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Reading 5: Lady Di - Princess of Wales -------------------------------------------------------------------------4 Her early life --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4 Her later life --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4 Reading 6: London Zoo.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5 Reading 7: A postcard ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6 Reading 28: William Shakespeare -------------------------------------------------------------------------------7 Reading 1: My Family Tree ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------8 Reading 2: The waiter ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------8 Reading 3: The pop star / actress -------------------------------------------------------------------------------9 Reading 4: A letter from London --------------------------------------------------------------------------------9

Reading 5: Lady Di - Princess of Wales



Her early life

Diana Frances Spencer was born in Norfolk. At 16, she went to a school in Switzerland where she became fluent in French and an expert skier. In 1979, Diana decided that she wanted to get a job in London. Her father found her an apartment in Kensington where she lived with three friends. She found a job as a teacher in a kindergarten in South London.

Her later life

In July 1980, Diana Spencer went on her first date with the Prince of Wales. Shortly after the first date they decided to get married. The wedding took place at St. Paul's Cathedral on July 29th 1981. On June 21st 1982, Diana's first child, William was born. Princess Diana did not want to leave her son alone one minute and so she took him everywhere with her. She carried on with her life - helping the unfortunate. She visited the sick and the homeless all over the world. She had a particular interest in children and AIDS victims. She became an idol to millions of people. It seemed that the whole world was in love with her.

Two years after the birth of William, Prince Harry was born (15th September 1984). However, Diana did not stop working, in fact, she took on more and more engagements to help charities. In December of 1992 Diana and Charles announced that they were separating and in August 1996 they got divorced. Diana started a new romance with Dodi Fayed. It was the 31st August 1997 when Diana aged 36 was killed with Dodi in a horrific car crash in Paris.

Reading 6: London Zoo.



Claire: Hi, can I ask you some questions about the event that happened last week? Louise: Yes, of course. Claire: Could you please tell me how the tiger escaped? Louise: Well, I started work on the Monday at 09:00 and at 09:30 I went to feed the tigers. Tabby the female tiger was acting rather aggressive. She tried to eat all of the tiger's food. I was a bit worried because she tried to bite her mother and she has never tried anything like that before. Anyway, I left the tigers and I returned an hour later to see that everything was ok. When I arrived I screamed with horror because I found that the door of the tiger area was open. The door was destroyed. I counted the tigers and there was only one missing. I knew immediately that it was Tabby. Claire: What did you do? Louise: I informed the manager of the zoo and all of the workers. The zoo was closed immediately. All of the visitors had to leave. We all looked for Tabby. Claire: Where did you find her? Louise: Well, I was walking past the elephant section and I noticed something strange, the elephants were making a lot of noise. Tabby had entered their section and was playing with the baby elephant. When she saw me she didn't move, she knew that she had been naughty. Then, she let me take her home. Claire: Why do you think she escaped?

Louise: We all think that she escaped because she wants friends to play with; she showed this when she went to play with her elephant friend!

Reading 7: A postcard
Sonido To David, How are you? I'm fine. I'm in Florida at the moment with my family. I haven't been to America before this is my first time. I'm having such a good time! Stop

I've been to Disney World and Epcot Centre, but I haven't been to Universal Studios yet. Yesterday I went to the cinema and guess what.. I've seen the new James Bond! It is not very good.

After the cinema we went to an expensive restaurant and I drank champagne. I had never drunk champagne before. I didn't like the champagne very much. The food here is different. So far, I have eaten hamburgers, hot dogs and lots of ice cream. The first day I arrived, I ordered a hamburger and I was amazed, the hamburger was really big. In fact, all of the food here comes in really big portions. I've met lots of nice people here. Americans are very friendly. Yesterday my mum met somebody she went to school with. It is a really small world! I've been to a shopping mall! Have you been to one? They are so big and they have 300 shops! I bought lots of cheap clothes: a pair of jeans, a jumper and a pair of trainers. I have to go now. We've just been on a roller coaster and I'm feeling a bit ill! See you soon,

Love Sarah P.S. My dad has just bought the new Jennifer Lopez album so we can listen to it when I return.

Reading 28: William Shakespeare

William was born in 1564 (we do not know the exact date). According to church records, he was baptised Wednesday April 26th 1564. William was the third child of John and Mary Shakespeare. William had seven brothers and sisters but only 4 of his brothers survived to adulthood. John Shakespeare was a businessman. He was a famous man in Stratford. His wife Mary worked mainly at home. William probably went to Kings New Grammar School where he was taught basic reading and writing. There is no record of William ever attending a university. When William was 15 years old he bought a house in Stratford upon Avon. The house was one the most wanted properties in all of Stratford and it was the second largest house in the town. In 1582, at the age of 18, William married the twenty-six year old and pregnant Anne Hathaway. Seven months later they had their first daughter, Susanna. Baptism records reveal that twins Hammond and Judith were born in February 1592. Hammet, William's only son died in 1596, at 11 years old. In 1593 William entered his first poem - Venus and Adonis. By 1595 it is estimated that 15 of his 37 plays had been written and performed. In 1560 Williams's sonnets were published without his permission.

In 1600s William left his family and Stratford and went to London for around 20 years. William moved to London because he believed that there were more chances of his work being published and promoted. William made the most money in 1605 when he bought more property. This investment made him a lot of money. Some academics believe that this investment gave William the time he needed to write his plays uninterrupted. In Stratford he was thought of as a businessman. William died April 23rd 1616. Although William Shakespeare is dead he lives on as one of the best poetry writers in the whole world. Academics study his works when studying English literature. His plays are still now performed in theatres all over the world. The town of Stratford on Avon pays tribute to him by having various museums and exhibitions devoted to the grand poet.

Reading 1: My Family Tree

My family is quite big. I have 3 brothers and 3 sisters. My brothers names are John, James and Jake. My sisters names are Sarah, Samantha and Stacey and there is me, Sally. We all live with my parents, Joseph and Stella. My Dad has two brothers and one sister. His brothers are John and Jack and his sister is Melissa. My Mum has one brother his name is Robert. I still have all of my grandparents. My mothers parents are May and Edward and my fathers Parents are Robert and Lucy. So, this is my family!

Reading 2: The waiter

My name is Pedro Mastrides and I am from Greece.

I work in a restaurant in Iallisos, Rhodes. I'm a waiter. I'm 35 years old. I'm married and I have 4 children. I have 2 sons and 2 daughters. My daughters are called Lisa and Maria and my sons are called Pedro and Michael. Michael is 11 and Pedro is 18.

Reading 3: The pop star / actress

Sonido Stop

Miss Eliana Williams, 24, is a pop star and actress. She's English, but she lives in America, in California. Every Monday, Eliana gets up at 05:00 in the morning and drives 50 kilometres to work. She starts work at approximately 05:45. She works in a film studio in California. She works from 05:45 in the morning to 13:00 in the afternoon. At 13:00 Eliana catches a bus to San Francisco. The journey takes about an hour. She goes to a studio and has a singing lesson. After, she practises songs for her new album. She finishes in the studio at 18:00. Then, she catches the bus to the film studio and drives home. This journey takes one and half-hours. She arrives home at 20:00. Fortunately, Eliana only works on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. But what does she do on the other days? She stays at home, relaxing! She goes shopping, goes to the gym and goes out with her friends! "Yes, on Tuesdays I'm tired" she says, "but I love my job. I want to be famous so I have to work hard!!"

Reading 4: A letter from London

Sonido Dear Jack, How are you? I'm fine. I am writing to you in English. It's good for me to practice! I am studying English in an academy. This is my first year. In my class there are 15 people. They are all from different countries: France, Spain, Germany and Italy. My teacher is English, her name is Sandra Smith. I think she is from London, but I'm not sure. She is tall, has got blue eyes and blonde hair. She is a good teacher. I live in a small house in the north of London. My house has three bedrooms, a kitchen, a living room, a dining room, a bathroom and a small garden. The garden is beautiful. It has lots of small trees and a little pond. Stop

I am living with two other girls. They are French. Jean is twenty-five years old and Ludvine is twenty-seven years old. They are very friendly but they speak French a lot. During the week I get up everyday at 07:00 and I catch the train to London. The journey takes 45 minutes. My classes start at 09:00. I have 5 hours of English a day. I usually arrive home at 18:00. When I get home I do my homework, prepare my dinner and watch television. English television is very good. I normally go to bed at 23:00. At the weekends I go to London. London is very big and beautiful, but very expensive. Write to me soon. Boris

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