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In a major setback to the Centres ambitious plan to set up the National Counter Terrorism Centre (NCTC) based on a diluted

draft, at least two Congress Chief Ministers Maharashtras Prithviraj Chavan and Karnatakas K. Siddaramaiah voiced their concerns over certain provisions of the antiterror agency at the Chief Ministers conference on internal security on Wednesday.

Susan Rice, U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, will replace Tom Donilon as National Security Advisor, according to officials speaking to media here.

Punjab has rejected the Union governments plan for the National Counter Terrorism Centre, calling it a direct interference in Indias federal structure. The NCTC will allow the Centre to tactically intervene in internal matters of the States

Seeking to cash in on introduction of the Linke Holfmann Busch (LHB) coaches, the Railways have decided to enhance RAC (reservation against cancellation) berths.

RAC passengers are provided with sitting arrangements and can, if they so desire, share their berth.

Linke Holfmann Busch (LHB) coaches are the passenger compartments of Indian Railways that have been developed by Linke-Hofmann-Busch of Germany[1

produced by Rail Coach Factory in Kapurthala, India.

started manufacturing after technology transfer

for an operating speed up to 160 km/h for an operating speed up to 160 km/h

They are considered to be "anti-telescopic", which means they do not get turned over, if the train derails or gets involved in a collision. These coaches are made of stainless steel and the interiors are made of aluminium which make them lighter as compared to conventional rakes.[9] Each coach also has an "advanced pneumatic disc brake system" for efficient braking at higher speeds, "modular interiors" that integrate lighting into ceiling and luggage racks with wider windows.[10] The improved suspension system of LHB coaches ensures more riding comfort for the passengers compared to conventional rakes. The air conditioning system of the LHB coaches is of higher capacity compared to the older rakes and is controlled by a microprocessor which is said to give passengers better comfort than the older coaches during summer and winter seasons. They are relatively quieter as each coach can produce a maximum noise level of 60 decibels while conventional coaches can produce 100 decibels.

Each LHB coach costs between Rs 15 million to 20 million, whereas the power car which houses a generator costs about 30 million

From finding a trail of evidence supporting the presence of water on Mars a few billion years ago, Curiositys discovery of subrounded or rounded pebbles provides definitive proof that the red planet once had a river

The National Counter Terrorism Center (NCTC) is a proposed federal anti-terror agency to be created in India, modelled on the National Counterterrorism Center of the USA. The proposal arose after the 2008 Mumbai attacks aka 26/11 attacks where several intelligence and operational failures revealed the need for a federal agency with real time intelligence inputs of actionable value specifically to counter terrorist acts against India. The proposal has however met with much criticism from the Chief Ministers of various states who see this as a means of weakening India's federalism.[1]

The NCTC will derive its powers from the Unlawful Activities Prevention Act, 1967

It is to be a part of the Intelligence Bureau

The NCTC will execute counter-terror operations and collect, collate and disseminate data on terrorism besides maintaining a data base on terrorists and their associates including their families. The NCTC has been empowered to analyse intelligence shared by agencies like the Intelligence Bureau and select what it deems suitable. It has also been granted powers to conduct searches and arrests in any part of India and will formulate responses to terror threats.[1][4]

Indian agency will have not only intelligence functions but also powers to conduct operations

states objecting to the NCTC, arguing that such sweeping powers vested in a Central agency will violate the autonomy of state governments states objecting to the NCTC, arguing that such sweeping powers vested in a Central agency will violate the autonomy of state governments given given that law and order is a state subject according to the Constitution

NCTC would only add to the bureaucratic tangle in intelligence sharing and counter terrorist action.[6]

It is also argued that the nature of US and Indian federal structures differ vastly and hence suitable amendments are needed for the agency to be effective while guaranteeing the constitutional rights of the states. Some strategic experts like B.Raman of the R&AW have pointed out that there are significant loopholes which may still be used in selectively targeting states for political ends

The initial opposition to the NCTC also focused on how the agency had been empowered to search and arrest people without keeping the state government, police or anti-terror squad in the loop.

Dr. Singh said: Time has now come to view the challenges of terrorism, communal violence and Left-Wing Extremism (LWE) in a holistic manner. I think each one of us needs to be completely objective in our approach to these issues, acting in the national interest, rising above narrow political and ideological divides.

Dr. Singh said the Centre adopted a two-pronged strategy to deal with LWE: conducting proactive and sustained operations against Naxals; and addressing issues of development and governance in the Maoist-affected area

security situation in the Kashmir Valley improved significantly as terror incidents last year were the lowest in the past 20 years

security situation in the northeast continued to be complex,

pointing out that peace talks with various insurgent groups were going on. Insurgency, extortion and agitations were the main disruptive instruments in the hands of the insurgents.

insurgent and ethnic separatist groups The Supreme Court said on Wednesday Z or Y category security could not be provided to former ministers at their mere asking, based on their own threat perception.

Online retailer Amazon launched its India marketplace,, on Wednesday, offering books, movies and television shows for sale.

The new marketplace model allows the company to sidestep regulatory hurdles that prevent foreign retailers from owning an Indian arm for direct sales.

BCCI not a fiefdom of a few individuals: Bindra

An interim president can be appointed only if the current head resigns or is incapacitated

India prime target of Chinese cyber-espionage: Kaspersky

India has been a prime target of a Chinese cyber-espionage campaign that has been active for at least eight years, according to Russias leading IT security provider.

an ongoing hacking attack dubbed NetTraveler has hit hundreds of victims in 40 countries since 2005 or 2004, with the highest number in Mongolia, India and Russia. The Lab described NetTraveler as a malicious data exfiltration tool that takes advantage of old flaws in Microsoft Office to delivery spear-phishing emails.

The Left parties had also raised serious concerns over the move by the Petroleum Ministry to dramatically hike natural gas prices and charged the Ministry with allegedly working to benefit Reliance Industries Limited (RIL). The price reportedly recommended by the Ministry in the CCEA note comes to around $6.775 per million British thermal unit (mmBtu) as against the current rate of $4.2 per mmBtu. RIL is seeking a price of around $12 to $14 mmbtu at par with the landing cost of imported LNG.

CCI probes cartelisation in sugar industry



cartelisation cartelisation in The commission has found prima facie evidence of sugar mills collectively deciding to fix price of ethanol for the supply to the oil marketing companies (OMCs).

it appears that the red planet may well have a rat! Forget rat, a picture taken in 2012 by the HighResolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) camera aboard the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) shows the head of an elephant.

Even humans seem to have inhabited Mars, if one were to believe the photo taken by Viking 1 Orbiter more than three decades ago!

Humans have long known to display a tendency for identifying shapes or hearing sounds from random sources and attaching significance to them. Scientists call this psychological phenomenon of deciphering shapes from random patterns as pareidolia. Human infants and young birds learn syllables in pairs

ombustion of fossil fuels was adding about six gigatons of carbon per year in the form of CO{-2} Bio-energy and bio-plastics produced by novel methods

combustion of fossil fuels was adding about six gigatons of carbon per year in the form of CO{-2}

Tomas Brunegrd, chairman of Swedens Stampen Media Group, is the new president of the World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers.

He was elected to a two-year term during WAN-IFRAs annual meetings here. He succeeds Jacob Mathew of the Kerala-based Malayala Manorama . India and Australia have agreed to hold a joint Naval exercise in 2015 to raise their defence cooperation initiatives to a higher level and strengthen their strategic partnership.

India and Australia have agreed to hold a joint Naval exercise in 2015 to raise their defence cooperation initiatives to a higher level and strengthen their strategic partnership.

Defence Minister A.K. Antony, who is on a two-day visit

joint statement

stressed that both countries had agreed to continue Naval exchanges to build confidence and familiarity between the two Navies and work towards a bilateral maritime exercise in 2015

maritime security and freedom of navigation in accordance with principles of international law were critical for the growth and prosperity of the Asia-Pacific and Indian Ocean regions.

The Indian Navy will get an opportunity to showcase its growing military capability at the IFR, International Fleet Review

International Fleet Review (IFR) to be held in Sydney this October The Indian Navys participation is being seen as part of a big strategy unfolding in the Indian Ocean region to contain the ever-growing presence of Chinas Peoples Liberation Army Navy The Indian Navys participation is being seen as part of a big strategy unfolding in the Indian Ocean region to contain the ever-growing presence of Chinas Peoples Liberation Army Navy


The Ministers took note of the progress made in defence cooperation in accordance with the Memorandum of Understanding on Defence Cooperation concluded in 2006,

paris paris

Bird flu viruses mutations to watch out for

Bird flu viruses mutations to watch out for

Bird flu viruses mutations to watch out for

Bird flu viruses H5N1 and H7N9 that have sporadically infected humans, could, with a few mutations to a key protein on their surface, become capable of infecting cells along the human upper airway and thereby take a step towards turning into pandemic-causing strains, according to research that has just been published in the scientific journal Cell . People have typically caught these viruses from infected poultry, and there has been little evidence of person-to-person transmission.

The first step in that entry process is for a viral surface protein, haemagglutinin (HA), to bind strongly to a receptor molecule found on cells lining the human airway.

Gross National Happiness (GNH) has now become a catch phrase for an alternative global discourse of development. Some have even hailed it as a new paradigm of progress. The term was coined by

Bhutans former king Jigme Wangchuck in 1972; he had opened up the country to modernisation and democracy.

Gross National Happiness (GNH) has now become a catch phrase for an alternative global discourse of development. Some have even hailed it as a new paradigm of progress. The term was coined by Bhutans former king Jigme Wangchuck in 1972; he had opened up the country to modernisation and democracy.

GNH has four pillars: the promotion of equitable and sustainable socio-economic development; preservation and promotion of cultural values; conservation of the natural environment; and establishment of good governance. GNH has four pillars: the promotion of equitable and sustainable socio-economic development; preservation and promotion of cultural values; conservation of the natural environment; and establishment of good governance. GNH has four pillars: the promotion of equitable and sustainable socio-economic development; preservation and promotion of cultural values; conservation of the natural environment; and establishment of good governance. GNH has four pillars: the promotion of equitable and sustainable socio-economic development; preservation and promotion of cultural values; conservation of the natural environment; and establishment of good governance. GNH has four pillars: the promotion of equitable and sustainable socio-economic development; preservation and promotion of cultural values; conservation of the natural environment; and establishment of good governance. GNH has four pillars: the promotion of equitable and sustainable socio-economic development; preservation and promotion of cultural values; conservation of the natural environment; and establishment of good governance. GNH has four pillars: the promotion of equitable and sustainable socio-economic development; preservation and promotion of cultural values; conservation of the natural environment; and establishment of good governance. GNH has four pillars: the promotion of equitable and sustainable socio-economic development; preservation and promotion of cultural values; conservation of the natural environment; and establishment of good governance.

GNH has four pillars: the promotion of equitable and sustainable socio-economic development; preservation and promotion of cultural values; conservation of the natural environment; and establishment of good governance. 81 81 81

The United Nations General Assembly resolution accepted the need to measure happiness as a significant dimension of human progress. The first United Nations World Happiness Report has been released recently.

Did setting of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) make a difference to development results beyond historically expected trends?

Did setting of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) make a difference to development results beyond historically expected trends?

Did setting of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) make a difference to development results beyond historically expected trends?

Country case studies for India, Country case studies for India, some of these countries adjusted policies and budgets because of the MDGs, leading to better performance on several indicators. some of these countries adjusted policies and budgets because of the MDGs, leading to better performance on several indicators.

some of these countries adjusted policies and budgets because of the MDGs, leading to better performance on several indicators. some of these countries adjusted policies and budgets because of the MDGs, leading to better performance on several indicators. setting ran into problems limited resources and capacity in many countries limited resources and capacity in many countries

China unveils South Asia trade push with backing from Indias neighbours

China unveils South Asia trade push with backing from Indias neighbours

China unveils South Asia trade push with backing from Indias neighbours

On Thursday, China launched its first-ever South Asia Exposition, an event described by Mr. Ma, who is also a Vice-Premier, as an attempt to deepen Chinas economic ties in the region. The expo is an upgraded version of a commodities fair that Kunming hosts every year, signalling the Central governments backing to an event it had earlier largely ignored. On Thursday, China launched its first-ever South Asia Exposition, an event described by Mr. Ma, who is also a Vice-Premier, as an attempt to deepen Chinas economic ties in the region. The expo is an upgraded version of a commodities fair that Kunming hosts every year, signalling the Central governments backing to an event it had earlier largely ignored. e said Premier Li Keqiangs proposals, made during his recent visits to India and Pakistan, to accelerate long-discussed plans to build a Bangladesh-China-India-Myanmar (BCIM) economic corridor and a Xinjiang-Pakistan corridor underscored this intent. Indias neighbours appeared more enthused about the event. Mr. Jayaratne said the government under Mahinda Rajapaksa backed a greater Chinese economic presence in the region, while Nepal Vice-President Parmanand Jha detailed plans to build a special economic zone along the border with China and courted Chinese investment in hydropower projects. Three decades after, Operation Blue Star lawsuit resurrected

But Sikhs want only apology from Centre, not keen on compensation

But Sikhs want only apology from Centre, not keen on compensation

I personally think that there is a change in the mindset of the Congress because both Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and Sonia Gandhi have apologised in the last few years. It will be a statesmanlike gesture if they accept this in court too and apologise. For the Sikh community, Rs. 1000 crore in damages is not important. All we want is an acceptance from the government that a wrong was done to us. I personally think that there is a change in the mindset of the Congress because both Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and Sonia Gandhi have apologised in the last few years. It will be a statesmanlike gesture if they accept this in court too and apologise. For the Sikh community, Rs. 1000 crore in damages is not important. All we want is an acceptance from the government that a wrong was done to us. I personally think that there is a change in the mindset of the Congress because both Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and Sonia Gandhi have apologised in the last few years. It will be a statesmanlike gesture if they accept this in court too and apologise. For the Sikh community, Rs. 1000 crore in damages is not important. All we want is an acceptance from the government that a wrong was done to us. y the fee by March 15. A day before the expiry of this deadline, the SGPC submitted the affidavit seeking withdrawal of the case. It stated the court was yet to decide maintainability of the case. Moreover, if the SGPC did pay the amount and the case was decided against it, it will be sheer wastage of the hard-earned money donated by devotees on court fees.

But the outrage that followed this move made the SGPC deposit the money, enabling the case to move ahead. The Sikh intelligentsia feel that it is really not a question of getting mo The Central Information Commission (CIC) decision declaring political parties as public authorities under the Right to Information Act has again pit the political class against the people.

The Central Information Commission (CIC) decision declaring political parties as public authorities under the Right to Information Act has again pit the political class against the people.

Political parties have increasingly lost legitimacy due to opaque financing, cultivation of individuals with a criminal background, subversion of institutions, and exposs of bipartisan scams and abuse of power. You haven't sent your message yet. Do you want to leave without sending?Are you sure that you want to leave this page? You haven't sent your message yet. Do you want to leave without sending?Are you sure that you want to leave this page? Terrorist organisations at protests, says Turkeys Erdogan

Terrorist organisations at protests, says Turkeys Erdogan

Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan said on Thursday members of a terrorist organisation were taking part in deadly anti-government protests sweeping Turkey and refused to cancel a controversial development plan that sparked them. Suu Kyi hopes to be President

In her clearest statement yet of her political ambitions, Myanmar opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi told international business and political leaders on Thursday that she hoped to become her countrys next President.

In her clearest statement yet of her political ambitions, Myanmar opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi told international business and political leaders on Thursday that she hoped to become her countrys next President.

U.K. to pay 20 million for Mau Mau atrocity

Britain is to pay 20 million in compensation to Kenyans tortured by its colonial forces for alleged role in the Mau Mau rebellion in the 1950s and 1960s opening the door for similar payouts to victims of the raj.

Franchisee route not allowed in multi-brand retailing

Franchisee route not allowed in multi-brand retailing

Foreign retailers entering Indias multi-brand segment will not be allowed to franchise their stores, and will have to put 50 per cent of their investments in back-end infrastructure specifically for the chain they are setting up. Foreign retailers entering Indias multi-brand segment will not be allowed to franchise their stores, and will have to put 50 per cent of their investments in back-end infrastructure specifically for the chain they are setting up. FDI policy for multi-brand retail trading (MBRT), the Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion (DIPP) said FDI policy for multi-brand retail trading (MBRT), the Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion (DIPP) said FDI policy for multi-brand retail trading (MBRT), the Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion (DIPP) said front-end stores set up by MBRT entity will have to be company-owned and company operated only. The DIPP also said the mandatory 30 per cent sourcing from small industries will be counted only for sales through the front-end stores.

The DIPP also said the mandatory 30 per cent sourcing from small industries will be counted only for sales through the front-end stores.

Fifty per cent of the investments brought in, must be invested in back-end infrastructure, and any amount spent in acquiring front-end retail stores would not be counted towards back-end infrastructure, An Indian dhow that was attacked by pirates in the Gulf of Aden has been rescued by the counter piracy forces of European Union Naval Force (EU Navfor) and the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) in a coordinated operation. All 14 Indian sailors aboard are reported safe.

Fifty per cent of the investments brought in, must be invested in back-end infrastructure, and any amount spent in acquiring front-end retail stores would not be counted towards back-end infrastructure, The front-end retail stores must also be set up as an additionality, and not through acquisition of existing stores, it added. The front-end retail stores must also be set up as an additionality, and not through acquisition of existing stores, it added. Investment in the equity of the existing infrastructure company will not be treated towards the fulfilment of the conditionality of 50 per cent investment in back-end infrastructure, Investment in the equity of the existing infrastructure company will not be treated towards the fulfilment of the conditionality of 50 per cent investment in back-end infrastructure, Front End and Back End Infrastructure Front End and Back End Infrastructure Front End and Back End Infrastructure Front-end and back-end infrastructures are terms, which are used to describe program interfaces and services that are relative to the initial user. A front-end is an application that users interact with directly and a back-end is an indirect application or program in support of the front-end services.

Investment in the equity of the existing infrastructure company will not be treated towards the fulfilment of the conditionality of 50 per cent investment in back-end infrastructure, investments in multiple infrastructure companies would not be counted towards fulfilment of condition of mandatorily investing 50 per cent in the back-end infrastructure. Fifty per cent of the investments brought in, must be invested in back-end infrastructure, and any amount spent in acquiring front-end retail stores would not be counted towards back-end infrastructure, the DIPP said.

conditionality he front-end retail stores must also be set up as an additionality, and not through acquisition of existing stores Giving clarity on the sourcing part, it said: The sourcing condition pertains only to manufactured and processed products. Procurement of fresh produce is not covered by this condition.

Giving clarity on the sourcing part, it said: The sourcing condition pertains only to manufactured and processed products. Procurement of fresh produce is not covered by this condition.

foreign retail chain can invest only in greenfield (new) assets and it will not be possible to acquire supply/chain/backend assets or stakes from an existing entity foreign retail chain can invest only in greenfield (new) assets and it will not be possible to acquire supply/chain/backend assets or stakes from an existing entity foreign retail chain can invest only in greenfield (new) assets and it will not be possible to acquire supply/chain/backend assets or stakes from an existing entity.

investment in back-end infrastructure has to be an additionality, and the foreign retail chain can invest only in greenfield Union Finance Minister P. Chidambaram, on Thursday, said that the government would be able to achieve the fiscal deficit target of 4.8 per cent during 2013-14, but falling value of the rupee and the widening current account deficit (CAD) were the major worries.

The trading sentiment bolstered as government decided to increase import duty on gold from 6 per cent to 8 per cent to curb a record current account deficit at a time when the World Gold Council predicts record quarterly demand for the metal in India.

Finance Ministry seeks comments on FSLRC recommendations

In its report, the FSLRC had called for radical reforms in the financial sector with a total overhaul of the system by way of merging the oversight functions of all regulators of market, commodity, insurance and pension sectors

By the year 2020-25, we hope to achieve $13-14 trillion economy. An ambition cannot be achieved unless there are steps taken towards it. Therefore, you need something that is drastic, something that is total overhaul of the existing financial system

Sudha Singh

Her first place finish in the womens 3000m steeplechase in a time of 9:45.60s gave the 26-year-old from Uttar Pradesh a new National record and also helped her qualify for the World championship to be held in Moscow in August. triple jumper Mayookha Johny, the meet and National record holder, triple jumper Mayookha Johny, the meet and National record holder,

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