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1. The Heroines by Eileen Favorite

Thirteen-year-old Penny's dysfunctional childhood has an unusual twist: she and her
mother run a B&B in Illinois to which the heroines of famous novels come for a rest when
their plots are getting too much. Impatient with the incessant moping of the likes of
Emma Bovary and Scarlett O'Hara, Penny is thrilled when one night she is abducted by a
mythical Irish king, riding over the prairie to seize back his lady love from the B&B.
Unfortunately, the police become involved and in order to protect the heroines, Penny's
mother allows her to be committed to the local mental institution, where she must plot
her escape. By not explaining too much, Eileen Favorite keeps the conceit neat and droll
and produces a surprising debut novel.

2. The Princess Diaries

It's nearly Mia's 15th birthday. A time when a princess should be looking forward to total
self-actualization. And getting ready for the biggest night of her life - the Senior Prom,
escorted by her ultra-hottie boyfriend, Michael.But nothing's going according to plan. It's
bad enough that Mia's facing a summer in Genovia. Even worse is the fact that Michael
has neglected to invite her to the prom. Hello, what exactly is going ON there?
Just as Mia cooks up a plan to change Michael's mind, disaster strikes. The kind of
disaster that only a miracle can over overcome. A miracle called Grandmere..
3. Laughing Matters by Steven Jacobi

5. Venus Envy
6. On the Edge

Peter, a disaffected merchant banker in his mid-thirties, suffers a "coup de foudre" when
he lays eyes on the delectable Sabine, and sets out on a reckless mission to track her
down. His search takes him to some of the outposts of New Age culture, and there he
finds something he wasn't looking for.

7. The End of Harry Potter?

THE END OF HARRY POTTER is the perfect companion volume for all Harry Potter fans.
Award-winning writer and Potter fan David Langford delves into the six Harry Potter
books to explore J.K. Rowling's universe and characters, and shows in detail how cleverly
J.K. Rowling has woven her world
8. World Without End

On the day after Halloween, in the year 1327, four children slip away from the cathedral
city of Kingsbridge. They are a thief, a bully, a boy genius and a girl who wants to be a
doctor. In the forest they see two men killed.

As adults, their lives will be braided together by ambition, love, greed and revenge. They
will see prosperity and famine, plague and war. One boy will travel the world but come
home in the end; the other will be a powerful, corrupt nobleman. One girl will defy the
might of the medieval church; the other will pursue an impossible love. And always they
will live under the long shadow of the unexplained killing they witnessed on that fateful
childhood day.

World Without End is the sequel to The Pillars of the Earth. However, it doesn't matter
which you read first. The second book is set in the same town, Kingsbridge, but takes
place two hundred years later, and features the descendants of the original characters.
9. Batavia’s Graveyard

When the Dutch East Indiaman Bataviastruck an uncharted reef off the new continent of
Australia on her maiden voyage in 1629, 332 men, women and children were on board.
While some headed off in a lifeboat to seek help, 250 of the survivors ended up on a tiny
coral island less than half a mile long. A band of mutineers, whose motives were almost
beyond comprehension, then started on a cold-blooded killing spree, leaving less than 80
people alive when the rescue boat arrived 3 months later. Batavia's Graveyardtells this
strange story as a gripping narrative structured around 3 strong principal characters:
Francisco Pelsaert, the cultivated but weak-willed captain; Jeronimus Cornelisz, a sinister
apothecary with a terrifying personal philosophy influenced by Rosicrucianism who set
himself up as the ruler of the island; and Wiebbe Hayes, the only survivor with the
courage to fight Jeronimus' band. The background to these events, including the story of
the Dutch East India Company, and the discovery of Australia, is richly and vividly
10. Suite Francaise - Irene Nemirovsky

In 1941, Irene Nemirovsky sat down to write a book that would convey the magnitude of
what she was living through by evoking the domestic lives and personal trials of the
ordinary citizens of France. Nemirovsky's death in Auschwitz in 1942 prevented her from
seeing the day, sixty-five years later, that the existing two section of her planned novel
sequence, Suite Francaise, would be rediscovered and hailed as a masterpiece.

Set during the year that France fell to the Nazis, Suite Francaise, falls into two parts. The
first is a brilliant depiction of a group of Prisians as they flee the Nazi invasion; the
second follows the inhabitants of a small rural community under occupation. Suite
Francaise, is a novel that teems with wonderful characters struggling with the new
regime. However, amidst the mess of defeat, and all the hypocrisy and compromise,
there is hope. True nobility and love exist, but often in surprising places.
11. The Possibilty Of An Island

12. Psychiatric Power

13. Signal of Distress

14. All the Colours of Darkness

A beautiful June day in the Yorkshire Dales, and a group of children are spending the last
of their half-term freedom swimming in the river near Hipswell Woods. But the idyll is
shattered by their discovery of a mans body, hanging from a tree. DI Annie Cabott soon
discovers he is Mark Hardcastle, the well-liked and successful set designer for the
Eastvale Theatres current production of Othello. Everything points to suicide, and Annie
is mystified. Why would such a man want to take his own life? Then Annies investigation
leads to another shattering discovery, and DCI Alan Banks is called back from the idyllic
weekend he had planned with his new girlfriend. Banks soon finds himself plunged into a
shadow-world where nothing is what it seems, where secrets and deceit are the norm,
and where murder is seen as the solution to a problem. The deeper he digs the more he
discovers that the monster he has awakened will extend its deadly reach to his friends
and family. Nobody is safe.
16. Waiting For Kate Bush

18. My Lobotomy
21. The Angels' Guide to Love & Dating

Finding love, like hang-gliding, requires a leap of faith into the unknown and the real
possibility of getting hurt (the good news with dating is that if at first you don't succeed
you can try again!). If you are on the hunt for 'the one', there is a deluge of advice from
magazines, chat shows and experts, all human and subject to human failings. How much
better to have advice direct from the angelic realms? Angels never interfere, but can and
will, intervene if you ask them to. Laura Penn explains how to invoke the angel you need
at the time you need them. Areas covered include finding your love and first dates
(including a unique angelic bull barometer to gauge if your intended angel is all they
claim to be). There is advice on how to keep a relationship going to what to do when it
all goes wrong (the angel of chocolate can be a true friend at the time of a break up).
"The Angels" can provide a hand to hold and a guide to the maze of emotions - from the
thrill of the first date to the heartache of being dumped, they are here to help you enjoy
each and every stage.

22. The Six-Day Financial Makeover: Transform Your Financial Life in Less Than
a Week!

23. The Time in Between

The 2005 winner of the Giller Prize, David Bergen’s novel, “The Time In Between” is
about a Vietnam veteran, Charles Boatman, who returns to Vietnam to face some of the
demons that have haunted him for decades after serving there. When he goes missing,
his son and daughter, Jon and Ada, travel to Vietnam in search of him. While Jon soon
emotionally abandons the search for his father, Ada continues to follow any clue that
might lead to her father, becoming entangled in the lives of those she meets. The novel
unfolds, moving between past and present, father and daughter, as the two main
characters each weave their way along an emotional journey. The strength of the tie
between father and daughter is developed in the section of the book covering the years
prior to Charles' return to Vietnam and then as Ada gains insight into her father's trauma
as she continues her search for him.
24. Til the Fat Girl Sings

Whale. Heifer. Fatty. These are the names Sharon Wheatley heard every day during
middle school. By high school she topped the scales at 230 pounds. Sneaking into the
garage late at night to scarf down frozen cupcakes from the freezer while her family
slept, Sharon kept on eating-and kept on dreaming of Broadway. Discouraged at every
turn by friends and family alike, "Little Miss Sunshine" stayed positive and kept her
dream alive. Even when her own father told her, "Sexy sells, and fat isn't sexy," Sharon
endured. Despite her weight, she got into the prestigious Cincinnati Conservatory of
Music-where they told her she'd never land a romantic leading role.
They were all wrong. In this touching memoir, readers follow Sharon as she transforms
herself from a tortured-on-the-inside, all-smiles-on-the-outside, obese teenager to the
confident young woman who, against all odds, takes Broadway by storm. Rising above
her greatest critics and detractors, Sharon achieves her lifelong dream. A story that is
sure to touch teens and adults alike, 'Til the Fat Girl Sings is a compelling, honest story
that shows readers good girls don't always finish last-and leading roles don't always go
to the most popular girl in school.

26. Losing Larry

27. The Life of Reilly

28. The Whole Truth

29. Peninsula of Lies

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