEAPON and points it squarely at XHI. Ives: Come any closer and you're dead. Z, kindly tell her Kit: I've named this one Xhi. She's a seer. Ives: Oh? After your nickname. How cute. XHI moves closer and IVES uses the blunt side of his WEAPON to hit her down. Kit: Xhi, I was the one who opened the jar. I released the biotoxin that caused his. I did it here all for Ives. Together we'll rule the world. Ives: That jar contained something they wanted to seal away. Pandora's jar if you will. My vision told me what would happen and instead of falling prey to it, I wanted to control it. Never thought slaughtering the innocent would be so fun! Kit: Seers are rare for a reason. Their lifesource could be transferred to those who take them down. Their remaning years added to ours.

Xhi: How do you know all this? Kit: Our daugher. She was a seer as well. And well, Ives did work for Pope as well. He's always brings hope his experiments. Xhi: What do you mean? Ives: She was our first test subject. Xhi: You fucking monster. She rushes towards him and he slashes at her violently. The CURTIAN closes on the fly and her scream is loudly heard. END OF ACT ONE

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