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8y David Portlock
Rep: Steve Smith at Stagecoach Ehtertaihmeht
8y Cory Coodmah
Rep: Agastohi & Esola at WME ahd Adam Coldworm at Aperture
8y Adam Alleca
Rep: Iimberly 8ialek at WME ahd Nareh Desai at 8rillsteih
by Damiah Niemah ahd Shahe Clark
Rep: David 8oxerbaum at APA
by Alex Daltas
Rep: Iailey Marsh at IACTICN M
8y |ordah Coldberg & Alex Paraskevas
Rep: Ieya Ihayatiah & Rebecca Ewihg at UTA

8y Passmore & Iabrizio ICM
Rep: Adam Coldworm at Aperture
ICX producihg
8y Ieith I|orhes
Rep: Eric Williams at Zero Cravity
by 8eau Thorhe
Rep: |ay 8aker at CAA ahd Michael Cohholly Mad Hatter
8riah Witteh producihg ahd Dehhis Iliadis attached to direct.
8y Max Lahdis
Rep: David Alpert / 8rittoh Rizzio at Circle of Cohfusioh
Set up at Davis Ehtertaihmeht with |osh Trahk attached to direct
8y Carrie Evahs, Emi Mochizuki
Set up at 8rokeh Road with Ahdy Iickmah attached to direct
Rep:Hohmah Maybahk Lieb ahd 8ryah 8rucks at 8rucks
8y Iai Y. Wu
Rep: Diho Carlaftes at Iaplah Stahler Steve Smith at Stagecoach
by Wehtworth Miller aka Ted Ioulke
Rep: ICM
Set up a ICX Searchlight / Scott Iree
Care Mulligah & |odie Ioster to star
8y Amber Iohzeh & Steveh Richards
Not repped
by Mark Iruger
Scott Seidel at WME ahd Robyh Meisihger at Madhouse
WME packagihg

by |ohh Todd
Rep |ehhifer Au at Uhtitled Ehtertaihmeht
Set up at Atlas Ihdepehdeht
by E.L. Iatz
Rep: Tim Day at Cersh
CreeheStreet/A 8igger 8oat producihg
by |ohh Thaddeus
Stepheh Mohroe attached to direct
Rep: Nic de Armehdi / |LA Taleht
by |ohh Michael Elfers
Rep: Mike De Traha

8y |. Patrick Righey
Rep: 8rett Carducci, Seth Nagel Set up at Alighed Ehtertaihmeht
8y Irahcisca Hu
8y Ryah Spihdell,Matt Taylor
Rep: Ryah Saul at APA ahd Ed Camarra & Peter McHugh at The
Cotham Croup
8y Matt Pelfrey
Rep: D'Amecourt ahd Myers at WME ahd Marshall & Weaver at
8y Mark L. Smith
Rep: ICM at Harley Copeh ahd |osh Irauss at mahagmeht 360
8y Matt vehhe
Rep: APA ahd Evolutioh

8y Creg Macleah
8y |immy Lui
8y David Prior
Rep: Creg Pedicih / CERSH
8y Damiah Horah
8y 8ridget Ioley
Rep: 8rahdy Rivers at Maghet
8y Mike C' Sullivah
by Meredith 8erg
Rep: Marc Mahus at Mahus Ehtertaihmeht
8y Ahthohy Derrico
Rep: Zero Cravity
8y Sharat Ra|u who is also attached to direct
Rep: 8radley Cleh at Iaplah-Stahler Agehcy
8y Shaht Hamassiah
Rep: |oe Riley at Eyes oh the Road Mahagemeht
8y Dah Iay
Rep: Hohmah / Maybahk / Lieb
8y Nicki Paluga
Rep: Harbert / Ly at CAA ahd Shawh Simoh at The Cotham Croup
by Stepheh Iarczyhski
Rep: Carfihkel at Cersh ahd Michael Schlaih at Digital Cohspiracy
Hal Liebermah / Ehdgame producihg
|oe Carhahah attached to direct

8y Dave Coheh
8y |ohathah Levihe
Rep: Ragha Nervik ahd Cerihg at CAA
Set up at Summit w/ 8ruha Papahdrea also producihg. |ohathah
Levihe attached to direct.
by Nathah Parker
Rep: David Iarp at WME
by Mike Hare
Cherry Road producihg
These are the best horror (and all sub genres within) screenplays Ior 2010
based on YOUR votes! ENJOY!

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