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ALA Book Project Proposal Sara Margaret Williams Chapin High School


I am going to read the book Stumbling on Happiness by Daniel Gilbert. Halfway through the book, I will write a paper on the research that Gilbert collected and wrote about in his book. After I read the book, I will conduct a similar experiment, and then I will find out if his research is true to ALA high school students. This project will be effective in helping me learn more about psychology, which is a career path I am interested in.


This project will be a project on the broader subject of psychology. I will read the book Stumbling on Happiness by Daniel Gilbert. While I read this book, I am going to take notes on the book, and I will write a paper on the scientific findings in the book halfway through my readings. After I read the book, I will conduct a small experiment on what my peers at Chapin High School believe about their futures and their pasts. Background on Proposal I want to read this book because I have an interest in psychology. I find it fascinating how people think and how the brain functions. I am interested in learning more about becoming a psychologist, and this book will provide information on a certain aspect of psychology. Background on Book The book Stumbling on Happiness by Daniel Gilbert is about how people psychologically see their futures and pasts. The book talks about how people tend to believe that different things in the past happened, and different things will happen. It is based on scientific experiments that Gilbert has observed and researched. Proposed Work I plan on being halfway through reading this book by March 1, 2013, or sooner. By this time, I will be able to provide annotations in the book, and I will also have a paper written on my thoughts on the book thus far. I will also discuss whether or not I agree with the research in the book. I will be finished with the book by March 14, 2013. At this time I will have conducted a


small experiment on what students at Chapin High School believe about how people perceive the past and the future. The Research/Experiment In my own personal research and experimenting, I will ask the students in Mrs. Carters 5B class what they believe about how they perceive the past and the future. This will be answered and then emailed to me. From that data, I will conclude whether or not the 5B students perceive the past and future the way Gilbert believes people perceive the past and future. After I research and collect data, I will write a report on what I have discovered. My paper will include my data and observations, as well as why the data came out the way it did. Budget The budget of this project is considerably small. I will buy the book, and there will also be paper and ink used to write the paper halfway through. This project should cost roughly twelve dollars. I will retrieve my funds from the Company of Mom Inc. Conclusion This project will be significant because it will teach me more about how the brain functions. I am interested in psychology, so this project could potentially decide whether or not I am truly interested in the field of study. When I am finished, I will know more about how people perceive the past and the future, and I will also have gained experience from conducting an experiment.

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