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0. What is the best language? This is a common question.

Many people seemed worried about learning the "wrong" language. There is no wrong language! I suggest learning languages that are sta ndard. In other words, learn C++ before learning Microsoft's Visual C++. As for what programming language to learn, see First Language Thread. 1. Does learning one language make it difficult to learn another? NO! It makes it easier. Although the syntax is different language to language, a nd the languages have their own rules, the basics are the same. Learning more th an one language is encouraged. 2. Why are there so many programming languages? Many programming languages started with one programmer making a language for the mselves for a specific purpose. These languages then grew. Some companies, like Sun Microsystems and Microsoft create their own languages, Java and .NET spring to mind. Java is cross platform, .NET is less so. 3. How long does it take? Programming is a lifelong learning experience. If you already know the basics of programming, it can only take you a matter of hours to know a language. Being a ble to use a language effectively is what it is all about. Here is the truth: Ho w to Teach Yourself Programming in 10 Years also read this famous article: How t o be a Hacker 4. Programming Games and Fancy GUI's Game programming is complex and requires a team of people for anything more than small games. There are many libraries and modules for game programming, but you must learn the language first. Programming a GUI is something you should do after you learn the language, GUI p rogramming can be very complex, even for rather simple applications. Learn the basics of the language (through the command line) first. For more: * How to Develop an MMORPG With No Team And Limited Budget * So you want to make your own MMORPG... 5. How do I learn? See the stickies of this forum, and my wiki. Also, use Google or another search engine. Finding documentation for libraries a nd languages is often as simple as googling for it. Here is How to Ask Questions the Smart Way 6. I want to contribute to Free Software. How I can start new open source projec t? I do not want to discourage you, but there are thousands of projects out there, doing almost anything you can imagine, so chance you have some new idea is prett y slim. If you want to reinvent the wheel as learning experience, don't expect a nyone joining (it is **your** learning), and it would be wrong, because it would split development community.

As a beginner, you are **much** better of to join existing project. You can lear n from existing code, learn how to use tools, and build credibility. This way, y ou can contribute to code used by existing users, instead of splitting user comm unity between multiple struggling projects. If you want to go this way, pick any project you care to learn deeply, and ask d evelopers on mailing list. But expect to get only cursory information at the beg inning, and be self-starting and self-learning. If all you contribute to project is questions, you will be net drag for developer's time, not a help. Bug report is different, most developers do not expect fix - but you cannot expect explana tion how they fixed it (it is in the code). Later, when you have the skills, and you are sure that you can do better, you ca n start new project. But do not expect users or anyone even to look at your new project until it is at least half-usable: you and nobody else have to put up val id code, and people maybe will look at it. Another way to contribute is to help packing programs and fixing bugs in some di stribution. Ie Ubuntu formalized this, they recruit MOTUs after every release, a nd have training materials for them. and host many projects. 7. Which language gives me best chance to get a programming job? Most jobs involve Java and C#/.NET, but don't limit yourself to these languages. Jobs have a wide variety of requirements, and learning PHP, Python, Perl, Ruby, C, C++ and other languages can only help you. Although the most jobs ask for Ja va and .NET, not all of them do. Learning XHTML, CSS and SQL are almost essentia l as well, although they are not programming languages. Last edited by LaRoza; February 7th, 2008 at 10:38 AM..

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