You are on page 1of 10 Volume 46 No.

9 October 2009

The Bosuns Whistle

Submitted by Bill Gard, Commodore

The Wounded W arrior Experience

Contributed by Mike Wetzel

Editor's Note: The following article describes the experience of one volunteer, and sums up well the experiences and reflections of the many MVYC'ers The Mount Vernon Yacht Club membership turned out in who shared in this event. force on Sunday, September 6th, for our second annual tribute to Wounded Warriors, honoring those injured I was so proud of my fellow while serving our country. Elsewhere in this edition of Clubbers when I saw them sit The BEACON you will read all about the event, and the down and mingle with the folks who made it happen. I want to let you know that wounded service people, after all the accounting for admission and costs-the $10 price times the number of attendees-the result was a sur- their friends and families, of collecting plus of $216. That cash will be converted into $20 VISA instead cards for the warriors to spend as they wish. Gene together for just another Diotalevi and I plan to visit Walter Reed soon to distribute social affair on the Point. the cards to the Wounded Warriors. We've also invited several of the Service members who visited us on They seemed to be expressSeptember 6th to attend future MVYC events as person- ing a lively interest in the war al guests of the Commodore and the Board. Gene or I will experiences of the warriors, their let you if and when they take us up on the invitation, so injuries, treatment and future plans. that club members can thank them again for their service. Please visit the MVYC website at www.mountvernony- The vets themselves clearly enjoyed being and go to the Photo Gallery to view pic- out on the breezy Point on a perfect afternoon, some going out in tures of the event. the boats, others enjoying the many refreshments under the tents, It looks like Pam and Bob Beggan are following through on their plans to take an extended sailing cruise, south through the Intracoastal to the Caribbean, and ultimately to the island of Trinidad in the Lesser Antilles. Pam and Bob expect to send regular dispatches to their family and friends and we hope to chronicle their journey in future editions of The BEACON. While Bob Beggan is away, Mary McGowan has agreed to take on the role of Neighborhood Liaison for MVYC. Mary lives in Yacht Haven and will help the Board and me communicate items of interest back and forth among our neighbors on the Lagoon, as well as at Mount Vernon on the Potomac and the Mount Vernon Civic Association. A big thanks to Mary for agreeing to help out. Any support you can give her will be much appreciated.

watching the little kids playing on the grass - so different from the pain and boredom of rehabilitation - carefree for a day. No matter what you think of the war, we're in it, and these brave servicemen, servicewomen and their families have paid the price. So here's a salute to the compassionate Clubbers who came to support them for this special day, and a round of applause for those who worked so hard to make it possible. See additional photos on Page 3...


After years as BEACON Editor, Bart is retiring. A new Editor is needed. Badly. Interested members please contact Bart ASAP by phone (703-799-0401) or by Email (


The Beacon, published monthly by the Mount Vernon Yacht Club


Contributed by Jerry Skelly, Membership Chair

4817 TARPON LANE ALEXANDRIA, VA 22309 BILL GARD, COMMODORE BEACON STAFF Editor: Bart Hewitt Asst Editor: Blair Beggan Asst Editor: Chris Lewis Photographer: George Holthaus Photographer: Russell Poe Circulation: Delong Litho BEACON EDITOR 9123 Cherrytree Drive Alexandria, Virginia 22309 Phone 703-799-0401 All Club members may submit articles, letters and notices for editorial review and possible publication. Submission by e-mail or compact disc is encouraged. COPYRIGHT 2009 MOUNT VERNON YACHT CLUB ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Cover artwork by Don Cannavaro Deadline for Next Issue: 15th of the month

MVYC has 219 members in good standing: 215 regular members 4 honorary members Andy Salko has resigned from the club.
2 applicants are being scheduled for interviews with the membership committee.

Social Committee Report

Contributed by Claudia Reinsel Social Committee Chair

On Sunday, September 6th, scores of MVYC club members volunteered to set up the Point-tents, tables chairs umbrellas, a moonbounce, sound system, and a huge grill - for the Labor Day BBQ. More than one hundred Club members welcomed the 45 Wounded Warriors and family members who came from Walter Reed and Fort Belvoir and enjoyed boat rides, fishing, swimming, kids games, and great food on a beautiful sunny afternoon.. Providing servicemen and servicewomen a chance to relax away from the hospital is a way of saying thank you to those who serve our country in the armed forces. They came from home towns all across the country, places like Waxahchie, Texas and Honolulu, Hawaii, to become part of our MVYC family for the day. Thanks to all the MVYC members and friends who helped make this all Club event such a success! Volunteers included Bill Gard, Gene Diotalevi, Jerry Gray, Mike Holland, Jeff Kirkland, Marianne Ketels, Amy Walker, Jack Sanders, Jack Ferris, Rick Mullins, Jim Gordon, Alexi Stavropoulos, Don Basham, Bonnie Breneman, Dan and Chris O'Keefe, Juliette Clark, Jim Walton, Tracy Groff, Scott Carpenter, Luanne Kirkland, Harriet Singleton, Janet Fincher, Marge and Jerry Skelly, Anita Manka, Stuart and Kaye Matthews, and Ron Reinsel. Thanks to all the boat captains (see the Marina article) who afforded our guests a chance to experience the healing power of the waters of the Potomac. And thanks to these area businesses for their donations and support: Old Town Deli, Mount Vernon Estate, Hilltop Golf, American BarBQ, National Capital Flag Company, DOD Civilian Personnel Management Service..

Upcoming Meetings...

Membership Meetings October 1 November 5 at 7:30 pm 1st Thur of the month Board Meetings October 19 November 16 at 7:30 pm 3rd Mon of the month Social Committee Meetings October 12 November 9 at 7:30 pm 2nd Mon of the month
The Beacon

Next year, we'd like to make this all-Club event even bigger and better, and plans are underway to include Bethesda Naval Medical Center in the invitation. October 9th, Friday, we can enjoy the cool jazz of Cold Fusion at 6:00 before the regular TGIF at 7:00 (no charge-just bring a dish to share for the pot luck) Remember to mark your calendar for Sunday, October 25th for the Children's Halloween Party and Oyster Roast! And again, thanks to all (especially the Beacon Editor) for all that you do.

C O M M O D O R E ' S B A L L - S A V E t h e D AT E !
Mark your calendar, book your babysitter, schedule the dance lessons, start the diet to get into your gown/tux, and foremost, send back that RSVP when the invitation arrives in early October!

MVYC Commodore's Ball Saturday November 7 at Mt Vernon Country Club

Page 2 Vol.46 No.9

The Beacon

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Vol.46 No.9

On The Docks
Submitted by Marina Co-Chairs Jerry Gray & Ron Reinsel

It is hard to believe that Commissioning Day was months ago and that a summer has already sped past. But take heart MVYC boaters, the best of the season is yet to come! Gone are the days of heat and humidity and to come are the gorgeous days and nights of autumn. For sailors, the breeze begins to blow again. For the power boats, the gas remains (relatively) cheap. For all, the "second season" beckons with promises of wonderful time on the river as the leaves on the shore begin to turn. There is a lot of great boating yet to be done before the dread of winterization. So get out there and enjoy!

Before we get to this month's news, a special recognition goes out to all of the MVYC boat captains who volunteered their boats and services to offer rides to our guests at the Labor Day Wounded Warriors picnic. Many thanks to captains Chuck Manka, Bart Hewitt, Mike Holland, Gene Diotalevi, Matt Mathes, Neal Beggan, Dan O'Keefe, Dave Miskimens, and Jim Lexo for offering the excursions, to Tom Pojeta and Steve Donock who opened their boats to dock tours, and particularly to Don Basham who both organized the boats and captained his own. Your kindness was appreciated by all and helped make the day a great success. The Marina has survived the summer well. No major issues or problems with the facility and a few new boats are beginning to fill previously empty slips. Along with the additions, one temporary departure of note is Paragon, Bob and Pam Beggan's beautiful 41 foot Morgan yawl that usually graces the last slip on Outer W just beyond the gas dock. Bob and Pam are scheduled to become temporary pirates of the Caribbean, cruising their sailboat in warmer climes until at least next spring. We all wish them the best of luck and fair winds. If you were at last month's membership meeting, you heard that we are beginning to put together ideas for some potential Marina improvements and some teasers about at least two of particular note. First, Jim Hamrick is working on longrange (and long awaited) planning for a possible "maintenance dredge" of the Marina. This potential, and much needed, project is in its very early stages of exploring the permitting process and cost estimating, but stay tuned for updates. Second, we are also investigating the potential for improvements to enhance the functionality of Inner W and A Dock. Specifically, we are reviewing the potential for rebuilding the Inner W bulkhead back a few feet toward the Point parking lot. In addition to addressing some structural issues with the bulkhead, his potential project would also have the advantage of increasing the width of the somewhat narrow fairway between Inner W and A Dock thereby offering the prospect of accommodating somewhat larger (or at least longer) boats. Again, stay tuned for further developments and let us know of any other Marina issues that you think we should be looking at and planning for. Finally, this month's nautical trivia: The origin of sleeve buttons on gentlemen's coats. Have you ever wondered why there are buttons on the sleeves of men's suit coats and jackets when there is nothing there to button? The decorative buttons of today began as an effort by Lord Nelson to keep young midshipmen and cabin boys from wiping their noses on their sleeves. In the days of sail, young boys, often as young as nine years old, would sign on sailing ships as cabin boys, usually becoming midshipmen as they got older. Many, particularly on their first voyages, would become homesick, tearfully tending to their duties in their fancy gentlemen's uniform. That uniform had no pockets for a handkerchief so the boys would, like most youngsters, wipe their noses on their sleeves. To break his cabin boys and midshipmen of this ungentlemanly habit, Lord Nelson had large brass buttons sewn on the sleeves of all midshipmen and cabin boy uniforms. The decorative value of the buttons was soon realized, and in short order, London tailors began adding decorative buttons to all men's frocks, coats, and dinner jackets. Although the buttons have become less gaudy, the practice continues even though the nose wiping has abated.

October 29, 2009 @ 6:30pm MVYC Clubhouse

Cruise Night...
The Beacon

Presentation by Carnival and Royal Caribbean Cruise lines.

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D pr oo iz r es !

Vol.46 No.9

Power Fleet
Contributed by Alexi Stavropoulos

The last weekend in August, starting on Thursday and rolling into Friday, twenty boats took off from our marina and set course for St Mary's Yacht Center. The forecast for the trip was not looking good; but this would not stop our group of boats from taking this trip. Several of us arrived at St. Mary's early Friday afternoon. When we arrived we were greeted by the great group of folks that ran the marina and restaurant. As prearranged, there was a keg of beer waiting for us surrounded by a picnic table setting behind our boats. Dave Curry came down with his camping trailer and St Mary's permitted him to be on the bulkhead by our boats. When slip-holders of St Mary's Yacht Center questioned the management about the location of Mr. Curry's trailer, the management informed them that this was our "headquarters". The stage was set and we waited for the boats to arrive one by one. The cloud cover started to roll in and the skies started to darken. Fortunately for us, Mike Holland planned his trip by car; trailering his boat down for the weekend. Since we had our eye on the forecast, we had loaded Mike's truck with a pop up canopy and one large tent. As rain started to set in we set up the canopy, tent and used the awning on Dave's trailer. We made the best of the situation at hand and huddled to keep dry and enjoy cocktails. The Kirkland's were next to show up by car, with boat in tow, and they gave us reports of the horrible storms that had hit Alexandria earlier in the afternoon. There were still several boats that were in route and had to deal with low and at times zero visibility. As the evening started to set in, all boats due to arrive on Friday were accounted for. The evening grilling that was to take place was canceled as result of the rain. Fortunately the Torpedo Grill was open and was able to accommodate all that ended up dining out. We were able to watch the preseason Skins game at the bar. The next morning we woke up to a beautiful day and we had a great buffet style breakfast. Everyone brought a dish to share. Jerry Gray, Steve Donock & Dave Miskimens fired up the grills. We had hot eggs, pancakes and sausage, along with monkey bread, strada, and lots of other delicious foods and various selections of fruit. By noon the last two boats arrived and settled in. Throughout the day, many members enjoyed the pool, some went for a hike, kids enjoyed the tot lot, and others went crabbing and fishing. Several took the small boats out for sightseeing. No matter what the plan was for the day, around 3:30, we all gathered up on hill under some tall trees, where there was a nice breeze and we could overlook all of our boats in the marina. There we had appetizers, and Jim Hamrick distributed gallons of Yellow Birds for all to drink. We took a moment for George Brown to lead us into a heartfelt toast in memory of his father, Red, who so many years ago started this traditional cruise . Around five o'clock we tapped another keg and were led to a large tent, under which we had a very good catered BBQ dinner. As luck would have it, the rains from the week before had pushed back the Hooters & Scooters Contest at the Torpedo Grill. As we were finishing up our dinner, we watched as the various types of motorcycles rolled in for the contest. We finished up our evening with a roaring bonfire that we had arranged with St. Mary's, in a large field by the parking lot above the marina.
continued on Page 8...

The Beacon

Page 5

Mount Vernon Yacht Club Presents the Nominations for the 2010 Board of Trustees
Candidate for Commodore: Bill Gard
Bill Gard is finishing a one-year term as Commodore of Mount Vernon Yacht Club. During that period Bill implemented a Distinguished Volunteer program that has so far honored twelve MVYC members who have a record of dedicated service to the club. Bill also implemented an open communications program that provided an improved flow of information between the MVYC Board and the club membership. These enhancements include the posting of Membership meeting minutes and Board meeting minutes on the club website, as well as initiating a Commodore's Communiqu that was used to communicate important issues that needed to be brought to the membership's attention. Also, for the first time since the commissioning of the new clubhouse, the MVYC line of credit with Burke & Herbert Bank was at one point paid down to a zero balance. Prior to that, Bill served a one-year term as Vice Commodore as well as serving as Chairman of the MVYC House Committee. During that term Bill oversaw the reconfiguration of the water supply to the house to reduce County sewer charges; oversaw repairs to several air conditioner units; personally implemented repairs to plumbing fixtures for the pool and pool shower rooms, ordered and helped install non-skid tiles in the pool bathrooms; worked with the team that procured and installed the new large-capacity ice machine; negotiated bids and awarded a yearly maintenance contract for the Heating and Air Conditioning systems; and worked with MVYC technical experts to order Verizon FiOS Internet and Cable TV service. Earlier still, as Rear Commodore and Grounds Chair, Bill oversaw the installation of all new plantings at the entrance to the club as well as at the entrance to the floating docks. And during Bill's two years as co-chairman of the MVYC Marina Committee, Bill oversaw major renovations to the Marina, including the relocation and re-decking of C and D docks, the replacement of A and B docks with new floating docks and the replacement of all mooring piles and finger piers on Outer W. Bill retired several years ago after 25 years at The Washington Post where he held various management positions including Director of Engineering and Director of Facilities Development. Before joining The Post, Bill worked at Raytheon Company developing automated editorial systems for newspapers and programming computers for national air traffic control systems. Bill lives in Yacht Haven with his wife Karen and their dog Wrigley.

Candidate For Vice Commodore: Ron Reinsel

Ron and his wife, Claudia, are original Mount Vernon natives who joined MVYC in early 2005 and jumped right into the swing of Club activities. Almost immediately after joining, Ron became a hammer-swinging volunteer on the reconstruction of C and D docks, and since then has been involved in most all of the Club's social and volunteer functions, including annual Commissioning Days, the New Member Parties, Clean Up Days, and has been an active hand in a multitude of the Club's construction and maintenance projects as well as serving as the Master Oyster Shucker for a number of events on the Point. For the Club's 50th Anniversary celebration, Ron originated, designed and spearheaded the sales the Commemorative Burgee that both symbolized the celebration of the Club's first half century and whose proceeds helped fund the 50th Anniversary party. Ron instigated, and now serves as the designated bard of, MVYC's annual Sock Burning Festivity that marks both the spring equinox and the semi-official beginning of the Club's preparations for the boating year. Ron is now completing his first term as Vice Commodore and a second year as Co-Chair of the Marina Committee with principal responsibility for marina assignments, management, and safety. He also has worked extensively on liability and insurance matters for the Club. In 2007-2008, Ron served a two year term on the Board of Directors and acted as the House Chairman during which he undertook the installation of the non-slip flooring in the pool changing rooms and oversaw the restoration of the hardwood flooring in the ball room, as well as taking on a multitude of mechanical, lighting, plumbing and drywall projects and other repairs to keep our Club House the gem that it is. Ron is a partner in a D.C. law firm and for the past thirty years has served on the board, and is currently the Vice President, of the Claude McDonald Foundation, a non-profit corporation that owns and operates a youth camp in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains. However, when time and tide permit, Ron and Claudia would much rather be sailing their Catalina 25, Hoo's Here.

Candidate For Rear Commodore: Jerry Gray

Jerry and his wife Petra joined MVYC in the spring of 2004 and are active participants in club social activities and power fleet events. Having served on the MVYC Board as Director 2005-2007, Jerry chaired the Security Committee in 2006 & co-chaired the Marina Committee in 2007. Jerry served as Rear Commodore in 2009, also serving as Marina co-chair and has been responsible for the Gas Dock operation for the past two seasons. Over the winter Jerry managed the improvements to the boat ramp and assisted marina committee members replacing rotting and broken wood around the marina. Jerry was instrumental in gaining Virginia DEQ certification for our gas pump and storage tank. He has been closely involved with the update of the access system and the cable & phone systems. Jerry, Petra and daughter Alexandra relocated from the Del Ray neighborhood to Mt. Vernon in June 2005. Owners of a 33-ft Larson, the Alex J II, and a 17ft Boston Whaler, the Grays spend a lot of time on the water. Jerry is a 6-year veteran of the Marine Corps and has been with The Washington Post for 27 years where he is a Director in the IT department. Jerry's hobbies include bicycling and riding his motorcycle. continued next page... The Beacon Page 6 Vol.46 No.9

Mount Vernon Yacht Club Presents the Nominations for the 2010 Board of Trustees (continued...)
Candidate For Treasurer: Tracy Groff
I have over 20 years of experience in Accounting, 6 years in Human Resource Administration and 8 years in Government Contract Management. Though I do not have a degree I have handled all aspects of accounting from Inventory Management to Financial Reporting. I have also been in charge of all employment related issues, including but not limited to Hiring, employee retention, morale, insurance and disciplinary actions. I have participated in all levels of contract administration from submission to closeout as well as GSA Schedule Management and DCAA auditing.

Candidate For Secretary - Peter Esser

Peter resides in Yacht Haven with his wife Cori, children Lukas and Eva, and faithful mutt Sandmann. A member of the MVYC since 2004, Peter has from time to time lent a hand on an MVYC project or two. Although still not a boater, Peter & family enjoy kayaking in Dogue Creek, lounging at poolside, and taking part in the occasional TGIF and the like. Peter previously served as Grounds chair, and is currently the MVYC's secretary. You'll also see him as master of ceremonies at the MVYC's annual Oktoberfest, where you'll also be able to sample his skills as Braumeister. Peter and Cori view the MVYC as a vital part of their community, and hope to continue contributing to the purpose of making the MVYC an even more family-friendly and inviting place for all members and guests.

Candidate For Director: Jack O'Malley

Jack and Madeline O'Malley joined the MVYC in the Summer of 2001 and have actively participated in various club activities. Jack has served on previous boards as House, Grounds and Membership Chairman. Currently, he serves as liaison to the Fairfax county police and fire departments. Madeline has co chaired the biennial art show They enjoy boating on Fishy, their jointly owned 22' Sea Ray. Even though they joined the club in 2001, they have enjoyed club activities since 1974 as guest of the Beggan's and Cundari's, obviously through a Boston connection. Jack retired after three decades at US Customs. He specialized at times in airport and seaport security issues during his career. He is a long-time member of the Fraternal Order of Police, and the Federal Law Enforcement Officers Association.

Candidate For Director: Jack Sanders

Jack and Brenda Sanders have been members of the club since they returned to the Washington area from Princeton, New Jersey thirteen years ago. They live in Yacht Haven, enjoying boating on their 24' Sea Ray and taking weekend trips in a Lance camper. Jack has served on several MVYC committees, including Grounds, Swimming Pool, Commissioning Day, Nominating, St. Patrick's Day Party and New Member Party. He has been grounds supervisor and President at the Sycamore Island Club, overseeing their two five-acre islands and clubhouse on the Potomac just above Little Falls. He continues on the board of that club. Jack also volunteers at Haven of Northern Virginia, a nonprofit bereavement support organization. Professionally, he has been a sociology professor, an administrator at John Jay College of Criminal Justice in New York City, and a national director at an e-commerce company in San Francisco. For fourteen years Jack was vice president of the National Association of Independent Schools. Currently he is a consultant, spending most of his time as executive director of an association of seventy universities and manager of their federal agency contracts.

Candidate For Director: Amy Walker

Amy and her husband, David, joined the MVYC in the summer of 2006. Along with their two daughters, Virginia and Elyse, Amy and Dave can easily be found at the pool, at the point, or on their power boat, My Alibi. Amy is active in many social functions at the club, particularly kids' events. She has chaired the last two Children's Christmas parties and working on her third. She arranges the kids' activities for the Power Fleet events on the point. This past summer, Amy ran concessions for the swim team and the Fourth of July pool party. Amy is a graduate of the University of Maryland. Through college, Amy worked as a sales associate for JCPenney eventually working her way up to Senior Merchandise Manager/ Buyer. Over the course of seven years, she worked in 5 different JCP stores managing and purchasing for the dress department, ladies lingerie and accessories, men's sportswear and home furnishings. She has also worked as a supervisor in the Lady Washington Shop on the Mount Vernon Estate. Amy is an active volunteer in her daughters' school, Fort Hunt Elementary. She is currently serving her second and final year as PTA Vice President in charge of fundraising. Her favorite part about MVYC: The respite the club has to offer and the fact the club has events all year long for children of all ages. The Beacon Page 7 Vol.46 No.9

Power Fleet from Page 5...

After all the rain we had we were not sure if the fire would take. Once again our group came through. A gallon of gas, combined with a flare gun, and away you go. The next morning, we packed up the folding chairs and canopies, loaded our boats and cars, and cleaned up the site. As the morning faded, one by one the boats started the trip backup to MVYC. This year was Triada's fourth trip with the club, and I feel it was our best one so far. I say this because we had a combination of power boats, trailer boats and a sail boat totaling up to twenty two boats on this trip. There were many new members that joined us for the first time on this trip. Several members with larger boats invited friends aboard to join in on the trip. There was a camping trailer and a tent pitched by the boats and several members stayed at a nearby hotel. Saturday afternoon several members showed up by car for Yellow Birds and the BBQ. All in all, 62 adults and 10 kids had a great time. Prior to the event, Gene and I drove down a couple times to scope out the location and make all the food arrangements. It took a bit of work, but as I looked around at everyone throughout the weekend and saw how much fun everyone had, it was well worth it. Bill, Rick, Jim, Julian and Jeff - thanks for driving down with us to check things out. Mike - thanks again for bringing the tents, and Jeff - thanks for bringing the milk. I would like to thank Gene, and everyone that came on this trip. Let's do this again next year!

Calling All Club Members! Fall Grounds Work Day Saturday, October 24th - 9:30am until til 1:00pm Bring your gloves, a strong back and tools....

Beautiful Custom Home, tucked away in a private oasis.


This is a rare opportunity to own a custom built, Potomac River waterfront home in Northern VA. This 6,000 square foot home sits on just under 4 acres, surrounded by VA preserved parkland, with 290ft of river frontage. The property features: Private boat ramp, dock with power lift, pool with endless river views, and more. The house includes: 6 beds, 5 full baths, 3 fireplaces, eat in kitchen and so much more. Permit ready for B&B. A true bargain for a highly desirable waterfront paradise!

Ron Mangas, Jr., Realtor , (703) 298-2564

The Beacon Page 8 Vol.46 No.9

October 2009
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday 1 Thursday
8:30 am Yacht Haven Garden Club

Friday 2
9:30 am Yoga Class 7 pm TGIF

Saturday 3

8 pm Membership Mtg

6:30 pm Oktoberfest

AM Closed for Cleaning

9 am Yoga Class

7:15 pm Yoga Class

9:30 am Yoga Class 6 pm Cold Fusion LIVE 7 pm TGIF




AM Closed for Cleaning 7:30 pm Social Cmte Mtg

9 am Yoga Class

7:15 pm Yoga Class

7:30 pm Coast Guard Auxillary Mtg

9:30 am Yoga Class 7 pm TGIF



AM Closed for Cleaning 7:30 pm MVYC Board Mtg

9 am Yoga Class

7:15 pm Yoga Class




9:30 am Yoga Class 9:30 am Fall Grounds Work Day 7 pm TGIF

4 pm Fall Oyster Roast


9 am Yoga Class

7:15 pm Yoga Class


9:30 am Yoga Class 7 pm TGIF Halloween Theme


AM 2 pm Childrens Halloween Party Closed for Cleaning

November 2009
Sunday 1 2
AM Closed for Cleaning

Monday 3

9 am Yoga Class

Wednesday Thursday 4 5
7:15 pm Yoga Class 8 pm Membership Mtg

Friday 6
7 pm TGIF

Saturday 7
6 pm Commodores Ball

8:30 am Yacht Haven 9:30 am Yoga Class Garden Club

AM Closed for Cleaning 7:30 pm Social Cmte Mtg

9 am Yoga Class

7:15 pm Yoga Class


9:30 am Yoga Class 7 pm TGIF



AM Closed for Cleaning 7:30 pm MVYC Board Mtg

9 am Yoga Class

7:15 pm Yoga Class

7:30 pm Coast Guard Auxillary Mtg

9:30 am Yoga Class 7 pm TGIF



AM Closed for Cleaning

9 am Yoga Class

7:15 pm Yoga Class


9:30 am Yoga Class 7 pm TGIF



AM Closed for Cleaning

The Beacon

Page 9

Vol.46 No.9



The Cold Fusion Quartet performs on Friday, October 9, 6:00pm to 7:30pm in the MVYC Clubhouse Come for ninety minutes of listening and/or dancing to American Standards, Swing Tunes of the Big Band Golden Age, and some Hot Jazz. Dress is Casual. BYOB Munchies provided. CHILDREN & YOUNG ADULTS especially welcomed. Audience participation guaranteed. Classic songs you'd like to hear? Contact Marge Skelly at or (703) 360 8374 for music list. Send us your selections for this concert. Help promote LIVE MUSIC! Swing and sway with the Cold Fusion Quartet!!!

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