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THE GAME: The game is to be played across the Peruvian jungle in a bid to reach the Pyramid of Urcaguary, the

Inca God of Underground Treasures. The Pyramid houses the map to the location of the mines of Urcaguary, which holds untold treasures. In todays world of depleting resources, various countries believe that they could gain an upper hand in word politics only if they are monetarily well off. Thus the game begins with the each country sending in a treasure hunter to bring the map from the ancient temple. The High Priest of the ancient Pyramid knew that regardless of the era, Urcaguarys treasures would lure human greed. But he also did not want the treasures, and his Gods greatness to be lost into oblivion. Thus, he made sure that only two of bravest and the worthiest of men could reach the Pyramid and the better of the two would discover the map. LEVEL 1: The Jungle The High Priest placed 10 sapphires in various locations within the Peruvian jungles. Anybody who manages to gain at least 3 of these sapphires would be able to enter the Pyramid and proceed towards the map. It is a game of strategizing to reach the nearest sapphire. The jungles of Peru are fraught with dangers both expected and unexpected. There is poison ivy which can only be treated with the bark or root of sassafras plant. Similarly if the players contract malaria, he has to re route to Recovery Camp and then continues with his quest. There could be pits wherein if a player falls, he loses precious time trying to get out. The High Priest also created underground chambers the locations of which are known but none dare to enter. It is said that these chambers all look the same but may have clues or traps. It all depends on luck. They can choose to avoid the route to the High Priests underground chambers but they might be losing out on useful clues or weapons. LEVEL SPECIFICATIONS: RULES: 1. The 4 treasure hunters start from 4 corners of the jungle and have to proceed towards the center where the Pyramid of Urcaguary is. 2. Each has to collect minimum 3 sapphires in the 1st level in order to enter the Pyramid complex. Number of Players: 4 + 1(Game Master/ High Priest) Number of Sapphires: 10 Number of Underground Chambers: 6 Number of Hurdles: 2 poison ivy; 2 malaria; 2 Trap holes/ Pits. Number of Remedies: 2 sassafras plants; 2 Recovery Camps

3. Luck (the dice) would decide the number of steps one can take but the player would decide the direction (front, back, right or left). 4. If a treasure hunter/player comes across Poison ivy, he has to first re-route to Sassafras plant and progress from there. Similarly, in case of Malaria, they player has to re route to Recovery Camp first. If the player reaches a trap/ pit first, he will lose a turn to roll the dice. 5. When any 2 players gain 3 sapphires, the other two players automatically disqualify to enter the Pyramid.


UNDERGROUND CHAMBERS: 3 in number. If a player comes upon this chamber, two units in the 2nd level will be uncovered by the Game Master at the 2nd Level.

3 in number. If a player comes upon this chamber, he dies.

LEVEL 2: The Pyramid of Urcaguary The Pyramid of Urcaguary can be entered by only two players from any side. The pyramids floor is a perfect square of 7 x 7 tiles. It looks the same from all sides. But beneath the tiles there lie secret routes to the centre of the square where the prize the map to the mines of Urcaguary. RULES: 1. Each block gets visible only when the treasure hunter reaches on the block. 2. The treasure hunter moves 1 block on each turn that too only permitted in four directions viz. up, down, left and right. 3. There are 4 doors on each side of the Pyramid. The treasure hunter can enter into the temple only through one of the 4 doors.

4. There are hints in the form of arrow heads on the floor in some particular blocks. 5. There are snakes in the temple in certain blocks and if any treasure hunter reaches to a block containing snakes he/she has to restart the journey from opposite door of temple and 1 of his sapphire gets reduced. If the treasure hunter loses all the crystal and a snake bites him/her; he/she has to restart from the jungle i.e. initial phase. 6. The first treasure hunter to reach to the centre of the Pyramid wins and gets the map to hidden treasure.


Blocks with snake.

Direction to the next unit of the route.

The Map. The prize.

ROLE OF THE GAME MASTER: The game master has the freedom to place the 10 crystals and 6 chambers anywhere on the 1st level board. The board of the 2nd level is multidirectional. The Game Master can place the board any way he wants in the centre. When the Uncover 2 Units chambers are opened, only the Game Master can decide which two Tiles to uncover from the 2nd Level.

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