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June 5, 2013 Hon.

Danny Guevencan Mayor Municipality of Dimiao Bohol, Philippines Dear Mayor Dan: Thank you for your hospitality during my first visit. I see that you are good man - a humble person. Humility and craftiness are "enemies" but are both means to power and wealth. In this planet of free will, we see men and women rose and rise to great power and wealth either through that thing called craftiness (stealth, cunning) or through humility or a combination of these two, meaning: sometimes the person exercise craftiness, and, at other times, humility. When I mentioned the word "enemies", I would like to mean from opposing camps, namely: Humility is exercised by good people while cunning by those in the Dark Force. I think that's correct; but to see that "craftiness" is always wrong is not accurate because there is positive meaning of "crafty," namely: wise. But of course, there are two kinds of "wise" or "wisdom", namely: 1. Worldly wisdom which excludes or overlooks a substantial portion of love for the neighbors (people, animals, plants, creation) and God and is excessive in love for self and the self's. 2. Godly wisdom which is nothing else but the inclusion of all parties concerned into a "win-win" scenarios. The key is balance: Love for God above all, for neighbor and yourself. This is the kind of love that is balanced and complete (perfect). The world's love equation = 600 fold love for Self (excessive) 60 fold love for Neighbor (treacherous) and only 6fold fold love for God __________________ Bad harmful 666 - immature love, biased, onerous, not allencompassing. The divine Love which is well-balanced = 600 fold love for God 60 fold love for Neighbor (selfless & sincere) and only 6fold fold humble love for self __________________ Good, divine 666 - mature love, all-encompassing.

As I hinted a while ago, "craftiness" has two meanings: a positive and a negative one. It is positive one when it is guided by love in the heart. This is how the Lord puts a fail-proof formula to avoid becoming wrong or imperfect ; He said : Be cunning (correctly wise) as a serpent, but remain blameless (lovefilled) like the love." We were taught or made to believe that Lucifer or Satan is not worthy to be followed, but here we see that Christ wanted us to follow him or at least learn at least one thing from him, namely: to be wise! I state that again (which can cause many Christians to tremble): we are to copy or learn or imitate from Lucifer in becoming wise. Jesus said "Be wise as a serpent." Serpent is a main nickname of Lucifer or Satan. To be wise or wisdom is the development of the mind. There is nothing wrong in it per se. We are to cultivate our mind, to be filled with knowledge, not ignorance; with wisdom, not foolishness. But as Jesus showed us, man cannot spiritually stand in one "foot;" he, like we do physically, must also stand with two spiritual feet: The mind and heart are our two spiritual feet the first two spiritual pillars to be able to stand. Just as we need two physical feet to walk or move forward, we too need our two spiritual feet (the mind and the heart) in order to advance move forward - progress - in our non-physical as well as physical aspects and pursuits in life. So, to hone the mind but neglect the heart, e.g., reject love or leave love stunted or immature, e.g. focused only in self, and not expanded, means : to be a one-foot spiritual man. One who relies or uses or has only one spiritual foot. Selfish. Marcos was like that. He stood and relied on his mental genius, neglecting godly, neighborly love. King Nebuchadnezzar was also like that. Most great personalities and leaders in the past and present were and are great in mind... but sadly, they fell and failed because lasting strength and effectiveness cannot be sustained, although it can be initially attained, by one foot - the foot of the mind. The heart is needed! Wisdom of the mind is not enough; love is needed! But love that is not selfish! What did the truly wise prophet Daniel advise king Nebuchadnezzar? He told the King : "Dear O King, in order to prevent your impending fall announced to you via your dream, this is the anti-dote that I encourage you to do: Show Compassion To The Poor. The heart, o king, in other words. Did the King appreciate Daniel's advice? Sure he did. But did he seriously follow it? No! Instead, he continued in his path of pride which is always paired by a lack of compassion for the poor. And one evening, as he sat on the roof garden of his palace, he said to himself in great pride: "Is this not by my own effort? This splendor - this majesty?" And then the fall!

The problem with humans or of being physical here on earth is we often cannot see or do not see the Creator Power That Exists. All of us call that God - our Father, but oftentimes when we sit on power and wealth, we fail or refuse to acknowledge Him as the Cause and Source of these comforts, and worse, we use these to abuse others! Thats the end if we refuse to acknowledge Him and thank Him. So it is the pitfall of worldly power and worldly wealth: we forget our Creator. We failed to "love Him above all, with all our heart, with all our mind, with all our being." Marcos came to the point of thinking he had put everything in place and that he was now invincible - invulnerable. What an illusion! He didn't give a little thought that his kidney might be his Achilles heel -- his "kamatyanan" - his weak spot. Or any part of his body for that matter. God at any moment can cause any of our body parts to malfunction if He wanted to discipline us. To Marcos, it was his kidney. To Nebuchadnezzar, it was his mind - his brain - his very weak spot. Although he had developed it to become a great leader of a great empire, he allowed the germ of pride and arrogance to "kotkot" (eat up) the good part of his brain (mind). What happened to him? He became insane - deranged - for seven years! Purpose? Purpose: To humble him. He mingled with the animals in the forests. He crawled like animals. He ate leaves and grasses with the animals. His nails grew long like animals. In order to humble his proud mind. When that 7-year course of B.S. in Humility was successfully completed, he was restored to his kingship and I think he prospered more and learned the most important Lesson in this life before we go to the other side. And that lesson is: To acknowledge God and come to willingly admire, like and love Him with all of our heart, mind and might. After that experience, King Nebuchadnezzar was all praise, all respect, all love for God. To read his letters in the Book of Daniel is very uplifting. All leaders - husbands, fathers, managers, politicians etc. - would do well to be familiar with the happy-ending biography of king Nebuchadnezzar. Obviously, even if Marcos read and spent much efforts to imitate other great leaders before him, yet Marcos failed to take special note of King Nebuchadnezzar's special life lesson. I also feel that the same fault (pride) was subtly hidden in Job's mind when God allowed him to be severely tested - intensely purged of probably his last weakness, the most hard-to-detect-and-remove spiritual germ: pride. If you read Job's book, especially his own discourse and selfjustifications, there slowly as you read his statement, you will notice that his professed love for the poor or personal humility was mixed with a dirty dose of pride. Self-righteousness. His own version. Inferior righteousness one which is not enough. I believe this was the last dross that God aimed to remove from the heart and mind of Job in order to perfect him! In many aspects, Job got 100% score; but it seems to us that he only got 99% when it comes to the subject of "Humility - Pride."

I hope this friendly Letter of mine, Mayor Dan, is bringing a sense of assurance and happiness as it does to me who merely write for you what our heavenly Father has been telling us repeatedly and in the books or Scriptures. With this, you can be more assured and sure how to have a successful leadership in your team, in your family and other groups. We need to have two feet in spirit to start with. These two feet are: The heart and the mind. And they must be made of sturdy, strong materials if you want them to become strongly pillars. So, how to make our mind strong? With what materials or substance are we to compose it? Answer: Wisdom. How to make our pillar heart strong? Answer: Love. Same questions asked and answered differently but still correctly: How to make wisdom safe from the pitfall (read: encroachment) of pride? Answer: It is must be paired with love. This is a repeating lesson since time immemorial. Lucifer was at the top, e.g., second in command to God. He fell. Why? Because of the wisdom + pride. Solution : wisdom + love. Humility is a product of love. So it can be also said: Wisdom + Humility. Love makes you humble because you care for them. A father condescends to his little kids out of love. A husband condescends (humbles) himself before his wife... also because of love. So when you said Mayor Dan "I am not from those Guevencans who are well-off, I interpreted it as to mean to say that you came for a humble beginning. Am I right? If so, then, we are in for a great partnership - a partnership for development never achieved in your town by any past mayor. *** Mar Uy of Alturas is a humble man. His humility is found and seen in his extra-ordinary willingness to learn, to know, to listen and to appreciate the value of ideas, no matter from whom it comes , e.g. from his bodegeros, from his drivers, or from his managers. He has the special ability to evaluate and value an idea apart from the person who gives it. But of course he also realizes that if the giver of an idea is expert or experienced in that field, the idea must be good. That is his hint. So, it means that since an infant is experienced or experiencing the experience of childhood, Mar gives more ears and heart to him more than to others when the subject in the meeting or under consideration is about infanthood! Stated in a different case: Mar Uy listens more to his bodegero than his managers when the topic is about the warehouse. This is one way Mary Uy shows him humility: he is extra-ordinarily attentive when it comes to ideas to discussion. He is very alert. I credit that partly to his daily tennis and life-long eating of malungay. He told me, Coy, when we had small sales, our viand would be malungay. When we had better sales, we would buy some fish to add to our malungay! You search the entire internet (connected to all home and office computers all over the world), especially via Google and YouTube, and you will be shocked: Malungay is the best vegetable in both quality and quantity

as well as completeness! It is No. 1 in the world. It has been overlooked for many years; but now it is discovered that malungay (moringa in English) is the most nutrient-filled vegetable in the world! In my 4 years of living in Mar Uys home and working for him as Corporate Planner and Corporate Strategist, (1989-93), I saw the role that malungay and humility played, did and do for Alturas! It seems to me that malungay and humility are partners in helping the owners of Alturas reach the height they have reached now. Malungay has to do with alert mind, not just healthy body. Humility is in tandem with love. I can say that the owners of Alturas have greater love than many of us have, in the sense that they do not know how to utter hurting word to people especially their employees. They are not perfect but what surprises me is their lack of hurting spirit even during the time when they chide or rebuke their employees. I seldom heard Mam Daday rebuked her female subordinates, e.g., the sales girls and the cashiers, but I can describe her rebuking words as thornless, harmless, even sweet! O come on, where do we find such kind of attitude? Mam Daday, and also her three older brothers, are very much advanced than most of us when it comes to the skill of taking good care of the heart of being very careful not to hurt the heart of anyone. No I didnt say about being perfect. We are not perfect. No man is perfect. But it is nice to hear that we are described to have a pure heart a caring heart a kind heart. That already sounds like perfect love. Pure intentions. Sincerity. Its very good to start with the heart in its deepest and purest of intentions. Then we can never go wrong. And what is the purest of all pure intentions? Answer: all-encompassing love, all-including love. None is excluded. None is neglected. None is ignored. Everyone is cared for: God, neighbors, self. The poor and the rich. The beautiful and the ugly. The high and the low. The man we call Jesus is our best model in this. He was a good friend of both the poor and the rich. He was only at odds with the wicked abusers of power and wealth. But to the good rich and great good leaders of his time, he was their very close friend. Do you know, Mayor, that among Jesus close friends were highranking Romans: Cyrenius, the governor of Asia Minor and large part of the Middle East and the younger brother of emperor Augustus Caesar? Cyrenius became friend to Jesus when the latter was only an infant and the former was a teenager. That friendship bloomed until Cyrenius rose to power and Jesus became our Savior. Their brotherly love affair is very touching. Do you know that Cornelius, the centurion of Caesarea, who was known to be the first gentile on record to get baptized, was a brother of Cyrenius and emperor Augustus? So you see, Jesus was a close friend of the 3 brothers in the royal family of Rome. When Jesus was doing His ministry, Romes high officials also became His disciples. They included Agricola, then the head of the Supreme Court of Rome at that time. (You can read Jesus own auto-biography, 7,500 pages long, 25 volumes at Jesus was a perfect Leader who

knows how to handle power with love-humility. If all of us learn from Him, then we can immediately attain the prophesied Paradise on Earth the kingdom of God here on earth. My first gift to you, as my new friend, Mayor Dan is the Lords 25volume books which is the best book on the subjects of How to be wise as a serpent without failing to be at the same time loving (humble, innocent, blameless) like a dove. Our goal as leaders is simple started : To be both a serpent in the mind and dove in the hear at the same time Loving (humble, innocent, blameless) like a dove. Our goal as Leaders is simply stated: To be both a serpent in the mind and dove in the heart at the same time. It goes without saying that we do not aim the reverse: Dove in mind and serpent or hawk in heart!? Because to be dove in mind means to be bobo (dumb, nave, gullible, prey-able, easy to become a victim, easy to exploit, easy to deceive, easy to outsmart) precisely like the Filipinos in general, and our Maria Claras particular: gentle-innocent but nave, easy to seduce or deceive. Lesson: Innocence or love has to remain in the heart, but in order for us not to be betrayed or be put in the pocket as they term it, we need also to have wisdom in our mind to pair our love in our heart. Serpent in mind, Dove in heart. Thats the perfect Christian Character and Person that the Master Jesus was molding in each of his disciples. Incomplete : Serpent in mind, but not dove in the heart. Example: modern Americans. Incomplete : Dove in the heart, but not wise as a serpent. Example: modern Filipinos. Note : This is the general picture of the Filipinos for centuries, esp. our Maria Claras. The nicknames turtle and the monkey which denotes lack of I.Q or the gullible kind of innocence, easy to deceive came to scene because of the Filipinos weakness in the mind against the treachery and exploitative mind of the foreigners. On the other hand, the Americans or foreigners (in general) wiser mind that oftentimes neglected love for neighbor, earns for the Americans in particular the exact description of the hawk, akin to serpent. Old pictures of the serpents was a winged hawk or eagle and sometimes with tail. In the Lords 7,500-page auto-biography, He narrated this parable: The parable of The Turtle and The Hawk which interestingly best suit to the roles the Filipinos and the American play. To wit:
One day, there was a turtle in the field, swimming in a muddy pool. The sun got hotter and hotter so that the pool was turning into mud and this turtle was trapped in the middle. Seeing his predicament, an eagle in the sky swooped down to pick him up. 6

Happy, he thanked his savior. The savior (i.e., the eagle) gave a grin and continued to bring the turtle up to the clouds. Wow! the turtle exclaimed. Ive never seen such a perspective in all my life inside my heave shell! Thank you, friend eagle. Thank you! The eagle (hawk) gave a second grin and continued to soar higher and higher and aimed for the rocks below and then and then dropped the turtle!!! The turtle was not yet through in his excitement when a great shock overwhelmed himTHE HAWK DROPPED HIM DOWN! He was not through then with his shock and fear when his shell turned into numerous splinters spread to all directions and his flesh became a hearty meal to his hungry predator.

Lesson of the parable: Beware of outward love or friendship driven or motivated by hidden ulterior selfish motive! The Americans, whose emblem and national animal is the hawk, exactly falls in this category as we, Filipinos and the black people of the third world countries, also fall into the role of the turtle. So, both camps did not after all follow the Person we claim to be our Teacher and Master who said: Be both a hawk (serpent) and a dove. The Americans are hawk but not dove; the Filipinos are dove but not hawk! If you neglect wisdom and only possess the innocence of a dove, then, chances are you will fare like what happened to the turtle. Thats exactly what happened and still happens to Filipinos and the black and colored people. The hawk keeps on exploiting us. The hawk using his mind but neglecting his heart. He continues to take the Luciferian path of a wise and treacherous mind, ignoring that the Lord also told us: Remain loving as a dove as you pursue wisdom in your mind. We certainly cannot fare well if we dont stand on our two spiritual feet: love heart and wisdom mind. The roles that the American and the Filipinos play for centuries are undeniable proofs that we had not perfectly followed Christs teaching we had not achieved the goal of character He set clearly for all of us: Be wise in the mind like the serpent (Lucifer) but stay blameless (Loving) in your heart like the dove (or Lamb). That puts an end, Mayor Dan, to this long letter, howbeit, I hope its only a temporary end. I wish some other time to be able to share to you the seven complete pillars of success. I have also shared well enough the first two: love and wisdom. These seven pillars are the focus of our consultancy services. We share and teach individuals as well as groups these seven pillars of character present in God and also should be developed in man to be strong, righteous and eternal. The other five are: Will, Order, Earnest, Patience, Meekness (or Humility). They too have their own equivalent: Trait Name 1. Love Colors
(in the rainbow)

(notes in music)

Organ-centers inside our Body

1st chakra at the base



of our spine

2. Wisdom 3. Will 4. Order 5. Earnest 6. Patience 7. Meekness (Humility)

Yellow Orange Green Blue Indigo Violet

Ri Me Fa So La Ti

2nd chakra pit of the stomach 3rd chakra in the kidney region 4th chakra near the heart 5th chakra throat 6th chakra forehead (Pituitary gland) 7th chakra crown or top of our head

These all have beautiful meanings. They are all very meaningful. But we will spend separate times, if you wish, to discuss them more deeply. It is sufficient to have introduced to you in this way our consulting company and its mission. 7-SC Pillars Consultancy Services Where: The S stands for Spirits or Spiritual attributes, attitudes, qualities and traits present in God and latent (to be awakened or cultivated like seeds) in man: Love, Wisdom, Will, Order, Earnest, Patience, Meekness. The Seven S The C stands for Chakras. The 7 Chakras are actual organs or power centers along our spinal column from the base up to the crown of our head. If we know how to activate them or make them operational these 7 powers, then, we become powerful against poverty, against ignorance, against hate, rage and apathy, against pride, against laziness, against impatience, against oppression and abuses, against all kinds of sins and enemies, the invisible enemies referred to by Paul when he wrote:
[niv]For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. [kjv]For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

Eph 6:12

If we had mastered the 7SC already, then we can be assured that we can be great without the risk of falling. Lucifer fell. Marcos fell. All the rest fell! Why? Answer: They forgot or failed or neglected to activate all the 7SCs!

That ends our first discussion regarding our consulting company or our mission to help make every one awake of their 7 powers inside each of them - us. Thank you for giving us the time. And more power to your administration. Right start, right finish! Truly Yours, Cocoy Email: Mobile: 0910 9158 369

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