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BEST BUY STORE NIGHT TRAVIS, 21, checks his watch while running back and forth trying to organize the discount software aisle. RYAN, at least 60, too energetic, and has the biggest ego, approaches him and starts yelling. RYAN Travis! What the hell are you doing?! Just throw it wherever it will fit and get this cart out on the floor. TRAVIS Wait a minute, Ryan. April told me to get this aisle in order and Im on the last handful of discs. RYAN That crap doesnt matter. Get the stuff out that we actually make money off of. TRAVIS Come on, man. Im almost done. RYAN Just forget that crap and get this other stuff movin. TRAVIS Im getting this done first.


Ryan glares at Travis, offended, but doesnt say anything else and storms off. Travis takes only a moment to put the last disk away and heads upstairs to clock out. INT. BEST BUY UPSTAIRS NIGHT Ryan is waiting for Travis at the punch out computer.

RYAN Hey, look. I think you know that Im the senior floor staff for this department and everyone else understands how to follow my instructions. If you have a problem with that its okay, but you do what youre told to do and talk to the manager about the problem later. TRAVIS Ryan Im really sorry for not listening to you, but Ive been working on that stuff all afternoon, I didnt want to leave it unfinished. RYAN (practically preaching) You should know that we are a team. And the team is supposed to do what the team leader tells them to do. If you have a problem, you can talk to the bigger guys about it. TRAVIS I said Im sorry Ryan. I am off though, so I better clock out before I get in trouble for working over my eight hours. Ryan blocks the computer with his girth as Travis moves toward it again. RYAN I dont think you understand how this team is meant to work. TRAVIS I do understand, and I didnt mean to offend you. RYAN All Im trying to say is that you need to be a team player.

TRAVIS (sarcastically) Yeah, sure Ryan, I got it. Good luck with the night shift. Remember to push those video game consoles! Ryan lets him go, but doesnt look any happier. EXT. FREEWAY NIGHT

Travis sits in traffic looking furiously at his watch. The lane next to him opens up for a moment, but he hesitates. Another car pulls into the opening just as he musters the courage to take it and he is forced to swerve back into his original spot. The other driver honks at him and flips him off as they drive around him. Travis vainly yells Sorry! to the other car through the closed window. Travis looks back at the clock and mentally kicks himself.

EXT. ELLES HOUSE NIGHT Travis pulls up, obviously late, and runs to the front door. A few moments after he rings the doorbell and MARTIN, 45 and just a big guy, opens the door cautiously.

TRAVIS (nervously) Good evening, sir. Did you and Mrs. Gravenstein have a nice Saturday? We had some nice weather today, huh? Um, is Elle still getting ready? MARTIN Youre late, kid. Shes been ready for fifteen minutes. And if you dont learn how to be more punctual youre going to lose your reservations. Before Travis has a chance to redeem himself, ELLE, 20 and beautiful, pushes past her father and pulls Travis towards the car.

ELLE Goodnight, Daddy! Martin glares at Travis through the doorway as TRAVIS stiffly walks ELLE to the car. INT. MARIAS RESTAURANT NIGHT Travis approaches the host, JIMMY, 25, with Elle at his arm. Jimmy has a scowl on his face. JIMMY Good evening. Welcome to Marias. Theres currently an hour wait for a table for two. TRAVIS Well I have a reservation for Wood at seven thirty. JIMMY That was half an hour ago, reservations are forfeited after twenty minutes. Elle rolls her eyes. TRAVIS (panicked) Are you kidding? That isnt fair for anybody. JIMMY Im sorry, sir, but that has been our policy for as long as Ive worked here. TRAVIS (to Elle) Well, honey, would you mind waiting for a little while? Elle nods her head with disappointment.

EXT. TABLE AT MARIAS NIGHT One Hour Later is displayed onscreen. Travis and Elle sit at their table, in an awkward silence, and wait for their food. TRAVIS So happy early birthday. Im sorry it didnt turn out very well. ELLE When has it? I know you try, Trav, but it never works out very well. TRAVIS What do you mean? Weve had nice dates before. ELLE I dont know Travis. Theres always one last thing to get done. I feel like Im not the top priority. These other things you do arent important, but they are to you, and I take the back burner for them. TRAVIS Is this because I have that training thing next weekend? I thought we talked about that. I already tried to get out of it. The WAITER arrives with their plates and theyre both silent as he sets them down. ELLE How hard did you try? All those retail bosses have to say is no and you shut up. TRAVIS That isnt fair. I do try. Lets just enjoy the dinner, okay?

ELLE (mocking him) Ill try. They eat in silence for a moment. Finally Elle drops her fork and looks TRAVIS in the eyes. ELLE You know, youve managed to miss every one of my birthdays for every one of the three years weve been dating and its always somehow been someone elses fault. Im sick of it! Ive been meaning to tell you that my dad suggested we go out to Colorado Springs for the holidays and I decided to have my birthday party out there on New Years Eve. I want it out there and I want you to show me that you care enough to be there with me. If you cant make it, then I guess Ill understand. Elle gets up from the table and walks out. EXT. OUTSIDE MARIAS RESTAURANT NIGHT Elle is on her cell phone as TRAVIS catches up to her. ELLE Okay, Daddy, Ill be waiting. ELLE hangs up the phone. TRAVIS Elle wait! ELLE Just go home, Travis. I have a ride coming to get me. Ive said all I need to. Theres a beat where Travis looks pleadingly at Elle. She only glares back at him, then turns away. Travis leaves a moment later, dragging his feet back to his car.



Travis walks in, his tie already undone and top button on his shirt unbuttoned. He sits down on the couch next to JACK (21 and just a little overweight), who plays video games with a beer balanced on his belly, but Travis attention is soon pulled towards how messy the room is. JACK You have a good night? TRAVIS No. I think Elle is going to break up with me if I dont get out to Colorado on New Years for her birthday. JACK So Ill work your shift and you can keep your girlfriend. TRAVIS Doesnt Liz want you there, too? JACK Oh, yeah. Travis starts straightening up the mess JACK left all over the apartment. He then picks up a napkin off the floor and starts dusting the TV. Jack leans to play around him. TRAVIS Plus, its not the regular shift, its training. And you have to train, too. JACK No, I dont. I got out of it. Travis drops the empty pizza box that he just picked up off the top of the TV on the floor in shock. TRAVIS How did you do that?


JACK I told you, April likes me. I just told her it was my girlfriends birthday and I was planning on proposing to her. TRAVIS Are you serious? JACK Would you move? TRAVIS Youve only been dating for a few months. JACK Its almost been a year, thank you very much. Plus, Martin really likes me. TRAVIS Then you have to get married, cause youre the only guy on the planet dating one of his daughters that he actually likes. I cant believe it. And I was the one who introduced you to Liz, too. Youd think that wouldve gotten me some credit, but they all hate me. Jack throws the controller hes been playing with at Travis. JACK Cause youre too damn uptight. Will you leave this room alone for five minutes and figure out what youre going to do this weekend? TRAVIS Maybe if you didnt drop all of your shit everywhere I wouldnt have to pick it up.

JACK Look. I was planning on driving Liz to Colorado when she told me about the trip, but youre going to need a ride, so if you can figure out work, Liz can ride with Elle and Ill stick around til Thursday. Well just have to drive nonstop. You decide, but I need to know by tomorrow. Good night. Jack leaves and Travis collapses on the couch. EXT. JACKS CAR DAY

Travis gets in after Jack honks the horn several times. JACK What took you so long? Jack backs the car out of the driveway. TRAVIS My clean shirt was buried by your sea of dirties. JACK Great excuse. Tell that to April when we get to work late. TRAVIS Do you ever clean out your car? JACK Its only clean after you borrow it. INT. BEST BUY UPSTAIRS DAY

Travis has an obnoxiously bulky printer strapped onto his belt and is putting new stickers onto a stack of DVDs that is taller than him. APRIL, 35 and pretty dim, approaches him.

TRAVIS Hey, boss, Ive been meaning to talk to you. APRIL Likewise, Ill go first. I was sitting in the office all morning and just realized you and Kalstein were late this morning. TRAVIS Oh, yeah, well Im really sorry. I guess Jack had some trouble getting the car started. But I wanted to ask you if I could postpone this training I have this weekend and skip out of town for New Years. APRIL I dont care even if your dad is dying of cancer and his final wish is to celebrate with his family, you should know retail people have to work holidays. Do you have a good reason? TRAVIS Well, actually, its my girlfriends birthday and I wanted to spend it with her. APRIL (overlapping on and) Bullshit! That was Kalsteins excuse. The only thing you can do is talk to Ryan, because he is the only one not working, besides me, or isnt already out of town. JACK But I thought it was training. Cant you just take me off the schedule?

APRIL We just used that as a cover so you wouldnt try to get out of it. Now get back to work. Sell those PRPs! Johnson, Im taking my lunch early! APRIL leaves and Travis has to nicely place the printer next to the pile of DVDs when he sees Ryan riding down the escalator. INT. BEST BUY DOWNSTAIRS DAY

Ryan nearly knocks a customer, BILL, a middle-aged man whos holding a handful of DVDs and a Consumer Reports Issue with big TVs all over the cover, off the escalator as he pushes past. BILL Excuse me! Travis waits for the Bill to step out of his way before running down to Ryan. BILL Excuse me kid, I have a question. Do you know where I can find the film The Notebook? TRAVIS Third aisle over there about halfway down, bottom shelf. Hey Ryan, I sold six of those Hitchcock box sets today. Can you believe this one customer thought Strangers On A Train was better than Vertigo? RYAN You know, Im not really in the mood, pal. TRAVIS Well, one of my favorite directors is Terry Gilliam. Wait. You met him didnt you? You were in Twelve Monkeys, right?

Ryan stops in his tracks at the foot of the escalator. RYAN How did you know? TRAVIS I think I recognized your face, because that airport security character was huge. It was a supporting role, wasnt it? But I dont think Ive ever heard you talk about it before. RYAN Well, I try to be modest about it. I still get checks from the distributor, though. Especially when the DVD came out. Yeah, I was in a few soap operas, too. People recognize me all the time. Do you want an autograph? TRAVIS Uh, I dont have anything to write on, but before I forget, I noticed you werent working this coming holiday. Ryan finally regains his composure and steps out of the way of the customers that have had to walk around him. RYAN Yeah, so? TRAVIS I was surprised because, um, I thought youd want to be here for the signing. Travis starts straightening the bargain table nervously. RYAN What are you talking about? TRAVIS Um . . .

Travis sees the customer, Bill, looking down at a list and then looking around helplessly for what ever is on it, but Ryan is impatient. RYAN What signing?


TRAVIS Didnt you know that Gilliams daughter lives in the area and April talked her into doing a DVD signing on New Years Eve? RYAN Really? TRAVIS Yeah sir! Um, sir! There are more DVDs behind you if you dont see something youre looking for! Bill turns around, jumps at the sheer volume of movies he missed and crosses several things off his list. Ryan roughly taps Travis shoulder with frustration. RYAN Hey, focus man! TRAVIS Sorry. Well, if you want, Id be happy to let you work my shift. I mean, I think it would be more important for you. Im just looking out for my team leader. RYAN Thanks.

Wow, OK.

TRAVIS You deserve it. (Then to Bill) Can I help you find Travis moves to walk away, but Ryan suddenly grabs his shoulder and turns him back around. RYAN Wait. Terry Gilliam doesnt have a daughter.

Travis slips and almost falls over. TRAVIS Oh, Im sorry. Did I say daughter? I meant son. Ryan grabs the collar of Travis shirt. RYAN Yeah right. I may not have any family to celebrate with, but Im not gonna give up a day off so you can screw around with your girl. TRAVIS All right, Im sorry. that day.

But I need

RYAN Then you can forget it. You havent earned any help from me. Ryan drops Travis and heads past the checkout aisle towards the front door. Travis turns away and practically walks into the display TV thats at least a 70-inch widescreen. He looks from the monster of a monitor to Bill, whos juggling his many DVDs while trying to look at his magazine. Travis then turns back to Ryan. TRAVIS Hey Ryan! Ryan surprisingly turns back around in the doorway. TRAVIS I bet that day off that I can sell this TV along with a home theater system before I get off at ten. Ryan thinks for a fraction of a second. RYAN Plus ten DVDs and a Nintendo and its a deal. To one customer, no piecemeal stuff, but if I come back later and you havent, I choose what five days that you have to work for me.

Just then Bill steps off the escalator with his DVDs cradled in his arms. CUSTOMER BILL I want the nice guy to help me with a TV purchase (motions to Travis, but holds up the article for Ryan to see). I just moved into a bigger house and my wife told me I can finally get the big TV, so Im going all out. I also promised my kid Id get him one of those nintenbox things if he got straight A's. Ryans jaw drops. TRAVIS Right this way, sir, youre going to need a cart. And prepare to enter the realm of the 70-inchers. Have fun at the DVD signing, Ryan! EXT. ELLES FRONT YARD Day

Travis stops Martin from getting into the loaded down car. TRAVIS Just a minute, Mr. Gravenstein. have something for you. MARTIN Make it snappy. Were on a schedule. Travis reveals a box. TRAVIS Just a late Christmas gift, sir. Its a GPS for your car. My general manager gave it to me for having the highest sales this month. Youll never have to buy a map again!

MARTIN Too bad Ive made this trip too many times to ever forget how to get there. Martin throws the box back at Travis and gets in the car. TRAVIS Well, Mrs. Gravenstein already gave me permission to install it. Have a good drive! Martin slams the door. Jack and LIZ, 21 and looks an awful lot like Elle, walk out of the house with MRS. GRAVENSTEIN, 42 and always smiling. JACK Im sorry I have to work, baby, but Ill be there real soon. LIZ I understand, love. real fast.

Just drive

MRS. GRAVENSTEIN We may want you there as soon as possible, Jack, but you better be safe. You be sure to watch after Travis, here, too. Jack smiles at Travis as he replies. JACK Of course, maam. You can count on me. Travis shakes his head and walks around the car to meet Elle as she walks out of the house. He takes her bag for her and even holds her door. Elle pretends he isnt there. TRAVIS I got that shift off and Jack and I will be out there before you know it. ELLE Ill believe that when I see it.

TRAVIS Hey. Elle stops ignoring him and looks him in the eyes. TRAVIS (contd) Im gonna be there. Early. love you. Elle visibly relaxes a little. ELLE You better. MARTIN Alright, enough smoozing, lets get on the road, Colorado isnt getting any closer by itself! Elle gets in the car Jack and Liz kiss for a moment. Travis rolls his eyes. Liz gets in the car and the family drives away, leaving Travis and Jack on the curb, waving goodbye. INT. TRAVIS AND JACKS APARTMENT NIGHT

Jack is sitting on the couch eating a bag of chips. Travis can be seen through the window as he drives into the driveway and frantically runs into the house. Travis barrels into the room and freezes at the sight of Jack. TRAVIS What are you doing?! JACK Watchin cartoons. look like?

What does it

TRAVIS You know that if we dont leave in the next fifteen minutes, well have less than 30 hours til the ball drops? JACK Yeah, so? Its only a 22-hour drive.

TRAVIS You havent noticed the storm coming in? JACK Man, I dont watch the news. TRAVIS You havent looked outside? JACK Why? Travis explodes. TRAVIS Its fucking snowing!! close the pass! Jack jumps up. JACK Are you serious? TRAVIS (Sarcastically) No, Ive paid someone to throw fake snow off the roof. JACK Then lets get packed. Jack heads down the hallway. TRAVIS You havent packed yet!? JACK (OS) Im sorry, I thought youd be late again cause you can never get that software organized on time. Travis actually heads to the closet, pulls out a vacuum and starts cleaning the couch with it. TRAVIS Well At least it looks good!

They might

Jack returns with a duffle bag still dripping loose articles of clothing and pulls the plug for the vacuum out of the socket. JACK Lets go! TRAVIS Hey! I hate leaving a mess and coming home later to an unclean place. Its disgusting. Travis turns to plug the vacuum back in. JACK What would Elle want you to be doing? Travis stops and follows Jack out the door. TRAVIS OK. Youre right. Through the window again, Travis can be seen leaping into the drivers seat as Jack throws his bag into the already full bed of the Toyota Tacoma and the two of them drive off. EXT. LIZS TRUCK ON THE HIGHWAY NIGHT Its

Travis drives while Jack plays with the radio. raining/snowing heavily.

TRAVIS I really hope this weather doesnt become a huge issue on this trip. JACK I should have brought my CDs. TRAVIS I have mine. JACK I hate your music. and outdated.

Its so whiny

Suddenly the traffic slows and Travis is forced to brake roughly to avoid rear-ending the car in front of him. TRAVIS Perfect! I bet theyre closing the pass! Were screwed! JACK Relax, this is just a chain check station. Its a good thing we have four wheel drive. Theyll wave us on and well be through this in minutes. EXT. LIZS TRUCK ON THE HIGHWAY NIGHT THREE HOURS LATER flashes on screen. Jack is drumming on the dashboard. Travis looks like he could throw up. TRAVIS A few minutes, huh? JACK I didnt think everyone and their mother would be driving up to Tahoe the day before New Years. TRAVIS Oh yeah, thats right. No one travels for the holidays. Theres a moment without talking, but Jack is still drumming loudly. TRAVIS Stop that! It takes a moment for Jack to realize what Travis is talking about and then stops. JACK Sorry. Theres another pause. Jeez.

JACK You know what? I need to go to the bathroom. TRAVIS No, Im not pulling over and loosing my place in line. Theres a rest stop at the summit. JACK Come on, I drank a lot of coffee. And it could be another three hours before we reach it. TRAVIS No. JACK Dont pull over. Ill just hop out, pee, and catch up to you afterwards. TRAVIS What if I get through the check station while youre gone? Id have to stop. JACK I can see a port-a-potty. just take a sec. TRAVIS You can wait, Jack. JACK Screw that, Im goin for it. Jack gets out of the truck. TRAVIS Damn-it!



Jack runs up the road. Then the traffic starts to break up a little bit and Travis overcomes the port-a-potty too quickly. Jack takes forever and there is a bit of traffic juggling for Travis in order to let Jack back into the truck. Four or five other motorists end up honking at Travis simultaneously.

JACK What are you doing, those guys gave you Why didnt you take cutting them off at second?

man? Two of an opening. it instead of the last

TRAVIS You couldnt wait any longer? JACK That doesnt matter. I go when I gotta go. And you need to learn to drive with the flow of traffic, my friend. Travis sighs with exasperation. EXT. LIZS TRUCK ON THE HIGHWAY NIGHT Its snowing heavily and Travis is struggling to drive cleanly down the highway. A car in front of him brakes. He slams on his own and the truck slides a little sideways. JACK Easy! You have to be more gentle. Relax a little. TRAVIS OK. Sorry.

JACK Try to keep it in third gear. TRAVIS I know. JACK The trick with snow is to be fluid. TRAVIS I know. JACK Keep a consistent speed.

TRAVIS OK. JACK Keep your distance. TRAVIS Alright. JACK Dont use your brights, the snow reflects it back at you. TRAVIS I got it. JACK And try to stay in the tracks of those in front of you. TRAVIS Thank you, Jack! I think I know how to drive. JACK Hey. Whats this But don t let me you need to be on anything in front EXT.

tension? Relax. distract you, your guard for of you.


Travis is still driving and Jacks attention is held firmly by the ice building up on the windshield. TRAVIS Man, this is going to take longer than that last Lord of the Rings movie. JACK As long as its as good of a ride as that movie was, we should be fine. TRAVIS No way, it was terrible.

JACK I dont know what movie youre talking about, but weve already been on the road longer than the length of the film already. Travis swerves a little to avoid another motorist stuck in the snow bank. TRAVIS Whatever. JACK So you didnt like it? TRAVIS I thought the whole trilogy was stupid. JACK You dont have any imagination. If you cant get lost in a fantasy as great as that one youre hopeless. TRAVIS Its dumb, though. Wizards, elves! Men swinging swords at each other and trying to burn some evil ring! JACK (Almost Misty) Its an escape into a world that might have existed in another time before ours. Its a story of heroes, big and small, finding greatness within them and helping others in the fight against the ultimate evil. TRAVIS I cant relate to it. I like movies that deal with things that could actually happen.

JACK Then youre boring. get some sleep.

Im going to

Jack puts a pillow against the window and turns into it. It finally stops snowing. Travis waits a minute, then swerves a little on purpose. Jack jumps awake. JACK Whoa! Travis laughs, but then has a pained expression. TRAVIS Ha Ha - whoa. I have to pee. JACK Pull over. TRAVIS What? JACK I need to go, too. drive for a while.

Plus, I should

TRAVIS We passed the rest stop like half an hour ago. We cant turn around, and I am not urinating outside. JACK Man, dont be a pussy. Havent you ever gone hiking or camping or anything? TRAVIS No. My dad has a motor home. JACK Be a man.

Pull over.


THE SIDE OF THE HIGHWAY NIGHT The two of them get out and Jack starts Travis goes to the other side of the

Travis pulls over. peeing right away. car and hesitates.

JACK (Obnoxiously Relieved) Oh my God! I had to go! Come on, Trav, write your name in the snow! Youve gotta have enough ammo to write your name twice. Travis finally gets up enough courage. JACK (Finishing) There we go. Jack the Great! Travis goes at least four times longer than Jack. JACK Geez, man! You must have been dying. How can you hold all that? TRAVIS Okay, Im done. Lets go. JACK Did you write your whole name twice, bro? (Looks over Travis shoulder) I didnt know your middle name was Bartholomew. Travis allows a small grin of achievement, but doesnt say anything as he jumps into the passengers seat. EXT. LIZS TRUCK ON THE ROAD NIGHT

Jack is driving, Travis sits white-knuckled as he holds onto the dashboard, watching Jacks every move. JACK So I take it you only like those movies that are funny or really serious.

TRAVIS I guess so. JACK Then whats your favorite movie? TRAVIS I dont know. JACK You dont know? They come over a ridge and Jack pays no attention to his speed as they gather momentum coming down the mountain. Travis starts biting his nails. TRAVIS What time is it? JACK Youre the one with

I dont know. a watch.

TRAVIS Oh yeah. Still distracted by the Jacks driving, Travis looks at his watch. TRAVIS Its one oclock. Were way behind schedule. JACK Well, the storm is only in the Sierras and should clear up as soon as we get into Nevada. Well catch up. TRAVIS Were not in Nevada yet? JACK Just barely, were heading into Reno. Well be there in a few minutes. You have to have a favorite movie.

TRAVIS (Without thinking) I liked The Rock. JACK You mean that cheesy action movie with Sean Connery? TRAVIS Sure. JACK Man, you have no taste. Travis jumps at the sight of lights out the windshield. TRAVIS Look! JACK (Not surprised) Yeah, its Reno. TRAVIS Why is there still snow on the ground? JACK Uh, were not out of the hills just yet. Theres a moment of silence as they wait for the snow to disappear. It doesnt. TRAVIS Were doomed. JACK No were not. TRAVIS Turn on the radio. Jack reaches forward and quickly finds the AM highway info station.

RADIO LADY (VO) All roads are open, but caution is advised due to icy conditions statewide. Al roads are open, but caution is Jack turns it off. TRAVIS This is ridiculous!


JACK Chill out, well be fine. Well just be a little later than planned, thats all. TRAVIS A little!? Trust me, with Elle, hours late is way more than a little. JACK Ill promise well be there, okay? Just get some sleep so you can take over in the morning. TRAVIS This is all your fault. JACK What? TRAVIS If you had been ready to go when I got home we could have gotten ahead of the storm, and all this would be behind us right now. JACK Thats not true. The traffic would still have slowed us down. TRAVIS Well, well never know now will we? JACK Shut up and get some sleep.

TRAVIS (Cooling down) You better hope the roads in Utah arent a problem. Travis slowly falls asleep as the terrain gives way to snowed-over desert and Jack keeps driving off into the night. EXT. DANS GAS STATION DAY

Travis wakes at the sound of the truck door slamming and jumps when Jack throws him a Red Bull and a Snickers bar. JACK Eat up, good buddy. Its the breakfast of champions. Travis slowly sits up and groans at a pain in his neck. TRAVIS Where are we? Jack winces. JACK Nevada. Travis hits his head on the roof when he jumps at the word. TRAVIS Were still in Nevada! is it?

What time

Looking outside, Travis sees that there are still several inches of snow on the ground. JACK Its 7:15, but were only a few hours away from Utah. TRAVIS Were supposed to be through Utah already! And youre supposed to drive fast when Im not paying attention!

JACK I went as fast as safety and traffic would let me. Im sorry, but were not going to get there any faster by whining about it. Travis forces himself to calm down a little. TRAVIS All right. Just let me use the bathroom real quick. Travis gets out of the truck and walks toward the store. Jack gets comfortable in the passenger seat and is asleep in minutes. INT. DANS GAS STATION MARKET DAY

Travis enters the store and is immediately barked at by a large pit bull. He leaps backward and then chooses an alternate route, which carries him through a crowded aisle strewn with boxes and mismatched shelves. One shelf actually falls down as Travis walks by, spilling its contents all over the floor. Travis spots Dan, probably 29 and wearing overalls, behind the counter lazily paging through a magazine, and heads his way. TRAVIS Yeah, Uh, hi. Just so you know, this place looks terrible. Are you going to straighten any of this? DAN Yeah, that shelf broke about a month ago. I was thinking about fixing it. Travis keeps the disgusted look on his face. TRAVIS Right. Well, do you have a restroom in this, uh, establishment? Dan smirks.

DAN Yep. Its out back, but cha need the bathroom pass. Here you go. Dan hands Travis a huge coat hanger that holds a single tiny key. Travis rolls his eyes as he walks back to the door. INT. DANS BATHROOM DAY

Travis walks into a bathroom that is more like an overcrowded storage closet. Everything is wet. TRAVIS (To himself) This is gross.


Travis walks to the toilet on tip toes and slips on the way there. Out of reflex, he grabs the toilet bowl rim to catch himself. He reels back in terror when he realizes what he has done. TRAVIS Oh God no! Standing back up, he notices that the knees and shins of his jeans are now soaking wet. TRAVIS Dammit! He pees using his clean hand to do everything. He flushes the toilet with his foot and turns to the sink. As he turns it on, it sprays all over his crotch. Once he recovers from the surprise, he finishes up and storms out the door. INT. DANS GAS STATION MARKET DAY

Travis stumbles back into the store. Dan laughs when he notices Travis pants. Travis glares back at him as he hands him the coat hanger.

TRAVIS You should really look into getting that bathroom cleaned. It not only a health issue, its threatening safety code, too. Dan just looks at him with a smile and after a moment Travis gives up and leaves. The dog can still be heard barking even after Travis finds his way out the door. DAN Have a nice day! TRAVIS (Over his shoulder) Yeah! Thanks a lot! EXT. DANS GAS STATION DAY Jack

Travis walks through the snow back to the truck. stirs when he turns the ignition. JACK What took you so long? TRAVIS Nothing, just the bathroom stop from hell. JACK (Trying to hide a laugh) What happened to your pants?

Travis hesitates to answer while he pulls out of the gas station parking lot, the snow-covered street holding his concentration. TRAVIS Im fine.

Nothing. shower.

I just need a

Jack shrugs and goes back to sleep.



Travis turns on the heater and tries to direct the vents toward his wet jeans. He takes a deep breath as the road straightens out, but his quiet is ruined when Jack starts snoring very loudly. TRAVIS turns on the radio and tries to find a good radio station to listen to, but he accidentally swerves as he leans over, so he immediately straightens to correct and doesnt dare to turn back to the knobs. JACK snores louder. TRAVIS picks up JACKs sweatshirt off the seat next to him and gently sets it on top of JACKs open mouth. Theres a moment of muffled snoring and TRAVIS smiles. Then JACK coughs and knocks the sweatshirt off and onto the floor in his sleep. The snoring resumes. TRAVIS focuses on the road and tries to ignore it, but JACK starts to make louder and more prolonged noises. A moment later TRAVIS nudges JACK. TRAVIS (Very quietly) Jack. JACK, still asleep, re-adjusts his position and keeps snoring. TRAVIS (A little louder) Jack. JACK replies with a grunt. TRAVIS JACK!! JACK jumps up. JACK (Eyes still closed) What? Whats going on?

TRAVIS Youre snoring!! JACK rolls over.

Roll over!

EXT. LIZS TRUCK ON THE ROAD DAY The road finally clears of snow and the sky opens up to reveal the sun as TRAVIS drives past a road sign stating Welcome To Utah!. TRAVIS finally leans back into the seat a little and loosens his grip on the steering wheel. And then theres a flash of lights in the rear view mirror and a police siren Whoops. TRAVIS Oh shit. TRAVIS pulls over and JACK slowly wakes up again. JACK Do you have to go again already? TRAVIS (Scared) No. Look behind us. JACK looks out the rear window. JACK Uh oh. TRAVIS (panicked) What? JACK I havent put the new registration sticker on this thing yet. TRAVIS Why not? JACK It isnt the New Year yet.

TRAVIS Well, its about to be! Theres a rap on the window and both boys snap to attention. TRAVIS rolls the window down and OFFICER FARVA, 25 and menacing in a quiet, lazy way, stares at them. JACK Good morning, officer. OFFICER FARVA Do you two know the speed limit here? TRAVIS I do, sir, its 65. OFFICER FARVA Actually, son, you just came out of a 55 zone and I clocked you there at 64. Thats pretty fast. TRAVIS (Shamed) I apologize, sir. I do like to drive just under the limit, but I must have missed the sign stating 55. I think I was distracted by, uh, the beautiful countryside. Sir. OFFICER FARVA Could I see your license, registration, and proof of insurance? JACK dives into the glove box. TRAVIS Well, uh, you see, this isnt our vehicle, officer. It belongs to my girlfriends sister. OFFICER FARVA I see this car has California plates. Thats kinda far away. Was I driving too fast?

JACK finds one of the papers required and passes it to TRAVIS without pulling is face away from the glove box and accidentally smacks TRAVIS in the face with it. TRAVIS Well, my friend and I are driving to meet the family in Colorado for New Years. Were running late. So I apologize if we were driving a little fast. JACK finally finds the other piece of paper and reaches past TRAVIS to hand it to OFFICER FARVA. The officer looks at JACK. OFFICER FARVA Uh huh. Sure. OFFICER FARVA takes the information back to his car and takes his time doing whatever cops do back there. TRAVIS sinks into his chair. TRAVIS Were screwed. JACK Man, would you chill out? TRAVIS (In an angry whisper) Dont tell me to chill!

JACK Were fine. We werent driving too fast and the registration sticker on the car hasnt expired yet. TRAVIS But can we prove this our car?

JACK Sure. Uh, all we gotta do is, uh. Well, maybe hell just believe us. Cops are pretty cool out here. TRAVIS (Still whispering) Then Ill let you do the talking, hotshot. JACK Why are you whispering? OFFICER FARVA finally returns, his fancy clipboard in hand. OFFICER FARVA Well, Ive come to a decision about you two. TRAVIS I swear to you sir that this vehicle belongs to my colleagues girlfriend and we are merely driving it across the country for her. I didnt mean to break the law! Im just trying to reach my girlfriend before midnight! Dont you believe in daring leaps of faith for true love? Giving your all for something or someone you truly believe in? OFFICER FARVA I was gonna give you a warning, kid. Jeez. Relax. You sure are wound tight. OFFICER FARVA turns to walk back to his car. OFFICER FARVA (contd) Hope this trip works out for you. Have a nice day. TRAVIS and JACK remain silent for a moment.

JACK (Leaning back into his pillow) Told you that registration thing was okay. TRAVIS, shaken, slowly puts the car back in drive and continues on toward their destination without a word.



ELLE is standing on top of a makeshift stage with LIZ, MARTIN, and MELINDA. LIZ shivers and grimaces. LIZ Well, its going to get cold out here. And this stage feels really wobbly. ELLE jumps up and down and shakes back and forth. stage only creaks a little. ELLE I dont think so and the weather MARTIN (Interrupting on think so) Yeah, these trees are shedding a lot of stuff. ELLE No theyre not, they MELINDA (Overlapping on theyre not) Yeah, honey, and it is just the right season for purple and silver. I went ahead and bought some placemats and streamers! The

ELLE Mom, I dont think that MELINDA I knew youd like them!

ELLE But Mom, I dont like them. LIZ (Overlapping on dont like) We should totally bring this inside. We could put the big screen TV up on the stage for karaoke and for watching the ball drop. After all, that is the focus of the party. But blue and gold is much more appropriate than purple and silver. MARTIN Yeah, Liz! Thats a great idea. Dont you think so Elle? ELLE throws her clipboard down on a table. ELLE Everybody stop! The three of them go silent in surprise. ELLE I asked for your help, not your opinions. Were putting the sound system outside on the stage cause its too loud for inside, the colors are pink and black, and I already called for some outdoor heaters. Theyre getting dropped off in half an hour. And the big screen is too heavy for the table, too. I already checked. LIZ, MARTIN, and MELINDA (Surprised) Okay.


TRAVIS is enjoying the quiet, straight, and snow-free road. JACK is still asleep. TRAVIS finds a CD he likes and puts it into the player in the dash. The song Godzilla by Blue Oyster Cult starts and TRAVIS starts to mouth the words to it. After a moment, the CD skips when theres a gust of wind. TRAVIS doesnt notice. The CD skips again. And again. The wind gets louder. TRAVIS finally notices and looks at the CD player like its being rude. TRAVIS (To the player) Hey! Cut it out. Then a gust of wind pushes the car enough to make TRAVIS swerve to stay in his lane. TRAVIS What the? Another gust of similar force knocks the truck again. The tarp that was covered with snow and tied down to protect the stuff in the bed of the truck snaps loose and starts smacking the rear window. JACK wakes up. JACK What!

What do you want?!

TRAVIS Jack, wake up, the tarp came loose. JACK Dammit.

Pull over!

TRAVIS pulls over and the two boys get out of the truck.



TRAVIS is knocked to the ground by the wind as he gets out of the truck. Jack laughs at him. TRAVIS Shut up Jack!

JACK You didnt know it was windy out here? TRAVIS I said shut up. They have to shout just to be heard over the gusts. TRAVIS Did it rip? JACK In a few places. down. TRAVIS Then fix it and lets keep going. JACK ties the tarp back and they both get back in the truck. I think I can tie it back



TRAVIS takes a good fives minutes to get back on the road because hes so scared. JACK sits quietly. TRAVIS That wind was the worst of it, right? JACK turns to TRAVIS. JACK Youve never been through Utah before? TRAVIS cant peel his eyes off the road. TRAVIS Ive never been past Carson City. Why? JACK

Have you noticed how flat it is out here? TRAVIS Yeah, whats your point? JACK We just got into Utah. So no. We have not gone through the worst of it, you big baby. TRAVIS How was I supposed to know? Im not a baby!


JACK Oh yeah? What about that time you woke me up in the middle of the night, screaming, frozen with fear because there was a spider on the wall? I had to pick it off for you! TRAVIS That was a long time ago! And I told you I was having a bad nightmare. And I was yelling. JACK You were screaming. TRAVIS I was not! JACK Yes.

You were.

They ride in silence for a moment. TRAVIS (mumbling) It was a big spider. JACK It was daddy-long-legs!

Another gust of wind knocks the truck. JACK jumps. JACK Whoa! TRAVIS Ha! Now whos the baby?

This time

The wind rips the tarp loose again, but this time it whips around and spreads across the windshield. Both men panic. TRAVIS and JACK YAAAAAAAAAAAAH!! TRAVIS slams on the breaks and the truck screeches to a halt on the side of the road. The two of them are frozen for several moments. Finally, TRAVIS takes a deep breath and leaps out of the car.

EXT. THE SIDE OF THE ROAD DAY TRAVIS Thats it! No more tarp! Fucking. Tarp! No. More.

TRAVIS starts ripping the tarp off the back of the truck. Oddly, JACK remains sitting and starts laughing.

TRAVIS I cant believe this! First its Jack being too lazy to be ready on time. Then were stuck in traffic. Then were stuck in snow! All fucking night! (more) TRAVIS staggers into the road and raises his fists toward the still-angry sky. TRAVIS (contd) And then its dirty bathrooms and leaky faucets, a smart-ass cop, and a fucking tarp that wants to play peak-a-boo on the windy

freeway! What else is there?! What else have you got?!! A truck horn blares and TRAVIS is knocked to the side of the road by another push of wind as the truck screams by. JACK finally stops laughing.

JACK Wow, that was lucky! TRAVIS remains shivering on the side of the road. JACK Hey, were doing all right. Yeah, we didnt exactly start on the right foot, but were getting there right? Were making time, thats what matters. Come on. Get up. JACK helps TRAVIS up and grabs the tarp before it blows away. He then tries to help TRAVIS into the passenger seat. JACK Come on, Trav.

Youre doing fine.

TRAVIS snaps to attention. TRAVIS No. I still want to drive. do it. JACK OK, man, its all yours. Just help me fix up this stuff in the back. TRAVIS Wait, we have to put the tarp back on. I can


Why? Its just going to blow off again. JACK starts stuffing the tarp behind the seat in the cab. TRAVIS But Lizs stuff wont be safe.

JACK Why not? Its not snowing or raining or anything. TRAVIS The wind could hurt it. JACK stops stuffing for a second and looks at TRAVIS. JACK How? TRAVIS I dont know, but I bet it could. JACK Well, I think that would be less of a problem when compared to the tarp blinding us again. JACK finishes tucking the tarp away. TRAVIS OK, I guess youre right, but we need to at least secure everything back there. JACK I agree with you on that, good buddy. The two of them walk to the back and proceed to tie all the straps together.

JACK Okey dokey, that looks good to me. Lets shove off captain! JACK hops back into the cab. TRAVIS gives Lizs belongings one last worried look and then climbs back into the drivers seat courageously.



TRAVIS, a little calmer than before, drives through the winds as JACK changes the CD. JACK See, the wind is not so bad when youre prepared for it. TRAVIS Yeah, but its still scary. JACK Well, then you need to get your mind away from those persistent worries of yours. TRAVIS How? JACK Ask me a question. TRAVIS What? JACK You know, just ask me anything youd like to ask me about. TRAVIS Like what? JACK Like anything. Whats my favorite movie, or favorite video game. Or what I think of the latest

president or sex on TV. Do you know if Im pro-choice or not? TRAVIS Thats none of my business. JACK Were best friends, were roommates, and weve known each other forever. TRAVIS (Joking) Wait, are you trying to tell me youre gay! JACK (Disappointed) No, come on man. Im going through all of this to get to my girlfriend, too. TRAVIS Wait, were you serious about that whole proposal excuse you pitched to April to get out of work? JACK Yeah. up?

What, you thought I made it

TRAVIS Come on, Jack, you cant commit to what superhero you like more, Batman or Superman. JACK Hey, thats tough, cause theyre both so cool and yet so different. And you have to factor in the villains they go up against, too. TRAVIS laughs. JACK Im serious!

TRAVIS So you have the ring picked out? JACK pulls a small jewelry box out of his jacket pocket. JACK What do you think this is? TRAVIS is stunned. TRAVIS No way! So youre going to move out to Kansas with her so she can finish school? JACK If she says yes. But she will. Her parents think so. TRAVIS You already asked her dad!? JACK I told you. Ive been planning for a while. TRAVIS He said yes? JACK Of course! Ive got it all figured out. New Years day, Im going to take her to TRAVIS (overlapping on New Years Day) I dont believe it! Martin would never give me permission to marry Elle. JACK Yeah, he would. If you would just start treating him like another guy instead of your girlfriends

dad. And not to mention being on time once in a while. TRAVIS I cant help it if I want everything to be perfect. a crime?

Is that

JACK The only thing you need to make perfect is your timing. Let everything else fall into place and it will.

TRAVIS Yeah, right. Thats why you never fix your hair and dont tie your shoes until you pull into Lizs driveway. JACK Thats right. TRAVIS shakes his head. Then he jumps and his eyes get huge. He points out the windshield. TRAVIS What are those things flying across the road? JACK What? Oh, theyre just tumbleweeds. TRAVIS Tumble-whats? JACK You know, those things that blow across the street in every western.

Hundreds upon hundreds of tumbleweeds begin blowing across the road. TRAVIS Theyre all coming right at us! JACK Relax, just drive over them. Theyre harmless. They keep growing in numbers and start blowing head-on into the truck. TRAVIS Are you sure? JACK Yes.

Theyre just dead bushes.

TRAVIS But theres so many of them! JACK Youre fine, just keep going. Two tumbleweeds bounce off the windshield and blow over the truck. TRAVIS Ah! JACK Wow. TRAVIS What!? JACK Relax, were driving behind a little ridge. Look. Well be safe. TRAVIS remains white-knuckled as they drive behind the hill. But the moment they come out from behind it another huge gust of wind hits the truck. Hard.

Havent seen that before.

TRAVIS Oh my god. JACK Relax.

Its just wind.

TRAVIS looks over his shoulder. TRAVIS No, Jack! I just saw a few of Lizs bags fly off the back! JACK WHAT!? For the first time, JACK freaks out. JACK Pull over!

TRAVIS I am! JACK I said pull over! Theyre already stopped. TRAVIS I see them. Lets go.

EXT. THE SIDE OF THE FREEWAY - DAY The two of them scramble out of the car, but stop as soon as they see one bag stuck in the middle of the road and another floating in a marshy pond on the other side of the road. The wind is pushing it away from them through a foot of water at least twenty yards across. JACK and TRAVIS Oh shit!

JACK takes off down the hundred yards of road back to where the bags flew off the truck and turns for the bag in the street, but leaps back to the side of the road as two trucks blow by on either side of the bag. He turns to TRAVIS. JACK You go get it! TRAVIS I do not! You go, they belong to your girlfriend! JACK But they broke off because of your driving! You get it! TRAVIS You took the tarp off! JACK But Defeated, JACK stops arguing and sighs. JACK Fine. He then musters his courage and dashes across the street, snatching the bag on the way. TRAVIS gets back in the truck, puts it in reverse and drives it, backwards, back down the shoulder to JACK. The other traffic continues to scream past them and the wind keeps knocking JACK down. JACK goes for the other bag and immediately sinks into the mud. JACK Ah! He turns to go back, but looks over his shoulder at the suitcase floating in the murky water. He steps back up on the asphalt, takes a deep breath, and runs for the suitcase. He slips several times, but makes it across to the bag, picks it up, and hotfoots it back across to the truck.

You run faster!

After dodging more traffic, he tosses the bags into the bed and stares helplessly through the window at TRAVIS, who remains frozen with disbelief at JACKs new muddy appearance. JACK shivers, soaking wet and covered in mud. TRAVIS rolls down the window.

TRAVIS We cant leave those bags in the back, you know. INT. LIZS TRUCK ON THE ROAD DAY

TRAVIS is still driving, while JACK is pinned in his seat by the two muddy bags. He cant even sit up straight. TRAVIS So, were almost to Salt Lake. JACK remains silent, stewing in his now dry mud. TRAVIS Are you hungry? JACK rolls his head to look away out the window. TRAVIS I know I am. I bet you need a bathroom to clean up a little. JACK No shit, Sherlock. TRAVIS You still want me to ask you a question? JACK No! TRAVIS turns on the radio, but cant find the tuning knob. JACK turns back to TRAVIS and snaps the radio back off.

TRAVIS Jeez! Why are you so upset now? You got the bags, nothing is broken or ruined, except your clothes, and were getting close to the halfway point. JACK I dont know. Its just that you need oh never mind. TRAVIS What? I need what? JACK Why do you worry so much? pussy. TRAVIS Excuse me? I dont know what youre talking about, but I wasnt the one screaming, I dont want to go! back there. JACK You didnt exactly jump to the task, either! (more) Youre such a

JACK (contd) And maybe if you would just chill out during that windy area and maybe try to drive like you know what youre doing, then it wouldnt have happened at all! TRAVIS How was I supposed to know how to drive through something like that!? If youre so all knowing, maybe you should have asked to drive before we had to go through it? JACK

Maybe I was trying to show a little faith in you! TRAVIS I dont need you charity, Jack. just need your help. Theres a moment of silence between them. TRAVIS Im sorry you had to run through all that mud to that bag, but you cant blame that on me. And I cant blame it on you. We just havent had the best of luck on this trip, were low on sleep, were going a little stir crazy from being in this little truck for so long and I know all we want is to get to the girls we love. JACK takes a deep breath. JACK Youre right. Im sorry, man. We need to work to together to make up all that lost time. Were still only halfway and we should have been there by now. TRAVIS I cant wait to get there. JACK All I know is that Im going to play video games when I get back. TRAVIS laughs.



ELLE is sitting on the couch, going through a stack of CDs and writing down song names when the doorbell rings. She gets up and opens the door to reveal JASON, 21 and really good-looking.

ELLE Jason! She leaps up and gives him a surprisingly long hug. ELLE Wow, its been a while. What are you doing here? JASON Well, I heard through the grape vine you were out here for the holidays and having a birthday party. JASON reveals a bouquet of red roses from behind his back. JASON Happy birthday. ELLE Wow. JASON practically lets himself in and pulls ELLE back over to the couch. She doesnt appear to mind. JASON You dont mind if I came uninvited, do you? ELLE (admiring the roses) What? Oh, no, not at all. JASON I think Im a little early, but thats OK, right? That gives us time to catch up before everyone else gets here. Its been so long since Ive seen you. ELLE Yeah.

How long has it been? JASON

Four years and ten days. Remember? It was junior year of high school, four days before Christmas and your dad decided to take that job in California. Why dont you write or get on myspace or something? ELLE I dont know.

Too busy I guess.



TRAVIS finishes paying for the gas and starts cleaning the windshield. He then starts to wash the car with the squeegee. JACK walks out of the bathroom looking a little cleaner. JACK Hey Trav, let me drive for a while, you should get some sleep. TRAVIS dips the squeegee in the soapy water again and continues to scrub the side of the truck. JACK doesnt notice. TRAVIS Are you sure, I still feel wideawake. JACK Youve been driving all day. me have a turn. Let

TRAVIS Okay, its just that red bull I had this morning is still working its magic on me. Shouldnt I keep driving if Im still in the zone? TRAVIS dips the squeegee again and tries to scrub the wheels. JACK

Youll fall asleep as soon as you try to. TRAVIS OK. Go for it, dude. The OWNER of the gas station, whos a really big guy, finally notices what TRAVIS doing. OWNER Hey! Cut that out! TRAVIS finally looks at what hes doing and jumps. OWNER Hey! Quit wreckin that squeegee! This is a gas station, not a frickin car wash! TRAVIS throws the squeegee back into its holder and runs back into the truck along with JACK. JACK pulls out of the gas station and has to stop at a red light for the on ramp to the freeway. JACK (Under his breath) Finally. TRAVIS What? The light turns green and JACK peels out and catapults the truck toward the freeway.



TRAVIS is crammed in the passenger seat with the suitcase and JACK, still driving, is having trouble keeping his eyes open. TWO HOURS LATER flashes on the screen. JACK Hey Trav, what time is it?

Theres no answer. JACK Travis?

Oh yeah.

JACK flips on the radio and quickly switches through all the stations, but cant find anything he likes. He then switches over to TRAVISs CD and grimaces at the sound of Blue Oyster Cult, but he turns it up when he starts nodding off and catches himself. A moment later he has to swerve back into his lane when he wakes up again. JACK I should have gotten a Red Bull. He reaches into his pocket a pulls out a stick of gum. pops it into his mouth. He passes a sign that reads: Cheyenne 120 miles. JACK looks at his watch. It reads: 7:30. Then he looks at the speedometer. That reads: 85 mph. He pushes the accelerator down a little more, looks back at the speedometer. 92 mph. He looks back at his watch. 7:31. JACK smiles and starts smacking and popping his gum. TRAVIS wakes up a little. TRAVIS (eyes still closed) Jack, quit it with the gum. JACK Sorry. He

A moment later everything goes dark a second or two, but goes really bright again at the sound of a truck horn and screeching brakes. JACK wakes up at the wheel, driving straight at a semi.

JACK YAAH! JACK swerves and avoids the truck, but over-corrects and the truck goes into a spin. JACK slams on the brakes and the truck flies off the road and into an embankment off to the side. As the dust settles, TRAVIS realizes he wasnt dreaming. TRAVIS What the hell was that!? JACK pauses for a moment. TRAVIS Jack? Whats going on? JACK This guy ran me off the road! TRAVIS What? Are you serious? JACK Yeah! He came up behind me and I guess I wasnt going fast enough, cause he wouldnt get off my tail! TRAVIS Really? JACK Yes! He was so close I couldnt slow down and couldnt take anymore as we got up to 90 miles per hour. TRAVIS Oh my gosh! Going that fast is a federal offense. JACK No its not! TRAVIS

Yes it is! JACK No its not! The speed limit is 75 and a federal speeding violation is only when you 35 miles an hour over the limit! TRAVIS Well, we could still get a ticket for going that fast! JACK But we wouldnt get arrested for it! TRAVIS Whatever! Lets just check the truck and make sure everything is OK before continuing. JACK OK. Ill do it. JACK gets out of the car and walks around it, looking for any damage. TRAVIS gets out, too. TRAVIS Ooh! This looks like a dent here! JACK runs around to him and gets a good look. JACK Thats always been there, dummy, theres another one on the other side of the truck. TRAVIS Sorry, it looked like a dent. JACK Its fine.

Lets keep going.

TRAVIS All right, Captain!

JACK Dont mock me. Both JACK and TRAVIS head for the passenger side and then stop. TRAVIS You dont want to drive any more, its only been a few hours. JACK I kinda strained my neck back there and I think more driving would just aggravate it. You dont mind do you? TRAVIS No, I guess thats fine. They both get back in the truck and TRAVIS four-wheels it back to the road and continues on.



The party is underway. Theres lots of music and dancing. Theres a big crowd of guests. Elle is standing with LIZ when JASON approaches.. LIZ (To Elle) I sure know how to put on a great party for you, huh? ELLE apparently doesnt feel like arguing. ELLE Yeah, thanks Sis. JASON hands a drink to ELLE as he puts his arms around her from behind. JASON Hey, Elly.

Wanna dance?

ELLE looks at the clock on the wall. ELLE Um. Yeah.

She sighs.


ELLE follows JASON out onto the dance floor.

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