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DIRECTION: Choose the letter of the appropriate antonym of the italicized word.

1. Fragrant flowers masked the _____canal in front of the fence. a. malodorous b. creep c. awesome

2. In the barrio, food is plentiful but money is _____. a. heavy b. scarce c. normal 3. Im useful in sewing clothes, but absolutely _____when it comes to cooking. a. silly b. inutile c. normal 4. Traditional handwritten letters have given way to the _____electronic mail, called e-mail. a. modern b. old c. former 5. If you are obese, strict dieting and energetic exercise will make you ______. a. thin b. slim c. slender DIRECTION: Choose the letter of the appropriate synonym of the underlined word.

6. The patient had a very grave illness a. serious b. normal c. severe 7. I am hoping for a permanent remedy but everybody tells me that no lasting cure is yet to be discovered. a. relief b. legal c. research 8. The shrewd businessman got the lion share in profit. a. astute b. vulgar c. bitter 9. There was an exhibit of bamboo crafts. a. preparation b. show c. exercise 10. His pedantry can be irritating. a. arrogance b. looks c. vicinity DIRECTION: Choose the letter of the figures of speech which is used in each of the following lines. 11. Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare. a. simile b. metaphor c. alliteration d. hyperbole 12. A sucker is born every minute. a. metaphor b. personification c. irony d. hyperbole 13. Rosy-fingered dawn. a. metaphor b. alliteration c. simile d. personification 14. Errors like straws, upon the surface flow. He who would search for pearls must dive below. a. simile b. personification c. metaphor d. symbol 15. Break, break, break a. onomatopoeia b. alliteration c. repetition d. simile

16. Time, you old gypsy man, will you not stay? a. apostrophe b. personification 17. The sun looked upon the ship all day. a. simile b. metaphor 18. Less is more. a. oxymoron b. onomatopoeia 19. His heart is as soft as cotton. a. metaphor b. alliteration 20. The child is father of the man. a. metaphor b. simile

c. simile c. personification c. hyperbole c. simile c. personification

d. metaphor d. alliteration d. metaphor d. apostrophe d. symbol

DIRECTION: Choose the letter that best completes the sentence. 21. This afternoon, i ____the doctor about my skin problem. a. see b. sees c. am seeing 22. This milk _____ fresh. a. Isnt tasting b. doesnt taste c. dont taste 23. Every time he thinks of her mothers cooking, she _____homesick. a. feel b. feels c. is feeling 24. How is your old today? You ____a lot better today. a. sound b. sounds c. are sounding 25. What is that sound? I dont know. I ____anything. a. am not hearing b. dont hear c. dont listen to DIRECTION: Choose the letter of the correct noun.

26. The _____boats were slender and swift. a. pirates b. pirates c. pirates 27. The _____ of the court were frightened when the pirates attacked the palace. a. ladies b. ladys c. ladies 28. The _____vinta darted across the water. a. leaders b. leaders c. leaders 29. The _____ dwellings were all burned and the people had to rebuild their homes. a. villagers b. villagers c. villagers 30. The _____ son was Prince Alon. a. rajahs b. rajahs c. rajahs

DIRECTION: Name the verb forms as indicated.

31. The present tense, 3rd plural of the run. a. They run b. They had run. nd 32. Future 2 singular of see. a. We will look b. We have been look 33. Past singular of drop. a. You dropped b. You have dropped nd 34. Past perfect 2 singular of call. a. Youve called. b. Youd called rd 35. Past perfect 3 plural of work. a. They had worked b. Theyve worked

C. They ran c. We looked c. You will drop c. Youll call. c. They worked

DIRECTION: Read the following paragraphs and identify the main idea. 36. A person cannot study and relax at the same time because studying requires a certain amount of tension and effort in a specific direction. Of course the amount of tension varies with different individuals. The point is, studying is hard work and people who are not prepared to exert effort are wasting their time. Study and relaxation cannot go hand in hand. a. People vary in their ways of studying. b. Studying without periods of relaxation is inadvisable. c. Study and relaxation cannot go hand in hand. 37. People have always had the mentality that good gifts are expensive or to put it in another way, expensive presents are good gifts. It has yet to be accepted that gift can be more appreciated if it comes in the form of a sincere smile an inspiring verse, or a heartwarming song, a hug, a kiss, and a warm birthday compliment-these can be more meaningful than the costliest gifts. a. Good gifts are expensive gifts. b. Nonmaterial things may be the best gifts. c. We must be sincere and practical when we give gifts. 38. People who are victims of excessive tension and stress were not born with these symptoms. They could have avoided acquiring the symptoms had they followed certain guidelines. They should have been aware that relaxation is an antidote. They should have also known their tension threshold and learned to live with it. If there was something wrong with them, they should have done something about it. a. Stress and tension can be avoided by following certain guidelines. b. Stress and tension are acquired. c. Relaxation is important.

39. The ability to understand directions is a skill that you use all your life. Scarcely does a day pass without the need to follow directions. Cooking, baking, taking medications, drinking, traveling, taking exams and a hundred other common activities require the ability to follow directions. a. Following directions is a special ability. b. Everyone should follow directions. c. Knowing how to directions is important. 40. Priorities by definition are the goals, dreams, and concepts that we deem important. They may range for instance from the appeal of fame and fortune to the simple pleasures of spending time with the family or form noble causes of improving the community to the mundane matters of finishing an important project. They develop our code of behavior in life. How important, how valuable and how priceless something is to us determines our choice and behavior in almost any critical situation we are in. When circumstances change, either because of us or despite us, the alteration of priorities should be based on interplay of wisdom and character.

a. Everybody has priorities in life. b. Our success or failure in life may be determined by the kinds of priorities we have set. c. The priorities we set in life are determined by what we consider important to us. DIRECTIONS: Identify the following sentences if they are simple, compound or complex sentence. 41. The floors of the house are bare, but they have on them mats of straw. a. Simple b. compound c. complex 42. The walls that separate the rooms are made of thick screens. a. Simple b. compound c. complex 43. What he will do is a question. a. Simple b. compound c. complex 44. We shall not go the game if it rains in the morning. a. Simple b. compound c. complex

45. Many of the houses are open to the wind and one may look into them without trouble. a. simple b. compound c. complex

46. The first settlement that was made in Virginia came in the seventeenth century. a. simple b. compound c. complex

47. In cold regions, horses are small animals with shaggy hair on the bodies. a. simple b. compound c. complex

48. The young boy had a small engine and he equipped a small boat with it a. simple b. compound c. complex

49. The old man from the country asked what the road to New York was. a. simple b. compound c. complex

50. The boy who tries will succeed if he strives with persistence. a. simple b. compound c. complex

DIRECTIONS: Choose the letter that supports the topic sentence given after each of the following numbers. 51. Topic Sentence: Getting on the honor roll is not easy. a. One must study very hard. b. Nanding is on the honor roll. c. Ken is my friend. 52. Topic Sentence: It was a hard fought game. a. I saw the game with my father. b. With three minutes to go, the score was tied c. There was a big crowd. 53. Topic Sentence: Everything in my bedroom was in order. a. A red rose had fallen to the floor b. I worked hard all morning. c. All the articles on it were arranged heat rows. 54. Topic Sentence: Celia didnt want to play with us. a. She said that she had a lot of things to do. b. She would have a test the next day. c. Shes a very lively girl. 55. Topic Sentence: We have many delicious dishes from different parts of Luzon. a. From the Ilocos region comes goat kilawin.

b. I grew hoarse with shouting c. The floor was spic and span. 56. Topic Sentence: Robert Burns wrote that his love was like a red, red rose. a. It attacks the customer. b. He probably meant that her skin was as velvety and smoothly as the petals of a rose. c. She walks like Rihanna. 57. Topic Sentence: In ancient Persia, physical education was practiced at an early age. a. The preparation of food follows traditional lines strictly. b. Hes in hurry. c. At six, the children were trained for physical and military training 58. Topic Sentence: The church was well lighted. a. The clothes of the images glimmered and glowed. b. They sing a song. c. He volunteered to clean the cabinet. 59. Topic Sentence: The use of pop shows that the person has refined manners and good breeding that he/she has been well brought up. a. Hes not fluent when it comes to speak in English. b. It is a word used to show courtesy to strangers and women. c. She is lack of discipline. 60. Topic Sentence: The wedding ceremony was full of symbolism. a. The bride and the groom carried lighted candles as they went up the house to show that happiness would be theirs. b. I made a promise to myself. c. Dont measure my distance, just measure my love.

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