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Rico Brzenska 2 scenes to voice *Note: These are snippets of scenes, just to get a sense of your voice, but

t may not be the entire scene, or even all the lines your character has in an episode. -The "//" symbol in a character's line denotes that there is a context change before the next part of the line. -If there is a word in brackets before a character's lines, it means that that word is describing the kind of inflection they will have in their voice for that line, or their state of mind while saying that line. --*Eren, Armin, and Mikasa are cornered after Eren has turned back into a human* Rico: They are clearly defiant. I doubt well be able to obtain any useful intelligence from them. As you say this is a waste of troops and time. ---*The military is about to begin the operation to have Eren become a titan and fill the gap in the wall. Theyre running along one stretch of the wall to get closer to the giant boulder hell have to carry. Mikasa: Eren. Eren: I said Im fine! Much better than when we were surrounded. Rico: We arent playing around here, Jaeger. Eren: I didnt mean Rico: [generally calm] Listen, Jaeger. During this operation, more than just a few will die. For you. (pause) They will be our fellows, ranked both above and below us. As soldiers, theyre prepared to die, of course. But they are not pawns without a voice. // They have names and families. And all the feelings that those entail. Alyosha, Dominic, Phine, Isabel, Ludwig, Martina, Guido, Hans Theyre all humans as alive as either of us. Ive known some of them since my trainee days. And today, many will die for you. You have a responsibility to ensure that their deaths will mean something. No matter what happens. (pause) Never let yourself forget that. And be prepared to die for that responsibility. Eren: Right!

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