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Position (Chc danh) Dept & Location (Phong ban & a iem)

2Position (Chc danh) Dept & Location (Phong ban & a iem)


Monthly salary expected (Mc lng thang e ngh): VND

Notice in advance (Thi gian bao trc) :

1. PERSONAL DATA - LY LCH CA NHAN Full Name (Ho & Ten ay u) Gender (Gii Male Female (N) tnh) (Nam) .. Date of Birth (Ngay/ Thang/ Nam sinh) .. Nationality (Quoc tch) Religion (Ton giao) Marital Status (Tnh trang hon nhan) Passport No (So ho chieu) Place of birth (Ni sinh) National ID (So CMND) Issue Date (Ngay cap) Place of Issue (Ni cap) Expiry Date (Ngay het han)

2. PRIVATE MAILING ADDRESS - A CH LIEN LAC CA NHAN Permanent address (a ch thng tru) .. .. Home (T nha) Bank (Ngan hang) a ch ngan hang (Bank Address) Contact address (a ch lien he) . . Email (Th ien t) So tai khoan:

Office (T van Mobile (T di ong) phong) Vietcombank

3. EDUCATION - TRNH O HOC VAN Level Cap bac Name & Address of school Ten trng High School (Trung Hoc) College or University (Cao ang hay ai hoc) 4.

From year to year (Thi gian)

Area of Study Lanh vc hoc

PROFESSIONAL TRAINING - CAC KHOA HUAN LUYEN Name of Course Name and address of From year to Ten khoa hoc school year Thi gian Ni ao tao

Area of Study Lanh vc hoc

1. 2. 3. 5. LANGUAGES - NGOAI NG Spoken Noi

NS Fluen t Fair NS

Read oc
Fluen t Fair

Written - Viet
NS Fluent Fair

NS: Native speaker (Tieng me e)

Fluent (Lu Loat)

Fair (Kha)

Vietnamese Tieng Viet English Tieng Anh 10. RELATIVES THAN NHAN List any relatives and family members currently employed a Coffee Shop/ Coffee Co.(Liet ke ho hang va gia nh hien lam viec tai Quan Ca phe/ Cong ty kinh doanh Ca phe) Name Ho ten Position Chc vu Relationship- Quan he

11. EMPLOYMENT RECORD QUA TRNH LAM VIEC Please write down the last employment till present in chronological order (Ghi lai qua trnh lam viec trong thi gian qua. Bat au vi cong viec gan ay nhat ) Company & Address Last position Employment Last Reason for leaving Ten C quan & a ch Chc vu period salary Ly do ngh viec Tham nien Lng cong tac (Net) 1. 2. 3.


REFEREES NGI THAM KHAO Relatives should not be given (Khong ke ho hang than thuoc) Name Relationsh Year Known Current Ten ho ip Thi gian quen Occupation Quan he biet Nghe nghiep

Contact (Tel, Fax) Lien lac

1. 2.


Have you ever been convicted for any crimes? (Ban a tng b truy cu trach nhiem hnh s cha?) No (Khong) Yes (Co) Details (Chi tiet)

I affirm that the above information is most updated and correct. I understand that any falsified statements on this application would be sufficient ground for immediate dismissal if I were employed. Toi cam oan nhng thong tin neu tren la mi nhat va ung s that. Neu co s sai trai trong nhng thong tin tren th Toi se chu ky luat sa thai khoi Cong ty neu Toi c tuyen dung.

Date _______________ Ngay

Applicants signature ___________________________ Ch ky ngi nop n

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