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Emotional Intelligence (Intelegjenca emocionale) Relating to yourself and others (Lidhje me veten dhe te tjeret) Kendra Wilkins Fontenot

t , HRS

The Four Emotional Quotient (EQ) Skills (Aftesite e koeficientit te katert emocional (EQ)) PERSONAL COMPETENCE (Aftesia personale) SOCIAL COMPETENCE (Aftesia shoqerore)

What I See (Qfare shoh une)

Self Awareness ( Vete ndergjegjesimi )

Social Awareness (Ndergjegjesimi shoqeror)

What I Do (Qfare bej une)

Self Management (Vete menagjimi)

Relationship Management (Lidhja(marredhenia) menagjeriale)

Self Awareness( Vete ndergjegjesimi ) - Ability to recognize your emotions as they happened and understand your general tendencies for responding to different people and situations (Aftesia per te njohur emocionet e tua ashtu siq ndodhen dhe per ti kuptuar tendencat e pergjithshme per te ju pergjigjur njerezve dhe situatave te ndryshme) Social Awareness(Ndergjegjesimi shoqeror) - Understanding where the other person is coming from whether you agree or not(Te kuptuarit ku personi tjeter eshte duke ardhur pavaresisht a pajtohesh ti apo jo) Self Management(Vete menagjimi) - Using awareness of your emotion to choose what you say and do

in order to positively direct your behavior(Perdorimi I ndergjegjesimit te emocioneve tua per te zgjedhur qfare thua dhe ben ne menyre direkte dhe pozitive te sjelljeve tua) Relationship Management (Lidhja(marredhenia) menagjeriale)- Using awareness of other persons' emotions to choose what you say and do in order to positively direct your behavior (Perdorimi I ndergjegjsimit te emocioneve te personave te tjere per te zgjedhur qfare thua dhe ben ne menyre direkte dhe positive te sjelljeve tua) pi qetuhit xona te posht,

Emotional Intelligence(Intelegjenca emocionale) Take a few moments to think about someone whom you cansider to excel at attaining effective working relationships with their employees.What makes them se effective ? Try to identify and describe the attitudes, values ,skills and konwledge that this person has that make them so effective(Merrni disa momente pr t menduar pr dik t cilin ju konsideroni t dalloj n arritjen e marrdhnie efektive t puns me nenpunesit.Qfare I ben ato aq efektive? Mundohuni t identifikoni dhe prshkruani qndrimet, vlerat, aftsit dhe njohurite qe ky person ka dhe ti beje ato aq efektive)
Attitudes(Qendrimet( : Values(Vlerat) :

Skills(Aftesite) :

Konwledge (Njohurite):

SkillSoft Excerpt Chapter 3 Assessing Emotional Intelligence (SkillSoft eksperti-Kapitulli 3-Vleresimi I inteligjences emocionale) Managers Pocket Guide to Emotional Intelligence by Emily A. Sterrett . Ph.D HRD Press 2000 EQ SELF ASSESSMENT CHECKLIST Rate each question below on a scale of 1-5 , according to 1 2 3 4 5 virtually never virtually always how true it is of you.(Shenoni cdo pyetje poshte ne shkallen 1 -5, duke u bazuar ne kurre praktikisht dhe gjithmone praktikisht se sa e vertete eshte per ty) - 1 ) I am aware of the physical reactions ( twinges , aches , sudden changes ) that signal a gut reaction . - 2 ) I readily admit mistakes and apologize . - 3 ) I let got of problems , anger , or hurts from the past and I can move beyond these - 4 ) I generally have an accurate idea of hiw another person perceives me during a particular interaction. - 5 ) I have several important things in my life that I am

enthusiastic about , and I let it show. - 6 ) I can easily meet and initiate conversation with new people when I have to. - 7 ) I take a break or use another active method of increasing energy when I sense that my energy level is getting low/ - 8 ) I have little trouble taking prudent risks - 9 ) I open up with people appropripriately not too much but enough so that is dont came across as cold and distant - 10 ) I can engage in an interaction with another and pretty well size-up that persons mood based on non-verbal signals. - 11 ) Others usually feel inspired and encouraged after talkinf to me. - 12 ) I have no trouble making presentations in front of groups or conducting meetings. - 13 ) I take time every day for quiet reflection. - 14 ) I take initiative and move ahead on tasks tgat need to be done. - 15 ) I refrain from making up my mind on issues and expressing my opinion until I have all the facts - 16 ) I have a number of people I can turn , and I ask for help when I need it. - 17 ) I try to find the positive in any given situation. - 18 ) I can deal calmly , sensitively , and proactively with the emotional display of others. - 19 ) I can usually identify the emotion I am feeling at any given moment. - 20 ) I am generally comfortable in new situations. - 21 ) I neither bury my anger nor let it explode on others - 22 ) I can show empathy and match my feelings with those of another person in an interaction . - 23 ) I can keep going on a big project , despite obstacles. - 24 ) I am respected and likes by others , even when they

dont agree with me. - 25 ) I am clear about my own goals and values. - 26 ) I express my views honestly and thoughtfully , without being pushy. - 27 ) I am good at managing my moods , and I seldom bring negativ emotions to work - 28 ) I focus my full attention on another person when I listen tho them . - 29 ) I believe the work I do day-to-day has meaning and value to society . - 30 ) I can effectively persuade others to adopt my point of view without coercing them. (1) Un jam i vetdijshm pr reagimet fizike (sembimet, dhimbjet e ndryshime t papritura) q sinjalizojn nj reagim gut''''. - 2) Un lehtesisht pranoj gabimet dhe krkoj falje. - 3)Une I le nje mori problemesh, zemrimesh, ose dhembjesh nga e kaluara dhe un mund t lviz prtej ktyre - 4) Un n prgjithsi kam nj ide t sakt t HIW te nj person tjetr qe me percepton mua gjat nj ndrveprimi t veant. - 5) Un kam disa gjra t rndsishme n jetn time q un jam entuziast rreth tyre dhe un i tregoj. - 6) Une leht mund t has ne njohen e bisedave me njerez te tjere kur duhet - 7) Une marre nje pushim ose perdor nje metode tjeter active te energjise se rritur kur e kuptoj qe niveli I energjise time po bie poshte - 8) Un kam pak probleme duke marr rreziqe t kujdesshme - 9) .(Une Hapem me njerezit ne menyre te pershtatshmejo shume por mjaft keshtu qe nuk mund te vije si distance e ftofte)

- 10) Un mund t angazhohem n nj ndrveprim me nj tjetr dhe mjaft mir dhe me humor ndaj atij personi n baz t sinjaleve jo verbale. - 11) T tjert zakonisht ndjehen t frymzuar dhe inkurajuar pasi flasin pr mua. - 12) Un nuk kam asnj problem duke br prezantime n frontin e grupeve ose kryerjen e takimeve. - 13) Un marr koh do dit pr reflektim. - 14) un marr iniciativn dhe pr t shkuar prpara n detyrat qe duhet t bhen. - 15) (Une permbahem nga qeshtjet qe shprehin mendimin tim derisa I kam te gjitha faktet) - 16) Une kam nje numer te njerezve qe mund te kthehem dhe te kerkoj ndihme kur kam nevoje per te. - 17) Une perpiqem te gjej pozitivitetin ne cdo situate te dhene - 18) Un mund t merren me qetsi, ndjeshmri, dhe aktive me ekran emocionale e t tjerve. - 19) Une mund te sillem me qetesi,ndjeshmeri dhe menyre proactive me paraqitjen emocionale te te tjerve - 20) Un jam n prgjithsi rehat n situata t reja. - 21) Une smund as te varros zemerimin tim por as smund ta tregoj tek te tjeret - 22) Une mund te tregoj ndjeshmeri dhe te lidh ndjenjat e mia me nje tjeter person ne nje bashkeveprim - 23) Une mund te vazhdoj ne nje projekt te madh pavaresisht nga pengesat - 24) Un jam i respektuar dhe i plqyer nga t tjert, edhe kur ata nuk pajtohen me mua. - 25) Un jam i qart n lidhje me qllimet dhe vlerat e mia. - 26) Un shpreh pikpamjet e mia me ndershmri dhe mendueshm, pa qene I shtyre - 27) Une jam I mire tek menagjimi I disponimit tim dhe un rralle sjell emocione negative ne pune

- 28) Une perqendroj vemendjen time te plote tek nje person tjeter kur I degjoj ata - 29) Un besoj se puna q un bj dit-pr-dit ka domethnie dhe vlera pr shoqrin. - 30) Une mund te bind te tjeret qe te miratojne piken time te pamurit pa bere ndonje shtrengim.

Scoring the Self-Assessment Checklist (Shenojme listen e vete ndergjegjesimit) 1. Enter your ratings for each numbered question in the category where in appears.(Shkruaj vleresiet per cdo pytje te numeruar ne kategorine qe shfaqet) 2. Add the ratings for each category to obtain a tolal for that specific facet of EQ.(Shenoni vleresimet per cdo kategori per te marre nje total per ate aspect specific te EQ) Self Awareness : (Vete ndergjegjesimi) 1 7 13 19 25 Total Self Awareness (Totali vete ndergjegjesimit) Empathy : (Ndjeshmeri) 4 10 16 22 28 Total Empathy (Totali ndjeshmerise)

Self-Confidence : (Vetebesimi) 2 8 14 20 26 Total Self-Confidence (Totali vetebesimit) Social Control(Kontrolli shoqeror): 3 9 15 21 27 Total Social-Control (Totali kontrollit shoqeror)

Motovation : (Motivimi) 5 11 17 23 29 Total Motovation(Totali miotivimit) SocialCompetency(Kompetencat shoqerore): 6 11 18 24 30 Total Social-Competency (Totali kompetencave shoqerore)

fund te posht e ki bo hahah :p te puth coca

SkillSoft Courses (Kurset e sjelljeve te buta)

Expanding the training services and putting the Knowledge At Your Fingertips, HRS now extends a

personal invitation to all current WSU students, faculty, and staff. Have you identified the skills that you want to strengthen? They are undoubtedly addressed in the tremendous SkillSoft library of courses and references. SkillSoft courses are easy to use and navigate. Easily accessed through the SkillPort and averaging three hours in length, they can be completed in topic sections that average ten to twenty minutes of learning time. The course places a bookmark when you exit so that you return to your place the next time you log on. The Simulations are a brief often thirty minute overviews or quick courses on topics. The following courses, simulations and books are only an example of the thousands of SkillSoft online training opportunities available to WSU students, faculty, and staff. Please note you must use your WSU Network Id and Password to login and access the SkillSoft application. SkillSoft Courses Increasing Your Emotional Intelligence (Course Number: COMM0144) What Is Emotional Intelligence? (Course Number: COMM0141) The Emotionally Intelligent Leader (Course Number: COMM0145) Emotional Intelligence at Work (Course Number: COMM0142) Teamwork and Emotional Intelligence (Course Number: COMM0143) Essentials of External Consulting (Course Number: CONS0111) The Boss Factor (Course Number: PD0135) Coping with Criticism and Feedback (Course Number: COMM0522) Conducting the Behavioral-based Interview (Course Number: HR0214) SkillSoft Simulations Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace Simulation (Course Number: COMM0140) Books 24/7 Coaching for Emotional Intelligence: The Secret to Developing the Star Potential in Your Employees by Bob Wall 7 Steps to Emotional Intelligence by Patrick E. Merlevede The EQ Difference: A Powerful Plan for Putting Emotional Intelligence to Work by Adele B. Lynn Manager's Pocket Guide to Emotional Intelligence by Emily A. Sterrett, Ph.D The Emotionally Intelligent Manager: How to Develop and Use the Four Key Emotional Skills of Leadership by David R. Caruso Change Management Excellence: Using the Four Intelligences for Successful Organizational Change by Sarah Cook, Steve Macaulay and Hilary Coldicott Quick Emotional Intelligence Activities for Busy Managers: 50 Team Exercises That Get Results in Just 15 Minutes by Adele B. Lynn Selling with Emotional Intelligence: 5 Skills for Building Stronger Client Relationships by Mitch Anthony 50 Activities for Developing Emotional Intelligence by Adele B. Lynn The Emotional Intelligence Activity Book: 50 Activities for Developing EQ at Work by Adele B. Lynn Cultural Intelligence: Individual Interactions Across Cultures by P. Christopher Earley and Soon Ang Promoting Emotional Intelligence in Organizations: Make Training in Emotional Intelligence Effective by Cary Cherniss and Mitchel Adler Emotional Intelligence by Team Publications How to Be an Even Better Manager by Michael Armstrong

Mastering Mentoring and Coaching with Emotional Intelligence by Patrick E. Merlevede and Denis C. Bridoux.{Zgjerimi i shrbimeve t trajnimit dhe vnia e njohurive n majen e gishtit

tuaj, HRS tani shtrihet nj ftese personale pr t gjith studentet aktuale WSU, fakulteti dhe stafi. A keni identifikuar aftsit q ju doni t perforconi? Ato jan adresuar padyshim n bibliotekn e madhe SkillSoft e kurseve(trajnimeve) dhe referencat. Kurset SkillSoft jan t leht pr t'u prdorur dhe pr tu zhvilluar.Arrihen lehtsisht nprmjet SkillPort mesatarisht gjate tri oreve,ato mund t prfundohen n seksione tematike qe arrijne mesataren dhjet gjer n njzete minuta e kohes se mesuar. Kursi vendos nj leter n mnyr q ju t mund te ktheheni n vendin tuaj hern tjetr q ju lidheni. Simulimet jan permbledhje ku shpesh veshtrohen tridhjet minuta apo veshtrohen kurse te shpejta.Kurset e mposhtme, simulimet dhe librat jan vetm nj shembull i mijra mundesive te mundshme te trajnimit online te SkillSoft-it te WSU studentet,fakullteti dhe stafi. Ju lutem mbani shenim q ju duhet t prdorni WSU Id rrjetin tuaj dhe fjalkalimin pr lidhje dhe qasje ne aplikimin e SkillSoft. Kurset SkillSoft Rritja e Inteligjencs tuaj emocionale (Numri i kursit: COMM0144) far sht inteligjenca emocionale? (Numri i kursit: COMM0141) Udhheqsi Emocional Inteligjent (Numri i kursit: COMM0145) Inteligjenca Emocionale n Pun (Numri i kursit: COMM0142) Grupi punues dhe Inteligjenca Emocionale (Numri i kursit: COMM0143) Essentials e konsultimit t jashtm (Numri i kursit: CONS0111) Faktori Boss (Numri i kursit: PD0135) Prballja me kritika dhe reagime (Numri i kursit: COMM0522) Kryerja e intervists Sjelljes baz (Numri i kursit: HR0214) Simulimet SkillSoft Inteligjenca Emocionale n simulimin e vendit te punes (Numri i kursit: COMM0140) Libra 24/7 Trajnimi pr Inteligjencn Emocionale: Sekreti pr t zhvilluar potencialin yll n punonjsit tuaj nga Bob Wall 7 Hapat pr Inteligjencn Emocionale nga Patrick E. Merlevede Diferenca EQ: Nj plan i fuqishm pr t vn inteligjencn emocionale n pun nga Adele B. Lynn Udhezuesi I depozitave menaxheriale t Inteligjencs Emocionale nga Emily A. Antarsohu, Ph.D Menaxheri Emocional Inteligjent: Si t zhvillojm dhe t prdorim t katr aftsit kryesore emocionale te udheheqesit nga David R. Caruso Ndrysho menagjmentin ne persosmeri: Duke perdorur katr inteligjencat pr Ndryshim te Suksesshm Organizativ nga Sarah Cook, Steve Macaulay dhe Hilary Coldicott

Aktivitetet e Shpejta Emocionale Inteligjente pr menaxhert e zene: 50 Ushtrimet ne grup q japin rezultate n Vetm 15 minuta nga Adele B. Lynn Shitja me Inteligjencn Emocionale: 5 aftesite per te ndertuar lidhje te forta te klienteve nga Mitch Anthony 50 Aktivitetet pr Zhvillimin e inteligjencs emocionale nga Adele B. Lynn Libri I aktivitetit te intelegjences emocionale: 50 Aktivitetet pr Zhvillimin e EQ n pun nga Adele B. Lynn Inteligjenca kulturore: Ndrveprimet individuale npr kultura nga P. Christopher Earley dhe s shpejti Ang Promovimi i inteligjencs emocionale n Organizatat: Bni Trajnimin n intelegjencen efektive emocionale nga Cary Cherniss dhe Mitchel Adler Inteligjenca Emocionale nga Ekipi Publikimeve Si te jete nje menaxher akoma me I mire nga Michael Armstrong Mentoring Mastering dhe trajnimet me Inteligjencn Emocionale nga Patrick E. Merlevede dhe C. Denis Bridoux. } Skill Briefs
Skills that Enhance Emotional Intelligence (ID: COMM0141) Emotional Intelligence and Life Success (ID: COMM0141) Emotional Intelligence Abilities (ID: COMM0142) Emotional Intelligence and External Consulting (ID: CONS0111) Understanding Temperament (ID: COMM0141) Feedback and Your Emotional Quotient (ID: COMM0522) The Link between Feedback and Emotions (ID: COMM0522) Understanding Empathy (ID: COMM0141) The Emotional Mind and the Rational Mind (ID: COMM0141) Defining Intelligence (ID: COMM0142) Managing Emotions (ID: COMM0145) Attributes of Emotionally Intelligent Leaders (ID: COMM0145) Understanding Yourself (ID: PD0135) Problems Caused by Emotional Illiteracy (ID: COMM0141) Factors that Contribute to Emotional Competence (ID: COMM0141)

Job Aids
Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire (ID: CONS0111) Assessing Your Blind Spots (ID: COMM0142) Mood Management (ID: COMM0142) Managing Conflict (ID: COMM0143) Types of Appeals (ID: COMM0143) Reframing Experiences (ID: COMM0144) Goal Plan (ID: COMM0145) Delegating Assignments (ID: COMM0145) An Overview of EQ (ID: COMM0522) Understanding Your Interpretations (ID: COMM0144)

{Aftesite e permbledhura Aftsit q rrisin inteligjencs emocionale (ID: COMM0141) Inteligjenca Emocionale dhe Jete suksesi (ID: COMM0141) Aftsit Emocionale intelegjente (ID: COMM0142) Inteligjenca emocionale dhe konsultimet e jashtme (ID: CONS0111)

Temperamenti I te kuptuarit (ID: COMM0141) Paraveprimet dhe koificienti emocional(ID: COMM0522) Lidhja n mes paraveprimeve dhe emocioneve (ID: COMM0522) Kuptimi I ndjeshem (ID: COMM0141) Mendja emocionale dhe mendja e arsyeshme (ID: COMM0141) Prcaktimi I intelegjences (ID: COMM0142) Menaxhimi i emocioneve(ID: COMM0145) Atributet e Liderve Emocionale te Inteligjences (ID: COMM0145) Te kuptosh veten (ID: PD0135) Problemet e shkaktuara nga Analfabetizmi Emocional (ID: COMM0141) Faktort q kontribuojn n Kompetencn Emocionale (ID: COMM0141) Ndihmat e punes Pyetsori Emocional I inteligjences (ID: CONS0111) Vlersimi I vendeve te shkujdesura(ID: COMM0142) Menaxhimi gjendjes shpirterore (ID: COMM0142) Menaxhimi i Konfliktit (ID: COMM0143) Llojet e Apelit (ID: COMM0143) Prvojat e riinkuadrimit (ID: COMM0144) Plani Synimit (ID: COMM0145) Detyrat Delegimi (ID: COMM0145) Nj Pasqyr e EQ (ID: COMM0522) Kuptimi i Interpretimeve tuaja (ID: COMM0144) }

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