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Egeon and his wife have twins (AS and AE) and buy poor twins (DS and

DE) to be raised as servants. Storm at sea, family separated. Antipholus of Syracuse (AS) and Dromio of Syracuse (DS) seek their twin brothers, Antipholus of Ephesus (AE) and Dromio of Ephesus (DE). Egeon followed AS and DS but now faces Duke Solinus death penalty for illegally entering Ephesus. AS gives DS money to take to their inn, the Centaur. Exit DS. Enter DE who mistakes AS for AE and begs AS to return home to wife (Adriana). Confusion. AS worried because DE denies all knowledge of the money. DE returns to Adriana and her sister (Luciana), claiming that A (actually AS, not AE) is babbling about money and claiming that he has no wife. Adriana worries A is cheating on her. He hasnt delivered the necklace he promised, either. AS goes to the Centaur to check his gold is safe, then returns to marketplace and meets DS. DS denies ever talking about AS having a wife. Confusion. Enter Adriana and Luciana, who mistake AS and DS for AE and DE. Adriana accuses AS of infidelity, Luciana accuses AS of deception. Confusion. AS and DS eventually go home with Adriana and Luciana. DS guards the gate. AE has been at Angelos shop, overseeing the making of a necklace for Adriana. AE and DE return home, bash the door, but are not allowed to enter. (A and D are already inside.) In a rage, AE plans to give the necklace he had made for Adriana to the Courtesan. Inside, AS is reprimanded by Luciana for being a bad husband. But AS falls for Luciana!! DS scuttles in, terrified by the advances of fat Nell. AS wants to leave Ephesus DS too!! AS sends DS to the harbour to find a ship. Angelo enters and presents the baffled AS with the gold chain, and says he will wait for payment. Later, a merchant tries to get Angelo arrested for an unpaid debt. AE asks DE to buy a rope, so he can beat his disrespectful household. Angelo bumps into AE and asks for payment for the gold chain. What chain? (AS has it.) Quarrel. While AE is being arrested, DS returns from docks and tells AE (not AS) that the ship is booked. AE is furious with DS (not DE) for babbling, and failing to buy the rope. AE sends DS to Adriana to get the money to secure his release. As Luciana tells Adriana about As advances (AS, not AE), DS enters and tells her of her As arrest (AE, not AS). AS is walking around town with his gold chain on. DS approaches with Adrianas money. Confusion. Enter the Courtesan, who asks AS for the chain he (actually AE) promised her or return her ring. AS and DS flee, so the Courtesan decides to tell Adriana that her husband is a rascal. DE visits AE with the rope he requested but AE now wants the money from Adriana!! AE beats DE. Enter Adriana, Luciana, the Courtesan and the exorcist Dr. Pinch. AEs aggression and claim that he was locked outside his own house and never fed are taken as lunacy. DE tries to defend AE, but when Adriana claims she sent the money with D (actually DS) DE denies it. AE and DE restrained, taken away. Adriana promises to settle the debt. Enter AS and DS, who appear to be AE-and-DE-escaped-from-their-chains. Everyone flees in fear. Angelo sees AS flaunting the gold chain, and cannot believe he (actually AE) ever denied receiving it. Enter Adriana, who asks for AS and DS to be held as madmen. AS and DS flee to the priory. Enter the abbess Be quiet people and the hostility starts to abate. The abbess starts exploring what may have triggered As (AS, not AE) apparent madness. Adrianas confrontations with her husband are pinpointed The venom clamours of a jealous woman / Poisons more deadly than a mad dogs tooth. Adriana demands her husband is let out of the abbey. The abbess refuses, grants sanctuary, and offers to cure him with wholesome syrups, drugs, and holy prayers. Enter Duke Solinus and Egeon, ready for execution. Adriana begs Duke Solinus to act as mediator with the abbess. Enter AE and DE, shocking everyone have they broken free from the abbey? (AS and DS are still in the abbey.) AE pleads his case and Duke Solinus utterly perplexed summons the abbess. Egeon has recognized his son AE, but identification is hampered by the effects of Time on looks and voice. Enter abbess with AS and DS. Double twins!! AS recognizes father Egeon. Abbess recognizes husband Egeon. Slow unwinding of the days confusions, capped with a feast in the abbey. DE to DS: We came into the world like brother and brother / And now lets go hand in hand, not one before another.

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