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Kinesiology is the study of the art and science of human movement and how that movement and exercise

contribute toward healing. Kinesiology is a natural approach to achieve and maintain peak health and well-being, with an improved performance edge in business, sports and learning The mission of kinesiology is to create, disseminate, and apply knowledge on the role of physical activity. Activities include the exercise, movement, experienced outdoor adventure, and sport and health promotion in society. More specifically, this academic discipline is based around the study of physical activity in work, play, games, sport, dance, aquatics, adventure, disciplined ring fighting, and physical fitness. Kinesiologists strive to help us better understand how our bodies work and use muscle feedback and body awareness to decrease stress and pain. These professionals may typically hold positions in wellness centers, health and fitness clubs, and may provide individualized personal training. The aim is promote and develop our society for the recognition of improved quality of life. To this end, kinesiology's direct applications to fitness and health includes the development of exercises for people with and without disabilities, preventing disease due to trauma and neglect, rehabilitating people after disease or injury and preserving the independence of older people. Applied kinesiology identifies sources of stress and imbalance through messages sent by the muscles. In so doing, these problems can be isolated, dissected and cured. Using a technique called muscle testing; this discipline can easily help in the assessment of postural strain, and the deterioration of range of motion. For example, during a neurological performance evaluation, muscle tests are used to observe the physiologic response to a physical, chemical or mental stimulation. In addition, muscle testing is used to help diagnose what does not work normally. This may be a problem with lymphatic drainage, the nervous system, the vascular supply of an organ or muscle, over-nutrition or deficiency or imbalance in the meridian system or a series of other problems. Kinesiologists also develop more accessible furniture and environments for people with restricted movement and find ways to improve individual and team effectiveness. Trained professionals actually have the possibility of writing international journals in their field. The American Kinesiology Association was formed because kinesiology has evolved into many subdisciplines. This organization aims to provide a strong national voice for maturing discipline of kinesiology. Healing is our natural state, our bodies want to heal themselves but sometimes this process is affected, either because of drugs, stress or toxins in the environment. And it is here that kinesiology is increasingly playing a more important role.

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