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-Daisy was supposed to be with Gatsby, but then went to the war and couldnt reach him.

She gave up on him. - Gatsby did everything for her. House of flowers, the house, the party, the house across the lake. The house was for her. Gatsby simply wanted her to erase the past, which he couldnt do. - Today youd be sued for having such a party. - The only thing after 5 years she rememberd was nice shrts . - Gatsby got mad because he didnt want to be DIFFERENT. Poor family and just wanted to be like everyone else. Exploded at Buchanan for his remarks. - Buchanan drove yellow first (gatsbys car) but then on way back Gatsby drove his yellow car... ot really because daisy did and killed buchanans mistress.. - Gatsby didnt stop believing she would come back.even after she killed the lady. - Gatsby Waited for her phone call. Never called. Hopeful. - Nick: Gatsby- There a rotten crowd: youre a worth a whole damn bunch put together. Nick: I was always glad I said that.. it was the only compliment I have ever payed him. - I remember the end of that day as an endless thrill of police and tabloid reporters. The headlines were a nightmare. They pinned everything on Gatsby: the affair with mertyl, the hit and run, everything and there was nothing I could say. Except the utterable fact that NONE of it was true. - Daisy didnt even stay for Gatsbys wedding. - Nick: They were careless people, tom and daisy. They smashed up things and people and then retrieted back into their money and their vast carelessness. - Nick: I rang, I wrote, I implored but not a single one of the sparkling hundres that enjoyed his hospitality attended the funeral. And from Daisy, not even a flower. I was all he had, the only one who cared. After gatsbys death, NY was haunted for me, that city. My once golden shimmering mirrage, now made me sick. In my last night in NY, I returned to that huge incoherent house once more. All cleaned out now. - Nick: The moon rose higher, and as I stood there brooting on the old unknown world I thought of gatsbys wonder when he first picked out the green light at the end of daisys dock. He had come such a long way and his dream must have seemed so close that he could hardly faile to grasp it, but he did not know it was ALREASDY behind him. Gatsby believed in the green light, the orgastic future that year by year receeds before us. It eluded us then but thats no matter, Tomorrow we will run faster, stretch out our arms farther, and one fine morning. So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back, ceasisly into the past. Nick: Enchated and repelled by the inexhaustible variety of life. referring to NYC. Nick: [Gatsbys] Smile was one of those rare smiles that you might come across 4 or 5 times in a life, it seemed to understand you and believe in you just as you like t be understood and belived in.

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