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Camila Farias Mr.

Hacker Creative Writing 13 September 12

Corey, can you please tell me what we are doing in this neighborhood I asked as I tripped on a piece of wood and almost fell on the rough floor. He ignored my question and pushed me in front of a glass window covered with big splashes of mud and dirt, and we started to observe some men in fancy suits sitting around a roundtable. As a good detective that you are, he said and smiled sarcastic, its pretty obvious that my brother is playing cards again, and that guy over there He pointed to a bald man, is the Senator, isnt he? Corey took a step towards an old door that opens to the room we were observing. But of course you already knew that, right? Without giving me a chance to answer, he ran into the little room, and a second later after that, a big black guy in a suit punched Corey on his face, knocking him down. I came in right after that and stared at Henry, Coreys brother, which was sitting around the big black roundtable, holding two cards. Everybody was staring at me but not saying a single word or even moving, all shocked.

The smell of mildew of the furniture was troubling me and I furrowed my nose a few times while my eyes adjusted to that cubicle full of dust and lighted only by a lamp on the ceiling. Corey, Skylar, Henry said as he rose from his chair, looking at me with wide eyes, what are you doing here? Corey held up on a broken chair and stood up tottering, and touched his own nose a few times to make sure it was not bleeding. I'm great, even though... he glared at the man who had beaten him, this giraffe just punched me on the face. Thank you for asking, brother. He rolled his eyes. "Henry..." Senator's voice was deep and echoed in the small room, who are these people? He stood up and pounded on the table, angry. So that's how you get rid of your debts? Interrupting the game when youre losing it? Corey saw that Senator Roodrich walked up to Henry, so he stepped in front of him without even caring about the fact that the henchmen were looking and digging up their hands in their pockets. Tell me how much he owes you and Ill pay you. Corey got a checkbook from his wallet and looked for a pen that he might have dropped during the surprise attack. There is just one problem Roodrich smiled. your little brother owes me a pool full of money. "Excuse me," I interrupted and cleared my throat as a way to draw attention, "I'm Skylar Theri, police detective from New York." I showed him my badge. "As a senator, you know very well that game of cards with bets is illegal and you can be arrested for it."

"Miss Theri," he said smiling and walking in the direction a pile of old books, "I'm not going to prison or anywhere without my money..." He blew the dust resting on the cover of a book. "And just to assure me, I'll take something with me..." He snapped his fingers and smiled. "Or someone." The Senators henchman jumped on me and tried to punch me while another big guy came from a random door and grabbed Corey, taking him out of the house. I grabbed my gun, which was hidden under my jacket and shot on the big guys right foot, the one that tried to punch me before, and I did not wait to see him falling on the ground moaning in pain, and I ran out of the house. I found myself in a quiet little street, until a big black Jeep roared, speeding in front of me and disappeared behind an abandoned building. I grumbled in anger as I walked back into the house, hoping that the guy that I shot was still there, but I got disappointed after I saw that the only person in that room was Henry, hiding under the center table, holding his black Italian shoes as a weapon, shivering and sweating. Did you at least try to stop him from running away? I rolled my eyes and kicked the ground, angry. Im sorry, I was too busy trying not to get killed after you and my brother magically appeared here! Henry sighed and stood up, cleaning the dust from his pants. I was ready to kick him in his weakest part, when I saw a revolver sitting by the shelf, so I smiled to myself.

Hey Skylar, guns can be tracked, right? He realized the same thing as I did and looked at me, smiling. Give me a high five! I laughed and rolled my eyes as I took the gun and walked out of the house with Henry right after me. Such a dork.

Can you please take quiet steps? I whispered to Henry in the dark and rolled my eyes, knowing he couldnt see it. Youre rolling your eyes, arent you? He whispered back and laughed. I know you very well, Skylar. More than you imagine! He added. We were in a hut near a river, and I could hear the water moving stilly outside of those walls we were trapped in, that smelled like moist wood with a mixture of

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