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Once upon a time in the kingdom farway, there was a king that had three sons. The two was clever but arogant. But the third didnt speak much, so he was called simpleton.When the king become old, he didnt know which son sould be the next king after him. Then the king had a bright idea. Go forth, until one of you found the most beautiful carpet in the world and will be the next king after me The first go to east, and the other to the west. But the simpleton didnt know where did he have to go until he found a trap door. He open it, and went down on the steps. Then he saw a locked door and heard a sound. What do you want ? Im looking for the most beautiful and finest carpet in the world give your hand to me, and I will give it Surpraisingly, it gave the most beautiful carpet to the simpleton. And the simpleton brought it to the kingdom. But his brothers didnt find like that. The first buy a carpet in a store, and the other found it on the way. They went to the kingdom and shown it to the kingdom. And simpleton was the winner of that condision. The kingdom sould go to my youngest son His brothers didnt bealive it. They thought that it was impossible. They ask the king to make a new agreement. The king agreed it. Who brings me the finest jewel will inheri the kingdom The simpleton went to the locked door again. And ask the finest carpet in the world.

I need the finest jewel in the world give me your hand and I will give it But, just a stone that out of the door. Then the simpleton brought it to the kingdom. The others buy it in the store. The first looked for it in internet , And the second bought it in a jewel store. They went home And shown it to the king. The brothers laughed because the simpleton just got a stone. But the king put it in the carpet, And unbealivable that stone became a finest. The king claimed that his youngest son should be the next king after him. But The brothers didnt bealive it again. And ask the king to make a new condision. The king agreed again. Who can found the most beautiful woman, should have the kingdom Then the simpleton go to the locked door again. I have to take home the most beautiful woman Oh, the most beautiful woman. Entry please, Im the most beautiful woman The simpleton open the locked door and entry it. He just saw a fat toad sitting. Heres the most beautiful woman in the world The simpleton was dazed. But, surpraisingly, the toad had became to a woman that very beautiful. The simpleton brought her to the kingdom. The simpleton, the woman and the king were waiting the brothers. The first took a clerk woman, And the other took a peasant woman. When each woman be presented, the brother said that the simpletons just an ugly woman. But the simpleton said that she is the most beautiful woman in the world. The brothers were shoked when the woman opened her jackets head. After that, the simpleton received the crown and ruled wisely the kingdom. He also married that woman and alive happily ever after.

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