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Page 1 Panel 1 (We open on a delivery van or truck cursing down a suburban neighborhood.

The kind picturepostcard America that tourists would mail to their jealous friends) EDGAR How do they manage to hoard all these elaborate contraptions? Who builds them? And how do people not notice when that stuff gets transported from somewhere to--wherever? Like a ten thousand Giant-Kill-Murder-Death-Bots shipping order. That should raise a few eyebrows, you know? IVAN Yeah, I know. Page 2 Panel 1 (We look inside cab of the van and see passenger and driver: EDGAR and IVAN respectively. Their names labels displayed promptly on their work-overalls. They are employees of REPO-DEPO, a property repossession company) EDGAR I'd personally like to know, because some of this stuff you can't believe. Panel 2 IVAN Well, hey--Most of those super scientists actually build that stuff themselves. EDGAR That's right, yeah . . . Then how about for the rest of the yokels who aren't super scientists? Where do they get their MurderKill-Bots? Panel 3 IVAN Other super scientists, I guess. Maybe they keep it going like a family business or something. Generation after generation, trying to perfect the fifty foot Waffle-Bot-MurderMaker. EDGAR And that brings me back to my initial query: Who delivers it, and how do they get it there?

IVAN It's stuff people just don't put much thought into. Panel 4 (EDGAR points) EDGAR Hey--Hey! This street here. House number is 5567. Panel 5 (The truck comes to a stop in front of a house; two-story, white picket fence, cut lawn, etc. The picturesque of suburbia)

Page 3 Panel 1 (EDGAR knocks on the door. A woman answers) EDGAR Hello. Is this the Anderson residence? Yes. EDGAR Hi, I'm from Repo-Depo. You've defaulted payment on a-Panel 2 (EDGAR reads down his clipboard) EDGAR . . . LRX125-225BAC Turbo Mini Centrifuge, and we're acting to immediately repossession the item. Panel 3 (HARRIET looks befuddled) HARRIET What? Excuse me--what do you want? EDGAR We're here to repossess the Turbo Mini Centrifuge because of lack of payment. HARRIET You must have the wrong address. I don't even know what a . . . Super Mini Suck'n Fuse-Panel 4 EDGAR "Turbo Mini Centrifuge" Panel 5 (HARRIET doesn't like being corrected and frankly she had enough of this nonsense) HARRIET

HARRIET Whatever it is, I don't have one. I've never had one. And, for god-sakes, I don't even know what I would be doing with one. Is it a vacuum? EDGAR Well, it's like a-Panel 6 HARRIET Whatever! I don't care! You have the wrong address. Page 4 Panel 1 (EDGAR looks down his clipboard once again) EDGAR But this is 5567 Circle Green? Yes. EDGAR And you are Harriet Anderson? Yes. Panel 2 (EDGAR turns the clip board to show HARRIET) EDGAR Well, I've got a notice form with that name and address on it. HARRIET What--that's my name--Bradley! Panel 3 (HARRIET turns back inside and her shouting is loud enough to carry up the stairs) HARRIET Bradley! Get your butt down here this instant! Bradley!-Panel 4 (HARRIET turns back to EDGAR. Her attitude becoming apologetic and placating) HARRIET I'm going to get to the bottom of this. Panel 5 (Turns back to shout. Her attitude taking an extreme 180) HARRIET HARRIET

BRADLEY! EDGAR If you don't mind ma'am, we'd like to come in and locate the item. I've got a description of the item here-Panel 6 (In mid-sentence EDGAR is struck by a ray-gun beam, his body obliterated. All that remains are scorch marks and dust) (HARRIET is taken aback by surprise) Oh my god! BRADLEY (OFF PANEL) Mom! Page 5 Panel 1 (HARRIET turns and sees BRADLEY holding a "RAY-GUN") Bradley!? Panel 2 (BRADLEY is stern) BRADLEY Get away from that door. Panel 3 (HARRIET has lost the edge in her attitude) HARRIET Oh my god, Bradley. What's going on? What is that? BRADLEY It's a Portable Trans-sonic Atomizer. A what? Panel 4 (Intense face) BRADLEY A Death Ray, mom. Panel 5 (HARRIET is hysterical) HARRIET Oh, my god! A Death Ray!? What are you doing with a Death Ray? Oh, my god. Page 6 HARRIET HARRIET HARRIET


Panel 7

Panel 1

(The severity of the situation is dawning on her) HARRIET Oh, my god. Did you do that? Is he really dead? BRADLEY Kinda what the "Death" in Death Ray is for, mom. HARRIET Oh my god! You killed him!

Panel 2 BRADLEY He was gonna away my centrifuge, and it's an essential piece to my master plan. It was either him or me. I chose me. Panel 3 (HARRIET recovers for a moment) HARRIET You bought that--thing--whatever--and charged it under my name, didn't you? Oh! You are in so grounded mister-Panel 4 (and then she loses it again) HARRIET --and you killed that man! Oh my god, Bradley. What's going on? What's happening? Page 7 Panel 1 BRADLEY Mom! I'm a super villain. That's all you need to know. Panel 2 (HARRIET fully recovers now and lays into BRADLEY like a no-nonsense house wife and mother) HARRIET Bradley Mitchel Anderson! You are going to march, right now, and bring this Super Suck'n Vacuum thing out here. Do it. Right now. Panel 3 BRADLEY That's not going to happen, mom.

HARRIET It better well happen right this instant. Panel 4 (BRADLEY aims the DEATH-RAY on HARRIET) BRADLEY No, it's not. Page 8 Panel 1 (We change locations, and finally find out what's inside the van. There is an abundance of fresh OVERALLS and TOWELS, stacked. But the main attraction is a pair of pod devices with cables and wires resting under them) (They are CLONING MACHINES, and one of them is opening) (Outside the van, IVAN is leaning against the van and taking a smoke-break. From the back of the van, out steps EDGAR, fresh overalls and toweling his head) IVAN Yo. That was like, all of five minutes. What happened? Panel 4 EDGAR I don't know. The lady was yelling for her kid then--ZAP!--I'm back in the cloner. I'm guessing the kid's got the centrifuge, and a crazy gun. Panel 5 IVAN I don't feel much like getting vaporized today. Why don't I take the back? EDGAR Yeah, okay. But if I get killed again, you're taking point next time. Page 9 Panel 1 (Back inside the house BRADLEY is pacing about, frantically working with his PORTABLE SUPER COMPUTER. All the while HARRIET is naggingly perusing him) HARRIET Bradley! Bradley? Bradley! Bradley?! Bradley! Panel 2

Panel 2 Panel 3

BRADLEY Will you shut up mom? Panel 3 HARRIET You do not take that tone with your mother. Panel 4 BRADLEY I'm the one with the Death Ray, and I think that entitles me to set the tone. Now, if you will shut up for five seconds, I'm in the middle of forwarding my master plans. HARRIET Plans? You're fifteen. You can't even decide what you want for dinner. Page 10 Panel 1 BRADLEY World domination is on the menu, mother! I'll dining on that for supper. Panel 2 HARRIET Oh my god, what is happening? I try to be a good mother. I always encourage you to do your best. I never hit you. We go to church. I make you pancakes with the bacon smiley face-Panel 3 BRADLEY Shut up! This is who I am. Super villainy is my calling. Look! These are super villain pants. I sewed myself. Panel 4 HARRIET When did this happen to you? I feel like I don't even know you anymore. Page 11 Panel 1 (BRADLEY becomes reflective as he enters into his monologue)

BRADLEY You don't know me? . . . Funny, I didn't know me either . . . until that fated day last year. Do you remember that day, mother? I got sent home from summer camp because of that incident with the poison ivy. Little did anyone know, I was having more than just a case of full-blown body rash-Panel 2 (At that moment, EDGAR crashes through the window, stopping BRADLEY short) EDGAR Alright, where's the jackass who shot me? Panel 3 BRADLEY You interrupted my origin story! Panel 4 (BRADLEY is furious, and shoots his DEATH-RAY about wildly) BRADLEY Never interrupt me! Page 12 Panel 1 (EDGAR dives about, trying to put everything he can between him and BRADLEY's ray-gun beams) EDGAR Where's the centrifuge? BRADLEY You'll be dead before you find it! Panel 2 EDGAR Kid, I don't get paid enough for this. Tell me where it is and we can put this whole thing behind us. Panel 3 BRADLEY The only thing I'm willing to put behind me is your blacken corpse. Panel 4 (BRADLEY has lost track of EDGAR and fires blindly at everything) BRADLEY Stop hiding you rat! Come out and die already! Page 13

Panel 1

(IVAN comes from behind and manages to rip the DEATH-RAY from BRADLEY's hands) IVAN I'll be taking this. BRADLEY No! Confounded!

Panel 2

(EDGAR comes out from hiding and punches BRADLEY) EDGAR That's for killing me earlier.

Panel 3 No! NO! IVAN Just give us the centrifuge, jerk. HARRIET Give them the goddamn central-fuse, Bradley! Panel 4 (BRADLEY looks away forlorn) BRADLEY You too mother? Even you? . . . So, this is what betrayal tastes like . . . Panel 5 (BRADLEY reaches into his pocket and pulls out a REMOTE, his manic villainy returning instantly) BRADLEY Nevertheless... Panel 6 (BRADLEY activates the REMOTE) BRADLEY Bitterness only sweetens victory! Page 14 Panel 1 (The house begins to quake and fall apart) HARRIET Oh my god, what's happening now? IVAN Nothing good. We've got to get out of here. Panel 2 (IVAN, with DEATH-RAY in one hand and HARRIET BRADLEY

slung over his shoulder, escapes the collapsing house. Add as many panels to this as you want) Page 15 Panel 1 (Now safely away IVAN and HARRIET look back and watch as a GIANT ROBOT erupts out of the rubble) HARRIET Oh, my god! My house! That was under my house! IVAN I was really hoping I wouldn't have to deal with a giant robot--AGAIN--today. Panel 2 Page 16 Panel 1 (From inside the cockpit of the GIANT ROBOT, BRADLEY is ecstatically piloting, directing the robot to crush the arriving POLICE CARS and FIRETRUCKS) BRADLEY BWAHAHAHA! The police sirens are the wailing sorrows of the approaching doom! BWAHAHAHA! Let them know! Let them know the approaching age of-Panel 2 Panel 3 (A loud knocking from off scene cuts off BRADLEY's monologue. He looks . . .) (We see that EDGAR is outside, splayed on a portion of the window-shield, like a suction-cup Garfield doll) (Using the DEATH-RAY, IVAN starts laying fire on the GIANT ROBOT)

Page 17 EDGAR Give me the centrifuge! BRADLEY HAHAHA! Never! EDGAR Listen, I am going to break through this window! Then I'm going to break through you! BRADLEY HAHA! Threats from a bug! Panel 1 Page 18 (EDGAR head-butts the window once . . . twice . . . then delivers a blow that cracks the window)

Panel 1 Panel 2 Panel 3 Panel 4 Page 19 Panel 1

(The GIANT ROBOT begins to totter . . .) (Flail . . .) (Then topple over. Parts of it exploding all the while . . .) (Until finally falling over completely, laying waste to most of the neighborhood)

(From rubble that use-to be the GIANT ROBOT, EDGAR climbs out with whatever a "Turbo Mini Centrifuge" looks like) I got it. EDGAR

Panel 2 IVAN You got it? EDGAR Yeah, I got it. IVAN LRX125-225BAC? EDGAR LRX125 . . . Panel 3 (EDGAR double checks the "Turbo Mini Centrifuge") EDGAR --225BAC, yup. Got it. Page 20 Panel 1 (The emergency teams are pulling Bradley from the wreckage. He is subsequently hand-cuffed) HARRIET Oh my god! Bradley! Bradley! Where is my son? Is he alright!? Panel 2 BRADLEY You have not seen the last of me. You two will rue this day for vexing me! Rue I say! RUE! Dogs of the system! Face me now or I will

order my murder-kill-death-bots to the doors steps of your families and their families' families! What say you?! Panel 3 Caption (Edgar and Ivan respond by flipping him off) END

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