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Cognitive Linguistics

Cognitive linguistics has emerged in the last twenty-five years as a powerful approach to the study of language, conceptual systems, human cognition, and general meaning construction. It addresses within language the structuring of basic conceptual categories such as space and time, scenes and events, entities and processes, motion and location, force and causation. It addresses the structuring of ideational and affective categories attributed to cognitive agents, such as attention and perspective, volition and intention. In doing so, it develops a rich conception of grammar that reflects fundamental cognitive abilities: the ability to form structured conceptualizations with multiple levels of organization, to conceive of a situation at varying levels of abstraction, to establish correspondences between facets of different structures, and to construe the same situation in alternate ways. Cognitive linguistics recognizes that the study of language is the study of language use and that when we engage in any language activity, we draw unconsciously on vast cognitive and cultural resources, call up models and frames, set up multiple connections, coordinate large arrays of information, and engage in creative mappings, transfers, and elaborations. Language does not "represent" meaning; it prompts for the construction of meaning in particular contexts with particular cultural models and cognitive resources. Very sparse grammar guides us along the same rich mental paths, by prompting us to perform complex cognitive operations. Thus, a large part of cognitive linguistics centers on the creative on-line construction of meaning as discourse unfolds in context. The dividing line between semantics and pragmatics dissolves and truth-conditional compositionality disappears. Aspects of language and expression that had been consigned to the rhetorical periphery of language, such as metaphor and metonymy, are redeemed and rehabilitated within cognitive linguistics. They are understood to be powerful conceptual mappings at the very core of human thought, important not just for the understanding of poetry, but also science, mathematics, religion, philosophy, and everyday speaking and thinking.

Importantly, thought and language are embodied. Conceptual structure arises from our sensorimotor experience and the neural structures that give rise to it. The structure of concepts includes prototypes; reason is embodied and imaginative. A grammar is ultimately a neural system. The properties of grammars are the properties of humanly embodied neural systems. Cognitive capacities that play a fundamental role in the organization of language are not specific to language. Such capacities include analogy, recursion, viewpoint and perspective, figureground organization, and conceptual integration. The stage was set for cognitive linguistics in the nineteen seventies and early eighties with Len Talmy's work on figure and ground, Ronald Langacker's cognitive grammar framework, George Lakoff's research on metaphor, gestalts, categories and prototypes, Fillmore's frame semantics, and Fauconnier's mental spaces. Today, there are hundreds of scholars who work in this paradigm, and there is a huge amount of published research on the theories and their applications. The present short encyclopedia entry cannot do justice to the wealth of discoveries, empirical studies, and applications that have come out of this recent tradition. I give in the bibliography some indications of where to get a more detailed picture. In the following sections, I outline some of the fundamental themes that run through cognitive linguistics. I. Grammar and Cognition The relation of grammar to cognition is studied in exquisite detail in the foundational work of Talmy (2000) and Langacker (1987, 1991). Talmy shows the great restrictions on the conceptual categories that grammatical systems actually specifiy. For example number, but not color, and within number, 'singular', 'dual', 'plural', but never 'even', 'odd', 'dozen' or

'numerable'. Topological reference ('across the sky,' 'across the table,'), but not Euclidean reference. Multiplexing, states of boundedness and dividedness. Axiality, perspective ( The door slowly opened and two men walked in vs. Two men slowly opened the door and walked in ), sequentializing ( There are some houses in the valley vs. There is a house now and then in the valley ), viewing, and nesting.

Langacker shows how grammar imposes trajector/landmark organization on scenes and events ( The table is below the lamp and The lamp is above the table express the same spatial relation with trajector and landmark reversed). Profiling is another important construct of Langacker's cognitive grammar: the word hypotenuse evokes a right triangle and profiles a particular part of it: the same segment without the rest of the triangle is no longer a hypotenuse. In I melted it , melt profiles an entire action chain with causation and change leading to a liquid state. In It melted easily , only the change is profiled, although the causation is still evoked. In It is finally melted , only the resultant state is profiled, but the unprofiled change is evoked. Langacker analyzes in considerable detail the ways in which component structures are integrated through correspondences and elaboration to form composite structures: a phonological integration (eg the English jar lid ) symbolizes the semantic integration of 'jar' and 'lid'. Other key aspects of conceptual structuring as reflected by grammar, and found in language after language, include fictive motion ( The blackboard goes all the way to the wall ), event integration ( The ball rolled in , The candle blew out , I kicked the door shut ), and force dynamics ( The ball kept rolling , He refrained from closing the door ), and the application of force dynamics to abstract reasoning and felicity conditions on speech acts. Fascinating linguistically and psychologically is the way in which language structures space. No two languages are ever alike in this respect, although the general principles remain the same. Each of us in his or her own language carves out physical space in fantastically intricate ways, of which we are not aware. Deceptively simple looking prepositions

like in , out , over, define elaborate networks of spatial meaning with hundreds of linked schemas, some of which are prototypical and central. Compare The plane flew over the field , The post-office is over the hill , The log rolled over , The party is over , He had to do it over , He overlooked it, He looked it over, He oversaw it . Remarkable work on this topic has been done by cognitive linguists and explicit computational models have confirmed the staggering cognitive complexity of the human capacity to structure space linguistically. Regier (1996), who built a structured connectionist model capable of learning subsets of such relations for different languages shows that many aspects of neurobiology, conceptualization, and general learning are at play.

II. Metaphor theory A second strand of fundamental work in cognitive linguistics which interacts constantly with the first is the considerable development of metaphor theory over the last twenty years. Launched by Lakoff and Johnson (1980), this line of research rests on the key insight that far from being a rhetorical flourish, metaphor is basic and constitutive for all the thinking that we do, and that in the scheme of evolution, metaphor, based on source domains of human experience and neural connections to our embodied sensations, actions, and emotions, is what creates the possibility of 'abstract' reasoning, scientific and mathematical thought, philosophical speculation, in other words language and culture quite generally. The mind is embodied and metaphor gives it the power that it has. What the Berkeley research group discovered was that source domains were systematically used to structure target domains by means of metaphorical mappings. For example, our general way to talk and think about event structure is in terms of motion. In this metaphorical mapping, states are locations, change of state is change of location, causes are forces, purposes are destinations, means are paths to destination, guided action is guided motion, etc., etc. This is extensively reflected by the lexical and grammatical features of language we use to express event structure: He went crazy. She entered a state of euphoria. The clothes are somewhere between wet and dry. The home run threw the crowd into a

frenzy. She walked him through the problem. I've hit a brick wall . Do it any way you can. We're moving ahead / at a standstill . This is not an isolated example; metaphorical structuring plays a crucial role in most of our conceptual systems, including all of the ones developed in science and mathematics. Nor is it a mere convenience offered by language. The structure and inferences of the source domain of motion are projected to the target domain of events and action in a systematic way that defines for us a rich conceptualization not present a priori in the target domain. In the same way, time is typically conceptualized in terms of space and motion. In English, times can be "objects moving towards and then past a stationary observer," or "objects that are stationary with respect to a moving observer": The time will come/has passed. Christmas is approaching/is coming up. The summer just zoomed by. We're getting close to Christmas. We passed the deadline. We've reached the end of May already. The event structure metaphor illustrates the interaction of force dynamics with metaphor theory. Causes are forces, and moreover, if they operate on the





will lead

you or drive


to correct



conclusions, sidetrack you, or force you to a certain opinion/ position . Conventional metaphors such as these can be extended and reextended to enrich conceptual understanding. Time can fly and crawl and disappear . In a line by Shakespeare, where Hector greets Nestor, Time becomes a moving person, who holds the hand of the venerable Nestor: Let me embrace thee, good old chronicle, That hast so long walk'd hand in hand with time.

III. Mental spaces and Conceptual integration Mental spaces are small conceptual packets constructed as we think and talk, for purposes of local understanding and action. They are very partial assemblies containing elements, and structured by frames and cognitive models. They are interconnected and can be modified as thought and discourse unfold. Mental spaces proliferate in the unfolding of discourse, map onto each other in intricate ways, and provide abstact mental structure for shifting anchoring, viewpoint, and focus, allowing us to direct our attention at any time onto very partial and simple structures, while maintaining an elaborate web of connections in working memory, and in long term memory. For example, if we say that In reality, Richard Burton loves Elizabeth Taylor, but in the movie, he kills her , we set up two mental spaces, one for reality and one for the movie; Richard Burton in reality has a counterpart (say Marc Anthony) in the movie, and Elizabeth Taylor in reality has a counterpart (say Cleopatra) in the movie. Connections between mental spaces allow access to elements in one mental space through counterparts of that element in other mental spaces (eg Marc Anthony via Burton). Mental spaces offer a general and elegant means of dealing with opacity, presupposition, counterfactuals, and tense and mood in language. Take for example the sentence In 1957, the president was a baby , appearing in a discourse where a base mental space with GW Bush as current president has been set up. In 1957 sets up a new "1957" space. If we take the president to describe Bush in the base, its counterpart "Bush in 1957" will be accessed, and the sentence will mean that Bush was a baby back in 1957. If on the other hand, we take the president to describe "someone" in the new

mental space of "1957", then that someone will be both a baby and a president in 1957. The sentence this time will mean that a baby was president in 1957. Multiple access possibilities of this kind allow the same sentence to prompt for different connection paths depending on what mental spaces have already been set up in context, and what counterpart connections are available. A wide range of puzzling reference phenomena fall out of this general underspecification of connecting paths, for example the difference between If I were you I'd hate me and If I were you, I would hate myself , split reference as in If Woody Allen had been born twins, they would have been sorry for each other , or Sweetser's meta-metaphorical conditionals, such as If the Ile de la Cit is the heart of Paris, then the Seine is the aorta . Behind the idiosyncrasies of language, cognitive linguistics has repeatedly uncovered evidence for the operation of more general cognitive processes. Mappings between mental spaces are part of this general organization of thought. Although language provides considerable data for studying such mappings, they are not in themselves specifically linguistic. They show up generally in conceptualization. A striking case of a general cognitive operation on mental spaces, that is reflected universally in the way we think, is conceptual integration. Conceptual integration consists in setting up networks of mental spaces which map onto each other and blend into new mental spaces in various ways. In everyday thinking and talking, we use conceptual integration networks systematically in the on-line construction of meaning. Some of the integrations are novel, others are more entrenched, and we rarely pay conscious attention to the process, because it is so pervasive. In a conceptual integration network, partial structure from input mental mental spaces is projected to a new blended mental space which develops dynamic (imaginative) structure of its own. For example, the counterfactual In France, Watergate would not have done Nixon any harm is intended to prompt inferences on the difference between the American and French political systems. It requires the listener to construct input spaces for American politics and for French politics. One must establish a set of mappings between the input spaces and then project selectively into a blended space in which Nixon and Watergate are embedded into French politics. The imaginative emergent structure of that mental space (Nixon is not harmed, etc.) will provide insight into the political realities of the two countries. Most aspects of human life, not just language, bring in conceptual integration networks. This remarkable cognitive capacity has been studied in a variety of domains, such as mathematics, action and design, distributed cognition, magic and religion, anthropology and political science. It has been suggested that the

capacity of conceptual integration evolved biologically to reach a threshhold, double-scope creativity, that constitutes a necessary condition for the cognitively modern human singularities of art, creative tool-making, religious thought, and grammar. SUMMARY Cognitive linguistics goes beyond the visible structure of language and investigates the considerably more complex backstage operations of cognition that create grammar, conceptualization, discourse , and thought itself. The theoretical insights of cognitive linguistics are based on extensive empirical observation in multiple contexts, and on experimental work in psychology and neuroscience. Results of cognitive linguistics, especially from metaphor theory and conceptual integration theory, have been applied to wide ranges of non-linguistic phenomena.

Lingvistic cognitiva Lingvistica cognitive a aprut n ultimii douzeci i cinci de ani ca un abordare puternic pentru a studiului limbii, sisteme conceptuale, umane cogniie, i construcii sensul general. Se adreseaza in limba structurarea categoriilor de baz conceptual cum ar fi de spaiu i timp, scene i evenimente, entiti i procese, de micare i Locul de amplasare, for i legtura de cauzalitate. Se adreseaza structurarea ideatic i categorii afective atribuite agenilor cognitive, cum ar fi atenia i perspectiv, voin i intenie. n acest sens, se dezvolt o concepie bogat de gramatica care reflect abilitile cognitive fundamentale: abilitatea de a forma conceptualizri structurate cu mai multe niveluri de organizare, pentru a concepe o situaie la diferite niveluri de abstractizare, de a stabili corespondene ntre aspecte ale structuri diferite, i s interpreteze aceeai situaie n supleant moduri. Lingvistica cognitive recunoate c studiul limbii este studiul de limba de utilizare i c, atunci cnd ne angajm n orice activitate de limb, tragem incontient pe vaste resurse cognitive i culturale, apelai modele i rame, nfiinat mai multe conexiuni, coordoneaz tablouri mari de informaii, i angajeze n mapri creative, transferuri, i elaborri. Limba nu

"Reprezint" sensul, ea solicit construirea de sensul cuvntului n special, contexte cu modele culturale specifice i a resurselor cognitive. Foarte rare gramatica ne cluzete de-a lungul cilor aceleai bogate mentale, prin ne ndeamn s efectua operaii cognitive complexe. Astfel, o mare parte a lingvisticii cognitive centrele de pe creativ on-line construcia de sens ca discurs se desfoar n context. Linia de demarcaie ntre semantic i pragmatic i se dizolv Adevrul-condiionat compositionality dispare. Aspecte ale limbii i exprimare, care au fost expediate pentru a periferia retoric a limbajului, cum ar fi metafora i metonimia, sunt rscumprate i reabilitat n cadrul lingvisticii cognitive. Ele sunt nelese ca fie mapri puternice conceptuale la miezul gndirii umane, important nu doar pentru nelegerea poeziei, dar, de asemenea, tiina, matematica, religie, filosofie, i n fiecare zi vorbind i de gndire. Important, gndirea i limbajul sunt ncorporate. Structura conceptual decurge din experiena noastr i senzitivo structurilor neuronale care dau natere s-l. Structura de concepte include prototipurilor; motiv este ncorporat i imaginativ. O gramatica este n cele din urm un sistem neuronal. Proprietile de gramatici sunt proprietile sistemelor omenete ntruchipate neuronale. Cognitive capaciti care joac un rol fundamental n organizarea de limbaj nu sunt specifice limbii. Astfel de capaciti includ analogie, recursivitate, punct de vedere i perspectiv, figurasol organizare, precum i de integrare conceptual. Scena a fost stabilit pentru lingvistic cognitive n aptezeci nousprezece i nceputul anilor optzeci cu munca Len Talmy pe figura i de la sol, Ronald Langacker lui cognitiv gramatica cadru, cercetarea George Lakoff pe metafor, gestalts, categorii i prototipuri, Fillmore lui cadru semantic, i Fauconnier lui mintal spaii. Astzi, exist sute de savani care lucreaz n aceast paradigm, i exist o cantitate imens de cercetare publicat pe teoriile lor i aplicaii. Intrare prezent Enciclopedia scurt nu poate face dreptate multitudine de descoperiri, studii empirice i aplicaii care au venit din aceast tradiie recent. Eu dau n bibliografie unele indicaii de unde s o imagine mai detaliat.

n urmtoarele seciuni, am sublinia unele dintre teme fundamentale, care se execut prin intermediul lingvisticii cognitive. I. Gramatic i Cunoatere Relaia de gramatic la cunoatere este studiat n detaliu rafinat, n locul de munc de baz al Talmy (2000) i Langacker (1987, 1991). Talmy prezinta restricii mari asupra categoriilor conceptuale c sistemele gramaticale, de fapt specifiy. Pentru numrul exemplu, dar nu de culoare, i n termen de numr, "singular", "Dubl", "plural", dar niciodat "chiar", "ciudat", "duzina" sau "numerable". Topologic de referin ("pe cer", "peste mas,"), dar de referin nu euclidian. Stri de multiplexare, de marginirea i dividedness. Axiality, perspectiv (ncet ua deschis i doi brbai a intrat n Raport Doi brbai a deschis ncet ua i intrat n), sequentializing (Exist unele case n valea Raport Exist o cas acum i apoi, n vale), vizualizarea, i de cuiburi. Langacker arat ct de gramatica impune trajector / organizaiei de punct de reper pe scene i evenimente (tabelul de mai jos este i lampa este deasupra tabelului exprim aceeai relaie spaial cu trajector i punct de reper inversat). Profilat, este un alt construct important al gramaticii cognitive Langacker lui: ipotenuzei cuvnt evoc un triunghi dreptunghic si profile o anumit parte a ei: acelai segment, fr restul triunghiului nu mai este o ipotenuz. n topit aceasta, se topesc profile un lan de aciuni intreaga cu legtura de cauzalitate i modificai conduce ntr-o stare lichid. n El topit pur, doar schimbarea este profilat, cu toate c legtura de cauzalitate este nc evocat. n cele din urm, este topit, numai statul rezultat este profilat, dar schimbarea unprofiled este evocat. Langacker analizeaz n detaliu modul n care structurile componente sunt integrate prin intermediul corespondenelor i elaborarea de a forma structuri compozite: o integrare fonologic (de exemplu, capac borcan n englez) simbolizeaz integrarea semantic a "borcan" i "capac". Alte aspecte cheie ale structurare conceptuale cum sunt reflectate de gramatic, i de gsit n limb dup limb, includ de propunere fictiv (tabl merge tot mod de a perete), integrarea eveniment (mingea a trecut n, lumnare explodat, am dat ua nchis), i fora dinamic (bila inut de rulare, El sa abinut de la nchiderea ui), precum i punerea n aplicare a dinamicii forei de ctre raionament abstract i fericirea condiiile privind actele de vorbire.

Fascinant punct de vedere lingvistic i psihologic este modul n care limba structurile spaiu. Nu exist dou limbi sunt la fel vreodat n aceast privin, dei principiile generale rmn aceleai. Fiecare dintre noi, n propria sa limba zugraveste din spaiul fizic n moduri fantastic de complicate, de care noi nu sunt contieni. Prepoziii inselator de simple, cum ar fi n uit, din, peste, definii reele elaborate de sens spaial, cu sute de scheme, unele legate de care sunt prototip i centrale. Compara Avionul a zburat peste cmp, posta este de peste deal, a trecut de jurnal, partidul este de peste, El a trebuit s-l fac peste, El trecut cu vederea aceasta, El a privit peste, El a supravegheat. Lucru remarcabil pe acest subiect are fost fcut de ctre lingviti cognitive i modele de calcul explicite avea a confirmat complexitatea cognitiv a ealonarea capacitatea uman de a structura spaiu lingvistic. Regier (1996), care a construit un conexioniste structurat modelul capabili s nvee subseturi de asemenea relaii de limbi diferite prezinta faptul c multe aspecte ale neurobiologiei, conceptualizare, i generale de nvare sunt la juca. Al II-lea. Metafora teorie O a doua de munc fundamentale n domeniul lingvisticii cognitive care interacioneaz constant cu prima este dezvoltarea considerabil a metaforei Teoria n ultimii douzeci de ani. Lansat de Lakoff i Johnson (1980), aceast Linia de cercetare se bazeaz pe perspectiva cheie care departe de a fi o nfloritur retoric, Metafora este constitutiv de baz i pentru toi gndire pe care le facem, i c, n schema de evoluie, metafor, bazate pe domeniile surs ale experienei umane i conexiuni neuronale la senzaiile noastre ncorporate, aciunile i emoiile, este ceea ce creeaz posibilitatea de a "abstracte" raionamentul, tiinifice i matematice gnd, speculaia filosofic, n alte cuvinte destul de limb i cultur n general. Mintea este ncorporat i metafora i d puterea pe care o are. Ce Berkeley grupul de cercetare a descoperit c a fost sursa de domenii au fost sistematic folosite pentru domeniile-int structura prin intermediul metaphoric mapri. De exemplu, modul nostru general de a vorbi i cred c despre structura evenimentului este n termeni de micare. n aceast cartografiere metaforic, statele sunt locatii, schimbare de stat este schimbarea locaiei, cauzele sunt forele, n scopuri sunt destinaii, nseamn sunt ci ctre destinaie, aciunea ghidat de micare este ghidat, etc, etc Acest lucru este extensiv reflectat prin caracteristicile lexicale i gramaticale ale limbii pe care le folosim s-i exprime structura evenimentului: A luat-o razna. Ea a intrat ntr-o stare de euforie. Hainele sunt undeva ntre umed i uscat. Home run-au aruncat ntr-o


frenezie. Ea

l plimbat

prin problema. Am lovit un zid de crmid. F-o orice fel poi. Ne micm nainte / la un impas. Acest lucru nu este un exemplu izolat; structurarea metaforic joac un rol crucial n cele mai multe dintre sistemele noastre conceptuale, inclusiv toate cele dezvoltate n domeniul tiinei i matematic. Nici nu este o comfortul oferit de simpla limba. Structura i deducii a Domeniul surs de micare sunt proiectate pentru a domeniului int de evenimente i aciuni ntr-un mod sistematic, care definete pentru noi nu este o conceptualizare bogat prezinte o priori n domeniul int. n acelai mod, timpul este de obicei conceptualizat n termeni de spaiu i micare. n limba englez, ori pot fi "obiecte care se deplaseaz n fa i apoi trecut o obiecte de observare staionare ", sau" care sunt staionare n raport cu o micare observator ":. Timpul va veni / a trecut Crciunul se apropie / se apropie. vara doar mrit de. Ne apropiem de Crciun. Am trecut de termenul limit. Am ajuns deja la sfritul lunii mai. Metafora Structura eveniment ilustreaz interaciunea dintre dinamica forei de cu teoria metaforei. Cauzele sunt fore, i n plus, n cazul n care acestea opereaz pe concluzii, v linie de garare, sau te obliga la o anumit opinie / poziie. Metafore convenionale, cum ar fi acestea pot fi extinse i pentru a mbogi reextended conceptual nelegere. Timpul poate zbura cu crawlere i dispar. ntr-o linie de Shakespeare, n cazul n care Hector salut Nestor, Timpul devine o persoan n micare, care deine mna a venerabilului Nestor: Las-m s te mbrieze, cronica bun vechi, C ai mna att de mult walk'd n mn cu timpul. III. Spaii mentale i integrarea conceptual Spaii mentale sunt pachete mici, conceptuale construite ca ne gndim i vorbi, n scopul de nelegere i aciune local. Ele sunt foarte pariale ansambluri conin elemente, i structurate de ctre cadre i modele cognitive. Acestea sunt interconectate i pot fi modificate n gndire i de discurs se manifeste. Spaii mentale prolifera n harta desfurarea discursului, pe fiecare alii n moduri complicate, i s furnizeze structura abstact mentala pentru schimbare ancorare, punct de vedere, i s se concentreze, permindu-ne s ne ndreptm atenia n orice moment pe structuri


foarte pariale i simplu, meninnd n acelai timp o reea elaborat de conexiuni n memoria de lucru, i, n memoria pe termen lung. De exemplu, dac spunem c, n realitate, Richard Burton, Elizabeth Taylor iubete, dar n film, el o ucide, am nfiinat dou spaii mentale, unul pentru realitate i una pentru film; Richard Burton, n realitate, are o contrapartid (spune Marc Anthony), n film, Elizabeth Taylor i, n realitate, are o contrapartid (cuvnt de spus Cleopatra), n filmul. Conexiunile dintre spaiile mentale permit accesul la elementele ntr-o singur spaiu mental prin omologii acestui element n alte spaii mentale (de exemplu, Marc Anthony prin Burton). Spaii mentale ofer un mijloc generale i elegante ale care se ocup cu opacitate, presupoziia, contrafactuale, i tensionat i starea de spirit n limba. Luai, de exemplu, sentina n 1957, preedintele a fost un copil, apare ntr-un discurs n care un spaiu mental de baz cu GW Bush ca actual Preedintele a fost nfiinat. n 1957 nfiineaz o nou "1957" spaiului. Dac lum Preedintele Bush a descrie n baza, sa omologul "Bush n 1957" va fi accesate, iar sentina va nsemna c Bush a fost un nou copil n 1957. n cazul n care de alt parte, vom lua preedinte pentru a descrie "cineva" n noul mintale Spaiu de "1957", atunci cineva va fi att un copil i un preedinte n 1957. Tez de data aceasta va nsemna c un copil a fost preedinte n 1957. Multiplu posibilitilor de acces de acest gen permit aceeai propoziie s solicite diferite ci de conectare, n funcie de ceea ce spaii mentale au fost deja stabilite n context, i ce conexiuni de contrapartid sunt disponibile. O gam larg de fenomene enigmatice de referin cad din aceast underspecification general al ci de legtur, de exemplu, diferena dintre Daca as fi fost tu mi-ar m urti i Dac a fi tu, mi-a ur, mprit de referin la fel ca n cazul n care Woody Allen a fost nscut gemeni, ei ar fi fost ru pentru cellalt, sau al lui Sweetser meta-metaforic condiionale, cum ar fi cazul n Ile de la Cit este inima Parisului, apoi Sena este aortei. n spatele limbajului de idiosincrazii, lingvisticii cognitive are n mod repetat descoperit dovezi pentru operarea mai multor procese cognitive generale. Mapri ntre spaiile mentale fac parte din aceast organizaie general a gndit. Dei limbajul ofer date importante pentru studierea astfel de maprile, ele nu sunt, n sine, n mod special lingvistice. Ele apar n general, n conceptualizare. Un caz remarcabil de o operaiune general cognitive pe spaii mentale, care se reflect universal n felul n care gndim, este conceptual de integrare. Integrarea conceptual const n stabilirea unor reele de spaii mentale care pe harta reciproc i

amestec n noi spaii mentale n diverse moduri. n gndire de zi cu zi i vorbesc, vom folosi reelele conceptuale de integrare sistematic n construcia on-line de sens. Unele dintre integrri sunt roman, altele sunt mai nrdcinat, i vom plti rareori atenie contient de procesul, pentru c este att de extins. ntr-o reea de integrare conceptual, Structura parial de la intrare spaii mentale mentale este proiectat la un nou combinat spaiu mental care dezvolt dinamic (imaginativ) structura proprie. De exemplu, contrafactual n Frana, Watergate nu s-ar fi fcut Nixon orice ru este destinat s determine concluzii privind diferena dintre Americane i franceze sisteme politice. Este nevoie de asculttor de a construi de intrare spaii pentru politica american i pentru politica franceza. Unul trebuie s stabileasc un set de mapri ntre spaiile de intrare i apoi proiecta selectiv ntr-un amestec spaiu n care Nixon i Watergate sunt inglobate in politica franceza. Structura imaginativ emergent din acel spaiu mental (Nixon nu este afectat, etc) va oferi o perspectiv asupra realitilor politice din cele dou ri. Cele mai multe aspecte ale vieii umane, nu doar limba, aduce n conceptual de integrare reele. Aceast capacitate remarcabil cognitiv a fost studiat ntr-un varietate de domenii, cum ar fi matematica, de aciune i de proiectare, distribuite cogniie, magie i religie, antropologie i tiinele politice. . Acesta a fost a sugerat faptul c capacitatea de integrare conceptual a evoluat biologic la ajunge la un prag, dublu-domeniul de aplicare creativitate, care constituie o msur necesar condiie pentru singulariti cognitiv umane moderne de art, instrument creativ- face, gndire religioas, i de gramatic. REZUMAT Lingvistica cognitive merge dincolo de structura vizibil a limbii i investigheaz operaiunile considerabil mai complexe culise ale cogniiei care creeaz gramatica, conceptualizare, discurs, i a crezut ea nsi. intuiii teoretice ale lingvisticii cognitive se bazeaz pe empirice extinse observare n mai multe contexte, precum i cu privire la munca experimentale n psihologie i Neuroscience. Rezultatele lingvisticii cognitive, mai ales de la teoria metaforei i teoria integrrii conceptuale, au fost aplicate la game largi de non-fenomene lingvistice.


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