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Triangle Chapter 1 That wasn't very subtle, she thought.

She could have raised an appreciative brow; nonchalantly wiped her sweaty palms; even closed her eyes as the fluttering in her heart worked to quiet. What she should never have done was exactly what she did do and she was beating herself up for it at this very moment. But, how could she have controlled the slightly audible gasp that had escaped her lips? It was so sudden and so completely unexpected. Especially since her initial reaction was frustration and anger. But she hadn't seen his face then. Not until he raised from his stooped position as he picked up the packages he'd knocked from her hands with his carelessness. But, he had stood and slowly raised his head and she'd seen them. Those eyes. What woman wouldn't have reacted the same, she asked herself? Who could have controlled their reaction when faced with such intensity, such depth and such ..... mirth, she supposed was the word. Yes, he seemed to think the whole thing quite funny. She'd tried to look indignant, even offended but she wasn't sure she'd managed that. Since he never stopped smiling she had to assume she hadn't pulled it off. And what kind of fool actually turned completely around to watch him walk through the door she'd just exited? A quick tip of the hat and an apology all he thought necessary. Her cheeks flushed with anger now. But was that anger for him or herself? So, there she stood staring through the door like some school girl. Like some awestruck child. She shook her head and took a deep breath as she turned back toward the street and adjusted her packages. Packages he'd so carefully and tidily replaced in her arms. A slip of a smile stole across her face before she made herself stop. Yet, she made no motion forward. What was she waiting for? She had things to do certainly. Just as she'd convinced herself to get going, she heard the soft tinkle of the bell and just knew it was him. She heard the soft voice laughing as he walked outside. Her heart hammered. What is wrong with me? "Ma'am, are you alright?" She turned to find herself looking into those incredibly blue eyes again and could feel the flush flame her cheeks. She swallowed, lowering her head a bit to hide it then met his gaze. "I didn't hurt you before, did I?" Now, there was concern in his expression and she felt herself soften even more.

"No, no, I was just taking a moment," she managed and clamped her jaw at the weakness in her voice. He smiled again and nodded. "Can I walk you home or wherever you're going?" Yes! her head shouted yet it only nodded in answer. He smiled once more then took the packages from her as he waited for her to move first. She did after several seconds, grateful for the chance to turn her back to him and gather herself. Ten minutes was all it took but before they arrived at her small home, he'd put her at ease. By the time they reached her door, they were laughing. She unlocked the door and let it swing open then turned. "Well, thank you, Mister?" "Lancer, ma'am. Johnny Lancer," he replied. "Etta Smith." She smiled and took the packages back. "Well, good day," she said and hurried through the door, leaning back against it once shut. She closed her eyes and inhaled deeply before pushing off and setting down her load. She moved to the window and peeked out the curtain watching as he strolled away knowing she couldn't allow herself to succumb to fanciful ideas. * "Looks like you have something on your mind, brother." Johnny turned quickly to face the owner of the voice. Without a word he tossed down his drink, grimaced softly as the fiery liquid burned a path from his throat to his toes. "Maybe I do, maybe I don't," Johnny drawled. "Only a woman, or a horse could put that kind of expression on your face," Scott teased, his blue grey eyes twinkling with barely concealed laughter. "So, which is it?" "You think you're so smart, don't ya?" Johnny growled, the answering gleam warring with the fierce words. Unbidden a flush crept up the dark cheeks, anger asserting itself only to be dispelled by the twinkling in his brother's eyes. "Well, are you going to answer me? Or just stand there looking like a love struck schoolboy?" Scott slapped his brother's shoulder, the interaction playful and encouraging.

"A woman, Scott. An incredibly beautiful woman," Johnny breathed. Visions of the young woman leapt into his mind, fanning the flames of desire he had buried so long ago. The course of his life had precluded any intimate relationships. Women had served one purpose and one purpose only, to satisfy his base needs. He had never allowed any close contact, any emotion, to penetrate the necessary outer shell. But this woman had elicited a response he had never thought himself capable of. Her blonde curls had framed her soft oval face, the creamy skin flushed a becoming shade of pink, her green eyes had flashed in annoyance. But was she annoyed with him for his lack of grace or herself for her interest? And she had been interested. Her appraising stare had studied him from head to toe. She'd had the breeding and grace to blush even more when she had become aware he was allowing her studious exploration. Allowing? No, he had welcomed it. Angered at his perception, she had drawn herself to her full height, her slender frame lacking only an inch to stare him directly in his eyes. With a jerk he forced his mind back to the present, focusing on the man standing before him. "Tell me about her, then." Scott moved to the sofa, his gaze fixed intently on his brother, a smile curving the corners of his mouth. "I ran into her going into the general store, knocked her packages everywhere," Johnny confessed, a small laugh escaping his lips as he remembered the episode in town. "Interesting start to a courtship, wouldn't you say?" * She stared out the window, still seeing him, still feeling the weight of his stare. The impossibly blue eyes, the black hair and soft voice had cast a spell, one she had yet to escape. He had unnerved her, left her feeling like an inexperienced schoolgirl and she had hated him for it. Or had she? Perhaps she had been angry with her inability to hide her attraction. There, she had admitted it. She was attracted. Her mind conjured up scenarios, one after the other, of another meeting with him. She had heard stories of the Lancers in her brief time in the area. They were one of the most influential families around. She had heard tales of the two young men who had returned to the valley less than a year ago. They were said to be handsome, rich, powerful and single. Like most women her age she had imagined seeing them, meeting them and since that fateful encounter this afternoon, she knew the stories were true of at least one of the Lancer men.

Her breath came short as her heart pounded with the excitement of the encounter. Johnny Lancer, he had told her. Lancer. Or was it Madrid? Tales of his legendary prowess with the gun had not prepared her for the young man who had literally run her over. Dark and dangerous, charming and lethal, casual yet intense. He was an enigma of conflicting characteristics and he had intrigued her. Well, no matter which name he now used, she had not expected the charismatic man she had met this afternoon. Dismayed, she noticed she still held the cup of tea, now cold and tasteless. She took a sip and grimaced. It wasn't like her to be so distracted, so flustered. I'll meet him again and when I do I'll be ready for him, she vowed silently. Next time he would notice her, really notice. With a sigh, she turned from the window, making her way to the kitchen for a fresh cup of tea. Retaking her seat, she sipped the now hot brew, allowing it to relax her as it nearly always did. What was she thinking? Did she really want to engage in a tryst with Johnny Lancer? By all accounts he was a stubborn bachelor. Meaning, he intended to stay that way for a good long time. Still, she thought the right woman could change that attitude pretty quickly. She'd have to look into this further. She smiled and began devising a plan for their next 'chance' meeting. * Johnny rode up the small hill and pushed the heifer back down to the herd. She ran off quickly once he cussed her good and proper. Shaking his head, he sighed and looked out over the terrain. Nice day, he thought and his mind went back to the woman he'd met yesterday. Etta. She was incredible. Another sigh, heavier and with some melancholy, escaped his lips. She was something. He could tell she was well brought up. Seemed intelligent and proper. He wondered what chance he could have with her. Still, she was interested. Hell, he wasn't blind! He'd seen how she raked him over, how she'd blushed and stammered and stayed there waiting for him to come out of the store. Yep, she was definitely interested. He grinned a little and started to move back down the hill when something caught his eye on the road below. Johnny leaned forward, resting his forearms on the saddle horn as he watched her tumble along in the surrey. He glanced over the other side, eyes searching for his brother. He saw Scott hard at it and fought an internal war. Should he? Yes, he should. Scott would understand. It would only be for a minute. He reined Barranca down the hill to the road. She saw him coming and felt rather warm again. Good grief, woman! Get hold of yourself! she scolded then set her eyes straight ahead. He intercepted her and she pulled to a stop.

"Afternoon," Johnny said and tipped his hat. "Well, Mr. Lancer, what a surprise," she replied breathily. He smiled then looked down briefly before meeting her eyes again. "Nice day for a ride." "Oh, yes. I thought I'd do a little exploring. I haven't had much chance." He stared at her, his mind going blank suddenly. "Well," he said, then swallowed, "have a good day." Anger flushed her cheeks a bright pink before she could response to his dismissal. She took a deep breath before staring intently at him once more, seeing his discomfort for the first time. Joy leaped within her heart as she realized he was speechless. Yes, he was interested. Cautiously, she allowed a faint smile to tease her lips, as she raised her chin defiantly. "I should think a gentleman would offer to accompany me," she challenged. "Or aren't you a gentleman? He stared in embarrassment before choking out, "I'm a gentleman. I didn't think you would.." "Would what?" "Well, ma'am, you came out here alone and I didnt think you would be scared being by yourself." "Scared? You must think I am very foolish to travel without an escort but I am not scared!" "No, ma'am, you arent foolish at all," he drawled before relaxing deeper into his saddle. "In fact, this place is very safe. My brother and I are out here with a crew looking for strays. Matter of fact, I really should be getting back to help out. "So you prefer cattle to women?" The gleam in her eye softened the sting of her words and Johnny shifted, laughing at her. No, not at her, but with her. His laugh was magical and she found herself laughing with him. "No, ma'am, would you like an escort?" There he had said it. He had asked her but now he waited nervously while she weighed the invitation. "Do you know this area well?" she queried innocently.

"Well, yes, ma'am. Youre on Lancer. I think I can show you around without getting us lost." She laughed again, a melodic, enchanting sound that caused a slow burn to spread through Johnny's belly and snake lower. //Yes, she was one incredible woman.// With that thought in mind he slid lithely off Barranca and lead him to the back of the surrey. As he tied the palomino off, he took advantage of the momentary freedom from the penetrating emerald eyes to gather his emotions and thoughts. Breathing deeply he hitched his gunbelt before joining Etta on the seat and taking the reins from her small hands. "So where to?" Etta briefly considered his question, then demurely suggested, "you show me." All too aware of the beautiful woman seated beside him, he clucked to the team and resumed following the road. Scott looked down the hillside as his brother slid into the surrey and took off with a woman. He had to assume it was the same one Johnny had told him about last night. Sighing, he went back to work and wondered how his brother would explain this one to Murdoch. * She stole glances at his profile as he drove. He didnt seem to be reciprocating and she wondered about that. Maybe he was just a careful driver. She knew with absolute certainty he was attracted to her. It was a surprise that she felt these emotions for this man. Usually, her taste ran to a different sort. Well, theres no harm in seeing what happens. Johnny watched her watching him from his periphery and it pleased him a great deal. He never looked over, though, knowing hed become too distracted. Hed also been considering where to take her then the idea jumped into his mind. He turned toward the south on a well-traveled path and she said nothing as they began climbing ever upward. He pulled to a stop and set the brake then jumped down and rounded the surrey quickly. Offering a hand, he helped her down. Where are we? she asked.

Come over here, I want to show you something, was his reply. She didnt hesitate to follow, trusting him easily. When they stopped, she breathed in sharply. Oh, my! Its so beautiful! Johnny smiled fully and nodded. Yeah, it sure is. From here and in every direction, as far as you can see, is Lancer. * She turned wide eyes on him, her lips slightly parted as she stared. All of this? Its so incredible and big. He laughed softly and turned to face her, his eyes sparkling as the sun lit them even more than usual. She was reminded of a sapphire ring shed once seen. Brilliantly dazzling and most seductive. She found she had to look away lest she be lost in those eyes forever. She backed away from the cliff and walked around in a small circle, regaining her senses before turning back to him. You must be very proud. Well, I am, but my father deserves the credit. He built this ranch to what it is today. She smiled at him and he saw a knowing in that look. Ive heard all about the Lancer family and Johnny Madrid, if thats what you were wondering, she stated almost blandly. I see. His tone was tight, his words clipped. What do you think about that? She shrugged and wandered about the area again. Im here, arent I? That should tell you what I think. He stared at her for several beats then walked up to her. It doesnt bother you? My past, that is. No, it doesnt bother me. Im sorry you didnt get to grow up in such a beautiful place but the fact you were a gunfighter doesnt matter. He wasnt sure he believed that completely. He didnt doubt she did, but how

could she know what it was really like? He decided not to press the issue. He was too enamored to ruin this. * What about you? Where are you from? he asked as he took her arm and guided her to a fallen log. She sat down, smoothing her skirt and resting her hands in her lap. St. Louis, originally. Ive traveled quite a bit, though. Mostly with my father when he was alive. He was a buyer for a chain of stores in the east. When did he die? he asked softly. Two years ago. Since then, Ive continued to travel. We never made it west of the Rockies, so I decided Id like to see the western part of the country. Its much different than I imagined. Johnny looked down at the ground, a frown of thought on his face. Seems kind of dangerous. I mean, a woman travelin alone. She smiled. I suppose it is rather risqu of me but Im very independent. I dont like to be told what to do by anyone. He laughed and stood back up, pacing away a few feet then turning to face her. Im the same way. It must have been quite an adjustment coming here. Family always expects to be informed where youre going and what youre doing, she remarked with a touch of irritation for the thought. Yeah, my father he calls the tune as far as the ranch goes. But, no one tells me what I can do on my own time, Johnny smiled. She returned the smile and stood with a soft sigh. I suppose I should get back now. Itll be nearly dark before we make it to town. We? she asked with a raised brow. You dont think Im gonna just leave you on the side of the road, do you? he asked, truly astonished at the thought. Her light laugh rustled through the trees and his heart pumped a little faster. No, of course not. You are a gentleman, after all.

Thats right, I am, he grinned. * The trip to town passed quickly, much too quickly to his way of thinking. He sighed as the surrey came to a halt in front of Etta's comfortable home. Taking a deep breath, he reluctantly climbed down then turned to offer her a hand. She graciously accepted his hand and stepped lightly to the ground They stood there silently staring at each other, each unsure of their next move. Finally, Johnny offered her an arm and lead her through the gate to her front door. "Well, I enjoyed the tour. Thank you." She gazed demurely at him through long lashes, before blinking innocently. Her heart pounded in anticipation as she fervently hoped he was not a perfect gentleman. "It was my pleasure," he replied. Once more the silence overwhelmed them. Hesitantly, he leaned closer, barely able to breath. His heart thudded painfully as she tilted her head to meet his. Their lips met, the contact electrifying and he felt her shudder. He withdrew then, his breath coming in gasps, his passion matched by hers. "Can I see you again?" he asked, his voice sounding strained even to him. "I would like that," she responded coyly. With a last look into his impossibly blue eyes, she retreated into her home. He stood staring at the closed door before turning back to the waiting team, his step decidedly lighter than ever. His soul soared as he pondered their next meeting. ****** Johnny sat deep in the saddle, his mind elsewhere as he allowed the palomino to make his own way home. Dusk had settled over the great estancia like a cloak as the horse trotted under the arch. Shaking his head in amazement, he softly cursed his inattention to the trek home and his surroundings. //Getting carried away like that could get ya killed, Johnny boy.// he softly chastised himself. Yet, he would willingly drown in the glistening green eyes of Etta Smith. A whisper of a fall breeze caressed his cheek as he pulled Barranca to a halt before the barn door. He touched his mouth imagining Etta's full lips as they brushed his. "Ya shor got somethin' on yer mind, an it ain't no cattle neither." The gruff voice broke his concentration, jerking him painfully back to the present. "So whatcha bin up ta? Scott said ya took off'n left the herd."

"I met a girl, Jelly. A wonderful girl and she needed an escort," he finished lamely. The dark head bowed, as self control eluded his grasp. "Well now, ain't that fine an dandy but ya better have a better story fer Murdoch. He's bin pacin like a caged bull." Laughter erupted from the whiskered handyman. He patted Johnny firmly on the back before shoving him in the direction of the hacienda. * Gulping down an unexpected lump in his throat, Johnny stepped into the great room. His family turned to stare, their expressions unreadable. "Murdoch, I can explain." "Yes, I think you better. I'm told you took off with a woman and left your brother to handle your chores." Murdoch glared at his son, his posture straight and tense. "Scott, I'll make it up to you." "Yes, you will, son," Murdoch ordered. "You have responsibilities that can't be ignored. This ranch doesn't run itself and you can't expect your brother to pick up when you slack off. Is that understood?" Guilt bowed Johnny's head, as the realization that he had abandoned his brother, and the hands, flooded his mind. "I'll work extra tomorrow, alright, Murdoch?" he asked humbly, his voice soft and apologetic. "I just lost track of time." "Murdoch, he didn't mean any harm. He's just enjoying the attention. If she's everything he says she is, I daresay she would have turned any man's head...even yours." Murdoch opened his mouth to reply before closing it with a snap. Long moments passed with the ticking of the grandfather clock the only sound. The rumble of Johnny's stomach interrupted the heavy silence, reminding the young Lancer he had missed lunch. He raised his downcast eyes to find the three members of his family staring calmly at him. With a mumbled well, guess Ill go eat now, Johnny left the room, the tantalizing smell of dinner warming on the stove enticing him. Behind him, he could hear Teresa's peels of laughter, lightening the mood in the room he had just left. With that Scott followed in his brother's footsteps. Murdoch stared at the

doorway leading to the kitchen before stalking to his desk and collapsing in his chair. * Later that night, Etta lay on the soft bed, her eyes staring at the full moon through the open window. A gentle breeze stirred the curtains, the lace billowing softly in it's passing. As the coolness of the night air enveloped her, her mind returned once more to visions of a dark young man, with eyes the color of a midnight sky. The afternoon had been the most wonderful day she had experienced in a long time. She sighed softly. It had been months since she had enjoyed the company of a man, and never one as charming or handsome. "Maybe I'm getting ahead of myself," she whispered. They had only met twice, the meeting today being less than accidental. But already her imagination could see the flame between herself and the young Lancer blossoming into something more. She was drawn to him, her body ached with longing and she knew he desired her but was there more than just passion between them? She hoped so. TBC winj & Lacy 2006

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