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Links on GM Tubes and Radiation:

Some have been mentioned above, but these are useful links that I've collected.. Historical Instrumentation Collection - lots of pictures of old GM tubes, counters, etc. Centronic Geiger Muller Tubes (white paper) - great info on tube construction, behavior and characteristics. Sv rate from CPM (Japanese) - one person's description on how the conversion rate is determined. Nuclear Radiation Detection Summary - lots of neat stuff on isotopes, types of radiation, conversions, etc. The Fukushima Daiichi Incident - excellent graphics and presentation explaining what took place. Visualization Of Environmental Radiation Levels - great way to get a sense of 100uSv/h vs. 1000uSv/h. Investigating possibilities for radiation detection in food - the basics of testing food. North America Jet Stream Analyses - what was the jet stream doing when you got that high background? Periodic Table of the Elements and Decay Chains - All the elemental facts. Look around. Theodore Gray rocks! Units for Measuring Radioactivity - Becquerels, Grays and Sieverts - oh my! Gamma Energy Response of Detector Probes - getting different background from different probes? How close is your home to a nuclear power plant? - handy little tool - US locations only. Alpha Beta and Gamma Radiation Lab - a great lab paper with explanations and experiments. Not too hard to read - you will learn stuff. (thanks Jim) Other Nuclear Physics labs from Northwestern University - if you want more papers like the one above the rest are here. Commonly Encountered Radionuclides - a very handy reference listing A-B-G output for common radioactive elements. (thanks Tomy) Technical Articles by Ludlum - about 70 white papers written by Ludlum over the last 20 years. Get comfortable! Rad Pro Calculator - Dose rate calculator for various isotopes and other handy calculators (half life, inverse square, etc.) COSMIC-RAY PRODUCED RADIONUCLIDES IN THE ENVIRONMENT - white paper on that very subject. Pancake GM tubes - interesting (text only) document on them GM tubes - a more technical (text only) document on GM tubes

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