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Development and Processing of Vegetable Oils for Human Nutrition

Copyright 1995 AOCS Press

Development and Processing of Vegetable Oils for Human Nutrition

Editors Roman Przybylski Bruce E. McDonald

Department of Foods and Nutrition University of Manitoba Winnipeg, Canada

Champaign, Illinois

Copyright 1995 AOCS Press

AOCS Mission Statement To be a forum for the exchange of ideas, information, and experience among those with a professional interest in the science and technology of fats, oils, and related substances in ways that promote personal excellence and provide high standards of quality. AOCS Books and Special Publications Committee E. Perkins, chairperson, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois T. Foglia, USDAERRC, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania M. Mossoba, Food and Drug Administration, Washington, D.C. Y.-S. Huang, Ross Laboratories, Columbus, Ohio L. Johnson, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa J. Lynn, Lever Brothers, Edgewater, New Jersey G. Maerker, Oreland, Pennsylvania G. Nelson, Western Regional Research Center, San Francisco, California F. Orthoefer, Riceland Foods Inc., Stuttgart, Arkansas J. Rattray, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario A. Sinclair, Deakin University, Geelong, Victoria, Australia G. Szajer, Akzo Chemicals, Dobbs Ferry, New York L. Witting, State College, Pennsylvania B. Szuhaj, Central Soya, Ft. Wayne, Indiana Copyright 1995 by AOCS Press. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without written permission of the publisher. The paper used in this book is acid-free and falls within the guidelines established to ensure permanence and durability.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Development and processing of vegetable oils for human nutrition/ editors, Roman Przybylski and Bruce E. McDonald. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 0-935315-66-7 (alk. paper) 1. Oils and fats, Edible. 2. Vegetable oils. 3. Nutrition. I. Przybylski, Roman. II. McDonald, B.E. (Bruce Eugene), 1933 . TX407.034D49 1995 664.3dc20

95-33314 CIP

Printed in the United States of America with vegetable oil-based inks. 00 99 98 97 96 95 5 4 3 2 1

Copyright 1995 AOCS Press

The recommendation that consumers reduce total fat to 30 percent and saturated fat to 10 percent of their total energy intake has had a tremendous effect on the food industry, particularly the fats and oils industry. Other major developments that have affected the edible fats and oils industry include the findings that (i) monounsaturated fatly acids are as effective as polyunsaturated fatty acids in lowering blood cholesterol; (ii) hydrogenated fats, or more precisely the trans fatty acids found in hydrogenated fats, may have an undesirable physiological effect; and (iii) n-3 fatty acids are important dietary constituents in health and disease. Several new oilseed varieties have already been developed and many others are under development in response to these findings. The development of novel oilseed varieties has produced a scramble among regulatory agencies to develop guidelines governing the licensing and release of these new crops. An added problem for governmental agencies, particularly in light of new agreements covering the international movement of food products, is the need to develop and standardize food labeling regulations. These developments were major factors in the decision to organize a conference on the development and processing of vegetable oils for human nutrition. The Canadian Section of the AOCS was invited to organize the conference in conjunction with its Annual Meeting on October 24, 1994. The Conference was a success thanks to the efforts of the Organizing Committee and its chairman James Daun, the support of sponsors and donors, and the distinguished group of speakers. Current nutrition issues and the contributions of processing, genetic engineering, and plant breeding were reviewed, as well as the role of government agencies in the development of novel oilseed crops. This monograph covers all of these issues, beginning with an up-to-date coverage of nutritional issues, followed by a discussion of current developments in processing vegetable oils for human consumption and the modification of traditional oilseed sources by genetic manipulation. The monograph concludes with a synopsis of the regulatory requirements in Canada, the United States, and Europe for the registration of novel oilseed crops and the nutrition labeling of these new oils. As the editors, we would like to thank the speakers for their cooperation in providing us with manuscripts. We are especially grateful to Angela Dupuis for willingly and patiently transcribing the manuscripts to a common format and

Copyright 1995 AOCS Press

her very significant efforts toward the success of this publication. We are grateful for the unique satisfaction that comes with having contributed to the knowledge on this subject. Roman Przybylski and Bruce E. McDonald Department of Foods and Nutrition University of Manitoba Winnipeg, Canada

Copyright 1995 AOCS Press

Preface Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Food Fats and Fatty Acids in Human Nutrition Joyce L. Beare-Rogers Nutrition and Metabolism of Linoleic and Linolenic Acids in Humans E.A. Emken Trans Fatty Acids in Canadian Breast Milk and Diet W.M.N. Ratnayake and Z.Y. Chen Food Industry Requirements for Fats and Oils: Functional Properties T.K. Mag Hydrogenation: A Useful Piece in Solving the Nutrition Puzzle Robert C. Hastert and Robert F. Ariaansz Interesterification: Current Status and Future Prospects Suresh Ramamurthi and Alan R. McCurdy Sources of Oilseeds with Specific Fatty Acid Profiles W.A. Keller Production of Oilseeds with Modified Fatty Acid Composition Rachael Scarth Classification of Oils with Modified Fatty Acid Compositions as Novel Foods Frank W. Welsh

Chapter 3 Chapter 4

Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9

Chapter 10 Food Labeling in Canada Ian Campbell Chapter 11 Safety Evaluation and Clearance Procedures for New Varieties of Oilseeds in the United States and Canada Donna Mitten, Keith Redenbaugh, and Julianne Lindemann

Copyright 1995 AOCS Press

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