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Echoes of Love, a Free Online Love Story by Sky Taylor - Page 1 Katy tensed as she braced for the

landing of the small biplane that had so smoothly transported her on the last leg of her long journey - from Dublin, Ireland to the Texas hill country. As her feet touched American soil, a sense of apprehension surrounded her like a newly woven cocoon. She wasnt a young woman anymore and only desperation had sent her here to begin a new life. It was the first time that she had traveled outside the rolling meadows and cool valleys of her beloved Ireland and her insecurities heightened as she was enveloped in the intense heat. Now that she had disembarked from the plane, she was able to view the land in a more objectionable way as it was no longer shielded by the white puffy clouds. The kelly-green eyes kneaded slowly over the area, absorbing what she could while the other passengers remained congregated around the plane in hopes of securing their luggage. They were a noisy lot and she tried her best to block out the commotion while she continued to study her surroundings.

What had appeared to be sandcastles of brown earth clothed in various shades of green were actually majestic hills and towering evergreens clustered sparingly around otherwise barren ground.

Tears shot to her eyes. The three graves which she had attended to for perhaps the last time in her life had resided on a hill. But the area had been much greener - holding no barren spots. The sparse land looked almost as empty as her heart felt. Then again, it really would not have mattered where she would have journeyed as nothing could duplicate the world from which she had come. Texas. A vast contrast brochures had proclaimed, mocked. to what the Katy silently

Pinching her beautiful face which had turned a bright shade of red beneath the blinding sun, she scrolled her attention back to the passengers. The hot pavement only intensified the heat. Hades would be jealous, she silently tacked onto her scrambling thoughts.

Please wait over there, maam, a man directed, his voice gruff as he shoved two cases into her fragile hands. He was dressed in a neatly tailored uniform and she remembered him from the plane ride when she had checked in her small stash of luggage in Austin before the plane headed for Burma.

She followed his curt nod which led her to a large oak in the distance where a group of cars were clumped together. Obviously there to collect some of the passengers, she assumed. Katy hesitated, her lips trembling a notch as she was frightened of this foreign land. Sir, I cannot see my ride from there- Youre in the way here, he clipped out, seeming anxious to be rid of her. Now just go and stand over there - and Im sure your ride will spot you. Kath opened her mouth to speak but seeing the disinterested look on the mans bland face, she clamped it shut and headed for the tree, the two cases in her hands. A sense of anger mounted her insecurities, Katy disappointed over the inconsideration of

the ranch. Someone should have been here waiting to help her with her luggage. A bit rude to keep someone waiting in such intense heat. What had she gotten herself into? Perhaps she had jumped from the frying pan into the fire. And as she continued to walk to the tree, the cases grew heavier and she mumbled under her breath, mocking the brochure again, Texas! An abundance of boots, hats, guns and fun. The only thing that she could see an abundance of were tumbleweeds, gently spiraling across the hills in the distance guided by the hot wind - which felt like an open oven door. An hour later, she was the last passenger remaining. There was a small building in the distance. Perhaps it held a phone? When she would have tried her luck, the kellygreen eyes connected with a white jeep as it sped along at an ungodly speed, closing the distance between them like a bolt of lightning. What had she gotten herself into? Perhaps she had jumped from the frying pan into the fire.

And as she continued to walk to the tree, the cases grew heavier and she mumbled under her breath, mocking the brochure again, Texas! An abundance of boots, hats, guns and fun. The only thing that she could see an abundance of were tumbleweeds, gently spiraling across the hills in the distance guided by the hot wind - which felt like an open oven door. An hour later, she was the last passenger remaining. There was a small building in the distance. Perhaps it held a phone? When she would have tried her luck, the kellygreen eyes connected with a white jeep as it sped along at an ungodly speed, closing the distance between them like a bolt of lightning. An enormous whirlwind of dust circled behind the vehicle and suddenly it jetted into a vacant slot beside the tree, the driver slamming on the brakesand leaving a trail of rubber in the process - a miracle in itself as the makeshift airport appeared to be equipped with the only section of pavement for miles on end. She was suddenly filled with a mix of emotions. Relief on one hand - as she was certain this was her ticket to the ranch -

granted, over an hour late. On the other hand, the driver drove like a banshee. He was a young man - around twenty, with a cap of sun-bleached hair that rose just above his white pearl-buttoned shirt. He was tanned like fine leather and his white teeth flashed as he extended a large hand in greeting after he popped out of the jeep to join her. Katys small hand was instantly swallowed which did nothing to ease her qualm reservations. Ms. Evers? he plied, his voice deep and heavily laced with a Texas accent. To her, he was a foreigner. To him, she was. She nodded and delivered a weak smile, the gesture failing to reach the lovely kelly-green eyes. The trip had been long and exhausting and she felt more in the mood for a cool bath and a home-cooked meal rather than a pretentious meeting with a stranger right now. Im Eric Brooks, the handsome male informed. Pleased to meet you, maam. His voice appeared sincere and she felt a pinhead of guilt surge through her.

Eric tilted back the Stetson and surveyed her in open admiration as Katy managed to place a tight smile on her soft, quivering mouth. She only prayed that she didnt look as nervous as she felt. As he pitched her cases into the rear of the jeep, he continued in a deep voice, You didnt arrive a day too soon maam. With the monthly auction transpiring day after tomorrow, well need every inch of you. He propelled the steel-blue eyes down her slim shape, then after a thoughtful pause he steered her into the passenger seat with a muscular arm. Ill put the top up, Ms. Evers. You look a little sun-beaten, he decided, tending to the task as she relaxed against the seat. It felt good to sit down again. Before she had time to fully gather her senses, Eric had manned the vehicle, twisted the key and set the jeep spiraling at top speed down the dusty road, their backs silhouetted by a thick wall of dust. I cant believe the agency located you so fast, maam, Eric informed in a rush, barely managing to miss the two-foot rut in the dirt trail.

Katy had ridden in safer roller coasters! Amid her sudden bout of coughing, he rolled up his window and motioned for her to do the same. Hope youll last longer than the others, he eased out as she continued to recover. Then, Well hit pavement again in a couple more miles. Airports a bit out of the way. Then he tossed her a curious expression before his eyes reclaimed the road. At least she thought it had been curious. The dust appeared to be thickening. The one named Dorothy lasted only thirty minutes, Eric shared, turning and gazing at her again, his brow tensing. He kicked-up the air-conditioner and a delightful blast hit Katy in the face and she was certain that she had been transported to heaven. After a few minutes of the delicious cooling she was beginning to feel more like herself. Sorry for the delay in collecting you, Ms. Evers, Eric eased out, Katy deciding that the young man was devilishly handsome. If not for his wild driving.

He motioned to the back and told her, Grab a soda from the cooler. I dont want you overheating on me. Katy eagerly did as he instructed, deciding that the boy had manners after all. There was an emergency at the ranch, thus the delay, he explained, flashing her another devastatingly white smile. Oh no. I hope that all is well? All is well, he assured. Had to pull a calf and I was the only available pair of hands. Then I had to take a quick shower. Awe, Im impressed, she smiled, the orange soda satisfying her intense thirst. She sat aside the empty can, deciding that shed never finished a soda that quickly before. Then, Hope the little guy made it. Sure did. Mama is very proud right now, he smiled again. She returned his smile, deciding that she sincerely liked Eric - his wild driving aside. But his next words confused her and sent her heart to hammering. My, my. I wonder what dad will make of you - a beautiful Irish rose.

Her eyes widened and she managed, I hope that hell approve of my work. Ive come a very long way, Eric. The jeep suddenly veered at the fork in the road, to the left at top-notch speed. Katy would have covered her eyes if her hands had not been welded to each side of the bucket seat Youre very beautiful, Ms. Evers, Eric complimented, Katys emotions on a wild ride but not as wild as the physical ride. They suddenly connected with pavement and Erics speed increased. He continued, Please dont take offense but youre a bit older than the ones the agency usually sends out. I must say that my brothers and I have been well-entertained this past year. The green eyes widened as she tried to make mincemeat out of Erics words. Most are in their early twenties - like me, he casually shared, as if he were talking to a buddy of sorts, Katy decided amid her maelstrom. What are you - late thirties? Eric Brooks - thats a sensitive question to ask a lady, she mildly scolded, although his

assumption had flattered her. Tensing her lips, she managed, Early fifties. No shi- He paused in the nick of time and adjust, Wow! I would have never guessed. Dads fifty-five, he felt inclined to share and she tensed again when he tacked on, and single. Im here to work and nothing more, she felt inclined to press into Erics wild thoughts. Wish I was a few years older, he went on to comment. Id certainly give you a run for your money. He paused and she jerked wide eyes to him as he had the nerve to boldly inquire, You wouldnt happen to be into younger guys, would you, Katy? Eric! And then he delivered a wild laugh, firing the jeep to yet a higher speed. Then he was suddenly slamming on the brakesas a deer appeared from nowhere on the trail Katy was flung forward, her a centimeter from the windshield. head

And she surmised that Erics well-worn Dingo boots had smashed through the floorboard into the ground, as he actions had been so rough and abrupt. When she was able to focus, the deer had vanished along with her heart which was currently residing in her throat - sitting next to the orange soda. Eric yelled out a mild oath, then had the decency to blush before offering her an unspoken apology, a slight lifting of the brows. What an innocent-looking face, she silently mocked. So innocent-looking that she might have forgiven him if he hadnt punched the gas pedal and flew into fast motion all over again. You werent damaged? he turned to inquire, as if the thought had just occurred to him. Katy shook her head, still trying to locate her voice along with everything else. Eric observed her for a moment longer, then seeming satisfied that she wasnt harmed, he latched his sights onto the road again. The milk that shed had for breakfast was bound to be churned into butter by the time they reached the ranch, she silently mocked.

Eric, I sense that Im going to dent my initial impression but your driving is terrifying me, she told him when she could no longer hold her tongue on the matter. To the sudden silence, she continued, I lost my husband and two little ones in a car accident. Would hate seeing someone as handsome as you ending up the same. A waste. She paused and with great effort tacked on, Unfortunately, I survived.

He jerked his head to her, immediately slowing his speed. Youre serious? he plied, his eyes wide. She nodded. Eric looked uncomfortable - totally miserable as he observed the unshed tears in her eyes. They he managed, Im sorry, Katy. Im feeling very sad now. How old were your little ones?" Six. Twins, a boy and a girl, she managed. Aw, hell, Eric tumbled out, sounding as miserable as he looked, the jeep slowing to a safe speed. To show you just how sorry I am, Ill tame down my driving from here on out. I-I promise.

She nodded, satisfied by his promise. Oddly enough, sometimes it paid to be direct. This time, she was lucky it had not backfired. And she told him, Little Patrick and Patty would be honored. The remainder of the drive was lovely, Eric pulling a laugh from her every now and then. He made her feel younger than her years and she decided that she had missed being around people, particularly young people. One day after you get settled, Ill take you into Burma. Well give the mechanical bull a whirl, he decided, pulling another laugh from Katy. In fact, she hadnt laughed this hard in years. Eric focused on the road, holding to his promise as the sky began to fill in with the shadows of the evening. Another hour and it would be gone from the burnt-orange horizon in the west.

The scene was reminiscent of Ireland and she became lost in her thoughts. Katy? Did you hear me? Eric asked, and she gathered that it had not been his first attempt to get her attention.

Im sorry, she offered softly. My mind drifted miles away. Thinking of your homeland? he plied. Dad said that the agency mentioned that you worked for an American in Ireland. I found that interesting. Its a very small world. Cass Jordon. Cruel and heartless. went to work for him a few months had lost everything integral in her decided that was the only reason tolerated him. She had after she life. She she had

Yes, a Mr. Cass Jordon. For twenty years, I worked for him. Wow, twenty years - thats a long time, Eric mused. Im not that much older than that. And then he nodded in the distanceand told her, Were home, Katy. Welcome to Sundown Hills. Katy moved to the edge of her seat, the seatbelt digging into her shoulders as she tried to get a better view. My, it was a large house, eons bigger than Cass Jordons residence. The ranch house towered three stories into the air with balconies offset in wrought iron. Large flower boxes were scattered about, wedged beneath the windows and spilling over

with the first newborn blooms of spring and she wished the sun wasnt setting so she could fully appreciate their beauty. A ranch-style porch lined the front of the structure and she followed the lines, her glance drifting to a massive barn in the distance. Atop the gambrel roof a black weathervane whirled about, the arrow pointing towards the south. For as far as she could see, a split-railed cedar fence ran, outlining the pasturelands. Several head of cattle were milled by a large blue pond, the last rays of the setting sun mirroring on the still water. It was quite breathtaking and serene. Eric pointed through the distance and she followed his direction, her eyes settling on a large cow, a calf wedged beside her. Bessie and her baby, he told her. Your special delivery? she asked, her mouth curling into a smile, deciding now that she hadnt minded waiting on Bessie and her baby. Yes maam. My special delivery. He brought the jeep to a complete halt, then turned to her and said, And youre my other

special delivery for the day. Must be my lucky day, eh? When he went to collect her luggage she detained him as she was seized with the familiar feelings of insecurity. I sure hope your father likes me. Like you? Why hell love you, Eric assured, pausing to gather her small face in his hands and then he spontaneously placed a kiss onto one cheek, Katy appreciating his encouragement. She followed him to the inside of the ranch house which was mingled with scents of fine wood and leather. An immense fireplace flagged in rock commanded the room which Eric had led her into - perhaps a family room or den? There was a leather grouping arranged in front of the fireplace and an older version of Eric rose and with an extended hand, warmly greeted her. Katy Evers? Aye, she eased out, extending her small hand, her spiraling thoughts trying to find a spot to land.

He smiled, then drawled, Rand Brooks. Erics brother, he went on to clarify. Glad to meet you, Katy. Then to Eric, I wonder what dad will make of this, little brother. The words were along his younger brothers thoughts and Katy grew more apprehensive. Surely she had not traveled this great distance only to be sent away? Eric, would you mind getting Katy a drink while we become better acquainted? he asked in an offhanded tone as he drew her to the seating area with him, and then he settled beside her. Sure, Rand. Then to Katy, What will it be? Coffee? Tea? Some Irish whiskey? Eric! Rand chastised, Erics words pulling a smile to her face. He smiled back and mouthed a silent, Relax, which she returned with a brief nod. At least she had one ally. Tea sounds lovely, she told him. Hot or cold? Eric asked. Either will do nicely, she assured.

As he disappeared through the arched opening Rand elaborated, Dad and Danny should be joining us shortly. I take it that youre ready to settle in for the evening? Your journey must have been tiring. Katy nodded, feeling insecure and shy amid Rands curious gaze. He was as handsome as his brother, but more refined and polished. Instead of jeans and a cotton shirt, he was wearing dress slacks and a tailored shirt adorned with a tie. Silk, no doubt she silently suspected. Eric entered with her tea, and handed it to her and she was glad for his presence as they had formed a bond amid the drive to Sundown Hills. It was exciting, she assured Rand. Ive never been on an extended trip. Rand was sending an appreciative glance down her small form when she managed, I hope that my skills impress your father. Would be terrible - coming all this way only to be sent home. I must admit, Im a bit nervous- Dont be nervous, Katy, a deep male voice assured, and Katy tensed as she realized that the root of her fears had entered the room.

He came around to greet her, Katy standing in the process, her legs trembling. Wayne Brooks was staggeringly tall with skin as rough as rawhide. The sun-bleached hair matched his sons to a tee. He was extremely handsome although his looks held a tough, rugged edge. Amid her spiraling thoughts she decided that shed never met a more masculine man. Wayne did a double-take, the smile on his lips instantly fading as his glance connected with his new housekeepers face. Fifty-three my ass, he silently mocked. The lady was in her early thirties - at max. And she was a beauty alright - an Irish beauty. Its good to meet ya, Katy managed, feeling as if she were going to sprout tears. Surely hed give her a chance. When he didnt respond, she felt like a fool as she nervously thread through the uncomfortable silence, Im sure youll like my Irish stew and biscuits. Wayne narrowed his eyes at her deciding that there probably wasnt anything he wouldnt like about Ms. Katy Evers.

Im sure that I will, he finally managed, aware of his sons too-curious gazes. Then, Welcome to Sundown Hills. Youve met Eric and Rand, and this is Danny, he introduced, nodding toward his youngest. A pleasure, Katy, Danny told her, extending his hand. Thats Ms. Evers to you, Wayne corrected and Katy noted that Danny had immediately tensed. Katy suits me just fine, Mr. Brooks, she assured. Thats Wayne to you, he corrected and she relaxed as they all shared a laugh. Wayne it is, she said and his heart did a funny little jerk in response as hed never heard his name with an Irish accent applied. Quite nice. Soon the boys left her and Wayne alone to chat, Katy still on the edge. I-I really, really appreciate the chance to prove myself to you, she told him, hoping to convey that she was earnest about proving herself. Wayne drew his brows together and eased out, You really want this job, dont you?

I really need this job, she amended. And I assure you that Im a good housekeeper. Ive never been intimidated byhard work- Im sure that youll exceed my expectations, he assured, choosing to cut her off. There was no need for her apprehensions, he mulled in silence. And he didnt like seeing her so anxious andstressed. He collected her hands which were fidgeting in her lap and decided, Hey, I know the exact room to put you in - although you can feel free to take your pick. Mr. Brooks- Wayne, he corrected. Katy ran her pink tongue over her lips. Shed never been on a first name basis with Cass Jordon - twenty years at that. Wayne, she managed. Im sure Ill be comfortable in any room. You have a beautiful home. Why, it will be a joytaking care of it for you and your sons. Come on and let me get you settled in, Katy. And sleep in late, why dont you? Jet lag can be miserable and youll need all your energy

for the auction, he assured, leading her along, her two cases locked into his hands. He climbed the stairs easily, even with the heavy load, Katy not far behind him. They arrived at a door and when he nodded, she opened it for him and a beautiful green room came into view. Oh my, this is lovely, she eased out, her feet literally sinking into the plush emerald-green carpeting. Is this color familiar? he toyed, setting her luggage beside the bed. She shook her head at him and he closed the distance and pointed at her eyes. Same color as your eyes, he smiled and Katy smiled weakly back at him. She sincerely appreciated his efforts to make her feel comfortable - to erase her insecurities. And for the first time in over twenty years, she felt a sense of belonging - as if she were finally home that night, Katy slept like a baby, rising early the following morning without the need of her alarm clock. Although Wayne had insisted that she sleep in late, she was intent on making a good first impression.

The view from her balcony was breathtaking. The peaceful cattle were busily grazing on the emerald fields and she spied a row of white ducks through the sunrise as they floated on the clear pond in the distance. The floral cotton dress was comfortable and cool. Although the house was cool, she was aware that it was going to take some time for her to adjust to the outdoor heat. And with the auction at hand, she assumed that much of her work would involve the outdoors. By six, she had prepared a pan of homemade biscuits. She was working on the bacon and the pan of gravy when Wayne entered the kitchen, his overly tall form making her feel almost midget-like. Good morning, she smiled at him and he returned the gesture. He was dressed in a cotton shirt and jeans, appearing ready for work. Couldnt sleep in, eh? he toyed as he reached for a piece of the bacon. It was extra-crisp, just like he liked it. Katy was extremely domestic, he decided as his eyes drifted to the private breakfast room through the arch. Shed gotten out the lace

tablecloth and had even collected a copper bowl filled with freshly cut flowers. I see that you located the gardens, he eased out, his face still supporting a smile. By the way, the bacon is delicious - just like I like it. Im glad, she told him, transferring the gravy to a large boat. And the gardens are lovely. Ill make good use of the herbs, too - once I get settled in, that is. Still learning my way around the kitchen, she smiled. And oh- those fruit trees and the grape arbor. Should make some fine pies and jam.

Youre a gem, Katy. A real gem, Wayne told her and her smile widened. Rand, Eric and Danny were an endless rant of compliments, Eric telling her in an approving voice, And you fixed plenty. Yummy, yummy. Katy giggled, enjoying her coffee as she watched them eat. She had enjoyed a biscuit earlier, assuming that she would be taking her meals separate from the Brooks family, then Wayne had informed her otherwise when they had settled around the table.

Come sit with us, he had insisted after she had told him that shed already eaten. At least have some coffee. Okay, she had relented. And then he had reminded her, From now on, youll be eating with us. Were not into formalities, Katy. Just hard-working men with healthy appetites. Katy focused on Eric and told him, If I have time, Ill make my tasty Irish stew for supper. With more biscuits? Danny asked, but it was more in the way of a suggestion. With more biscuits, she laughed. Wayne pushed his plate aside and when she rose to collect it and take it to the kitchen, he reached over and resettled her. Id like to talk with you about the auction, he eased out and she nodded. Just requires some careful supervision from you, Katy. The food is being catered because its a large crowd. Unfortunately, I didnt order the desserts in time, you think you can pick up a few? Nothing fancy. Cake, pies and cookies?

Im going to the Burma office in a bit, Rand informed. Youre welcome to ride along. Im a very cautious and safe driver, unlike some people, he added, giving Eric a knowing look. Eric stiffened and Katy felt inclined to defend him as hed been so good to her. Oh, so you must drive like your brother, Eric. Such a delightful ride. Very cautious, very safe. Wayne narrowed his eyes at her and eased out, We are talking about the same Eric? My son? The wild boy? Eric felt obligated to intercede, not wishing to place Katy in the thick of things. May I, Katy? he asked, brows lifted as he looked at her pinched, flush face. She managed a short nod, then Eric told his curious-looking father and brothers, Katy lost her husband and her children in a car accident - boy and girl, twins - and only six years old. For me, her story was a life-changing event. The room was suddenly silent and Katy didnt know what to do when Waynes hand suddenly covered her own - an effort to comfort her, no doubt.

Then all four of the men offered her their sympathies, Katy barely managing to hold back her well of tears. And then thankfully, the subject was shifted as Wayne informed, Rand, I appreciate your offer but Id like Katy to ride in with me. Id like to show her the town, familiarize her with the shops there. And it would give us time to further discuss the auction. Sure dad, fine with me. If you get time, Cindy will be dropping by and meeting me for lunch. Id like Katy to meet her. His fianc, Wayne clarified. Rands an attorney - a damned good one if I say so myself. Cindys getting a bargain. Then again, Cindys quite a catch herself. The drive into Burma went smoother than Katy could have hoped. They were almost there when Wayne casually probed, Katy, I hope you dont mind, but I have to say that Im very appreciative for you sharing your past. You may have saved Erics life in doing such. Thank you, dear lady. She nodded, turning to focus on Waynes handsome face as they rode along the road leading into Burma. As yesterday, there

were dusty patches where the pavement ended. He recaptured her attention when he eased out, I lost my wife Nan shortly after Danny was born. She had always been as good as gold as doctor visits were concerned. But the lab technician missed the unfavorable results that lead to her death. By the time the symptoms began to show, it was too late to do anything. Oh Wayne, Im so sorry, she told him, squeezing his hand. Thank you, Katy. He paused, then managed, After Nan passed on, I put my life on hold decided to focus on raising my children. I never remarried - never had an interest to do such. I take it that you felt the same? Yes. Much like a dry sponge with the only thing to fill it being sorrowful tears. I feel a bond with you now, Katy as we both share similar losses. Me too, she admitted, offering him a weak smile, for the first time feeling a sense of security surrounding her position at Sundown Hills.

After he had taken her around the town, she suggested that he drop her off at the market while he attended his business, Wayne appreciating her suggestion. He never had liked particularly grocery shop. to shop,

It was along the produce aisle when her shopping cart collided with another cart belonging to a dark-haired woman. Oh no! Im sorry, Katy immediately responded as she made certain that no one had been damaged. The woman was a frail-looking thing and she had two young children situated inside her shopping cart - one in the front and one in the rear. How she was going have room for her groceries was a question mark to Katy. The woman smiled at her. Im the one who is sorry. Wasnt looking where I was going. Katy would have returned to her shopping but the lady stalled her. Youre new in the area. Yes, quite new, she responded, discovering that she had an instant liking for this woman. And as she glanced at her little ones, she was reminded of her own.

There arent many newcomers in Burma, the woman informed in a friendly tone, handing the child in front a chocolate cookie. My name is Jesse Eastwood. I imagine that we shall see each other now and then. With two little ones, it seems that Im always at the market. Katy smiled at her again and told her, My name is Katy Evers. My, but your little ones are darling. Then, What are their names? Betsy and Jenny, Jesse told her, the girls bringing up their dark heads to study Katy. She continued her shopping, then checked out, using the card that Wayne had given her to pay for the purchases. My, it was hot outside and she hoped that the cold items didnt melt before Wayne arrived. He had brought along a cooler and they would need to be tucked inside shortly. And she had given him ample time - in fact was about thirty minutes late according to the time they had decided to meet. Jesse exited the store and paused to speak with Katy once again. Expecting a ride? she asked.

Aye. Hell be here soon. I hope, she tacked on with a short laugh. Jesse tossed out, Men! They can be so insensitive at times. You may very well melt in this heat, Katy. Ill be happy to give you a lift. Then Katy threaded into the conversation, Aw, there he is now. Thats my father, Jesse informed, rounding his truck with her basket which was filled with kids and groceries. Wayne exited the car, towering over his daughter a good foot. Hey there, pumpkin, he eased out, kissing her on top of the head. I see that youve met Katy. Then, Betsy! Jenny! How are grandpas angels doing today? Did mommy get you a treat? They squealed with delight, each holding out their arms to him, Wayne bending down and collecting one in each arm. Jenny giggled when he nuzzled her and when she looked at the smiling Katy, she held out her arms and said, Nana! I want Nana.

Wayne and Jesse shared a shocked look, but Katy decided that neither one of them could have been as shocked as her. May I? she asked Jesse and she nodded as Katy eagerly extracted the child from Wayne. Jesse eyed her father and was surprised as she saw his eyes tearing up. What was that all about? Shed never seen him cry before and the situation was upsetting to say the least. Wayne sat Betsy down as she too had began to beg for Nana and she ran and wrapped her arms around Katys legs, Katy bending and hugging the child to him. Jesse, looked at her face and in a whisper asked, Whats going on? You okay? He nodded towards the smiling Katy and explained in a whisper, She lost her two young children in an accident twenty or so years ago. Its.touching. Its almost like.well, like Betsy and Jenny know. Jesse absorbed the information, then looked from her father to Katy. And then Wayne busied himself loading the truck before putting the little ones into their car, taking care when fastening them in.

Jesse paused to tell Katy, Looks like my girls are totally taken with you. Such sweethearts. Maybe I will get the chance to see more of them? I-I would be a great babysitter. And Ill certainly take you up on that offer, Jesse smiled. It would be nice, being able to leave the girls with someone she trusted. She and her husband Jake didnt go out much, and when they did, the girls were always with them. Jesse told her, You may find this interesting, but the girls dont have a grandmother. My husbands mother passed just before the girls were born.and of course youre aware Im sure of my mothers situation. Once Wayne and Katy hit the road leading home, she began crying so hard that she couldnt make out the road before her. Wayne was a wall of support, offering words of comfort and he kept reaching over and consoling her. By the time they reached the ranch, she had managed to get control of her emotions. She opened her mouth to speak and he held a finger to it, telling her, No need for

explanations, Katy. Now lets get these groceries put away, shall we? She nodded, appreciated. his understanding greatly

Thirty minutes later, everything had been put away, Wayne standing and admiring the dessert choices that she had made. I thought that I might throw a giant homemade banana pudding into the mix, Katy told him. How did you guess? My favorite dessert, he smiled. Then, Oh! One more thing - its in the truck. Be right back. He returned a few minutes later with a long box in his hands. Hope you dont mind, but I picked you up a gown for tomorrow evening. Its green, he told her as if that should explain everything. Oh my, I-I dont know what to say, Wayne, she managed as she looked at the box. He told her, Youll be dressing casual for the auction - and youll just want to ensure that everyone has a drink available due to the heat - and there will be a team of helpers on hand. No alcohol by the way, he tacked on. Then, After the sun goes down and the food comes out, the atmosphere switches. The

majority of the buyers are men and they come to the auction alone. Their wives and partners start to arrive when the sun begins to sink. And its become a tradition that the women dressformally. There will be dancing, a live band and a lot of good conversation. Katy nodded, absorbing his words but she couldnt help wonder what Wayne had chosen for her in the box. He continued, Because youll be supervising youll be the star of the party as such. So I wanted you to look your best. And frankly, I should have taken you to the dress shop before dropping you off at the market, but I got wrapped up in our conversation. And then I realized that everything would melt if we went to the shop after I picked you up from the market. I hope you like it, and if you dont, Ill get Eric to take you back in for an exchange before the stores shut down. He pressed the box into her arms and suggested, Please try it on to make certain youre satisfied? She swallowed the lump in her throat and quickly made her way to her bedroom. And when she opened the box, she gasped. It held the most beautiful gown shed ever seen -

green and set with gems. And when she glanced at the price tag, she fell back - barely managing to catch herself as she momentarily considered that she might faint. Three-hundred and forty-five dollars? she blurted out to the empty room. Everything she owned didnt amount to that, she tacked onto her thoughts. Now what? She couldnt tell Wayne to take it back. He was her boss, after all. But it was far too expensive. At least it looked her size. With reservations, she slipped into the gown which felt like velvet on her skin. And when she walked to the full-length mirror she gasped. Oh my, she did look presentable, she decided with a rush. She was unhooking the back when Wayne knocked on her bedroom door. Are you decent? he asked and before she had time to respond, he was stepping into the room. He froze, lost in her vast beauty. My God, Katy, you are beautiful, he drawled, going to her then taking one of her hands and spinning her around. Like a tiny china doll.

And then he was kissing her like their was no tomorrow, Katy breathless by the time that he finally pulled away. And as they paused to gaze at one another, both knew this was only the beginning of a lifetime of happiness. Six months later, they were married in the beautiful gardens surrounding the ranch house, Katy insisting on wearing the beautiful green gown. Unlike the traditional wedding, they had two flower girls - little Betsy and Jenny. Katy had decided that love was mysterious and unpredictable. Shed traveled half the globe to find love. And it was time for love - for a new beginning. And as she looked lovingly over her new family, she knew that this time, she would have that happy ending. The End

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