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Dancing: The secret slowness of the fast Dance is precisely the room for the body of the dancer

to be Searching, trying to find his feet, stunned but mutmuring still. He dances with more purpose and spirit. Dance has increasingly been cited as an exemplary site for research experience, conceptual debate, and as political and cultural expressions for questioning our embodiment.. Though a concern for the historical context of the trained bodies produced The spaces in which these are facilitated and through which such bodies are constituted Dos formas para aprehender al cuerpo que baila de dos maneras: la primera es a travs de la preocupacin por el contexto histrico que producen los cuerpos entrenados, espacios en los cuales stos son facilitados y a travs de los cuales tales cuerpos estn constituidos; y segundo, a travs del nfasis en el show performativo de la delicada precisin y complejidad del cuerpo por s mismo en movimiento, el cual al mismo tiempo comunica su vialidad y pasividad; su sufrimiento y placer Dance is that which becomes coded but is not itself code in its point of incessant emergence. Dancers are coded, genres are coded, dance choreography is coded, but the dance itself, like all art forms when considered in their pure state, manifests the power of the present to disrupt, disclose, and expose these codifications. This is also why dance attracts public and academic alike in its atmosphere of vital seduction: that which is seemingly available to know and to interpret always has further enticements eluding knowing. Such elusory movement is another form of, and space for, politics. El movimiento dentro del escenario: uno como espectador no es consciente de lo que hay detrs de una coreografa. Lo que vemos fue creado por nuestra percepcin, y solamente existe para este propsito. Aparece como una realidad virtual, que no es necesariaimente imaginada o soada. Percepcin virtual/virtualizada Though as an action, which offers a symptomatology of movement which can help us to both understand and create expressive potential by gesturing to new ground Inferencia de lo que rodea, la sociedad, a las prcticas corporales dentro de la danza It is dangerous to separate the body out from the ideoologies that make it men something, not least because it implies some originary or essentially pure body Dance should not be seen as a new version of an old division between thought and action, between mind and body El autor, no coincide con la idea de que la danza siempre est mediada por las palabras en tanto que es pensada, performada, vista escrita. Localizacin en la cultura, Cmo se asimila en la danza? /Justificacin del arte contemporneo.

When sensation is linked to the body in this way, it ceases to be representative and becomes real; and cruelty will be linked less and less to the representation of something horrible, and will become nothing other than the action of forces upon the body, or sensation (the opposite of sensational)

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