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TIME BANDIT (timeBANDIT) n. someone who wastes your time by telling long winded stories, isn't punctual, makes you wait for various reasons, plans boring outings, etc. it's a retro reference to an brit-comedy movie from the early eighties of the same name. Kelly is such a time bandit... She always goes into these boring monologues about boring crap when I have much better things to do like clean my toilet.

According to the definition, do you know a time bandit? Are you a time bandit? Are you, your own time bandit? Speak for three minutes about this topic.



Change the following sentences into reported speech 1.The spokesman said: I cant understand why billiards has been prohibited. 2.Gihan exclaimed: We have had too many prohibitions. 3.The young lady said: I did not make such a mistake. 4.She said: Well go and get some food. 5.Winston Churchill said: I wake up at six every day 6.A company representative said: This probably wont happen. 7.A farmer said: If the situation goes on like this, we will lose the consumers confidence forever. 8.He added: We need someone who will realise that celibacy has to be a personal choice. 9.She said: I think the amount of immigrants right now is OK, but I dont think we need any more. 10.He said: In Japan paper-folding was valued for its decorative function. 11.If I dont win this game, I will retire, Kasparov said. 12.The police said: Youssef planned the World Trade Centre bombing. 13.She said: As a woman, my life will change with the new millennium. 14.I watched a documentary about dolphins on TV yesterday, said John.

15.Im living the adventure of my life, Banderas said



Put the verbs in brackets in the most suitable future tense (present progressive, "be going to" form, will/shall. 1.- I haven't studied enough. I (fail) this exam. 2.- They (get) married on 3rd July. 3.- There (not be) any wars in the 21st century. 4.-Why is Jenny so fat? 5-Because she (have) a baby. 6- If you cheat in the exam the teacher probably (catch) you. 7- I have decided I (buy) a computer. I really need it. 8- I (not study) engineering. I'm rather bad at maths. 9- I (take) the 9.30 train to London tomorrow. 10 Perhaps he (not like) my birthday present. 11.- I (stop) smoking. It's very bad for my health. 12.- If you lend me a pound I (pay) you back tomorrow morning. 13.- We (collect) her at the airport at six. 14.- Look at those black clouds. It (rain). 15.- My marks are very bad. I (study) harder. 16.- I think that men (land) on Mars in the next century



Conditional sentences. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense. 1.If the machine ______________ (stop), press this button. 2.Why didnt you tell me? If you _______________ (tell) me, I would have helped you. 3.I cant understand what he sees in her! If anyone treated me like that, I _________________ (be) extremely angry! 4.If you help me with this exercise, I _______________ (do) the same for you one day. 5.If Bill hadnt stolen the car, he _____________________ (not be) in prison now. 6.According to the timetable, if the train__________________ (leave) on time, we will arrive at 5.30. 7.Let me give you some advice. If you _____________ (smoke) less, you wouldnt feel so tired. 8.If it _____________ (be) fine tomorrow, we will go to the coast. 9.If we find a taxi, we __________________ (get) there before the play starts.

10.If you _______________ (invite) me, I would have been able to come. 11. I dont know how to play baseball, but I am sure that if I did, I _____________ (play) a lot better than anyone in this awful team. 12.If I phone you tonight, ___________________ (you / be) in? 13.What bad luck! If Alan hadnt fallen over, he ______________________ (win) the race. 14.We have a suggestion to make. How would you feel if we _______________ (offer) you the job of assistant manager? 15.We would have visited the Prado Gallery if we ___________________ (have) time V. PERMISSION AND OBLIGATION

Describe your daily activities using; should, shouldnt, can, cant, have to, must, allowed, supposed, might, could.

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