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Prompts and Challenges Challenge: A character changes clothes, and they are surprisingly overenthused about it.

A character becomes depressed during the story. The story ends during a thunderstorm. The story takes place at noon exactly. During the story, a well-established leader steps down. Story: Dean looked into the mirror. Just like always, in shone back at him. Once he again he wished that he could punch the mirror, and just rid of it forever. Of course, there was his mother to worry about. He didn't think that she'd appreciate the broken glass and she'd probably just out and buy a new one anyway. He just didn't like the look of himself. He was fat, and horrible. Pudgy, and no one would ever like him. If only he'd stopped eating all of those fatty burgers when his brother told him to, then he would have a spare tire around his waist. He left out the front door, just like he always did. He grabbed the sandwich that his mum made him, and threw it in the trash as soon as he walked out the door. He didn't need to eat anything because everything made him fat. Everything did and he was never going to get a girlfriend looking the way he did. Maybe he should join the college amateur baseball team. Well, attempt to... he'd never been that good at sports, but he needs to do something to lose the fat, right? He looked at the clock, and it read midday. It also meant that he was probably going to be late for his drama class due to the fact that it was on the other side of school, and the class started at twelve sharp. Dean. Hurry up and get to class! It was the dean, and they weren't on particularly good terms after the incident the year before where Dean had covered his office with banana flavoured cake. He arrived in class and everyone was already getting changed. He didn't have to because he took on the role as stage manager, which meant no acting (hooray). Dean you're late. The husky voice of Mr Van Murdoch echoed around the auditorium. Sorry. Dean muttered, going back stage and sitting with the head set on that the tech crew had already set up for him. Dean! Someone tapped his shoulder as he heard his name. He spun around as quick as he could to see Castiel, the lead male actor standing next to him. He had the widest smile on his face, and he was looking like a true pirate. You know, if you took away the cheesy plastic swords and all. He was tapping his boots wildly on the shiny black surface of the floor, Do you like my costume? It's so fabulous! I can't believe they actually had this in those cupboards! Mitt Romney was just elected! A kid yelled from the other side of the stage. Everyone booed, then the first scene started. Castiel went to the side of the stage, and the sound of a thunderstorm filled the auditorium.

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