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Lay on your back with knees bent. Take deep breaths expanding your ribcage.

When you breathe out, make sure you exhale completely which will facilitate a light contraction of your abdominal wall. As you improve straighten your legs until you are completely flat on your back. Repeat 10 times. 2 times per day.

Berbaring telentang dengan lutut ditekuk. Hiruplah nafas dalam-dalam dengan menggunakan pernafasan dada. Ketika menghembuskan nafas, pastikan mengeluarkan nafas dengan maksimal, sampai terasa kontraksi ringan di dinding perut. Gunakan kekuatan betis, sampai punggung kembali rata dengan lantai. Ulang 10x.2x sehari.

Lift your pelvic floor muscles up and in. Hold up to 10 seconds. Relax and drop your muscles completely and repeat 10 times up to 3 times per day. Konstraksikan otot bokong ke atas dan dalam. Tahan 10 detik. Lemaskan, ulang 10x , 3x sehari.

Lay on your back with knees bent. Pull your belly button to your spine to tilt your tailbone up while flattening your back. Relax down. Repeat 10 times.

Berbarainglah terlentas dengan lutut ditekuk. Putar bokong ke dalam sampai tulang ekor terangkat .Lemaskan. Ulang 10x

Place your finger tips just inside your pelvic bones. Maintain your neutral spine. Activate the muscles under your finger tips by pretending to zip up a tight pair of jeans. Your pelvis should maintain this same position as you straighten one leg, return to start, and repeat on the opposite side. Repeat 10 times maintaining the same position. Gerakan jari kakai mendekati tulang pelvis. Perhatikan tulang belakang anda. Kontraksikan otot di bawah telapak kaki anda, dengan menahan pinggul agar tidak bergerak. Ulang untuk sisi kaki yang ain. Ulang 10x untuk setiap posisi.

Start on your back with your knees bent. Roll through your pelvic tilt to lift your buttocks all the way off the floor. You should be able to make a straight line between your shoulders and sagging. Roll back down through your pelvic tilt and repeat 10 times. Mulai dengan tidur terlentang dengan lutut ditekuk, putar pinggul,sehingga bahu dan ujung kaki terdapat pada satu garis lurus. Lakukan juga putaran ke sisi berlawanan dan ulang 10x. As you improve, hold the up position and add a slight twist from side to side. As you improve further, bring your arms overhead and perhaps close your eyes. This is also a great exercise to do with your feet over a ball.

This yoga move is a great way to get your core activated. On your hands and knees, pull your belly button to your spine to round your back while exhaling. Sag your back as you raise your head on inhale. Coordinate the motion with your breath as you repeat 10 times Ini adalah gerakan yoga yang baik untuk aktifitas initi anda. Dengan tangan dan dengkul, tarik bokong ke arah depan tulang belakang sambil menghembuskan nafas. Angkat bahu dan kepala anda , saat bernafas. Serasikan gerakan ini dengan nafas anda. Ulang 10x

From your hands and knees, bend your elbows to kiss your baby. Babies love to watch you go up and down. Repeat at least 10 times. This exercise progresses to knee push ups or the plank maneuver. Tahan badan dengan tangan dan dengkul anda, kemudian lipat siku untuk mencium bayi anda. Bayi akan senang melihat anda bergerak keatas dan ke bawah. Ulang setidaknya 10x. Program ini setara dengan push up/manuver plank

From hands and knees, activate your core muscles and raise one arm and the opposite leg. You can look down at your baby, maintaining neutral posture while you alternate sides. Repeat 10 times. Add a rattle or toy to your hand and really make your baby giggle while

Tahan badan dengan tangan dan dengkul anda, kemudian gerakan tangan dan kaki pada sisi berlawanan. Anda dapat melihat bayi anda secara natural. Ulang 10 x. Anda dapat menambahkan mainan untuk membuat bayi anda tertawa.

As stated, you can start any of these exercises within 24 hours of your cesarean. Start with just a few repetitions, maybe 3-5 and progress to 10. Eventually, you should get up to at least 30 reps of all these exercises. These exercises should become easy for you before starting any other core classes, like Pilates. These exercises should also be painless. If you have any trouble, please contact your womens health physical therapist. Anda dapat memulai latihan ini dalam waktu 24 jam setelah operasi caesar . Mulailah dengan frekwensi latihan yang sedikit, diawali dari 3-5, berlanjut ke 10x.Latihan dapat ditingkatkan sampai 30x pengulanga. Latihan ini merupakan latihan pendahuluan, sebelum anda mengikuti latihan yang lebih berat seperti Pialtes. Latihan ini juga tidak menimbulkan nyeri. Bila ada kesulitan , silahkan hubungi terapist kesehatan wanita anda.

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