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Date: 15 Jul 2013 09:45 Subject: Ecclesall Road Bus Lanes > Hello > > I attach for

your information a copy of letters and drawings which will be del ivered to properties along the relevant frontages of Ecclesall Road. I trust the details outlined are self-explanatory. > > We are aware of the concerns raised at various times by yourself and members o f your Organisation with regard to highway proposals put forward by the Council that are potentially detrimental to cyclists. In order to address some of those concerns, in conjunction with the removal of the bus lane between Hunters Bar an d Rustlings Road, we intend to promote a section of shared use footway, largely to accommodate less-confident cyclists, children and novice cyclists, all of who m are likely to be dis-benefitted by the loss of the bus lane rather more than t he confident, frequent cyclist (who will probably continue to ride in the carria geway). > > It is acknowledged that this arrangement is not ideal and I can assure you we are continuing to investigate a partially off-carriageway route via Endcliffe P ark together with the utilisation of relatively quiet residential streets. Howev er, in order to realise a scheme of this nature, it will be necessary to acquire land in third-party ownership, which is invariably a lengthy process. Hopefully , the shared use facility will at least go some way towards providing a realisti c alternative in the interim. > > I will be pleased to receive your written comments and those of your fellow cy clists in response to the TRO consultation by 5th August. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you require clarification of any details. > > Regards, > > A.Lawery > > Senior Transport Planner

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