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Latin Desk

Your home away from home

Consultancy Advisory Support May 2013

Sptimo Aniversario th Year Anniversary

Capitalizing the Opportunities Harnessing the Advantages Controlling the Risks Capitalizar las Oportunidades Aprovechar las Ventajas Controlar el Riesgo
Consultora Asesora Soporte

Our Mission Nuestra Misin

To be the undisputed top-of-mind service provider both in Hong Kong and China for Latin American and Spanish companies To engage and inspire more business partners globally To ignite the emotional attachment with our clients To promote the social awareness, ethical recruitment and cultural understanding between Latin America, Spain, Hong Kong and China To create innovative and sustainable growth platforms for the Latin Desk and CWCC To deliver integrity and commitment to ethical professional practice

Ser el prestador de servicios lider para compaas latinoamericanas y espaolas, en Hong Kong y China. Atraer a ms socios comerciales alrededor del mundo. Mejorar la relacin con nuestros clientes. Promover la conciencia social y el entendimiento cultural entre Latinoamrica, Espaa, Hong Kong y China. Crear plataformas de crecimiento innovador y sostenible para el Latin Desk y CWCC Servir con integridad y compromiso en la tica de las practicas profesionales

Thomas Wongs Message Mensaje de Thomas Wong

Dear Friends, Warmest greetings and all the best wishes to you. This year, we are celebrating the 7th anniversary of the establishment of our Latin Desk. I am grateful to my enthusiastic team members who have been working very hard with me in the past 7 years. Throughout my Latin Journey, I have gone through many experiences good and bad and the three words Faith, Service and Community have been my guidepost. No doubt, the Latin Desk has broadened my exposure far beyond from what I have heard and learnt before. 2012 was a challenging year on the global economic stage. Continuing uncertainty about the prolonged financial crisis worldwide has affected the businesses of many. Fortunately, Asia has remained economically dynamic and Hong Kong is right at its heart and Mainland China still has its economy growing we count our blessings. Against this background, Hong Kong continues to be an attractive business hub for overseas corporations, including from Latin America, Spain and Italy, where there is a growing trend for these overseas businesses to move their operation to Hong Kong, and also to China through Hong Kong, primarily because of our simple and low tax regime, free flow of information and an unrivalled geographic location.

Queridos Amigos, Mis mas gratos saludos y buenos deseos para ustedes, Este ao, estamos celebrando el sptimo aniversario de la creacin de nuestro Latin Desk. Estoy muy agradecido con los entusiastas miembros de mi equipo quienes han estado trabajando muy duro conmigo durante los ltimos 7 aos. A lo largo de mi Travesa Latina, he tenido muchas experiencias buenas y malas y las tres palabras que me han guiado han sido: F, Servicio y Comunidad. Sin duda, el Latin Desk ha desarrollado mi conocimiento mucho ms all de lo que yo haba odo y aprendido antes. El 2012 fue un ao de muchos retos en el aspecto econmico mundial. La incertidumbre constante acerca de la prolongada crisis financiera alrededor del mundo ha afectado los negocios de muchos; afortunadamente, Asia se ha mantenido econmicamente dinmica y Hong Kong est en el corazn del continente asitico as como la Repblica Popular de China, la cul an mantiene su crecimiento econmico Celebramos nuestra prosperidad En este sentido, Hong Kong continua siendo un atractivo centro de negocios para las corporaciones extranjeras, desde Latinoamrica hasta Espaa e Italia, donde existe una tendencia de expandir sus operaciones a Hong Kong, y tambin a China Continental a travs de Hong Kong, ya que este goza un simple y bajo rgimen de impuestos, libre flujo de informacin y una situacin geogrfica inmejorable.

It is encouraging that our Latin Desk has assisted, at least over 300 overseas corporations, from Latin America and Spain, to set up their business in Hong Kong and Mainland China in the last 7 years (Feb 2006 now). Our Latin Desk has been actively participating in various events all these years, including seminars, exhibitions, overseas visits and business trips. Looking ahead, our Latin Desk will continue to put our resources in Latin America, Spain and Italy. We will work hard and be sturdy and honest on our Latin Journey. No doubt, I feel very proud and happy to have a legion of good friends who have been so supportive to me all these years. Thank you so much and my gratitude to them for their unwavering support in my endeavours on the Latin American and European markets. With every good wish,

Es muy alentador que nuestro Latin Desk haya asistido cerca de 300 empresas extranjeras, de Latinoamrica y Espaa, a crear sus negocios en Hong Kong y China Continental en los ltimos 7 aos (Febrero 2006 a la fecha). Hemos estado participando activamente en varios eventos durante todos estos aos, incluyendo seminarios, exhibiciones, visitas al extranjero y viajes de negocios. Mirando hacia el futuro, nuestro Latin Desk continuar invirtiendo recursos en Latinamrica, Espaa y Italia con honestidad, esfuerzo y tenacidad en nuestra Travesa Latina. Sin ninguna duda, me siento muy orgulloso y feliz de tener una legin de buenos amigos quienes me han apoyado durante estos aos. Muchas gracias y agradezco a ellos por su apoyo incondicional en mis esfuerzos en los mercados de Latinoamrica y Europa. Mis mejores deseos,

Thomas Wong Partner, Latin Desk CWCC Certified Public Accountants May 2013

Thomas Wong Socio, Latin Desk CWCC Contadores Pblicos Certificados Mayo 2013

CWCC Latin Desk Who We Are and What We Do Quines Somos y Qu Hacemos
CWCC is a professional advisory firm providing a full range of business services in Hong Kong and major cities throughout China. CWCC has earned an international reputation as one of the leading firms in the industry because we care for our clients and strive to offer the highest possible standards of expert, personalized service. CWCC has supported for 27 years entrepreneurs and investors worldwide in the design, implementation and operation of their business projects with China and in China. Latin Desk Departamento Latino CWCC maintains a business advisory desk (Latin Desk) to provide premier services for businesses and companies expanding into these markets. Established in February 2006, Latin Desk helps our clients to make the right decision, create optimal operation structures, manage the risk, reduce the cultural gap and overcome the barriers of language. Services in China and Hong Kong Support -Accounting -Audit -Taxes -Management Payments and Payroll Advisory -Incorporation, Business Registration and Representative Offices -Joint Ventures -Due Diligence -Immigration Services Consultancy -Investment Analysis and Operation Scenarios -Entrance Models -Protection and Intellectual Property CWCC mantiene un departamento de asesora de negocios (Latin Desk) para proveer servicios de primera para compaas que se expanden hacia estos mercados. Establecido en Febrero del 2006, el Latin Desk ayuda a nuestros clientes a tomar decisiones correctas, crear una estructura de operaciones ptima, manejar el riesgo, reducir la brecha cultural y superar las barreras del idioma. Servicios en China y en Hong Kong Soporte en el Cumplimiento -Contabilidad -Auditora -Impuestos -Administracin de Nmina y Pagos en Lnea Asesora -Incorporacin de empresas -Joint Ventures -Due Diligence -Servicios de Inmigracin Consultora -Anlisis de Inversin y Modelos de Operacin -Modelos de Entrada -Proteccin de la Propiedad Intelectual CWCC es una firma de asesora profesional que proporciona un amplio rango de servicios de negocios en Hong Kong y las principales ciudades de China. CWCC ha ganado una reputacin internacional como una de las firmas lderes en la industria porque cuidamos de nuestros clientes y nos esforzamos para ofrecer los mas altos estndares de servicio personalizado. CWCC ha apoyado por 27 aos a empresarios e inversores alrededor del mundo en el diseo, implementacin y operatividad de sus proyectos de negocios con China y en China.

Top 10 Countries of Origin of Clients 10 Principales Pases de Origen de los Clientes

% of Clients Argentina Switzerland France Peru Chile Italy Colombia Brazil Mexico Spain

Service and Support in: English Spanish Portuguese Italian French Basque Mandarin Cantonese

Servicio y Soporte en: Ingls Espaol Portugus Italiano Francs Euskera Mandarn Cantons

Our Partnerships Nuestra Alianzas

Top 10 Highlights Top 10 Destacados

Thomas Wong received three business delegations sent directly by the President of Argentina, H.E. Madam Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, in Hong Kong on 9th May, 2013. They were accompanied by the Secretary of National Integration, Ms Maria del Carmen Alarcon, and ConsulGeneral Gustavo Horacio Luis Fazzari.

The Honorary Ambassador of Colombia in China, Ms Carmenza Jaramillo, and the Consul General of Colombia in Hong Kong, Mr Jos Antonio Mutis Perdomo, graced our Hong Kong office on 18th January, 2013.

Picture taken with Mr Mario Artaza (Consul-in-Charge of Chile in Hong Kong), Mr Guillermo Garrido (Trade Commissioner of Chile in Hong Kong) and Mr Agustin Chaparro (Trade Officer of Chile in Hong Kong) after lunch in December 2012.

Our two partners, Rosanna Choi and Thomas Wong, traveled to Hangzhou attending the 6th China-LAC Business Summit on 17th October, 2012.

In September 2012, Thomas Wong was invited by the Consul General of Mexico in Hong Kong, Ms Alicia Buenrostro, to join the Mexican Independence Day Cocktail, where the Financial Secretary, the Honorable John Tsang, was the guest of honor.

Thomas Wong and the Latin Desk had the honor of being interviewed by CNN in July 2012.

Our Latin Desk team met with the Chief Secretary of Administration, Mrs Carrie Lam, during the Colombian Independence Day on 20th July, 2012.

Thomas Wong attended the ColombiaChina Business Forum held in Beijing in honour of the President of Colombia, His Excellency Juan Manuel Santos, on 10th May, 2012.

The Vice-Minister of International Commerce of Panama, Mr Jose Domingo Arias, and the Commercial Attach of Panama in Hong Kong, Mr Edwin Garcia, visited our office on 3rd May, 2011.

Our first Latin American staff, Maria Arango, joined CWCC and the Latin Desk was formally established on 6th February, 2006!

Our Global Footprints Nuestra Huella Global


Brazil (Brasil)

Mexico (Mxico)


Spain (Espaa)




Milestones of Commercial Relations Hitos de Relaciones Comerciales

14 January 2013 Signing of Comprehensive Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement Between Hong Kong and Italy La Firma del Acuerdo para Evitar la Doble Imposicin entre Hong Kong y Italia

7 September 2012 Signing of Bilateral Free Trade Agreement Between Hong Kong and Chile, Furthering the Co-operation of Trade and Investment between the Two Economies La Firma del Tratado Bilateral de Libre Comercio entre Hong Kong y Chile, Fomentando la Cooperacin de Comercio y Inversin entre las Dos Economas 19 June 2012 Signing of Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement Between Hong Kong and Mexico La Firma del Acuerdo para Evitar la Doble Imposicin entre Hong Kong y Mxico


1 April 2011 Signing of Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement Between Hong Kong and Spain La Firma del Acuerdo para Evitar la Doble Imposicin entre Hong Kong y Espaa

8 December 2010 Vale SA (6210.HK), the worlds biggest iron ore miner, debuted on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. Vale S.A (6210.HK), el mayor productor de mineral de hierro en el mundo, debut en la Bolsa de Hong Kong. 7 April 2010 Signing of Bilateral Free Trade Agreement Between China and Costa Rica La Firma del Tratado Bilateral de Libre Comercio entre China y Costa Rica


Looking Ahead De Cara al Futuro

We all know that the Latin America countries have been forging closer and stronger ties with China these few years. This is good for both China and Latin America and of course, also for Hong Kong. We stand at this crossroads of history, the eyes of all people over the world are watching us, watching Hong Kong and China. Sometimes its easy to lose sight of this truth and trend, to become doubtful and skeptical what role we, the Latin Desk, can play. But we know one thing, that we must always go along with the trend and for sure, we know what role we can play, doing our little part through our Latin Platform, bringing Latin America, Europe, Hong Kong and China more closer together, resulting in a better life for everyone. Sabemos que en los ltimos aos los pases de Latinoamrica han aumentado sus esfuerzos para consolidar sus relaciones polticas y comerciales con China. Esto es bueno tanto para China como Amrica Latina y, por supuesto, para Hong Kong. Nos encontramos en una encrucijada de la historia, los ojos del mundo entero estn sobre nosotros, observando a Hong Kong y China. A veces es fcil perder de vista la realidad e ignorar la tendencia, y pueden aparecer la duda y el escepticismo del papel que podemos jugar. Sabemos bien lo qu nos apasiona, y por supuesto tambin sabemos el rol que debemos jugar en este momento de la historia. A travs de nuestro Latin Desk, continuaremos haciendo lo que nos apasiona, y esa es nuestra contribucin para apoyar a empresarios de Amrica Latina y Europa a hacer negocios con China y Hong Kong, y viceversa.


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Latin Desk Your home away from home

Thomas Wong Latin Desk Partner Founding Partner CWCC Certified Public Accountants CWCC Headquarters Hong Kong Suites 1201 4, 12/F, Tower 2 The Gateway, 25-27 Canton Road Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong Tel: + 852 2956 0333 E-mail: Shenzhen Shanghai Beijing Guangzhou Nanchang

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