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Warhammer quest An Untitled Adventure For a party of battle levels 4-6 By Joe Ludwig I ran this adventure with

a six player party (listed below.) They managed to blo w almost all of their once-per-adventure abilities in the "first" objective room , the Idol Chamber. The dungeon proved to be a reasonable challange for them, al though only the witch hunter was ever in serious peril. This adventure was designed to be a sort of a lead-in to Catacombs of Terror. If you're not planning to use it as such, you might want to change the text the Wi ght Lord at the end spews.

My Party: Warrior Chaos Warrior Ash 4 Wizard 4 Pit Fighter Barbarian Witch Hunter

Level 4 4 3 2

Background After spending some time in the settlement recouping from the last adventure the party soon grows restless and sets out in search of excitement. Having heard th at the forces of chaos need squashing in the west, they head out in that directi on. About halfway through their first day of travel a human rider appears on the hor izon approaching the warriors from the direction they just came. When he gets a little closer the warriors see that he is plainly dressed, only minimally armed, and appears to have been travelling for some distance. When he gets close to the party he slows his horse to a walk and once he catches his breath he calls out, "Is one of you <insert name of party member here>?" The man is a messenger from a city in the north where the tales of the party's r ecent exploits have reached. The man requests that the party come back with him immediately to help the city out. It seems that a number of merchent caravans travelling from the city north have been attacked and destroyed by some unknown foe. The mayor sent out several patr ols to investigate, but so far none of them have returned. The mayor is impresse d by what he's heard of the party and sent this man to try to hire you to invest igate. The mayor is willing to pay 400gp and all expenses incurred in travelling to the city and investigating the attacks. (If this isn't enough for the party they'll have to play a random dungeon for tonight. :) The City The mayor of the city is an order-driven sort of guy. He's concerned about the m issing caravans more because of the mayhem it's creating in the streets than bec ause he's concerned about a few missing merchents. The warriors are offered 400g p for the elimination of the threat. If they accept he gives them a medallion th

at was found with the first caravan destroyed in the hope that it will help lead them to the culprits. The mayor believes that the raids are the work of a band of brigands working the north road. His theory is that they somehow got the drop on his patrols and got lucky taking them out. He figures that the party won't have much trouble with t he troublemakers, and if they do then he won't have to pay them anyway. He has a number of agents seeking out bands of adventurers to solve this problem. What the mayor doesn't tell the party is that one party of adventurers has alrea dy failed to bring in the brigands. This party seems more powerful than that one was anyway. If he is pressed the mayor will let the party know that while the w agons were recovered (empty) that none of the bodies of the people in these cara vans have been found. Searching for the bandits The party heads north out of the city in search of the mysterious bandits. A day or so into their search they come to the site where the first caravan was destr oyed. It has been about a month since the attack so few signs remain. The group they follows the rough map they were given to the second attack site. As they approach the clearing they are attacked! The warriors are attacked by two Werewolves (using the stats from the web page.) Neither of the werewolves are carrying anything at all. Once the werewolves are dead the party should realize it has a trail to follow to find the rest of the "bandits" and doing so they will find their way to the tomb in 2d6 "hours." They won't need to sleep before reaching the tomb, but each hour they need to roll a die. On a one or a two they are attacked by random monsters: 1 Two werewolves 2 5 Wights and a Wight Lord 3 12 Skeletons and two Tomb Guardians 4 6 Mummies 5 2 Wraiths and 2 Ghosts 6 A Necromancer and 6 Skeletons When they have killed all the random encounters they finally reach the tomb. Sta rt them at the entrance. The Tomb TC4 ! | R2-+-IC3 St

St + R2 IC3 TC4 ! |

Stairs down Guard Room Servant Chamber Idol Chamber Tomb Chamber Plain hallway Narrow Bridge Plain hallway

The Entrance Before the party is a small stone construction covered with moss. On the outward side of what appears to be a small building set halfway into the hill is a larg e stone door. The door and frame are carved with ancient, but surprisingly intac t runes. Successful checks by several characters will yield more information: Who Characteristic Target Information Learned Anyone Initiative 8 The area around the door is covered with footpri nts and the grass and weeds are well trampled. This area has been well used fair ly recently. Wizards Intelligence 8 The runes on the door and doorframe are of a necromantic nature and are there to repel graverobbers and other would-be i ntruders. Touching them without an invitation would be a bad idea. Dwarves Intelligence 7 The runes on the door and doorframe are of a magical nature and are not dwarf runes The Runes: Any warrior who touches the door for any reason other than pressing t he medallion against it will take 4d6 wounds in magical damage with no modifiers for armour or toughness and fall unconscious for 1d6 turns. The unfortunate warrior who touched the door is blasted by an intense magica l field. The warrior is thrown backwards two squares and falls unconscious. A fe w wisps of smoke rise from his body. Opening the Door: If the medallion is pressed against the icon in the center of the door it will open. Read the following to the players: The instant you touch the door with the medallion it begins to move. The doo r cracks in two along a seam you missed before and the two halves swing swiftly and silently inward, revealing a steep stone staircase leading down into the bla ckness.

Stairs Down A few seconds after the last memeber of the party has cleared the door it closes itself as quickly and quietly as it opened. A quick check with the medallion fa ils to reopen it. It appears that you're committed now. The party descends the darkened steps... after fifty or sixty steps there is fin ally and end in sight in the form of a stone archway and a level passage beyond it. Just as you get close enough for everyone to see the archway disaster strike s! The stairs give way beneath your feet and a something sweeps your feet out fr om under you. You begin to slide down the passage and through the archway. The stairs drop down to become a slide trap. Against its will the party is knock ed over and slides in order into the four-way passage.

Guard Room The out of control slide you began on the stairs comes to an abrupt halt thirty or forty feet later when you crash into a wall (and each other.) You are working on figuring out which way is up so you can stand up and take stock of the situa tion when you are attacked!

The party is attacked by 8 tomb guardians with magic weapons (Bone Blade: causes extra d6 wounds with each successful strike) and magic items (Icon of Swiftness : One extra attack each round.) The tomb guardians get an ambush attack the firs t turn, and the warriors must spend their first turn standing up so they will at tack twice before the warriors kill them all. These creatures are not carrying a ny treasure apart from their normal gold/experience value. Once the monsters are dead read the following to the warriors: The chamber you have entered is littered with the bones of humans, elves, dw arves and many other creatures who were unfortunate enough to make it past the d oor at the entrance. The stairway (which is again a stairway) leads up to the so uth, and archways lead to dark passages east and west of here.

Servant Chamber This square room is empty except for a few scattered skulls and a whole lot of c obwebs. The North and South walls are lined with <slabs? Dead-beds?> that you ca n't quite see into. As you step into the room and begin to look around a dark sh ape descends from above and attacks the party leader! The Gigantic Spider will ambush attack whoever has the lantern in an attempt to eliminate the light and confuse the party. This spider is identical to other gig antic spiders except that breaking from its webbing requires a strength roll of 9 instead of the usual 7. When the spider has been taken care of the party will probably want to search th e slabs. Roll on the following table: 1-3 Searcher finds a mummy! Five mummies and one Mummy Tomb King shamble out of their beds and after the warriors. The turn ends immediately, causing tomb r ot, and then the next turn proceeds as normal. If the mummies have already been encountered treat this as a 4-5 result. Apart from their normal experience/gold total each mummy carries 40gp in assorted jewelry. 4-5 Empty. The searcher finds nothing of interest. 6 Treasure! The searcher finds one of the items listed below. If All items have been found, treat this as a 1-3 result. Treasure items (in the order in which they're found): Bone Blade: Causes an extra dice of damage on each hit. Healing Potions: 1d6 healing potions which heal 3d6 wounds each. Gold(x2): Warrior finding this one may roll as many d6 as he wishes. If any ones are rolled all the gold is lost. If no ones are rolled the warrior finds th e total times 50 gold.

Idol Chamber As the party files into the room and this large stone chamber fills with light y ou begin to make out the shape of a large menacing idol on a platform. At the fo ot of the idol stands a necromancer preparing to sacrifice a young elven maiden to his evil god. Just as you move to attack the man, six large armoured figures step away from the walls, and two dark shapes appear at the top of the stairs. At the end of the turn in which the first of the warriors enter the room place t

wo wraiths at the top of the stairs, and six wight lords spaced evenly along the side walls. If a warrior has enough movement to reach the stairs the first turn place the wraiths there to stop him. The creatures appear at the end of the tur n in which the warriors enter, and the next turn proceeds as normal. The necromancer is so involved with his sacrifice that he won't attack/cast duri ng the first turn. If he (and his prisoner) are still alive at his second turn h e will complete the ceremony and throw the elf into the fire. If he is STILL ali ve at his third phase he will begin casting two spells/turn until the combat is over. Once the combat is over the party will find one objective room treasure, and eac h warrior will find one dungeon room treasure. The Necromancer is carrying a med allion similiar to the one the party was given. This medallion will open the nor th secret door in the 4-way passage. Have whoever is carrying it make an initiat ive check when they pass the secret door. If anyone searches the pyre they will find a switch that opens a small alcove in front of the fire pit. The Hammer of Sigmar is inside.

Narrow Bridge The stone panel slides open to reveal a narrow stone bridge crossing a very larg e, very deep chasm. The howls of tormented souls drift up from the chasm below. The bridge seems to be well constructed and solid, but the entire place makes yo u very uncomfortable. There is no actual danger in this room; it is intended to freak out the warriors . Any warrior who attempts to cross the bridge must make a successful willpower roll (with a +1 for every warrior who has already crossed successfully.) If a wa rrior fails by fewer than three points they are unable to cross this turn. If th eir total is less than 5 they are unable to cross this turn OR next turn. Any wa rrior who passes this role may cross normally. Remember that while the party is crossing the bridge the wizard is still making his power rolls.

Tomb Chamber Behind the door is a large chamber with a ramp leading up to a very large skelet al figure in massive armour and long robes sitting in a throne. When the warrior s enter he stands up and greets then, "Well, if it isn't the intruders who have been causing so much trouble. You seem to be brave warriors and my forces have d one little to stop you but this is where your luck ends. I'll tell you what thou gh; if you will leave me that one (pointing at the witchhunter or whichever warr ior has wreaked the most havoc if there is no witchhunter) I will allow the rest of you to live. I want you to take a message to the humans. Tell them that the Dread King is returning, and that I, his greatest lieutenant will be at the fore front of the new order. All living things will be welcomed into my army as I bur n their cities and devour their children." The armoured figure laughs an evil la ugh and waits for the warriors to respond. Three wight lords are placed at the top of the stairs as the warriors enter to k eep them away from the general. The big baddie is a Wight Lord with Necromantic Magic 1 and some extra wounds. He is worth 15% more than normal. If the warriors accept his offer the poor sap they abandoned will be tortured an

d killed in a way to unpleasant to think about, and the rest of the party will b e escorted out of the tomb. If any of them touch the front door after this they are killed instantly. (The runes have been keyed to these ones especially.) If the warriors decide to fight the wizard should roll for power and the turn wi ll proceed as normal. Unless the warriors have killed them the 6 mummies from th e servant chamber will wander in to attack on the second round of combat. If the warriors actually succeed and the monsters die then they will be able to search the room. Under the throne is a trap door that leads to the lord's treasu re horde. There are 5000gp in gold and miscellaneous treasure in the horde as we ll as five items of dungeon room treasure. The Wight Lord's body has a medallion on it that will allow the warriors to get back out the door. Back to town The mayor of the city is so pleased with the warrior's success that he adds a hu ndred to the reward and gives each of them 500gp. The warriors may stay in this city for free from now on.

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