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Install WordPress in localhost under linux environment

WordPress is a f ree and open source blogging tool and a content management system (CMS) based on PHP and MySQL which runs on a Web hosting service. It has many f eatures including a plug-in architecture and a template system. WordPress is used by over 14.7% of Alexa Internets top 1 million websites and as of August 2011 manages 22% of all new websites.[6] WordPress is currently the most popular blogging system in use on the Web, powering over 60 million websites worldwide. Download Link zip : Tar: Here in this tutorial i will be installing wordpress into my localhost i.e XAMPP Now let start with the installation : Download wordpress latest f ile and untar it into /opt/lampp/htdocs directory with the f ollowing command. tar -xf wordpress-3.5.1.tar.gz

Now go to your browser and type http://localhost/phpmyadmin/ and you will f ind phpmyadmin page. Now click on Databases and you will see the option create database. type the name of the database, here in my case it is wordpress af ter that click on create and a pop up message will appear saying database created.

af ter creating database it`s time to create user, click on the option add user in the menu and enter username, host and password. in my case username is wordpress password is wordpress enter host as localhost. now scroll down and there will be a option Global Privileges in that click on select all and then click on the button add user to create a user in database.

now type in your browser http://localhost/wordpress/ and a page will appear with a button saying create a conf iguration f ile now click on it.

now on next page it says let` go click on it. now a page appear asking credential about database name, user name etc. here in my case i have f illed the f ollowing detail : Database name wordpress username wordpress password wordpress database host localhost table pref ix wp_ and now click on submit.

now you will see a page saying Sorry, but i can`t write the wp-conf ig.php f ile. copy the code given in text area and create a new php f ile with wpconf ig.php name in /opt/lampp/htdocs/wordpress and paste it into the f ile.

now return to the browser and click on run the install. A page will appear asking the inf ormation such as site tile, enter the name of sub title and proceed f urther. enter username, password, email and click on install wordpress. here in my case username wordpress password 12345

and you are done with the installation of wordpress. f or login as admin goto url : http://localhost/wordpress/wp-admin/ and enter your username and passwd.

and to your website click on http://localhost/wordpress/

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