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1- Write a summary of the plot and think of a different ending to the store.

Draw a comparison between your ending and the original one. The story started with the 18th birthday of Bella. She was in love with a vampire, called Edward Cullen. Edwards sister, Alice, had prepared a surprise party for her. During the party Bella cut her finger, and Jasper, Edwards vampire brother, without wanting it tried to attack and drink Bellas blood. After that displeasing incident, Edward and his family skedaddled from the small town of Forks, where they were living tiring to gave a chance to Bella for a better, normal life. After their left Bella came into one state of depression, and the only way of getting out of this state for her, was staying with her friend Jacob. When she was staying with Jacob she felt comfortable and happier. One day while she and Jacob were going on a motorcycle a very dangerous one, she discovered that she could listen Edwards voice in her head. After some months and Edwards left, Jacob discovered that he was a werewolf, for that reason, he tried to be far from Bella, just for her own safety. Bella who hadnt known anything of Jacob for a long, decided to jump from a cliff, attempting to listen to Edwards voice. Alice, had a special power, she could see what was going to happen in the future, and she saw Bella jumping from the cliff and dieing. After having seen that vision, she said it to Edward, who decided to destruct himself. However, Bella was not dead, because Jacob saved her. Alice, who was very sad and teary decided to return to Forks. When she arrived there she discovered that she was not dead. Over, Alice stay at Forks, she had another vision of her brother in Italy, at Volterra, the vampires city. Volterra was a city of a group of vampires and who dared disturb the Volturi died. Alice, seeing her brother dead, explained the situation to Bella, who decided to travel immediately to Italy and stop Edward. The both of them left Forks and arrived to Volterra. Bella saw Edward and she could stop him, before shone himself to the sun. His body would have become a diamond if he had exposed himself to the sun, and lots of people would have seen him. Unlucky, one Volturi vampire saw him trying to expose himself to the sun for that reason they were arrested and brought in front of all Volturi, who finally decided not to kill them. At the end they could go home safely and happily. 2- Choose a character from your book and describe him or her. Write about his/her importance in the store. Provide information about the characters personality, the role he/she plays in the story and the kind of situations in which the character is evolved. Edward: Edward is not the main character, but almost. Edward is Bellas boyfriend and hes a vampire.

The book vampires are creatures really beautiful, with white skin and when the sun touches their skin they shine like a diamond. They also have some abilities that humans dont, like the speed, the agility and a really good smell for hunting their captives. They are immortal too. However they have some horrifying disadvantages, like having to drink human blood as the alimentation. Fortunately the Cullens family discovered that they can survive with drinking animal blood. Another of their disadvantages is that they cant sleep. Furthermore Edward have one special skill, he can read the human thoughts, excepting Bellas ones. Edward, seems to be seventeen years old, but he is ninety, thats because when a vampire bits a human, the victims body doesnt change anymore. Now Edward is living with his parents, called Carlisle and Esme, his two brothers, Japer and Emmet and his two sisters, Roslie and Alice, in a big house, all surrounded by forest. He is doing third of secondary school at the collage of Forks, where he had meet Bella. 3- Context: Time and Setting. Describe the place where the story takes place and, if its possible, the time in which it happens. This store takes place in the small town of Forks situated at the state of Washington, United Status. Forks, its a town where all the citizens know one each other. Its a mountainous town, surrounded by a big green forest. The whether there is very humid and the most part of the year is raining. Its almost a perfect site for a vampire to life because the sun its not often visible there. This story takes place in our time. At the book is not specified the year, but we can deduce it by the descriptions which the author has made in the book. 4- Give your opinion about the book you have read, including information about what you liked the best and/or what you did not like so much. In my opinion, this book and also the three books of the twilight collection are some of my favourites. The chapter which I liked the most is when Bella found Edward and they could come back to Forks. The chapter which I liked the least is when Edward left Bella. The main themes dealt in the book are adventure, fantasy and love. Adventure because all books its a bit of an adventure because being in love with a vampire is dangerous. Fantasy because there appears some unreal creatures. And love because there is the relationship between Edward and Bella. Ive enjoyed the reading of each page of the book, and when Ive finished it Ive been thinking about the story during a lot of time.

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