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₤1 March of 2009

The information
YEAR1- Nº1

For your entertainment

“Twilight”, a history of love

and vampires
A modern war could be
the apocalypse
Young football player
victim of sudden death syndrome

The unemployment rate

Interview with Montse Acevedo,
The AVE train will take five years to reach Murcia 3
The unemployment rate increases 4
Blast explosion in Gavá kills 6 6
They look for ' sicario of Santaló' 8

Sarkozy makes his first trip to Iraq 9
Eulana Englaro dies in Italy after 17 years suffering 10
Burn the skyscrapers symbol of the new Pekin 12
A mondern war could be the apocalypse 14

The university launches the newspaper “UCAM en breve”15
UCAM and Estrella Levante 16
UCAM open the term of request for scholarships Erasmus 18
The UCAM in the social Networks 19

Interview Montserrat Acevedo

Jiménez de Castro Culture
Her grandfather was an artist and she is an artist 20
Penélope Cruz wins the Bafta award 24
“Twilight”, a history of love and vampires 25
Robert Plant y Coldplay triumph in the Grammy 26

The heroes of the spanish tennis 27
Sexim in sports 28
Cristiano Ronaldo, Gold Ball 2008 30
Young football player victim of sudden death syndrome 31

Alejandro López Garrido Verónica Ros García Cristina Busse Gaspar

2 The information
The AVE train will take five
years to reach Murcia
Alicante will have the train two years
before, Valencia in 2010 and Murcia in 2012
Seven years ago was signed the pact of Mur- most optimistic calculations, the train pass for
cia and says that the train reach to the capital the region two years after Alicante and four
in 13 years. Unfortunately, the facts and the after Valencia.
delays are given the reason to the most nega-
tive predictions. If the protest in Callosa of Segura, Orihuela
and Beniel dont delay more the proyect, the
The high speed won´t come to the Murcia city construction need 34 months to execute. If the
befote five years –Cartagena they don´t know- constructions strat the next summer, the pla-
according to the times wicht is thinking the Fo- taform won´t be finished to 2012. The Murcian
ment Ministery and the Railway Infrastructure gobernment think that if don´t be setbacks, it
Administrator. The AVE, a first-class or high- would take five years to the AVE reaches the
performance, won´t be before 2014. With the capital of the region.

The information 3
The unemployment rate

The number of unemployed people increa-
ses to three million. The unemployed regis-
truction, with 40.500, the 8,4%. In the in-
dustry increase in 23.000 persons, the
tered in the publics services increased for 6,5%, and in agriculture 6.000, the 6,1%.
eighth consecutive month. In November, it For sex, the unemployed increase more in
increases in 172.000 persons, and the mans. The masculine unemployed is on
unemployment rate in three million. 1.500.000 persons, 112.000 more, the 8,3
This is a 6% more than a month earlier and %. And the feminine unemployed is
the largest number of unemployed people 1.550.000, increase 60.000 more, the 4%.
since February 1996. If we see earlier, the
dates could be more impor-
tant. In the last year, since
November, the unemployed
increment the 43 %,
900.000 more persons be-
cause of the economic cri-
The unemployment rate in-
crease in 46.000 workers in
November of 2007, four
times more than this year
than the earlier month. The
unemployment rate increa-
ses always in this month
since 1996, but never so
much as than this year.
The worst thing about this
situation is that it will not im-
prove soon. Celestino Cor-
bacho, the minister of work,
said on Monday that the
unemployed will continue
increasing until the second
half of the next year.
The unemployed register
more increase in the servi-
ces sector: 98.000 persons,
the 5,9%, after the cons-

4 The information
The information 5
Blast explosion in Gavá kills 6
50 persons have left their homes and the bur-
nout building will have to be collapsed
The last 3 of December, to the 3, 00 hours a have 11 years old. The girl had more of 80% of
great gas explosion in a building of three her body burned.
plants of the Barcelonan locality of Gavà.
More than 300 neighbours there are concen-
Around 28 persons were wounded, of which, trate next the Gavá town hall to participate in
six have died. Two of the dead people were an act in memory of all explosion mortal vic-
less than 18 years old, other three persons tims.
were more or less 40 years old and the last girl

6 The information
The information 7
They look for ' sicario of
Santaló' through the tracks
that left in a taxi

The director of the Center the International to hide the face approached to him and, wi-
of Conventions of Barcelona (CCIB), Felix thout saying anything, shot him in the head,
Martinez Touriño, was assassinated Mon- that caused the immediate death to him and
day morning in the middle of the street of a left his body tended in a great pool of blood.
shot in the head by a man who dressed a
dark reefer, cap and scarf to hide his face. Immediately, the stranger ran very fast by
the Casanova street, while he threw the
The crime happened to the 8,15 hours of cap, the scarf and the pistol to a rubbish
Monday. Martinez Touriño walked with a container. Some witnesses defined as a tall
briefcase and a small suitcase. Suddenly, a man, hefty and bald.
man who dressed a dark coat, cap and scarf

8 The information
Sarkozy makes his first trip to Iraq
since his arrival to the Elysée Palace
French President, Nicolas Sarkozy, has arri- Persian Gulf States. Today he expects to meet
ved to Iraq today ((10th February 2009)). It is with Iraq President, Jalal Talaban, and Prime
the first ever visit he makes since he was cho- Minister, Nuri al-Maliki, as have reported offi-
sen in his position in May 2007, and it is also cial Iraqi sources.
the first visit of a French leader since the inva- The last visit by French head of state was ac-
sion to the Arabic country in 2003. The trip is tually made by the Minister of Foreign Affairs,
made in the framework of a regional tour in Bernard Kouchner. In year 2003, during Jac-
which he expects to visit Oman, Bahrain and ques Chirac (1995-2007), France was one of
Kuwait. the main opponents to the Anglo-American in-
Sarkozy travels with the Minister of Foreign Af- vasion of Iraq and refused to send troops.
fairs, Bernard Kouchner and the Minister of France supported Iraq militarily during the
Defence, Hervé Morin aiming to reinforce the 1980-1988 Iran-Iraq war
bilateral business with the countries with these

The information 9
Eulana Englaro dies in Italy
after 17 years suffering
persistent vegetative state
The 38 years old woman died in the hospital
'Quiete' of Udine after four days without
food and water, while Government was de-
bating a law to keep her alive.
Eulana’s case, famous around the world, has died in spite of the doctors thought they could
divided society and the potitical Italian class. keep her alive between 12 or 13 days.
During the last hours before her death, hun-
dreds of persons kept a debate against her Her death has been produced while a law
possible death. project was being debated in the Senate, in
order to forbid the suspension of the nutrition
Last December, Eluana's family obtained a that was keeping her alive since last three
judicial authorization to stop feeding her, and days.
they limited themselves simply to administer Eluana's family has already been notified
sedatives to her in order to avoid her suffe- about her death, but, in the fact, they still
ring. Three days later, the young woman has have not declared anything.

10 The information
The information
Burn the skyscrapers
symbol of the new Pekin

The fire haves consumed a 159 meters high this year.

skyscraper in Pekin. The skyscraper was The fire began at half past eight (seven
from one the Chinese Estate Television hours less in Spain), when the noise explo-
(CCTV). It was a part of a complex in a new ded everywhere in the city and the artificial
headquarters and architectural icon of the fireworks lit up the sky. The Chinese were
capital. The building had the Mandarin celebrating the first full moon and the end of
Oriental Hotel, which was to be inaugurated the party of New Year.

12 The information
It was a part of a complex in a new head-
quarters and architectural icon of the capital

The accident occurred when some rockers officially opened.

landed on the roof of the building. The po- The police closed the fraffic in the motorway
lice and the firemens didn´t comment the which was next to the skyscrapers and evic-
causes. They didn´t say if anypeople died or ted the people who live this. After twelve
was injured. The build had a theater, cinema o´clock, the flames was coming out of some
and exhibition halls, and was used the last windows and the smoke polluting the sky.
august for the Olympic Games, but it wasn´t

The information 13
A modern war could be
the apocalypse
The six-month cesafire between Israel and Palestine
expired on December 19. Israel open fire to Palestine
and used white phosphorus artillery shells in Gaza.
The fact is, there are both legitimate and
illegitimate uses for white phosphorous For "incendiary weapon" we mean any we-
rounds. And right now, we don't know what apon or munition which is primarily desig-
the Israelis did with those munitions. It can ned to set fire to objects or to cause burn
also be used (incorrectly) as a device to injury to persons through the action of
flush combatants or noncombatants out of flame, heat, or combination thereof, produ-
an urban area, as the white phosphorus ced by a chemical reaction of a substance
fumes are noxious and slightly toxic. During delivered on the target: flame throwers, fou-
the Fallujah campaign in 2005, U.S. artillery gasses, shells, rockets, grenades, mines,
units did this -- and wrote about it afterward. bombs and other containers of incendiary
The question being debated is, are the Is- substances, but incendiary weapons do not
raelis (and the U.S. troops) deliberately include munitions which may have inciden-
using incendiary chemical weapons to in- tal incendiary effects, such as illuminants,
discriminately burn and maim civilians? I tracers, smoke or signaling systems.
think it's unlikely.

14 The information
The university launches the
newspaper “UCAM en breve”
The Catholic University of San Antonio of Mur- time and culture. The editorial line is too Ca-
cia, UCAM, began to publish its own university tholic, but this is logical if we think that this is a
newspaper two months ago. “UCAM en breve” Catholic university.
is a free newspaper which is published and is
distributed every two weeks on the campus of This is a diary of interest of the University for
the UCAM, it has 24 colour pages where we students. We can find the newspaper in stands
can find news related university, sports, free- throughout the campus.

The information 15
UCAM and Estrella Levante
together in research project
The UCAM has obtained a subvention from the
Technological Industry Research Centre to deve-
lop a research project titled: "New technological
solutions for safe and reuse of water in the beer
manufacturing/production process".
The Universidad Católica de Murcia and the plan which allows the residual water from beer
beer company will start a joint project called: industry recycle for its use on gardens or crop
"New technological solutions for safe and irrigation. All of this as a way to increase be-
reuse of water in the beer manufacturing/pro- nefits and reduce the loads of waste.
duction process", under the leading of the re-
searcher Amalia Garrido. Hereby, not only the company from Murcia
works out benefited, also the entire Region will
The main investigation objective is to design a be able to enjoy a new source of water.

16 The information
The information 17
UCAM open the term of
request for scholarships Erasmus
UCAM opened the 26 of January the term of pre-
sentation of requests for the accomplishment of
scholarships Erasmus that will finalize the 19 of
The Erasmus scholarship allows to know of Turkey. In addition, the aspirants must be
the cultures and languages of the European registered in anyone of the official degrees
Union (the EU), and improves the perspec- of first, second cycle, masters or doctorate,
tive of use and mobility of the students. In of the UCAM.
order to be able to choose to this scholars-
hip the student must be resident of one of The process of selection Erasmus contem-
the 27 Member States of the EU, of one of plates realization of a test of languages that
the three countries of the European Asso- will depend on the destiny university. The
ciation of Free Commerce (AELC) - Nor- definitive results of this scholarship will be
way, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Switzerland or published the 31 March.

18 The information
The UCAM in the social Networks
During the last months, thanks to the stu- material that is effective, and at the same
dents of the UCAM and their dynamic parti- time it is familiar to the greater amount of
cipation in the networks of Tuenti and possible surfers with the channel in You-
Facebook, a point of contact has been cre- Tube.
ated for all the academic community in both
networks. The objective is the one to facili- Facebook has more than 80 million active
tate a greater access to the profiles created users anywhere in the world, and the UCAM
by the students so can among them link and already has begun to make use of their mul-
foster its own networks. tiple services Web (galleries, appointment
book, widgets).
With the broadband evolution and the ac-
cess to Internet, the distribution of videos by And known as "the Spanish Facebook”, its
the Network has been gaining importance, enormous popularity between the young pe-
and there days he is one of the applications ople of our country has gotten to surprise
more used to transmit information. With the everybody. The UCAM hasn’t stayed be-
aim of counting on a file of our audio-visual hind.

The information 19
Her grandfather was and
artisth and she is an artist
Montserrat Acevedo Jiménez de Castro

“My mother used to say that I preferred staying

home, coloring or painting rather than going to
the park or to the cinema, for instance”
Montserrat Acevedo Jiménez de Castro, Self When did you start painting?
taught completely, she has been learning all I have painted since I remember I was able
her life and she look forward to doing it for a to hold a pencil. Even before. My mother
long time. Citien of the world, she leave roots used to say that I preferred staying home, co-
in many places, such as memories they left loring or painting rather than going to the
she. park or to the cinema, for instance.

This is her first approach to painting “se- Which or who do you think was your main
riously”, and she wouldn´t be the last. She reason to start painting? Did you have
accept and appreciate criticism, reprimend or any kind of motivation?
even tips on her works, which she consider Of course I did. My grandfather was an ar-
essential to continue growing in knowledge tist, he loved painting and writing, and I le-
and willingness to continue… arnt to hold both a pen, and a brush with
him. I was really fond of my “Lalo”, as I used

20 The information
The information 21
to call him, and I spent more than a while just …
watching and admiring his work.
What do you feel while you are painting?
Landscapes with trees and objects made Well, it is as if time stop, I have never
of clay, or any kind of pottery, are among enough. I want more and more … and it´s
your favorite subjects. Why? very difficult for me to leave.
Well, I love trees and have always had a fe-
eling on them , so I love painting trees in dif-
ferent surroundings and seasons; and about Would you have liked to be a professio-
my like for pottery: I was born in Talavera nal painter for a living?
de la Reina, a city known as “ the city of clay Not really, I prefer it the way it is, If I had stu-
and pottery”. As a child I got in touch with this died arts, I wouldn´t have learnt a lot of
art and as I cannot work with real clay, I just things I am really proud of. To paint, I do not
love painting it. Both themes are really easy need a teacher or specific lessons but the
for me, they come out from the very botton knowledge about culture or other languages
of my heart. is difficult to achieve on ones own.

What is painting for you? What are your main artistic tendencies
Just giving a blank canvas or a white paper based on?
a life, using a brush, a pencil or whatever With no doubt on Impressionism.

22 The information
I like the way how an impression produced
by a scene or object can be transfered to a
canvas or paper with the less number of

Would you like to work with a famous

painter or to join a working group?
Of course! I would learn a lot. A painter al-
ways has something to teach to the others
and to learn from the others.

Would you have liked to live in any other

Not really. I think we have plenty of possibili-
ties nowadays regarding this branch of Arts.

Which has been your most “special mo-

ment” during your life, to do with pain-
Well, I would dare say that the day I won a
prize at the age of seventeen.
It consisted on a course of charcoal drawing
with a famous artist …
I felt as proud as a peacock for a while.

The information 23
Spaniard actress Penélope
Cruz wins the Bafta award
She has achieved this award one week after
winning the Best Secondary Actress Goya for
"Vicky Cristina Barcelona".
Penélope Cruz has won the Best Se- Fredia Pinto ("Slumdog Millionaire"), Tilda
condary Actress British cinema Bafta Swinton ("Burn After Reading") and Marisa
award for her interpretation in the last Tomey ("The Wrestler").
film by the American director Woody One week ago, Cruz won the Spanish cinema
Allen, interpretation for which she is also award, the Goya, and was also nominated for
an Oscar nominee. the Golden Globe, which finally went to the
The actress, born in Madrid, beat the British actress Kate Winslet.
other nominees, Amy Adams ("Doubt"),

24 The information
“Twilight”, a history of love
and vampires
This vampire’s saga has
revolutionized to million
people in the world. In
Spain it has sold a mi-
llion and a half copies

Stephanie Meyer is the author of this suc- that to the following morning was transfor-
cessful vampire’s saga. med in ten pages of the book “Twilight”, a
story of love between two teenagers. A big
42 millions copies sold in the world, a million dose of romanticism could have been the
a half copies in Spain translated to 20 lan- key to success.
guages, a box office hit film in all cinemas
in the country and two films more are being The New York Time described this book as
produced. the best book of the year and “”
like the best publication of the last ten
Everything began for Meyer like a nightmare years.

The information 25
Robert Plant and Coldplay
triumph in the Grammy
The Grammys like the Oscars confronted Attended so many famous that they stood
their great night with reductions in audien- out in the red carpets like Katy Perry, Paris
ce’s numbers. But in contrast to Cinema Hilton, Miley Cirus, Kate Beckhinsale,
Academy Awards, the Grammys have won Sheryl Crow, among others.
with the innovation and the creation.
The Grammy awards are the maximum in
Robert Plant y Alison Krauss were trium- the world of music and a promotional me-
phant at night although Coldplay reigned chanism to drive the sales of discs and it
with his spectacular performance dressed in make that year to it after year.
tribute to The Beatles.

26 The information
The heroes of the
Spanish tennis
Spain won the final series played in Mar del
Plata versus the Argentinian team, and got the
third Davis Cup in its history
Most people thought that it would be impos- sus Del Potro. Feliciano started losing, but
sible. Sanchez Vicario’s team came to Ar- finally, he won his match in 4 sets.
gentina without Rafael Nadal, at the The second day, on the doubles match, Fe-
moment the nº 1 on the ATP ranking. liciano López and Verdasco hadn´t many
David Ferrer started losing the series in his problems to get the second point for the
match versus Nalbandian, the local hero. Spanish team. 2-1.
Many Argentinian fans thought they had al- Finally the third day came. With Del Potro
ready won the Davis. injured, Verdasco was chosen by the coach
Some hours later the first Spanish victory to play against José Acasuco, and he was
came. Feliciano López obtained the first the one who won the fourth match and gave
point for Spain, in an incredible match ver- Spain its third title.

The information 27
Sexism in sports
Despite the attempt by some men to deny come to light we have a culture of accepting
its very existence, there's no doubt that se- unacceptable behaviours, which it would be
xual harassment of women is widespread irresponsible to ignore at a political level. The
in sports. We have to overcome this ex- question is: how do we change these misogy-
pression of sex discrimination. nistic attitudes and instead promote a culture
that accepts and respects women?
In the football codes that have recently
Many believe that a greater involvement of
women in sports, particularly in decision making
bodies and management roles, is a key, but
many people see football as a male domain and
any 'interference' either from an articulate
woman supporter, or women athletes that could
play them off the park three times over is resen-
ted. Football represents a world where males
are males.

I do not think there is anywhere in our culture

where one can go that you can not see a

28 The information
woman/girl's body on display. It is seen by the
majority of people as normal.

Now we can see some of a girls rolling up

their shorts, and getting the tightest fitting
tops they can. That is what is expected of
them in society.

One example is one of the most exciting de-

velopments in football in Australia has been
the development of a domestic women foot-
ball league. The advent of a female sport in
an area which is predominantly male has in-
evitably aroused in certain male fans the in-
evitable sexist reaction.

When is society going to get the message

that whistling at women, or staring at their tits,
is not in the slightest bit flattering?

The information 29
Cristiano Ronaldo, Gold Ball 2008
The Portuguese number 9 has gained the 53 edi-
tion of this award that annually gives the maga-
zine France Football. Messi has been the second
and Towers the third party
Ronaldo has done
an incredible year
gaining the Premier
League and the
Champions League,
all this with more or
less 40 goals, in the
two competitions.

Five Spaniards
(Fernando Towers,
Iker Squares, Ser-
gio Branches, Mar-
cos Senna, Xavi,
Cesc Fábregas and
David Villa), were
among the eleven
first classified to
choose the best in-
dividual award of
European soccer.

Cristiano is the third

Portuguese player
that gains the Gold
Ball and the fourth
Manchester United
player that obtains
this award. The
number 7 of the
Manchester took the
witness from the
Brazilian Kaká, win-
ner in 2007.

30 The information
Young football player
victim of sudden death syndrome
The Olímpica Valverdeña says goodbye to its 22
years old player “Guti”, who died last 23 No-
vember in a football mach against Arcos
Francisco Javier Herrezuela Arroyo, of
“Valverde del Camino” (Huelva), passed
away when collapsing in the playground
during a football match of first division An-
The boy suffered a cardiac arrest few mi-
nutes before the end of the match due to
an inherited congenital malformation.
After the attempt of resuscitation of a doc-
tor present at the football match an UVI
took him to the hospital Juan Ramón Ji-
menez where he arrived dead.
Around noon on Tuesday 25 November While thousands of people approached to give
the remains of the young player were ca- him their last goodbye, the club has honored him
rried out by team-mates, to the football with its gold medal for his football career.
pitch where he lost his life, and then to the
cementery where he has been buried.

The information 31
A dream

Once a dream did weave a shade

O'er my angel-guarded bed,
That an emmet lost its way
Where on grass methought I lay.

Troubled, wildered, and forlorn,

Dark, benighted, travel-worn,
Over many a tangle spray,
All heart-broke, I heard her say:

'Oh my children! do they cry,

Do they hear their father sigh?
Now they look abroad to see,
Now return and weep for me.'

Pitying, I dropped a tear:

But I saw a glow-worm near,
Who replied, 'What wailing wight
Calls the watchman of the night?

'I am set to light the ground,

While the beetle goes his round:
Follow now the beetle's hum;
Little wanderer, hie thee home!'

(1757 - 1827)

The information
₤1 March of 2009

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