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H dftactgrp( *no ) bnddir( 'QC2LE') OPTION(*NODEBUGIO) * -------------------------------------------------* Program - EXCEL * Purpose * Written * Author * * PROGRAM DESCRIPTION * create example

XML to view as excel * * INPUT PARAMETERS * Description Type Size How Used * -------------- ----------* * * INDICATOR USAGE * xx - xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx *--------------------------------------------------* * d Buf s 65000A d BufP s * INZ(%ADDR(Buf)) d BufLen s 10U 0 d CmdString s 10000 d CmdLength s 15 5 d company s 2s 0 d Complete s 1 d count s 5 0 d count2 s 5 0 d cp s 10U 0 INZ(819) d CR c CONST(X'0d') d CRLF c CONST(X'0d25') d Current s 1 d cymd s 7 0 d Data s 65000 d dbxfil s 10 d dbxlib s 10 d dbxown s 10 d dbxtxt s 50 d dbxatr s 2 d deleted s n d DQ c CONST('"') d FileNam s 15A inz('/xml/jamie2.xml') d FileName1 s 21 d FileName2 s 21 d FileNamP s * inz(%ADDR(FileNam)) d FileDescr s 10I 0 d FirstNew s 1 d formated s 7 d formatBack s 65535A varying d From c CONST(',"''') d header s 65000 d ISODate s D d LC# s 3 0 d LaborCodes s 3 dim(100) d LaborCodeCu s 1 dim(100) d LaborCodeCo s 1 dim(100) d LaborCodePd s 7 0 dim(100) d Len s 3 0 d Length s 9

d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d

Lilian NewDate NLZero O_CREAT O_RDWR O_TEXTDATA O_CODEPAGE Oflag Omode Pos Produced Q ReadOneRecord reporttype RC savecustomer savelib SI_Fmt SI_FmtP SI_Msg SI_MsgP sqlrecords sqlstmt Str style To useweight Width WKSDES Workread x ZeroBin * * Program Info *

s s s s s s s s s s s c s s s s s s s s s s s s s c s s s s s s

10i 52a 2A 10I 10I 10I 10I 10I 10U 4 7 1 20 10I 5 10 50A * 50A * 9 23000 3 65000

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 INZ(X'1500') INZ(8) INZ(4) INZ(16777216) INZ(8388608) INZ(0) INZ(511) CONST('''') 0 0 INZ('\n') INZ(%ADDR(SI_Fmt)) INZ(%ADDR(SI_Msg)) 0 varying 0

CONST(' ') 7 0 7 30 3 0 2 0 1A INZ(*ALLX'00')

d d d d d d

SDS @PGM @PARMS @JOB @USER @JOB# pr pr pr DS 4A INZ(X'00000000') 10I 0 OVERLAY(Num_Hex) PR 10I 0 EXTPROC('perror') * VALUE 001 037 244 254 264 010 039 0 253 263 269 0 n

* d openList d FetchNext d closeList * d Num_DS d Num_Hex d Num dperror dconst

dsprintf PR 10I 0 EXTPROC('sprintf') d * VALUE d * VALUE d 10I 0 VALUE OPTIONS(*NOPASS) d * VALUE OPTIONS(*NOPASS) * Open Operations * value returned = file descriptor 0 (OK), -1 (Error)

dopen d d d d


10I * 10I 10U 10U


* Read Operations * value returned = number of bytes read or , -1 (Error) Dread d d d PR 10I 0 EXTPROC('read') 10I 0 VALUE * Value 10U 0 VALUE

* Write Operations * value returned = number of bytes Written or , -1 (Error) dwrite d d d PR 10I 0 EXTPROC('write') 10I 0 VALUE * VALUE 10U 0 VALUE

* Close Operations * value returned = 0 (OK) or , -1 (Error) dclose d PR 10I 0 EXTPROC('close') 10I 0 VALUE

* Open Directory Operation * value returned = file descriptor 0 (OK), -1 (Error) dopendir d PR * * EXTPROC('opendir') VALUE

* Read Directory Operation * dreaddir d PR * * EXTPROC('readdir') VALUE

* Open Directory Operation * value returned = 0 (OK) or , -1 (Error) dclosedir d PR 10I 0 EXTPROC('closedir') * VALUE

* Unlink a File from system... Delete File * value returned = 0 (OK) or , -1 (Error) dunlink d path d CEEDAYS d InputDate d picture d Lilian d Feedback PR pr 10I 0 EXTPROC('unlink') * Value options(*string) opdesc 65535A const options(*varsize) 65535A const options(*varsize) 10i 0 12a options(*omit)

d CEEDATE d Lilian d picture d OutputDate d Feedback /Free


opdesc 10i 0 65535A const options(*varsize) 65535A const options(*varsize) 12a options(*omit)

exsr $buildifs; exsr $readfile; clear data; data = '</Workbook>' + CRLF; Buf = %trim(Data); BufLen = %scan(CRLF:Buf); RC = write(filedescr: BufP: BufLen); RC = close(FileDescr); if FileDescr = -1; RC = perror(FileNamP); Return; endif; *inlr = *on; //-------------------------------------------------------// $buildIFS - build the temp table in IFS //-------------------------------------------------------begsr $buildIFS; Filenam = %trim('/xml/jamie.xml'); Filenamp = %ADDR(FileNam); Oflag = O_CREAT + O_RDWR + O_CODEPAGE; FileDescr=open(FileNamP:Oflag:Omode:cp); if FileDescr = -1; RC = perror(FileNamP); return; endif; RC = close(FileDescr); if RC = -1; RC = perror(FileNamP); return; endif; Oflag = O_RDWR + O_TEXTDATA; FileDescr=open(FileNamP:Oflag); if FileDescr = -1; RC = perror(FileNamP); Return; endif; // Write the header Buf = %trim(Data) + CRLF; BufLen = %scan(CRLF:Buf); RC = write(filedescr: BufP: BufLen);

clear DATA; endsr; //-------------------------------------------------------// $readfile - pretend to read file of libs //-------------------------------------------------------begsr $readfile; for count2 = 1 to 5; // replace with your libraries select; when count2 = 1; saveLib = 'JAMIELIB'; when count2 = 2; saveLib = 'QGPL'; when count2 = 3; saveLib = 'QSYS'; when count2 = 4; saveLib = 'QRPG'; when count2 = 5; saveLib = 'QUSRSYS'; endsl; exsr $header; exsr $detail; exsr $footer; endfor; endsr; //-------------------------------------------------------// $header - write the header for the excel sheet. //-------------------------------------------------------begsr $header; data = '<Worksheet ss:Name=' + DQ + %trim(saveLib) + DQ + '>' + cr + '<Table ' + ' x:FullColumns="1"' + ' x:FullRows="1">' + cr + '<Column ss:AutoFitWidth="0" ss:Width="39.75"/>' +cr + '<Column ss:AutoFitWidth="0" ss:Width="90" ss:Span="1"/>' +cr + '<Column ss:Index="9" ss:AutoFitWidth="0" ss:Width="69.75"/>'+crlf; Buf = %trim(Data); BufLen = %scan(CRLF:Buf); RC = write(filedescr: BufP: BufLen); clear data; // add new heading data = '<Row ss:Height="14.25"> ' +cr ' <Cell ss:MergeAcross="8" ss:StyleID="s22"> '+cr ' <Data ss:Type="String">' +cr ' Files Listed from QADBXFIL' cr + ' </Data></Cell>'+cr '</Row>' + cr ; // write the five column headings data = %trim(data) + cr + ' <Row>'

+ + + + +

' <Cell ss:StyleID="s23"><Data 'File' ' </Data></Cell>' cr ' <Cell ss:StyleID="s23"><Data 'Library' ' </Data></Cell>' cr ' <Cell ss:StyleID="s23"><Data 'Owner' ' </Data></Cell>' cr ' <Cell ss:StyleID="s23"><Data 'Description' ' </Data></Cell>' cr ' <Cell ss:StyleID="s23"><Data 'Attribute' ' </Data></Cell>' cr ' </Row> ' + crlf ;






+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

Buf = %trim(Data); BufLen = %scan(CRLF:Buf); RC = write(filedescr: BufP: BufLen); clear data; endsr; //-------------------------------------------------------// $detail - get detail for current salesperson for today //-------------------------------------------------------begsr $detail; sqlstmt = 'select ' + 'dbxfil,dbxlib,dbxown,dbxtxt,dbxatr ' + ' from QADBXFIL ' + ' where DBXLIB = ' + Q+ %trim(saveLib) + Q ; openList(); dow fetchNext(); exsr $writerow; enddo; closeList(); endsr; //-------------------------------------------------------// $writerow - write detail row of spread sheet //-------------------------------------------------------begsr $writerow; dbxtxt = %xlate('/':' ': dbxtxt); dbxtxt = %xlate('*':' ': dbxtxt); for count = 1 to 05; select; when count = 1; data = cr + '<Row>' + CR + '<Cell><Data ss:Type="String">' + %trim(dbxfil) + '</Data></Cell>' + cr ; when count = 2;

data = %trim(data) + CR + '<Cell ss:StyleID="s24"><Data %trim(dbxlib) + '</Data></Cell>' + cr; when count = 3; data = %trim(data) + CR + '<Cell ss:StyleID="s24"><Data %trim(dbxown) + '</Data></Cell>' + cr; when count = 4; data = %trim(data) + CR + '<Cell ss:StyleID="s24"><Data %trim(dbxtxt) + '</Data></Cell>' + cr; when count = 5; data = %trim(data) + CR + '<Cell ss:StyleID="s24"><Data %trim(dbxatr) + '</Data></Cell>' + cr; endsl; endfor;

ss:Type="String">' +

ss:Type="String">' +

ss:Type="String">' +

ss:Type="String">' +

data = %trim(data) + cr + '</Row>' + CRLF; Buf = %trim(Data); BufLen = %scan(CRLF:Buf); RC = write(filedescr: BufP: BufLen); clear DATA; endsr; //-------------------------------------------------------// $footer - close all the tags //-------------------------------------------------------begsr $footer; // write footer data = ' </Table>' + cr ' <WorksheetOptions xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:' 'office:excel">' + cr ' <TabColorIndex>47</TabColorIndex>' + cr ' <ProtectObjects>False</ProtectObjects>' +cr ' <ProtectScenarios>False</ProtectScenarios>' + cr ' </WorksheetOptions>' + cr ' </Worksheet>' + crlf ; Buf = %trim(Data); BufLen = %scan(CRLF:Buf); RC = write(filedescr: BufP: BufLen); clear DATA; endsr; //-------------------------------------------------------// *inzsr - initial one time run subroutine //-------------------------------------------------------begsr *inzsr; // get todays date in cymd format

+ + + + + + +

isodate = %date(); // build the headers for the xml header = '<?xml version="1.0"?>' + CR + '<?mso-application progid="Excel.Sheet"?>' + CR + '<Workbook xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:spreadsheet"' + CR + 'xmlns:o="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office"' + CR + 'xmlns:x="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:excel"' + CR + 'xmlns:ss="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:spreadsheet"' + CR + 'xmlns:html="">' + CR + '<DocumentProperties xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com' + ':office:office">' + CR + '<Author>Author</Author>' + CR + '<LastAuthor>flanary</LastAuthor>' + CR + '<Created>2008-05-10T01:38:01Z</Created>' + CR + '<Version>11.9999</Version>' + CR + '</DocumentProperties>' + CR + '<ExcelWorkbook xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:excel">' +CR + '<WindowHeight>7755</WindowHeight>' + CR + '<WindowWidth>15225</WindowWidth>' + CR + '<WindowTopX>0</WindowTopX>' + CR + '<WindowTopY>255</WindowTopY>' + CR + '<ActiveSheet>1</ActiveSheet>' + CR + '<ProtectStructure>False</ProtectStructure>' +CR + '<ProtectWindows>False</ProtectWindows>' +CR + '</ExcelWorkbook> ' + CR ; style = '<Styles>' + CR + '<Style ss:ID="Default" ss:Name="Normal">' + CR + '<Alignment ss:Vertical="Bottom"/>'+ CR + '<Borders/>' + CR + '<Font/>' + CR + '<Interior/>' + CR + '<NumberFormat/>'+ CR + '<Protection/>'+ CR + '</Style>' + CR + '<Style ss:ID="s22">' + CR + '<Alignment ss:Horizontal="Left" ss:Vertical="Bottom"/>' +CR + '<Font x:Family="Swiss" ss:Size="11" ss:Color="#000080"/>'+CR+ '</Style>' + CR + '<Style ss:ID="s23">' + CR + '<Alignment ss:Horizontal="Center" ss:Vertical="Bottom"/>'+CR+ '<Font x:Family="Swiss" ss:Color="#0000FF" ss:Bold="1"/>' +CR+ '</Style>' + CR + '<Style ss:ID="s24">' + CR + '<NumberFormat ss:Format="Standard"/>' + CR + '</Style>' + CR + '<Style ss:ID="s25">' + CR + '<Alignment ss:Horizontal="Center" ss:Vertical="Bottom"/>'+CR+ '<NumberFormat ss:Format="Standard"/>' + CR + '<Font x:Family="Swiss" ss:Color="#0000FF" ss:Bold="1"/>' +CR+

'</Style>' + CR + '<Style ss:ID="s26">'+ CR + '<Borders>' + CR + '<Border ss:Position="Bottom" ss:LineStyle="Double" ss:Weight="3"/>' + CR + '<Border ss:Position="Top" ss:LineStyle="Continuous" ss:Weight="1"/>'+ CR + '</Borders>' + CR + '<NumberFormat ss:Format="Standard"/>' + CR + '</Style>' + CR + '<Style ss:ID="s27">' + CR + '<Borders>'+ CR + '<Border ss:Position="Bottom" ss:LineStyle="Double" ss:Weight="3"/>' + CR + '<Border ss:Position="Top" ss:LineStyle="Continuous" ss:Weight="1"/>'+ CR + '</Borders>' + CR + '<NumberFormat ss:Format="Percent"/>'+ CR + '</Style>' + CR + '</Styles>' + CR; data = %trim(header) + CR + %trim(style) ; CEEDAYS(%char(isodate): 'YYYY-MM-DD': lilian: *omit); formatBack = 'Wwwwwwwwwz, DD Mmmmmmmmmz YYYY'; CEEDATE(Lilian: Formatback : NewDate: *omit); // this ===> Wednesday, 27 June 2007 endsr; /End-Free *-------------------------------------------------------* openList - Open a cursor to read file *-------------------------------------------------------p openList b d openList /Free exec sql declare MyCursor cursor for statement; exec sql prepare statement from :sqlstmt; exec sql open mycursor; /End-Free p openList e *-------------------------------------------------------* fetchNext - read one record at a time *-------------------------------------------------------p fetchNext b d fetchNext /free pi n pi

exec sql fetch next from mycursor into : : : : : if sqlstt < '02000'; return *on; else; return *off; endif; /end-free

dbxfil dbxlib dbxown dbxtxt dbxatr

, , , , ;

p fetchNext e *-------------------------------------------------------* closeOrderList - Close the OrderHdr cursor *-------------------------------------------------------p closeList b d closeList /free exec sql close MyCursor; /end-free p closeList e pi

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