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Processional Tal: Distinguished guests, proud parents of our graduating pupils and their relatives, friends, ladies and gentlemen good afternoon. We are all gathered here today to witness a very momentous event in the lives of our dear graduates. The school year has come to an end. Yet, today is the start of something new, which brings the hope of something great. Shea: Indeed, there is a good reason why they call these ceremonies Commencement Exercises. Graduation is not yet the end but it is just the beginning. Ladies and gentlemen Both: The PROCESSIONAL Tal: the candidates for graduation with their parents.., the administration.., faculty.. and staff.. II & III. Invocation/National Anthem Shea: To begin with, may we request everybody to stand for the invocation and remain standing for the Philippine National Anthem to be led by the second honor Jasmine Erika L. Do-oma -------------------------------Tal: Please be seated.. IV. Welcome Address This is indeed an event of the year, but we cannot just proceed without hearing our first honor for her welcome address Lets give our hands to Nia Ricci B. Tudio Shea: Thank you Nia Ricci for that very warm welcome V. Presentation of Candidates for Graduation Shea: At this point, may we call on our school principal Sr. Agnes V. Labitoria, SFIC to present the candidates for graduation to be followed by our ever dynamic school directress Sr. Lourdes S. Panganiban, SFIC for her acceptance and confirmation. VI. Action Song Tal: And now, we will witness our dear graduates for their presentation. Starting with the boys who will render to us an action song entitled, Pag-ibig Tulad ng BAtis. Lets give them a round of applause Shea: Wow, thank you boys. That was such an amazing presentation VII. Awarding of Medals Shea: Now, the most awaited part..., the awarding of medals. May we call on our school directress Sr. Lourdes S. Panganiban, SFIC Tal: To be assisted by our school principal Sr. Agnes V. Labitoria, SFIC and Team Facilitators. A round of applause please (refer to the program) We would like to remind the parents to please accompany your child in coming upstage as they receive their medals.

Academic awardees(see the copy) These are the Kinder academic awardees for the school year 2011-2012. Congratulations Shea: Pupils with Honors (see the copy) These are the pupils with honors for the school year 2011-2012. Congratulations. Always do your best. Tal: now, let us proceed to the Special Awardees (see the copy) Congratulations. VIII. Choral Recitation Tal: A while ago, we had witnessed an action song from the kindergarten boys. This time, let us have the kindergarten girls in their Choral Recitation. A big hand please IX. Dance Presentation Shea: Thank you girls for that wonderful presentation.. And now ladies and gentlemen, let us witness the combined talents of our dear graduates with their dance number. A round of applause please Tal: Thank you dear graduates for that marvelous presentation. X. Awarding of Certificates Tal: At this juncture, may we call again Sr. Lourdes S. Panganiban, SFIC, our school directress to be assisted by our school principal, Sr. Agnes V. Labitoria, SFIC and Ms. Jenie Acosta for the awarding of certificates. A big hand please Shea: Once again, Congratulations graduates.. Tal: Youve made a great step, carry on XI. Graduation Song Shea: And now ladies and gentlemen, let us hear the graduates in their graduation song entitled Both: Top of the World XII. SJS-M Hymn Shea: This time, we would like to ask everyone to join our graduates in singing the school hymn -----------------------------Tal: On behalf of St. Josephs School administration, faculty and non-teaching staff, we would like to congratulate the graduates and their proud parents for having this years graduationtion a success. To God Almighty, we praise and thank you for being with us in all our endeavors. Shea: May God bless us all and continue to shower us the graces all for His glory most especially to our graduates and their parents. Once again, congratulations and good afternoon. Tal: Ladies and gentlemen.. Both: The RECESSIONAL

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