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there was more humour during World War

II than at any other time in history.
Humour and laughter help to reduce
conflict and facilitate easier communica-
tion. They quickly help to lower barriers and
facilitate connection between people, a tre-
mendous asset for people caught up in the
negative effects of the economic downturn.
Humour and laughter are available at
no cost and are accessible to each and ev-
eryone of us, unfortunately they have be-
come the most underrated and underval-
ued tools in our society. B.I.G

It’s all in the mind

This Story is about a man who once upon a

time was selling Hotdogs by the roadside. He
was illiterate, so he never read newspapers.
He was hard of hearing, so he never listened

to the radio.
His eyes were weak, so he never watched

Recessi n
television. But enthusiastically, he sold lots of
hotdogs. He was smart enough to offer some

attractive schemes to increase his sales. His

Pro f
sales and profit went up.
He ordered more a more raw material
and buns and use to sale more. He recruited
few more supporting staff to serve more
customers. He started offering home de-
liveries. Eventually he got himself a bigger
and better stove.
As his business was growing, the son, who
had recently graduated from College, joined
his father.
At a time when things are turning nasty for all of us, Then something strange happened.

humour is the best medicine that we can get. The son asked, “Dad, aren’t you aware of
the great recession that is coming our way?”
The father replied, “No, but tell me about it.”
The son said, “The international situ-
ation is terrible. The domestic situation is

oo many people these days suffer even worse. We should be prepared for the
found that 30 seconds of hearty laughter
coming bad times.”
from chronic seriousitis. It shows up equals a three minute physical workout on a The man thought that since his son had
in the stern faces, furrowed brows, rowing machine. been to college, read the papers, listened to
bad hair days, up-tight behaviour, and the You don’t even need a reason to laugh. the radio and watched TV. He ought to know
loss of perspective. Even fake laughter is good for you. Thou- and his advice should not be taken lightly. So
We need to lighten up! We take our- sands of ‘Laughter Clubs’ have sprung up all the next day onwards, the father cut down the
selves way too serious with disastrous ef- over the world practicing fake laughter ses- his raw material order and buns, took down
fects to our personal health and wellness. sions with the same health benefits as de- the colourful signboard, removed all the spe-
We need to recognise that ‘laughter is the cial schemes he was offering to the customers
rived from real laughter.
and was no longer as enthusiastic.
best medicine.’ With the downturn of the economy and He reduced his staff strength by giving
What most of us don’t realise is that by the increase of personal stresses, it is impor- layoffs. Very soon, fewer and fewer people
not laughing, we miss out on many health tant to remember that humour and laughter bothered to stop at his hotdog stand. And
benefits. A good laugh massages face, shoul- are powerful stress busters. It is impossible his sales started coming down rapidly, same
ders and stomach muscles, reduces blood to be stressed when laughing. Laughter pro- is the profit.
pressure, increases oxygen flow, boosts im- vides us with an instant vacation from our The father said to his son, “Son, you
mune system, and causes a reduction in stress feelings. were right”. “We are in the middle of a re-
stress-inducing chemicals. cession and crisis. I am glad you warned me
Humour and laughter clear our minds, so
ahead of time.”
Research has shown that laughter works that we can think more clearly and therefore Moral of The Story: Its all in your
faster on our body than Valium. The benefits become more creative in resolving our prob- MIND! And we actually FUEL this reces-
from a good belly laugh can last up to 24 lems. Humour helps us cope with difficult sion much more than we think.
hours. Dr. William Fry, a laughter researcher times and situations. It is a known fact that

80 march 2009 B.I.G ...Read more in BIG MARCH 2009 Issue

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