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“You Came Here to Take Back Your Light”

“Keep Your Focus on the Light”

“Love Letters from The Present Moment of Now, Heaven on Earth”

“Blessed is the Love Called God Everywhere Present, Equally Within Us ALL”

Love from the Galactic Federation of Light, The Company of Heaven, and From
Galactic Central/Center. We are Your Family of Light from the Stars, and
Beyond...We Are the Ground Crew For First Contact, Your Earth Allies, and
Representatives for this Upcoming Event! We Are Here in Service To You, ALL of
Humanity, and To Mother Earth. We Love You Unconditionally.

Greetings, Many Blessings, Miracles, Many Magical Synchronostic Events, Joy,

Peace, Abundance, Amazing Wonder, as You Are Present in the Moment of Now. Today
is Friday June 12th, 2009. We understand Many of You are still going through the
Energies of May. You will continue to go through these until you are Through, this
is the way it is. Some of you may not like to hear this, and many of you may have
had an expectation that it was going to be easy. We and many others have shared,
that indeed, this was not an easy task. Easy in choice, but not easy as you make
your way out of unconsciousness or darkness. If anyone has shared with you that it
was easy, then they are only lying to themselves, and definitely are not
“through”. They have just created another illusion and are calling it new. Sadly,
we have had to be the observers, as so many of you looked for an easy way through,
and believed those that offered any solution. It was like the blind leading the
blind right into the wall, with nothing we could do, except offer our assistance
when called upon. Everything that You are going through we already have [this is
why we are “The Ground Crew”], so that we understood how the process felt, and all
that came along with it, which were the Highs and the lows. There is a Light at
the end of the tunnel, as this is Guaranteed for those who have chosen the Path of
Ascension. Keeping your Eyes and Your Focus on the Prize so to Speak will assist
you through the tough moments. What is the Prize? Your Ticket out of duality,
illusion, all the pain and suffering, and to the Experience of Heaven on Earth. We
cannot make the walk for you. You must do the climb.

We came in, to go through the process so that we could help you. We sacrificed
much to come into the lower vibrations at the risk of not being able to get out.
You may think it was Guaranteed for Us, but this is not true. We chose to leave
the Upper realms and drop down into illusion, density, to Assist Humanity out. We
had to forget everything about who We Really Are, Just as each of You, this was
the agreement [and Just Like each of You, We came in with the Divine Plan]. We
came in with the knowing we had to follow certain rules here in this Realm, and
that WE would have to make the climb out of illusion. So, We walked through
illusion and found our way out. As you can See we Succeeded in Being Fully
Conscious, and So Will You. We Exist here in this Realm in the Higher Vibrational
Energy, but still must face the challenges that come from being in this Realm, as
We wait for more to reach the Higher levels within the Light. Sometimes we call
ourselves the “waiting” Crew, instead of the Ground Crew, LOL. To be able to
maintain our Higher Level of Vibration Now in this Realm is a Very Big challenge,
and we often feel the Pull, Stronger and Stronger each day, to Ascend out of this
realm. As Each day Passes, this Grows Stronger.
Many of you ask where you come from, which Planet and so forth. The Real Reality
and The Real Truth is that Each Being on this Planet's Home is Mother Earth.
Before You came to Earth, you came Through the Pleiades. This is where you
received your Earth Schooling. You are from Everywhere, You Are Royal Angels of
the Highest Kind, You Are God. We are All One, and ALL One Within Creation. Many
of you are not going to like this Truth, because We are Now challenging any ego
you have, plus all the many fantasies and disinformation that have bombarded this
Planet. Many of you grabbed onto these lies, so that you would not have to face
yourself. Society=ego wanted to give you an identity, so that it could survive.
You may have thought that you were from another Star System [Such as Sirius]
because many of you have visited these places before. But they are not your Home
Star Systems, Mother Earth actually is. Humanity is a Unique Species, made Of
Royal Angels, Gods and Goddesses, why else would All Of Creation have their Eyes
Glued to Planet Earth at this Moment? They are All awaiting the “Homecoming” and
The “Surprise”.

It's the Moment to Let go of all of the fantasies, Let go of anything you have
ever been taught or told, and in this Way you will Be Closer to the Truth, because
only Truth remains when illusion is gone. The more you hang onto the
disinformation, the Real Truth does not have the space to come in. What happened
is that you developed a fantasy, so that you would not have to face the Real
Reality that You Are Here on Mother Earth, and that She is as Much a Part of You,
as You are Of Her. You would rather believe you were from some far away Star
System, and that someone was going to come from that Star System to come get you.
In that way you could take the easy way out, and you would not have to face
yourself. Well Children, get over that, because that is not going to happen. There
is no easy way out [and you were all aware of this, when you agreed to come in
here to this Realm], drop that, and then you can Move onto the Real Reality and
the Real Truth. The only way out is through, and this is by facing yourself,
looking at what is Real and True and letting go of what is not. What is not real
and true is ego, what is not real and true is anything that is Not Present in the
Moment of Now. What is not real and true is all illusion. Face these things, Step
into Real Reality, and Take Back your Light, which is Why you are here in the
First Place.

We will share a Story with You. We stated in our Last message that We Gave you
Souls, so that You Could Play a Game called pretend or illusion. You Received
Souls To have this experience. You also know from some of our previous messages
that this all started as a game, and what happened here was that you forgot that
it was just a game, you began to think it was Real. Now there is Much Much More to
the Real History of this. There are many factors that came in such as the
anunnaki, the reptilians, and the effects they had on “The Dream Machine”, which
are all definite factors into The “Whole Truth” of Your True History. Where we are
going to take you today is to the very, very beginning. Where we Gave You Souls as
Angels, and you were Androgynous, before you received these Souls. In order to
receive Souls for the “Experience” You were then Split into Male and Female, thus
Created the “Twin Flame”, so that you had an exact “Mirror” for the Experience
[this is where the Adam and Eve Story came from]. You Each Loved this, and were
Very Exited about this Journey. So off you each went on your Journeys and each
time you came back to Father God and I, we kept noticing more and more of your
Light was gone. This is Why You Are Here on Planet Earth, as We sent You Back to
Get Your Light and Bring it Home, to Complete the Circuit. This is Also Why the
New Earth is Based Upon “Twin Flame” Relationships. As You Each Make the Return to
Wholeness and Oneness, you reconnect with your Twin Flames. You do not have to
look for Your Twin Flame, all of this will occur naturally, as Destiny and The
Divine Plan. Now, we are giving you the “Short Version” of all of this. However,
more of your True History will be revealed to you. It's Very Multi-Dimensional,
and for many of you it's difficult to even grasp that you Are An Angel. So we Just
Start with the Basics, and progress from there!

Events- Making your way through the “Eye of the Needle”, the Light at the End of
the Tunnel. Keep Going... We are Getting Closer and Closer to the Most Wondrous
Events you could Ever Imagine. Keep Your Focus on this and Keep walking!! We are
Heading for The Summer Solstice. Many Celebrations Await You, as You Discover The
Grand Beings You Are! All of Creation has their Eyes on YOU!! You Will Make it
Through, and if you need our Assistance, Email Us for a Private Session at

Visions- All the Royal Angels Everywhere on The Planet, Singing and Dancing,
Welcoming Each other Home into the Love and Truth of their Beings. Mother Earth
and All Throughout Creation Join you in this Most Wondrous Event in the History of
Planet Earth=Heart.

Song “Calling All Angels” Pay it Forward

Your Mission and Task- Stand Up, Be the Voice of Love and Truth. Drop all
illusions and fantasy's, then Step into True Reality and Shine Your Light! Be the
Royal Angel you are.

Donations- We Need Your Support in this Realm, so that we can Be here. Please
Support the Divine Mission and the Divine Flow Donations can be made here
Kingdom of Heaven
PO Box 881
Crestone, CO 81131

If you have missed any of Our Messages you can Visit our Ning Site Under the
“Daily Messages” : Section, or visit our Website at under the Forum or Library Sections.

We Love you Unconditionally, with The Highest Love, Honor and Respect. You are Our
Children, Royal Angels, and ALL God's and Goddesses. Love Mother and Father
God/Amon Ra, Your Family of Light, All the Angels, and The First Contact Ground
Crew Team.

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